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? Approved For Release 2003/10/10 : CIA-RDP67600446R000300160003-9 The Senate met at. 10 o'clock a.m.. and was celled to order by the President Pro tempore. , The". putigain. . Rev.. Frederick Drowse. Harris..1 D.D... offered the following God of our fathers, and our God:,-.At the days beginning, we humbly hew et this shrine of our sustaining faith, that above' the babel of crashing eYeteme, we may hear the imperatives of Thy voice, as in these days of destiny Thou art sifting out the souls of men before Thy judgment seat. Move our heerts with compassion, we pray, so that the vision of a unified world Which denies the divisive heresy that east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet will be fulfilled."ao that for 111 Thy children May be, solved the .presidng problems of food and shelter. ? ? Make us pioneers; of the glad day when Weaterh end Eastern hands shall be clasped in!,mutual concern for:the liberty. and dignity of every Individual under all **so as enmity shall , eve Way, to strengthened and expanded bridges of understanding and c..eooperation, tying together in a resistless -crusade peoples anttlands,1 one in -heart ,and purpetie--, Met*, h, thee:be lug( a.world,e,way. ;Wit aelt it :In the name of the Elder Brother 'ofi tut alL ? wiet bath declared, 'The field Is ,the. world' 'Amen. 6 - r -?o P.. THE JOURNAL ? ? iiest of Mr, Msarangs.O., and by , iconsent,, the -reading of the of the proceedings of Wednes- 7, 1085, was dispensed with. GE'. FROM THE HOUSE?EN- ROLLED 'BILL SIGNED . - (Moue, from 'the *twee! Of .'RePre- yes. by' *itr: Haekney, ene of lte cleeks, , announced .? ? that.- -the had affixed, his signature to the bill (H.R. 4527) ? to authorise Weriatiorte for procurement of VettaeLS *craft and - construction of shoe 'ifshore, establishments for the baard. Auld it was signed by the de,t'PrO tempore. OF STATEMENTS DUR- UTION OP ROUTINE ? USENESS of Mr. Iturarigte. and by bus eensent.' statements during section of routine morning bust- ordered limited to 3 minutes. *. Senate THURSDAY, Ann, 8, 1966 ' PRESIDENT ASIA--VIETNAM EHT JOHNSON'S WRECK ON 1 1.3C\77-3:1-17eooit rs ortits.' Mr;j5,4ANSPDSLD...-Mr. President, last night, at Johns Hopkins theeenete.lee President of the United States delivered an address of profound importance tit the people of the Nation. It is to be hoped that Ina remarks will echo- In Vietnam and southeast Asia, in China and the Soviet Union. and that their., significance will be appreciated through-. out the world. Me. Johnson dwelt upon the nfeantell of the conflict in Vietnam and the Mir- Poses for which we have engaged our- selves in that distant land. They are. as he made very clear, the ptirPoses of freedom, not of conquest; and of con- struction, not destruction. We seek the security of our freedom through the se- curity of ethers, not by the domination of others. The President left no dotibt that, this Nation prefers the course of peace, to Asia, not a year . hence or 11- months hence, but as soon as it is possible, to still the guns of war. We have Pledged our eminence for more -then a decade to the people of South Xletnsim. in order that they may have oPPOrttutitY to, Pare sue their lives and destiny in freedom. That is all that we desire in that morel beset land. If others are prepared to accept this keystone of peace, peace can be achieved. ? ? ? ? - ? The door is open to the statesmen Of this Nation, of Asia, - Europe, and' the world to find the Wily to that Pelee. ',',The door is open to the leaden! of VietnaM. North and South. to .Ond a wee to put aside the destructive instruments of war and take up the tools of national con- struction. " . And the President has made clear that we are Prepared to do out part with other nations to convert that Pe1100, 01* WI* obtained, into a dynamic peace, s..Petee of constructive benefit, not 'mile" to the People of Vietnam, North and South, but to southeast Asia ass whole. Mr. John- son has stressed again, as he stressed in 1081. on his return from southeast Asia, that the fundamental need of that im- poverished tomer of the world is not for the implementa of war, but for the en- ergies of peace; not for the alienations of conflict, but for a great concentration of many nations on the immense social tasks of education, health, and of ending human hunger and want. Mr. President, in the course of inter- national events, there are inomente'of Critical decision. Thet this is such amb- went was recognised by the Pr?dent In his profound statement last Wight ?F,e are at a crossroads In Vietnam, and not., only for :the Vietnamese and ourselves; the entire world trembles at it. It would ' be my hope that there exist in all the nal, done concerned?and al nations are eon:. cerned?the wisdom and ..perception ' to' turn from the skidding Oath to war to the high road of a dynam10 and constructive peace in Vietnam and southeast Asia. IL.' would be my, hope that at Geneva or In. any forum, large or small, 'this wisdom and perception will begin to be displayed without delay. ' - Mr. Pr?dent, I ask urianhnioue con- sent that the statement Of the President, . on Vietnam be printed at this point in the' Ramie. There being no objection., the state-1 meat was ordered to be printed. in-the Ricotta as follows: r, Alit* I ? Raiuw 111T PkISIVINT AT tinitniii Anorratioss. .Tonive Noricum ,I7rovinterrv? Tityrnsoas, Mn. idy fellow Americans, last week 17 neti one sent their views to some dozen countries having interest in southeast Asia. We are joining them 17 countries In stating,nur American policy which we believe tribute toward peace in this area, ? Tonight I want to review once again with my own people the views of your Govern- ment. ? ,Tentglip Arnericace and,Asie.sui are dying PM a .,world where each people may ,chooao its own path to change. ? ThIsAi the principle for which our Alli4;?? tomufatight in the valleys of ,Pennsylve.nia. It Is the principle for which our sous fight .th the jungles of Vietnam. 4L,YOttleni ts. far .from eatnpus. Vile pais no territory there, nordo we se* say. .Ares war isd1rty and brutal and dint el4t+,,..4m4 mine 400 young men--born into anlAmerloii bursting with opportunity and promise?have ended their lives on Viet- ruitoN steaming soil. _Why moat we take this painful road? - 1Vhy must this Nation hazard Its ease. Its Interest. and Its power for the sske of a people so far away? ?), ? We fight Demme we must fight if we are to hve 1n 'p, world where every country can shape its own, destiny. And only in such *odd will our own freedom be finally secure, " This kind of a world will never be built by bombs and bullets. Tot the infirmities of titithAire such that force must often precede rtiiison?end the waste of war, the works of iffe-efish this were not so. But we muet deal with the world es it Is. if it is ever to besee we wish- THS INIATIlli or Till CIONTLICT ? The world as it Is in AMA 11 not a serene ?,1Tho0rlit reality Is that North Vitalism hat attacked UM Independent -nation My South Vietnant.- 'IM obpoot le total conquest. r; 01 course, mime of the people 'of' South ' Vielnata am partieipating In attack on their" own government. Nut trained men Mid sup. 7231 Approved For Release 2003/10/10 : CIA-RDP67600446R000300160003-9 CO ? April 8, 1965% 7232 ? NAL RECORD ? SENATE ? plias. orders. and arms. Sow In a constant pose. It le a change In what we believe Now there must be ? much more samelve Approved For Release 2003f10110 : CIA-RDP 7B00446R00030016003-9 stream from north to south. that purpose 'requires. effort to improve the life of maa the This support is the heartbeat of the war. We do this In order to'slow down aggres- conflict-torn corner of the and it is ? war of unparalleled brutality. non. .stillitdastee simple farmers are the targets of amassing- We do this. to hig:Ithti of hon and kidnapping. Women and children LOU brave people a( Vietnams who have ? COOCilekaillm 11.7aaT IrOS lircaLcoriatin The first step le for the countries of month- east Asia to issociate themselves in' a aro strangled in the night because their men bravely borne this brutal battle for ao manupended y a t : t: -:effort:"y1" areloyalt4thegmernummtenalla"b44""61a.wh"rA il7ri:i?1-ngnr.e1a14e"lgn lesauiadasarersiapto hyaneakattcks And do this its ssr ws. Large scgie raids are conducted on towns. North Vietsuun--and aU who mut. to, stuuepaia and terror strikes la the heart et citing ,? ? ' their ootemsesC-414 Maple roan, . ? ? 000,11 as Peektil thogeretien . The eonfuised nature of this conflict east-, . We eflU notha defesiled.- ,- ? ? ? . The tinned 'Woos already sialkiesp ? not.inask the fact :that it is Aka new fact We win not grow tired, II raged In development in this 1%re ollin gad enemy, is out Attack by one ootin-; We will not Withdraw; ? either openly or Ll?r_thnt tne.,,,dro_ret?17_ -o?nriridnr. ? try, tiros; . another. And the . object of that under theefloaknf emeastingitise agreement. "t"! ?????. 17' lithottleite jleft realityl the 'deepening -shadow of Ootionti- beet and perdu* Judgment that they Ore it 1,221?_,eg nuttnnl?itkincku nun 'Chins.: (? The Mine in Nanot are urged' nsoesiaryi part *CAW Welt Mid to peace, "Re' `?"'""`?'._ e IS Ad( on by Peiping. ? ?Titis is it regime which hoc We hops that pram will Oros swiftly..' But For our rem A will ask thellOitadosimeo jost. destroyed- freedom Tibet. attached Indlaw diet Lis the bluttletaf 'othereheside crafr -.-...:LanesttennftAlt aad been coodunsed, by, the Opited;Statioss selves,-* And:Tetrad be foe* Iong ""w' ??? '''""e"fer, . is he ping the forces of violeruu. SA. abn011t eSetl Continent. The contest in Viatagm? part of ?it, wider patteto of *greed,* pur- once-and his deep Insegiedgai" - attackover this trwhessrdentoderhietiohAidewe _a% pit:der:. wooly. knovito sitluauspairporrogookAittrialts.71=wilitis Iptgrot, inutate, as soon an poiangs, with thwumuska ? And rtere-an other for uss ist It is a nationnhich continued e01111101,- ? la 1 Muhl. Wm" trieer-4neitidltt,he Soviet InfiOn-uwili aa web as travery.-.4he will to endure as web II this *not nom. avow, ?ituar, as the will to resist. Why are thus realities our concern, *Whit' are we in South Vietnam, ? -4' ? , We aretheris because we have a promisehe keep. Since UM every Amertesin President hae offered, euppart :to the people of South Vietnam.. We have ,40113ed to build. md we have helped to defend: "thus._ :Wee :Many years we have made a nettOgai, pledge to help South trielusat defend its independence.I intend prandial " ? To dishonor that pledge-to itbandtisethie Antall and *eve fiatiost to fts sninisl-nrid to the terror that mint follow-would be fin'tla4 forgivable wrong:' We 'are- also din* to strengthen ' world order. 'Mound' the globe-tram' *Milo to Thailand-art people whose well-being *AOC In part. on the belief they can count on us if they./ are attacked: ? ? To leave tVietnem to its fate would shake the confidence Of all these people in the value of Anisfican com- mitment. - -Ito ? rosin. 'wOuld ? *' increasedunrest and Lastahtlity; or even wet.? ' We are also there %oaths thent'ateligieat stakes" In , the Winer:v:1A- no onn'think that retreat " trent -Vititsterit 'would bring ha end' to ? conflict.IMO% 'Would ,,,be re- nivel In one country and then -another: The mistral lemon of Oar time ki .%% the &Mill* ? Or "eggreellion'*-ks " Meer fled, To withdrad treat' nee'hattleileid, means nay Id prepare for?the next."We must say in southeast Asia,,os:we did in illurape-- In the words a Ine,feible:,,101therto?aluin thou come, but no furigisrAce c..k. ,Thurs. are Wee. IFF*0 aay?thritnll se, edort there wUl be , tatilerthet:c4loals ?usr is such, it Is-hollui$ t? Asia. But the* is. An, end :to AhM until. all the patina c.4:440t, are up.%es are those *ho voMit? *nigh &t Will convince Others or with Progress. ..}anztek and terror with worgaiof what wo now neopmary The teak is nothing less than is_____ to my with sun" am pose Aoit,. hopse andiesistence of more thaw% hundesek as futile-win resources, am equal to any; 1011U". PniPte. And there Is anlidl Per shalisfige-4-beefauss tie Sint foe valves aled a um", 21*n'; - prinstple. -rather ..tbon tenitaity:er ealetheli.? k_num? ,ecew"li mtuk thel ming ? , me. Patience. end eletonidithunk IvAT'er e,gurt P?11nr, ?n 1,41n$1,1*, 414/11, 11"*. mains. 10. : ri :JP eur tnInt la ? ": tow ohs ?hit oirisessno, amok spread through villages where tbausandebbe Audi zreiat,t241owalanga odsoolairli Schoch caa be established to- brain veggie* able be shape aft nom ob _davniallnaina? obiono-troo boot aboloo latorroanno-tbel thole oblecneee, end Imre. ans ikit& At Muletr14 ?I +. ? 1,, ?++.++ +) ; 11-A la?11" to atr.killakPON0-111mailittaky tags Wen* otiose ni? mach coolPentile? end 'Then nrt,nallexktia* .14knkiaft44 intend t? "Pond the kPoedlillics nient5 ? pram to make?avellable our farm argyles 10/11 will See* ttir ibobikrifielor SO -ASSilk SS feeding and clothing llstrilesdP Wok epoinautbobioniont` ' Alin- We should not allow Peoria la IR There may be Many Avalulo' Vile 'thieve , hungry and flaked while our ; own Wage- pesos: ia ',woad": asegtoseges with. the houses orardow with an abundaboe of IMMO I will wary shortly name a special mien' Once. .onwnroion wibmiitt sip ,"`Tite Weeders of modern inediehmlainillil the Is the path 'or oottionnot, ? for Inch 01 ?lire- ? ? , *IA Said% ? utelyreit= seA In the skills needed to manage the propos paramount*, tionoerned; fielargeigreupt? endnern? rico end ration ka.3 MAU lakia; lk *kJ meallmikalaak nVold agreement, er their strengthempsmukAtter of patriotic and _distinguished Americana to Inaugurate our participation in these pro- grams. This team Win MC &wild *I` Eugene Black. tbe very able SMOAK dent of the World ' ." 1.- ? ,* UMW UM ripped by want will not be easy. Paseo Airlitbndiilabile4i wiry for anal niece's. But -we awe" 1111164 for peace to begin the Job, _ DaSkat or wan* ? 1,1 41,411,41 StataOhli 5304114 OP M)13"isii:datIVkir again. $0 tisnai-r:anit More.4toi ' toe: MOW; -Mkt tniA PurliniOnfor Onatiditlatinil u And uItU emrAlitisikohafitriwie:asii"44 et rote we "Still 'irY *et yxe spesadingd.L bine be desire to 'see taMe- Wel have- ao ileeinirte Oat fwhich -Thu trill' be a disorderly '4= sands die in nabo-nolono or Assvatesull Or* vlitnAlI with long Units., In Ana, es slaardisen-llis tames 00.=tas at with resis$n illy* Omint. Power of the modern world ars tdd- Wego lizia .ttprooting &nand dribs* ''i'. .i .n.rit:Art..%tr of) lj 1.1:L ? ..kl,art btlienei and . Great modal change stioieV, fittri3064(14iiii hif but own country-doss not with** " p Mho mist also expect that natiMin lak dispute with uei uft Use we are rich. or power/A-70R tibia y: Pot IrtuikiSci'tite Potpie et ave Vietnasen,Anteitta itei4witit,-;411101_ 0e neighbors ulso entirrifttonlifig tbsit taaPacianOlti tamM booltn-tarlItbeetbaboo- tot farlobanoelb same reason' we have a responsibility Mt . haws' made mistakes-or defense of freedom in leurope. World "War 1"war-PrOres-,"g"1,1''.. otw .n. II wt.' fousbt In both: Serape** Mu': and. ,??411) #12?,13.0ohd?st_ _"9Lir_PA?rso.fosioaci aWInsse ts7au,sznve, 4.trttatOnew. When it ended we found ourselves with eon ___,".`rr 144._ tinued responsibility for the defense of hie- "'sun/ In Plauffal than a- the ? endless, ?sS tem oanoriv; me likrinun a :4? r These euntilel Our objective Is the independence*/ Agoutis henna ,for innuone 'RP;'encl./2e to lroPthe Qnr.n/l1. outo mew. - ? institutions. -:11110,11111 Mines oppose' tAbill/fdd' Irleteldll. and its freedom lifeelVattaska ? IffsiristNistersi Zech day these ? "mot nothing for; oureelyes-oulp that the t there is mme? people of South nether* he snowed eo owe tkintLts="1?Srliiell? Antes, atirfiettes 4141, ? 1:iii,,i tiiii-ia diun:it- Po% eeni country In their. n, way., Irj reb9,,..,. Aintriroi." " ' but' 'we bays the !Vs win do, reentalat Sa 10140 . rr"?, i "Pfs."'. , ititf, . K S,' itti tilts inahelitrail. (J:..{. thld ribithd!f? And trn,kril AfghlkillintAi a,Z7bUltrguntrini*agitg=lacti17,14 o'er, tronsason , natio& :luny laneuillibl 'a ' I bather . necessary. - am among each other, hut we dream of stieuelli In recent months. attacks on South Viet- human 00110 will be wan by *rine alone. where disputes are settled by law and reensull,. .....,_ nam were stepped up. Thus, It became nee- It eke regaling the works ot Peelle. And we will try to make it so, emery to Increase our response and make The American people have helped after.- Yoe most of history, mon have hated and attacks by air. This is not a change of per. ?may in theeeworks. , . killed one another In battle. But we detain. . - oaken toioonquer another. "We' do this gicause our' aria* thrikeith -efeer11 AN N% wititle is "'Le"' Approved For Release 2003/10/10 : CIA-RDP67600446R000300160003-9 Aiwi/ 8, 19615. Approved For Release 2003/1011.0 : CIA-RDP67B00446R000300160003-9 - CONGRESSIONAt 'REtoRri ? ttrikrt ? t233 or an and Id Wm. And we will try to make it For alt existence most men have lived in Poring. qtheratessed..rbY us.r,'" lest we dr?IM.ifie, __a .warkt !here ?lies Jed and charged wIth]lkoin...? And in Will Belli to make it so. , ? oarninxs 'or," reaes The ondinare , semi ; and :wows of Norm Vietnaln and South Vietnam-I-of China and -Russia and Arnerhibilive people. Iltsy are natio with 'the same pro-. portions of hitt* and fearytirlors and her. mat roe ?tbem-waat the risme tinnier or then:wolves and their tamilles."rigast of tisien do not witne, their .aons to die !inlesetis.- Or as. the homes of others destroyed, This can be their world4,,,Jitan now has the knowledgn-ILetways ept'sdenied=to make Mks-planet serve the?rmi _noids'of the people Who Umon ft. ? - I know this wUl not he ease.i? I know how difacubt? it for ?reason to guidsrpaesion. and lovnto master hate: The complexities of We world do not bow M?pure end consistent anytime. ? But the simple truths are theiu teiisthe same. We must all try ? to fotlow beet we Oen. We often "my bow :intpressive; power' is. But I do not, find 11 impressive:1Th* game and bombe. -the rockets, and worships. am all eyrobyls ot hunian,ttellitre.11t.-.ey ,are ?They protect, *bat -we cherish. But they ere witness' to' human folly. . ? dam built across agrime/ ,nsitis lairmov "V.' tot .11. In the countryside wins* twos honk,' hese seen the ;dint iiiiiminsited. the kitchens warmed and' the ' homes heitted? when 'Mai the cheerless night and tbacesselees eked held sway...And all this happened Immune sise- trnity came to our town siontsbehtmaunir wires or the Rural gilectrilloatiodAdnitulaw. tratiess- Le9Widcishess ei?sh?:.091111argehtetle ?r -?N." ? The nereeet, pressive.' ' - ? " ", . eight Cr healthy relilidrio' Chisa? room improisv.,) 11.G...0 Ail V, Theee-notinightyanniare silents which- theiAnierican -natIon!belleveg Lob. lastweesteet '1 ry 1,no And-41. we are stestifast-z-the4bue.? may, mom when- all. other netlosia Itisos iindt it so. . We May wall livhiglii` therrilabferetold, many years ago when IC Was Midi '"I call heaven and earth to record this day Noma Poil. that I-hem ? set before Ban the: and inatho Messing mid cursing: therefore chyme life. that ,both then Mid thy used may Umr" This getimation, of the 'waist *IWO elotos, destroy or build. kill 'Ot Md. hate or Angtfr- suual. We can do all this. things Wit a Scale never ermined ot before, , 7 ? t We win Choose life, And so.doing we win. Prevail everde enemies within Mati? and. over the iim,ural enemies of alilmanklad, sue reseseeprir Inlererawl Mr. CHURCH. 24r; :Pregident, / ;be. lime most Americans will aPIAMad dent Johnson's address at Johns Hopkins University last night. I was much en-i eouraged by it. ? ? , The Pre, t was certainly correct when he said that the only path for tea- atonable men is the path Of: PeSibieul Mt- nemant. Those -of ut,who been; ursine an attempt to open negotiations ova the struggle in Vietnam should loin eanamendina President Johnson's in. wetted ',Wineries' to participate, Un condttionally_ In discussions on the pre- togiit for a peaceful solution. Even ,-'eaoffer of discussions is rejected. ? nothing has been risked bee making It..n Rather. ofilr,POsetion Deft "man" ened in the OW Of ,the World. AN Amer- icana who liMattstudied the ;peobleni In southeast Aida 'laid* "Mere titan military might Is ,zneet 111 tremendous The ertmddent CiM developing the 'rot, ,14,0,100:4 aresto provide toed, waterF'ana lorfil southeast Asia temamts a comarki and Imaginative ProPeeld which r hone all Uowbeys 01.the',Co tees will coPPort, ?t="1 aerg ts:s toe' obetlloore. , at! this Chamber will 1* the, center for, A widening debate on the Premises and principle* which abould underlie a Mound American policy ial Sentheeet dealt_ I. for one. Dinh to nontintiok eneez out, on Viet:law. know' that' other , *tors will Johvhi widening the dialogue for Pesee..1There, .N to be a great need for tie to 11141094e_ Whet, in our Judg-: meat, might_ coniPtitute an acceptable franieworjt tor :o poniard imetUenient In Ads; ?flfQp1ohIo. 'Mr. . , ? President. yield? to 44126. ll OhiCo.' will 'ilia 4sigratttli10 ment he the rara4nrsitdie., 0 Idaho411:14' th,a= myself with the-vievit he haul., expressed today 'and with the 'len be. Press heretofore: ?r , It wag great Mitta ieelloi of reliotthEt ' T,U#ed 'last evening '$0 the inagnSnotqlaCaubiresa that odr'Pre- dent Made' at '4ohni'llogains trniVerettir,., Of murk- all 'Of* .should *IS rot In this, grim od!of: intertia tan- irChr;.the':1 ;Chin' other,Ceuim iter will, ',Potm'W*3 exist, we'are'cfourrontisiWearbout the IfOtiffp as 1A'101014314nelOiOtbs:#iff ;Piobleve, of etritibc_ for eoeiletence. with Our elsi facing ulti.; mate' _ I commend the 1111Uhgalshed'40elikor, Senator from Ailit, s.f:7, his atatfismialaig, like 'address. . rierirtlr. ? It 01#; 0"# 8,,40fr ')h a: '# -rar, taR10311*: )1E. **isisitit,:.1?100 have ',Soltiethhig' farther salt about the Preaident's, simec,b I mode% .14kaer statement at that However:4*k On the voting,righisr iirettswdbig int; in the suninI mug fret 'nitre* that duty.- - Mr. BAIRT.LETV" Mr. ? President, list night,, inbis speech to the Nation. rrtif;' dent ? Joftukoh-) 'attliounCed7 our Nation* willinensea" to nertitipatsi muiteentI.r tional disetrsetonsw' bolting tomtit'. a negotiated pottlenient of Vietnam.,- The PretedenC made 'clear to an the importance of gootheist Asia 19 detenaination.tp:ade that GM! the Interests, Of America-47LE= are proteeted',,abd, Our '' honoi-ed. ? There 'hat' never beeli 'any doubt in bay Mind-l-n? dr I am sure in the minds of anyonewho 'knows and respects our President-that them intereite and coninittinenta woUld 'he Ugheld. _ Nor. Mr. President. have I doubted that the President has a true grasp of the complexities of southeast Asian affalr* and the, limitations which history And geogratem Place upon their reeolution. .:There will he no permanent or. 114 ii- ictuerne of the twobbans ? eon In our lifetime. Birders lu Indochina. now eAstent were established in 1N4. There is , nqthlng 11110Utq them. The and shovingV: pie Laotian. Cambodian. the Thai, the ingtglattlete. and the Chinese PM- Ples on the small peninsula Of china ,have gone 9n for many centuries. Zell Will continue for BUOY more. 0 The us ,,quo in' southeast Asia is one 'a change. We mutat recognize this and WO alUet, not, cast otir lot and the lot .of the free ,wOrld In a quixotic sateen* to preserve's staVility which does not exist: We should not.- and we have not. ;A/deed aurselvei to' such in effort, What we have Pledged Is masiderable lege and considerably easier of attain- ment: We are pledged to maintain the right of self-determination for the peo- ple . of South Vietnam. We are pledged to insure to these people the debt In choose their own form of government un- impeded by interference from their neighbors. yie are not obligated to pre- iOre' a Particular government In ower OYU stippOrt brie elique over another. --II Is not for nit to say who will-make MO the Oovenunent of South Vietnam. That is for the South Vietnamese to my, It is Certainly not for us to rule out the pos- aibility of a-Coalition gotertiMelik driverwilient Wider in representation that the Preterit regime.. . , There Is great room for livability in our . handling of the Vietnaan ,strUellied 014 toll* body On reantlliMA et We, Year. "We have more than dmoon.., strated our determination and our power to insure that South Vietnam will net be 'engulfed -by her neighbor to the north_ We shall not be speaking from weakness vrn. We to to discussions. As we ph* o r; cards in the Vietnam crisis we need ? have no fear, we have a stranithattalp!I a skilled player." I. What do we have to Macula? A.ittastt deal. That An end to the Writhing WhiClt. Were it 'to continue would level 'the in- ?cePecitifosf:eNorth,yietnam; Aug 11 zenerai. ceaseti . in both Nora, mai South Vietnam. . irJko Sewn& Al reetunption ,ot,trade. bi134 tweet): North and South Viitnain..111u Irletnaniese are hard meted , rice which Once 'the? reo0Wid,,ilvail the south. Third. The possibility of a return-to the ifree 'agreements with their Pledga of Itioninterference in Viehi' affair* from the grist powers,. r its9tlrEll. The possibility of inuthai flonZ aNneMent pledges tram both /41wMplid aquthVietnam With guaranties. otitis* Maintenance of such pledges tylakept great Powers's: '1'1st-declaration of: Ai Atiesty In Beta Vietnain WNW ognition that ManY nOrl-000411 tobk an active and gallant resin national revolution against the and that many continued in lisnoragg opposition to the Man and nallttarg regimes. A coalition gorteraosag " Approved For Release 2003/10/10 : CIA-RDP67600446R000300160003-9 7234 Approved For ReiritONeniglit"StliA9110540104461363001 60003-9 April so g bracing these elements for the first time couldweltLortreviuistbletxtIL iunii leading' 10 Mirth and1,onth,g_lfietilant 'Webs tiourst! gm *Out**, Ptk oote. :=Ork -Olt these WO which qnce '.Were One:? ' Seventh; Thir4 question -Of .increased economic lissartnnce for the , short run and of the - ". " developmentOf the Mekong Pelta benetofafl china couldfttably The 001,0 -lndIcn&e the:lsUlude,? which wg . vmovehIweeekin, honorable, ? mild,* 1020 ,year.? ? . altar' eStrbOitYlitho le mniug to 'discuss In a rational and respotoibte WoOneti "'Vie ore tbe /liteatelalpiiiivereton,.eartblikoirwe have no :seed to taw Iled9Cisins tad -ati wed to tsar megottesiona. -, Ilia* M 14 Dt-',1t1..41..:.:.:!:? I. ST aMM . ? On fingilit'fforlalieitar.'?elldanti In support of the Monition 'requested by the President on 'hist-volley Vietnam. , saw , Tn ,wg Emu wa, our. Naugiwary , vat, of maimising*bet-ar derpreete not only for thir Slott*meek: lour for os mon be arrived id etowel the Oentereitor tablea; . Evian/ 1'74k..1 7enr rr7 ? ; 67 ? ??4, tt In another' ,fteeh last ainruner. ported the ' ing; immesitinentof Amerionn military' strength in Vietnam. I Went on Thera Ii? re rifasOrtr.birt . ih? . , pease maw a? we 'send we *Mold ' not, be to fei lot the conearenca tants Ightta KW and with, wilornweserlt antes our Per, pow so del ado Mr eselfbanttne tear a son.. Pinto& f,fe ce beotuesrot our lizength In the erea,enit the wee, we an moral*. The war shows our IMSM*Ipc:ar.."..slou? and coriunntrd: We go to confer...ea, beams* we are wining tells,* 'triers Is no to thirtighting rr arenorwtiring *confer.' . " 1.1a.C1 iisay that agent. AndA064,rePFM, SR 4,4 Joir I said: ' neve line V notibeCoisee II eel:come otd or Could pvU out from Its but bioSSas S buiI.5SlbW ommiimsct papaw:I einas,Taad 7 %intent el'ari wiring to work on all fronoviilpsoloatit.as wad as innitary.-40 our ,adartil te.aenSine rho area." War" lEiuilte.4. mink- ea*. irob tx?,,ing;reburoldil wadao. ?Ire' area *WI.". -WS ana 'aod wo waiJ for rothing 41 WI 'Mese to parief And a fe? eillOntend our I aiLY t't!sq, .? PrieMdent Or, WOK& IC100 Matto The American eagle, hokikin his claw" not only arrows but all* an olive Our President made dear inet night t*i in Vietnam. as eVeri'wheroelse In rave world. the olive branch. as well as the arrows, Is part of ant. foreign MAW, , . Mr. , Ar,preiddentl= wish &named- the elmatisr, &ad* IM. Pistathril lor the ooltitnle.;, Uve ataternent he has mede on the Viet- nem crisis'. Hs Asa ;limn; one. Of the dearest vedoei,Millria strirjectrfor a Mpg time. It seems to me that the President's rintorecovorzuctia t!,.relght_ds by far .ati the ,re he timunForisie/ a aliffiltelint 'Of thanitffse some Hmiratogg bath or many Mythic It IOUs, sifillhigr, nem IA Ohl 49: PO Insisting on odor c