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AP. :X)UNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF NFO. Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000700200003-9 SECRET/COIMM - U. S. =IC AL6 etkr,(f aASSIFICATION SECURITY INFORNATCN CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO roR atAcriom REPORT CD NO it Germany 25X1A DATE DISVP. 2 April 1S53 :nformation on Inits of the 31-7' ehock Army NO. OF PACES 25X1C NO. OF ENCLS, ;LISTED BLD* SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1X 25X1 25X1C source determined that, on 15 December, Colonel Kirby (fnu) of rocket launcher Unit whtch was quartered at the Hindenburg Kaserne, Schuerin, hal been traesfereed to the an that Colonel Liduea (fnu) was hie successor. Source learned that the eieeenburg Kaserne woned possibly be turned over to the We Two e: 12 meters and 30 x 12 meters, were erected In the Krueger Kaserne for which had. received nee guns. Colonel Golub (fnu) had been :ranee'erred to the U S.S.R. His successor was still unknown. On 19 Oecenbee 1952, source determined that Major General Yolamonov (fnu) of the Goerrite airv4eld who had bEen the commending officer of the AAA units quartered at the Adolf Hitler Keserne, had beenirensferred to the U.S.S.R. on 15 Decem. 25X1C 25X1A iCIW) 114.5s irsty of Ill sm-nnun nn nAOPM110V 1P52. curturtA 25X1A EL-7 which was stationed at the Goerries airfield was commaaded by Colo- nel Panomurenko (fnu) and that Major Zapzyni (fnu) was an officer of this unit. General Inauri (fnu), General Uzov (fnu) and General Zavin (fnu) still were at the Goerries airfield. i 25X1 1952, that 28,80C eastmarks had been allocated for an officers club 25X1C building forl 'which wa.,1 quartered in the Ulmen Kaserne, Rostock, and commanded by Colonel Zandulenko (fnu) and 22,000 eastmarks to an officers' club building for naval' 25X1A 25X1 1952, at V- that rooms in a block of the Feak Kaserne, 4ismar, were ennverted 19,500 eastmarks inte an officers' clab for areillery 25X1C Leitff ' which was commanded be Colonel Negerevice k nu). 3 25X1 that 27,000 eastmarks had been allocated Von an orricers' cluo nouse ic 25X1C artillery Unit which was cemmanded by Colonel Dranslenko (fnu) and was stationed at the airfield in Ludwigslust. He also learned that ee reel eeeteperks were allocated for erecting garages for artillery Unit 25X1C 'which was commended by Colonel Ealadin (fnu) and was stationol teh the field; and f4,500 eastmarke were allocated for erecting garages an ammunition storage chambers for artiaery Unit which was commane 25X1C 25X1A ed by Celoael Colonel Lebudov (fnu) and was stationed at the airfield, Lieuteran Moloshonko (fnu) was an .offinor of this unit. 4 CLASSIRMTION 3ECRET/COITROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONT.:! Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000700200003-9 25X1A 25X1' 25X1 25X182- 25X1C 25X1?3_ 25X1/V- 25X1C 25X1C 25X1C Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000700200003-9 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY -2- Source learned that 46,000 eastmarks were allocated for erecting quarters for personnel of headquarters] in Eldena. Major Shopov (fnu) belonged to this headquarterd. Comment. I the 10th Gds RL Regt of the IX Mtz Rifle Corps under Colonel Kirilov (fnu) who had previously been reported as statine- ed at the Hindelburg Kaserne in Schwerin prior to 17 December 1952. unit, probably the Hq 4th Gds AT Arty Brig (US) as stationee at the Moltke Kaserne and Krueger Kaserne prior to 17 December 1952? Colonel Goluk (fnu) is carried as an officer of this unitd the - identified engineer battalion of the IX Mtz Rifle Corps in Schwerin-Goerriee prior to 11 December 1952. Paromarenko (fnu) without rank and assignment had previously been reported from Schwerin. Major General Pelamonov (fnu) vho was reported for the first time possibly was the artillery commander with the Hq, IX Mtz Rifle Corps to whom units including the unidentified AAA. regiment of the corps may have been subordinate. The location of this rag/7 ment was unknown except for vague indications for Goerries and the Adolf lit.= ler Kaserne. The present information tends to indicate that the regiment ts, possibly quartered in the Adolf Hitler Kaserne. Major General Inauri (fnu) probably is the commanding officer of the afore mentioned corps. According te available records, Major General Zavin (fnu) is an officer of the corps headquarters. Major General Uzov (fnu) is married as the SCC chief in Scht.le rin. 25X1A 25X1A Comment,' 'was previously reported in connection with a naval aviat on unit In Peenemuende. a unit, probably the Hq 3rd Gds AT Arty Brig with Colonel Zandulenko (fnu) who is known from pre- vious reports as Stationed at the Ulmen Kaserne in Rostock prior to 8 Decie- , her 1952. Comment. the 199th Gds Gun Arty Gds Mtz Rifle Div with its commanding officer Lieutenant (fnu) who is known from previous reports as stationed at Wismar prior to 4 December 1952. Negerevich has possibly colonel? Regt of the 94th Colonel Negereviea the Flak Kaserne it been promoted to Comment It is believed that ---- ee anwith Colonel Lebedev (fnu, . who was preaously reported belongs re " artillery unit in Ludwigs/ust. 18th Mece Div in Perleberg. Although source in Ludwigslust, it does not appene shou31 be quartered in LW- . to the repeatedly reported a unit plausible that an artillery un wigslust. Colonel Baladin (fnu) the y reported in connection with , the unit. the 592d Mort Regt of the 18th Mecz Div prior to 1 December 1952. Observations of arms, however, indicated that upon re- turn from summer practices the regiment was stationed in Perleberg rather than Teldwigslust. Colonel Dranslenko (fnu) was previously reported by the same source in connection with this unit. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000700200003-9 25X1A 25X1C 25X1