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Approved For ReI a jQ 1* ft 00 300150026-5 April 12, 1965. Since volunteering to work for the asso- . spring season. The second will take place ciation she arrives at the oSice daily before April 28 when she sails on the Queen Mary 8:30, occasionally with some date muffins she for an extended visit in England. And her has made that morning for the staff. She hosts in Lancashire? A couple whom she met is usually the last to leave. when she answered a plea for a CARE pack- paign in the fall, she is one of the organiza- tion's most efilcient workers,' In addition to pasting labels on the_ outgoing envelopes (it is estimated she has done at least 120,000 at home) she assists in the routine of send- ing out 180,000 pieces of mail. This includes the International Longshoremen's Asso- ciation have refused to load her. The ILA imposed a boycott of this ship last Friday around noon. However, this ship is scheduled to call at Han.pton Roads, Va., then Baltimore, Md., before it leaves the United States for Spain. Recall that ALLIED SHIPPER, 'I'Q RED IET'N the patriotism of the ILA resulted in a NOW IN THE UNITED ST boycott of a Panamian ship last month. (Mr. ROGERS of Florida asked and That ship, the Severn River, lay idle for was given permission to address the a week in New York when longshoremen House for 1 minute, to revise and extend refused to load her because she had been ing the envelopes and packing them in boxes his remarks, and to include extraneous in North Vietnam. That ship finally left for awards the n matter.) New York without her cargo. will At the ghonors daro bram tomorrow .mMr. ROGERS of Florida. Mr. Speak- Recall also that the Federal courts presented y Dr. Mary T. er, the Greek ship Anastassis, owned by have upheld the union's right to strike Thorp, association president. Recipients will such ships. I urge the United States to range from teenagers to golden agers. Miss Resurrection Compania Naviera of Ath Claire Bertsch will be the second teenage ens, Greece, put into Jacksonville, Fla., institute a Government boycott of this volunteer in the history of the association last week to discharge a cargo of wire shipping. to receive a double-barred cross pin for more rods brought from Japan. The Anastas- The American Maritime Association than 100 volunteer hours. Miss Bertsch, a sis is one of 153 ships making over 201 and other leading maritime groups have member of Centredale Assembly No. 12, or- trips under the flags of West Germany, done much to focus public attention on der of Rainbow for Girls, also helped the Japan, Norway, Great Britain, Lebanon, this problem, as well as continuing ef- Williablywinits third group citation. Mrs William . Greece, Panama, and Italy, which have forts to move the State Department into receive ceive de 100-hour Mr. pins. Fank S. Smitl> called at such ports as Haiphong and action on such shipping. Yet the State will also J. six others, previously honored, who give Port Campha, North Vietnam during Department admitted that little has more than 100, hours each year, will be cited the latter part of 1964. been done by U.S; diplomats to get our for continuing service. They are Mrs. Ed- Free world shipping to North Vietnam allies to stop their shipping into North ward Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barrie, miss has continued despite escalating military Vietnam. The Department also admits Vera Ca;uolo, Mr. Joseph Levine, and Mrs. action between the United States and the that the official U.S. position is against Anna Smith. Vietcong. this trade. This being the case, I urge will In alsohonadditionor Dexter Rainbow, Manor the Tenants, association Quota While U.S. aircraft bomb Vietcong intensified pressures on those allies who Club oflyrpvidence, St. Xavier Academy, and supply routes almost daily our free world ship to the Vietcong Reds. the Couz}cilettes, juniors of. the Council of friends use the sealanes to keep the Viet- The owners of the Anastassis have Jewish Women. All have been honored pre- cong supplied. And all the while many telegramed me of their assurances that viously. This is the eighth successive award allied ships such as the Anastassis are they will not ship to North Vietnam for the ,Councilettes, the seventh for St. free to come into U.S. ports to haul again. Similar assurances have been Xaviers, the fourth for the Quota Club, and cargos which ought to be carried by given to the Government of Greece, and re- the third for Dexter Manor. They will re- American-flag ships. the Greek Ambassador advised me of ceive a 1964 service bar to add to the plaques awarded the firstyear they were honored. Less than 10 percent of America's sea this decision by telephone Saturday. Mrs. Iris Boqth is chairman of the honors trade is carried by our own merchant ma- This agreement is commendable, and I day program. Music will be by the Cousins rine. While U.S. taxpayers spent over am hopeful that others will follow this and Cathy, a barbershop quartet of Burrill- $350 million last year to subsidize the example. A halt in free world shipping ville High Scohol girls who are volunteers at U.S. shipping industry these traders with to North Vietnam would seriously crimp zambarano Memorial Hospital, Wallum North Vietnam take cargos right from the Vietcong supply line, and further Lake. our merchant fleet. The least we can do the U.S. effort in southeast Asia. hoste se will directors Mrs. Ed iwho will n H. serve, as is keep those friends who want to help I am including as part of my, remarks Mrs. Alton W. Wiley. our enemies out of our own backyard. a list of free world vessels trading with For Miss Easton, the occasion will un- The Anastassts is, today tied up in the North Vietnam during the last part of doubtedly be one of the highlights of her port of Jacksonville, where members of .1964: li ree world ,vessels trading with North Vietnam, 1964 Flag West QeIman,.-.- Steinnes Hugo Transozean Schiffahrt_____________________________ Hugo Steinnes Do,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Scipio & Cc------------------------------------------------- . Brake. Do-------------- Reederei Rickmers, Iiremon_ ____________________________________ Paul Rickmers Japanese----- _______ Daiichi Chuo Kisen Kaisha, I'okyo--------------- _______________ . Shanghai Maru. Dai ets r M Do----_--__-___ ----------------- ------ ---------------- Daiichi Sempaku K.K., Tokyo_______________________ _ g u a u. Norway Maru. Ichiyo Maru ' Do-------------- _ _____ Kaiko Shosen K.K. Osaka-------------------??----------_------ . Daikei Maru Do ------------- Kalkyo Sekiyu K.l . Tokyo_____________________________________ . Daikyo Maru Do ------ ---- --- Dowa Kaiun K.K. 7~okyo--------------------------------------- ' . Kushiro Maru Do---- --??- ----------------------------- - ---------------------------- Hashimoto Kisen K ,K? Kobe____________________________________ . Keiyu Maru Do---- =----- --_- ------------------------------------------------------------ Kansai Risen K.K., Osaka-_----?___?------------------------- . Tokushima Maru. Do----- -----^--- ------------------------------------------------------------ Kokudo Sangyo Kairiku K.K., Tokyo____________________________ Sciyo Maru Do---- ?-- ----- ------------------ ----------- ----------------------- Kuwana Kaiun K.K Ohime____________________ ___________ ____ . Nisso Morn Do__- ___--- Kyosei Risen KK. Kobe_____________ ' . Seisho Maru Do___ -------------- --------------------------------------- Krukuni Kaiun K. K., Tokyo----------------------------,---__---- . Shinsho Maru. Do_. ------------- Kyokuto Kaiun K.K., Osaka and Tokyo_________________________ Mansei Maru Do ------ ----------------------------------------------------------- Matsuoka Kisen K.K? Kobe_____________________________________ . Shofuku Maru Do------- -...... Mitsui Senpaku K.K. Tokyo___________________________________ _ ' . Sansho Maru Do.............. -------------------------- -------------------------------- Nippon Shio Kaiso K . K., Tokyo_______________________ __________ . Ikuta Maru Do-------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Nippo Kisen K.K. Tokyo---------------------------------`------ . Quiko Maru. Do----^-?-----^ Nissian Kisen K.E., Tokyo_______________________________________ Niehinan Maru Do.---.--------- -------------------------------------------- - ---------- Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Tokyo_______________________________ . Muroran Maru Do....... ? ...... -------------------------------------------- ------------ _____ Nitto Shosen K.K., Tokyo___________________---_---______-____-_- . Yuzan Maru Dp_ ------------------------------------------------------- Ryusho Kaiun K.K., Tokyo____________________________________ . Kishin Maru. ------------------------------------------------------------ Sanoyasu Shoki K.K., Osaka------------------------- - Ryuwa Maru. Kanamaru Do._, _._ ------------------- - --------------------------- -- --------- Seiko Kaiun K.K., Kobe----------------------------------------- . KazutamiMaru. - Do_ . .-..., . . ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Sanwa Shosen K.K., Tokyo-------------------------------------- Tokushima Kisen K.K., Kobe______________________________ Yamahagi Maru. Daiun Maru Do..... . ,.,_ Tokyo Senpaku K.K., Tokyo________________?___-,-__-------:---- . Surabaya Mara. Tozai Kisen K.K., Tokyo ------------------------------- -- ....... Tozai Maru. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67B00446R000300150026-5 April 12, 1965 Approved FFOO $&ig URA/1 i $DPf7g 6R000300150026-5 alone: this week the British Government's ling when it is down--down in its cash re- own Economic Report frankly accepts the serves, down in its trading strength. But majority judgment of outside observers that this depressing weakness can be overpro- there has also been "some lack of competi- jected too far. Despite America's great trad- tive strength"-which Britain's middling ing strength, one still cannot by any means achievement in holding down its prices (bet- be sure that the dollar could- In practice ter than Continental Europe, worse than withstand a sterling devaluation. No one America) makes more worrying rather than should underestimate the pulling power of less, a major currency that can be priced at a Meanwhile, America's current surplus had competitive or overcompetitive level. So built up to a huge $8 billion by 1964. True, since the American Government, like the this strengthening has been offset by an British Government, has for better or for Increase in private capital outflows, but this worse elevated the maintenance of the pres- was mainly in short-term banking credits, ent exchange structure to the highest which as Mr. Salant points out were partly political role, it still has a major interest offset by an unusually large inward move- in avoiding a break in the sterling parity. ment of similar private short-term funds. In practice, that may require financial co- The bookkeeping anomaly of counting the operation between America and Britain on short-term capital outflow in the monetary an unprecedented scale. Officials ought now deficit but not similarly taking credit for seriously to be considering steps such as the short-term monetary inflow, even though a permanent extension, perhaps immediately, the two flows may be organically connected, and perhaps ahead of Britain's expected may soon be ended under the revised bal- drawing on the International Monetary ance of payments figuring expected to be Fund, of the central banking swap facility recommended by an official committee. As it is, Mr. Salant ' points out that on the "basic" balance on current and long-term capital transactions, the deficit was reduced to a mere $200 million in 1964. True, the outflow of liquid capital cannot be ignored, but, as Mr. Salant points out, this marked a distinct change in the nature of the Amer- ican deficit: America had ceased to borrow short and lend long, it was instead borrow- ing short and lending short. This year, if the President's measures have the effect that now seems likely, it may be borrowing short 1958_______________ +3.3 +0.1 +2. 2 }1.0 and lending little. 1959--------------- -4-1.0 -.3 -f.1 +.4 if this argument is anywhere near right, 1960________ +4.7 -1.1 4 3.8 -.8 1961----?-______- { 5.4 -.4 { 5.6 -.1 and a pretty, convincing case would have 1962..______________ +4.4 - 3 +5.1 +.3 to be made out that it is not, then the 1968_______________ +5.0 -.2 +5.7 +.3 conventional current responses in the in- 1964_______________ { 6.6 -1.5 +8.1 -1.0 ternationaI financial community will have to change pretty radically. In particular; Europeans would do well to call off here and now their campaign for an increase in Ameri- can interest rates and a tightening in Ameri- can financial markets. In present circum- stances this would be a threat not only to America's own domestic boom; but it would be more serious still for the international money market, which has already had a bad jolt from America's "voluntary- restric- tions on oversea lending. As Mr. Salant points out, we are at present witnessing an increasing demand for international liquid- ity, just at the time when there is a pros- pective reduction in the supply. Some people still doubt this, especially In Europe. But if continental European countries are really still concerned about the inflationary impact on them of Britain's and America's payments deficits, then they should logically take specific steps to reduce their own surpluses. Instead, a country like France is more impressed with the small deficit on its ordinary trade than with the whacking surplus on its total payments; this very week It has announced a battery of steps to promote its exports. Yet the fact that the surplus countries are not willing, when it comes to the test, to see their surpluses and their reserves run down has always been the litmus test of whether the international payments system Is under. a general liquidity strain or not. T,21 these circumstances one would have hoped for a more constructive lead fromthe Common lt4arlret commission. Instead, M. Marjolin has contented himself with side digs at the crude monetary ideas of unofficial advisers (meaning General De 7509 between the Bank of England and the Fed- eral Reserve, from the present $760 million to some massive figure such as $2,000 mil- lion. This would involve something like a merger of the British and American exchange equalization accounts. It would obviously add powerfully to the resources behind ster- ling. It could also be made the opportunity for a far more open and confident American attitude on gold. One possible gesture by Britain would be to give up its own ancient gold preference, and hold dollars whose value in any case guaranteed under the swaps. This bilateral cooperation would make sense only as a preliminary to a wider liquid- ity pooling arrangement, and would be a poor substitute for them: but better than none, and possibly a formidable bargaining counter. And some Anglo-American bar- gaining strength will be badly needed for the serious international negotiations which Mr. Douglas Dillon in his farewell message as Secretary of the U.S. Treasury suggested may be possible by summer or autumn. deficit-America's on short-term capital alone; Britain's, on trading and long-term investment alike [In billions of dollars] Visible trade balance Current balance Basic balance ' Other transactions Monetary balance United Britain United Britain United Britain United Britain United Britain States States States States states -8.7 +0. 5 +0.1 +0.1 -3.6 +0.6 -4.7 -.3 +.9 -.2 -3.8 -.5 -1.8 -1.3 -2.1 +.8 -3.9 -.5 -.8 +. 1 -1.6 (9) -2.4 +. 1 -1.9 -.1 -.2 +.3 -2.1 +.2 -2.2 -.2 -.4 -.2 -2.5 -.4 -.2 -2.1 -2.5 (') -2.7 -2.1 I Current balance plus long-term capital. S Negligible. MISS BERTHA EASTON (Mr. FOGARTY asked and was given permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include ex- traneous matter.) Mr. FOGARTY. Mr. Speaker, the suc- cess of any venture can usually be at- tributed to the spark and drive of vol- unteer workers. Experience in my own campaigns for reelection has certainly proved this to be true. I have found it doubly true, Mr. Speaker, when applied to those few, devoted add selfless people who work so hard as volunteers for our various health associations. An outstanding example of this type of person is Miss Bertha Easton, of Provi- dence, R.I. An article in the Providence Evening Bulletin of February 23, 1965, written by Mary McCaughey, gives some Indication of the great contribution this dedicated woman has made to the Rhode Island Tuberculosis & Health Association. Miss Easton is soon to leave on a trip to England. Before she departs, Mr. Speaker, I want to add my gratitude to that of the many others she has received for her extraordinary charitable en- deavors. All of us owe her a loud and Gaulle's unofficial Jacques Ruef, not his strong vote of thanks. I join all the peo- own unofficial Robert Triffin). Every move pie of Rhode Island in wishing her a by the Brussels Commission nowadays seems wonderful trip overseas and hope that geared narrowly to the long-run buildup of` she is spared for many more years of its own federal power: but in that long run happy and healthful activity. Under we may all be not dead, but unnecessarily impoverished by a pointless liquidity war. leave to extend my remarks I include the This, then, is the danger of tie dollar's newspaper article to which I have re- new found strength, which is hitting ster- (erred: TB VOLIINTEER To BE HONORED-ASSOCIATION WILL RECOGNIZE MISS EASTON FOR HER SERVICE (By Mary McCaughey) If you should happen to be on Dorrance Street any weekday afternoon around 5 o'clock and see a white-haired, pleasant-faced woman walking up the street with two shop- ping bags about as full as shopping bags can be, you might guess she was a busy house- wife taking advantage of some supermarket specials. Or perhaps a career woman who spent her lunch hour shopping, despite the weather, for spring clothes. Neither assumption, however, would be correct. The shopping bags are not con- tainers for food or some gay feminine whimsy. Instead they are-a sign of dedication. For day after day, reposing in them, and as many as she can carry, are labels and enclosures from the Rhode Island Tuberculosis and Health Association. These she' takes to her home on Tobey Street and after spending the usual work day as a volunteer at the association, con- tinues her job far into the night. To Miss Bertha Easton it is a pattern she has followed since first answering a call. for volunteers in October of 1958. Tomorrow she will be honored at a tea at the Turk's Head Club for her accumula- tion of 10,165 volunteer hours, a national record. Two years ago she was honored for her first 6,000 hours, since that time she has accumulated another 5,000. Retired from the Bureau of Internal Reve- nue. Miss Easton was long interested in the continuing health program of the associa- tion, an interest further emphasized by the illness of a friend. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67B00446R000300150026-5 April" 1 roved For ReI ~jQ6*AI g 00 MW300150026-5 Free world vessels trading with North Vietnam, 1964-Continued 7511 Flag Agent Japanese ___________- ' Yamashita Shimihan Kisen K.K. Tokyo____ Yamaasa M Do.------------- Norwegian______-___ ---'--------------------'----------------------------------- Aarstad, Sigurd S., Bergen____________ _ , _____________________ Yamashita Shimihou Risen K.K., Tokyo_________ Sig S Aarstads R d ri A S & A S Vi - aru. Unkai Maru. Do------------- D _ __________________ ----------------------------------------------- ----------- . . e e / / ctor Mutters Rederi, Bergen Birkeland, Siggbjorn, Rederi, Bergen___________ Admiral Hardy. Ole Bratt o-------------- Brovig, Th., Farsund________________________________ ____________________ Partredirlet, Brdvigtank______________________ _ . Ra nhild Bro i Do-------------- Brunsgaard Kiosterud & Co Drammen_________________ ________ ___________ Bruunsgaard Kiosteruds Skibs A/S__________ _ g v g. Hermod Do^------------- Gaard, Einar M., Haugesun~ _____________________________ _ ___________________ Einar M. Gaard A/S & Sigurd, Haavik A/S _ _ . Gardvik Do-------------- D Jahro, Anders, Sandefjord----------------------- _______.___ _ ____________________ Aksjeselsk, Kosmos----------------------------- - _ . Jarmina o?- --------- Lund, Eilert, Bergen______________________________________ ------- --------- Eilert Lund's Rederi__________________ . Susann Do------------- D Nordbo, Th., Haugesund--------------------------------- ____________________________ D/S, All, Falkeid----------------------------------- e, Dana o------------- ---------------- ------------ Odland, Jacob, S. S., IIaugesund Dampshe A/S Produce . Prominent Do-----'-------- ------------------------------------------------------------ __________ Paulsen, Egil, Fredrikstad Skibs-A/S Karlander, Oslo_______ . Slembe. Do Sletfjord. - ---------- Do------------ D ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Skogland, Vladimir A/S, IIaugesund D/S A/S Anglo________________ Sveen, Arne F., Oslo ------ ---------------------- - Varild. Hock Lee o------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------- A/S Arne Sveen's, Rederi_________________________________________ . Mui Finn. Do-- ------ -------------------------- Wilh l Wilh O Mui Heng. Do------------- ---------------------------------- Wrangell, H. M., & Co. A/S Haugesund msen e slo .- Skibs A/S a Thermopylae. British______________ , , ________________- ------------------------ - , ----------------------------------------------- oronaN Chin i ti C L Hot Ying. Do-------------- - --------------------------------- Far East Corp. Ltd. Singapore, Malaysia ' av a ga on o., td. London___ Continental Navigation & I/nterpnses Hong Kong Ltd Fengning. Fortune Wind . Do-------------- Gibbs & Co. (S p lanagemerit), Ltd., Newport_________ , ., _________ West Wales S.S. Co. Ltd. Newport . East W l Do_-____r__-____ D Guan Guan Shipping, Ltd., Singaport, Malaysia---------- , , ______________________________ Hong Kong South Sea Shipping Co. Ltd. Hong Kong a es. Samodra M o-------------- Gulab, Devidas, long Kong______________________________ , , ___________ Culab Trading & Shipping Co. (Hong Kong) Ltd as. Kish i Do._____^._..__ Hornbeam Co., Ltd., Hong Kong_________________________ , ________________ Eastland Nav. & Commerce Ltd. Hong Kong _ n . Amo Do-------- Hua Siang Steamship Co., Ltd., Singapore, Malaysia ----- , , ___________ _______ Chan Kini Yam, Singapore ________ _ -------- - y, Gia S Do .._ _------._ ---------------------------------------------------- ------- _ _____-__-_________-_-- - ----------------------------- Null An Shipping Co. Ltd., Hong Kong ng eng. Rut A Do-------------- -------------------------------------- ?------------ -------- , __________________________ Indo-China Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. the Hong Kong n. Easter Q Do----^--------- D Jebmei Shipping Management Co., Ltd., Hong Kong_____ , , .-_______ Verder & Co. (Hong Kong), Ltd., Hong Kong n ueen. Santa Granda o.... ------ --- --------------------------------------------- ____________________ Jin IIoe Co., Ltd., Kuching Sarawak Malaysia . Jinsan Do.... ---------- Kie Hock Shipping Co., Ltd., Singapore, Malaysia____-__ , , __________________ Kie Hock Shipping (H. K.) Co., Ltd., Hong Kong___________ . Boscombe Down, Do - Tong Hong. Tong Wee. ------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------ Malaysia, Government of the Federation of, Malaya, Malaysia, Gannet (dredger) Do------_____-- Manners, John & Co., Ltd., Hong Kong___________________ Marine Department. Cambay Prince S.S. Co., Ltd., Hong Kong_______________________ . London Breeze. Do Thames Breeze. ....... ^------ -------------------------- --------------------------------- Cronulla Shipping Co., Ltd., Hong Kong_________________________ Cardross Do-------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ North Breeze Navigation Co., Ltd., Hong Kong . East Breeze ------------- ------------------------- ---------------------- - ---------- __________________ South Breeze Navigation, Co., Ltd., Hong Kong__________________ . Adelaide Breeze. Do M i Shi i C H Pacific Breeze _ ___ _ ------------- - ar ner pp ng o., Ltd., ong Kong__________________ ------------------------------------------------------------ The Keystone Shipping Co., Ltd., Hong Kong____________________ Escort Shipping Co. Ltd. Hong Kong . Golden Zeta. H S Do D ------------------------------------------------------------ , , ___________________________ Isis Shipping Co., Ltd., Nassau, N.P., Bahamas_ appy eafarer. happ Mariner o_-------------- Moller, Chris, Hong Kong_____________________ _________________ Red Anchor Line, Ltd., Hong Kong__________________________ y . Denny Rose. Do-------------- Do-------------- Moller's Ltd., Hong Kong________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------ River Line, Ltd. Hamilton, Bermuda____________________________ Mullion & Co., L'td., Hong Kong_________________________________ Ruthy Ann. Elbow River. Ardrowan. Do------------ Ardsirod. -- Do--- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ On Thai Navigation Co., Ltd., Hong Kong________________ ------ cean Tramping Co., Ltd? Hong Kong___________________________ Blissful. Crawford. Do - Wishford. ------ ------- ----------------------------------------- ------------------- Kingford. Do----------- Milford. Do------------ Peninsular Shipping Co., Ltd., Hong Kong__________________ Dartford. Greenford.. Longford. Roehford. Do Shun Cheong S. N. Co., Ltd., Hong Kong________________________ Belinda. Taipoohong. -------------- Do-------------- D ----------- --------------------------------------- United China Shipping Co., Ltd., Hong Kong ____-_______ Tai Ping S. S. Nav. Co., Ltd. Hong Kong________________________ Kinabatangan Shipping Co. Ltd. Hong Kong Tailungshan. Sem orna B o-------------- Do-------------- Vergottis, Ltd., London_____ _____________________________ , , ____________________ Vergocean S. Co., Ltd., London_______________________________ p ay, Verginont. Do -------------- _ World-Wide (Shipping), Ltd., Hong Kong and London____ Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Co., of Hong Kong, Ltd., Hong Kong. Corithian Shipping Co., Ltd., Hong Kong________________________ Tai Koo. Golden Alpha. Do Golden Delta. . ------------- Do -------------- L b ------------------------------------------------------------ Yick Fund Shipping & Enterprises Co., Ltd., Hong Kong_ Willow Shipping Co. Ltd., Hong Kong _________-----________ ---- Tat On Shipping & l nterprises Co Ltd Hong Kon - Kawana. Sh n F e anese ----------- D ., ., g________ -------- Olistim Nav., Co., Ltd. Monrovia u ung; T l o_------------- D , ____________________________ Olisman Cia. Nav., Ltda. Panama _ ou a Vassiliki o-------------- General Marine Agency Ltd.;London---- --_-.---____--__ f , ______ ____________________ Orient Shipping Corp., Monrovia_________ . Rodos Do------------ 1 Halcoussis, A., & Co., 'iraeus Marcou & Sons, Ltd., London____________________________ ________________________ Hehnos Cia. Nov. S.A. Panama_________________________________ S, .A. Cia De Nov. Arcoul Panama . I lelmos. M i i Do-------- ---- D ------------------------------------------------------------ , , _______________________________ Ocean Tramp Tankers Corp. Panama ar ann na. Eu i o-------------- D Michailides Th. M., Athens______________________ L , ____________________________ Misisapa Naviera, S.A., Panama_________ gen a. Maria D in o-------------- D Nomikos ( ondon), Ltd., London________________________ __________ Santa Spyridon Maritime Co. Ltd. Monrovia ___ esp a. Tar o______________ D ------------------------------------------------------------ , , ___________ _____ 26th October Maritime Co., Ltd. Monrovia seus. St Demetriu o-------------- Papadimitriou, D. J., & Sons, London____________________ , _________------------- Cia Santa Mario S.A. Panama g . s. T Do----??------- Do..-^^___--?-- D Tattos, Nic. G., Athens_________ _ Tharros Shipping Co., Ltd., London__ , , ________ ----- Rio Pardo Cia. Nav. S.A., Panama_______________________________ Astir Cia. Nav. S.A., Panama_______ royan. Panaghia Lour. Astir o__ .... ---- D Tricoglu V., London_________ _ _____________________________ Trice Corp., Panama_________ _ . Tertric o-^------------ D Troodos Shipping & Trading Co., Ltd., London__________ _ __ Maritza Cia. Nav. S.A., Panama . Maritz o---- --------- Do___ Do-- Greek_______________ D Vlassopulos, N. & J., Ltd., London_______________________ - - - - - ----yl -- --------------------------------------- -,- A nthony-- Xas- - J., Pirae- -us_____________________________- Aegis Shipping Co., Ltd., Piraeus____________ ------------- __________________________________ Alpha Cia. Nav., S.A., Panama___________________________________ Oceanica Armadora, S.A., Panama________________________________ Blessing Soc., Anon., Panama_____________________________________ Marguarida Cia. Nav. S.A., Panama a. Alaska. Parmarina. Irene X. Aeakos o-------------- D Chios Navigation Co., Ltd., London______________________ ______________________________ Pioneer Shipping Development Inc. Panama . Khios B ll o-------------- D Diamantis, Constantin, Piraeus___________________________ , _____________________ Greek Tankershipping Co. Ltd e e. Ther l i o-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________ Resurrection Campania Naviera Athens mopy a . An t i Do______________ D Franco Shipping Co., Ltd., Athens_______________________ , _________________________ Stamle Cia. Nav. S.A., Panama__ _ as ass s. B rb in o------- ------ Goulandris Bros., Ltd., London___________________________ _____________ __________________ Bahia Salinas Cia. Panama___ a ar o. M i Do------------- D Hadjipateras, Harry -------- _______?__---__--____--_--- , ___________________________________ Sapphire Cia, Nav. S.A., Panama arr er. Ae i on o-------------- D Gemos, G., Bros. Co., Ltd., London---- __---------------- ________________________________ Santa Katerina Cia. Nav., S.A. Panama g . a A ostolos Andr o-------------- D ------------------------- ---------------------------------- , _________________________ George Christos Lemos, Athens______ _ p eas. Hell s o------- Lemos & Pateras, Ltd., London___________________________ _ ___________________________ Spalmatori Cia. Nav., S.A., Panama______________________________ a . Spalmatorf. Do-- D Lusi, A., Ltd., London ---- - ----------------------- Apiganos Corp., Panama----------------------------------------- Conquistador Cia. Naviera., S.A., Panama_______________________ Herculiana Cia. Nav. S.A Panama Kapetan Andreas. Constantinos. Al i - o-.-----^----- D Lykiardopulo & Co., Ltd., Lon_ don _ ., ______________________________ Daphne SS. Co. SA Panama cyon s. D h o-------------- D ------------------------------------------------- , , ____________________________________ Margaronis, Dom P., & Sons Athens _ ne. ap Eft hi o-------------- D Michalinos Maritime & Commercial Co., Ltd., Piraeus___ Nomikos (London), Ltd., London___________ _ ----------- , __ __________________________ N. Michalos & Sons Maritime Co., Ltd., Piraeus_________________ Prosperity S.S. Corp. Monrovia yc a. Calliopi Michalos. P l iki o- ------- D Papadimitriou, D. J., & Sons, London____________________ , __________________________________ Cia. Santa Roberts S.A. Panama o yn . Th b , , ________________________________ o------------- Tropis Shipping Co., Ltd., London- Marsiguro Cia. Nov. S.A., Panama_______________________________ e ean. Katerina. Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67B00446R000300150026-5 7512 Approved F6 ?ftMf 3 J39/ /J~6I DF "46R000300159 l v,, 1965 Free world vessels trading with North Vietnam, 1964-Continued Agent Panatnanfan____ 1 Gulandris Bros., Ltd., iondon------ - --- - - --- - ----------- Bahia Salinas Cia. Nav. S.A., Panama---------------- ----------- hawk. Ltd., Panama-------------------------- Selat Sunda. Palembang Shipping Co. I)o __ ____-- - e Hock Shipping Co., Ltd., Singapore ------------------ , Panama __ -- -- _ S.A. San Giovanni Cia Apollonian. Do 1)0--??` Papadimitnou, ). J., Sons, London _ _ ------ ---------------------------------- _ , , . Cia. Santa Kailiopt, S.A., Panama --------------------------------- - Almerlante S.A., Panama --------------------------- di Nav Cis Tegean. Seacob. 1)o____?- ____- 1)0------------- _ Balvatores&C.,.S. R, L., Genoa--------- ---- _ ___ Tuillier, Sebastiano, Luggano, Switzerland. ______ i . . Cia. di Nav.Indomitus,S.A.,Panama -------- __________ _ Corp., Monrovia------------------------------ International Nov S nr0eco a Severn River. 1)0--- ---------- Italian -------------- )o -- - --- ----- Do-------------- more -------------- Tidewater Commercial Co., Inc., Balt ----------- -- ---- ----- -D' 'Amie o, FrateLli, Rome_.._ --------------- -------------- . Corrado, Societa di Navigazione, Genoa --------------- - __ -- Cia. Baleniera Italians, S.P.A., Palermo__ ____________ _________ Marittima Capodorsa, S.P.A., Rome ---------------- ---------- Societa Cooperative di Navigazione ARL, Genoa------ Garibaldi Cesco Corrado. Enro. Settemari. Caprera. r, o------------ --------------------------------- ------------- ---------------- , Societa per Azioni di Navigazione, Trieste_______ d Triestine Llo V iminale. ----- -------------------------------------------- , y Socleta per Azioni Emanuelee V., Genoa, Enrico Parodi _ Parodi Marina G. Parodi. 1)0 - - - - Ravano, Alberto, fu Pietro, Genoa__.._._--_______________ , Adriatico Tirrino Jonio Ligure (A.T.J.L.) di Alberto Ravana & Probitas. ------------- I)o-------------- D Sicinicatiella, F., Naples---------------- - --------------------------------------------- figli. San Francisco Soc. di Nov., Messina____________________--______-__- Societa Sicilians, Servizi Marittimi, SPA, Rome ________--_-________ ----- Kon Ltd H San Francisco. Benadir. Isabel Erica. o-------------- British_ ___________ __ ----------- --------------------------------------------------------- g ___----------------- ong ., St. Merryn Shipping Co., 1 Pelting Mares. ATTORNEY GENERAL KATZENBACH One of the most amazing parts of the Training Act of 1962, as amended, and for AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW "Meet the Press" program was the re- other purposes, having met, after full and free conference, have agreed to recommend (Mr. MARTIN of Alabama asked and luctance of the Attorney General to and do recommend to their respective Houses was given permission to address the state definitely that all people should as follows: obey the laws of the land. He equivo- That the Senate recede from its disagree- House for 1 minute and to revise and cated with the statement that it may be ment to the amendment of the House and extend his remarks.) OK to break the law when a moral is- agree to the same with an amendment as Mr. MARTIN of Alabama. Mr. sue is involved. Who is to determine follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be Speaker, last night I listened with which moral issues are above the law? inserted by the House amendment insert the amazement and disbelief to the interview How can we have equal justice before following: "That this Act may be cited as the `Manpower Act of 1965'. General of the United States. I find it difficult to believe that Mr. Katzenbach can successfully fulfill the duties as head of the Justice Department while holding such confused notions about justice and the enforcement of the law. Mr. Katzenbach evidently does not be- lieve in impartial justice as illustrated in his excusing the action of throwing dem- onstrators out of the Justice Department building, but condoning sit-ins in Selma. The Attorney General said he had them thrown out because he wanted to work. He said he did not believe that it was proper to sit in in the Justice Depart- ment or anywhere on Constitution Ave- nue in Washington. How do you suppose this statement will be received by public officials, busi- nessmen, and the good citizens of Selma who also wanted to work, to carry out their official duties, but were prevented from doing so for more than 9 weeks by wild demonstrations and lawless gather- which were apparently approved by in g s , the Attorney General? Why is it the Attorney General and the President proper to demonstrate on. U.S. Highway should make clear to the American peo- 80 in Alabama, but improper on Consti \j ple where the Justice Department stands tution Avenue in Washington? Is this in seeing to it that there will be equal an impartial view of justice by the At- justice before the law for all the people torney General of the United States? of the country, not just a political mi- Mr. Katzenbach declared his belief in nority. sible on a resp ng as " i her K t Martin Lu In carrying out this subsection the Secretary leader." The Attorney General can tell MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT AND of Labor shall, where appropriate, consult the people of the Nation that Martin TRAINING ACT OF 1962, AS with the Secretaries of Health, Education, Luther King is a responsible leader know- AMENDED and Welfare, and Commerce, and the Direc- ing full well that one of the most re- tor of the Office of Economic opportunity. spected individuals in America, the head Mr. O'HARA of Michigan submitted sere programs under this paragraph re- of the FBI-a division of Mr, Katzen- the following conference report and quire institutional training, appropriate ar?? bath's own Justice Department-only statement on the bill (S. 974) to amend rangements for such training shall be agreed recently said that Martin Luther King "is the Manpower Development and Train- to by the Secretary of Labor and the Secre- the most notorious liar in the country." ing Act of 1962, as amended, and for tary of Health, Education, and Welfare. He The Attorney General can call Martin other purposes : shall also seek the advice of consultants with respect to the standards governing the ade- Luther King a responsible leader, know- CONFERENCE REPORT (H. REST. No. 231) quacy and design of proposals, the ability of ing full well his background and record. The committee of conference on the dis- applicants, and the priority of projects in Such a statement either proves the At- agreeing votes of the two Houses on the meeting the objectives of this Act.' torney General dangerously naive or amendment of the House to the bill (S. 974) "SEC. 4. (a) Title I of the Act is amended simply means he refuses to face the facts. to amend the Manpower Development and by renumbering sections 103 and 104 as see- the law when the Attorney General con- "SEC. 2, Section 101 of the Manpower De- dones lawlessness and Immorality velopment and Training Act of 1962, as against some because of a moral in- amended (hereinafter referred to as the terpretation of others with whom he `Act'), is amended by inserting before the agrees or owes a political obligation? last sentence thereof the following new sen- Finally, the Attorney General of the tence: 'The Congress further finds that many United States came close to condoning professional employees who have become unemployed because of the specialized nature Martin Luther King's boycott of Ala- of their previous employment are in need bama regardless of the misery it will of brief refresher or reorientation educa- cause to thousands of the people King tional courses in order to become qualified and Katzenbach make such a show of for other employment in their professions, wanting to help. Comparing the people where such training would further the pur- with the Nazis was most outrageous, and poses of this Act.' will be resented by thinking people "SEC. 3. (a) Section 102(5) of the Act is amended by adding a comma after the word everywhere. I demand an apology from 'arrange' and inserting `through grants or him in behalf of the people of Alabama. contracts,' immediately following the comma. Mr. Speaker, when the Attorney Gen- "(b) Section 102 of the Act is further eral of the United States demonstrates amended by striking out 'and' at the end of such partiality in dispensing justice, paragraph end (4), by k ) aout nd the period at such a callous attitude on the need for the of such period paragraph (and', and inserting adding obedience to the laws of the land, I lieu at the end of such section the following new seriously question his right or his ability pto head the Department of Justice. paragraph: "'(6) establish a program of experimental, With this attitude on the part of the developmental, demonstration, and pilot chief law officer of the Nation, what jus- projects, through grants to or contracts with through contracts with other private or- ganizations, for the purpose of improving techniques and demonstrating the effective- ness of specialized methods in meeting the manpower, employment, and training prob- lems of worker groups such as the long-term unemployed, disadvantaged youth, displaced. older workers, the handicapped, members of Approved For Release 2003/10/14: CIA-RDP67B00446R000300150026-5