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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00001R000100010042-0.pdf102.95 KB
l i :%~~r t DAILY Vr'ji 3 Approved Ef-ylse 2000/05/2;7 CfQQAppPkCJP;S-0000'1 R0001000100 CPYRGHT olancle stays slid for a 1ahidrb~s life CYyGATUFIILLAU LA HAY 5crtaas-Howard Star/ Writer One of the Capital's most glamorous hostesses these days is a wealthy widow a former Miss America who has kept the same 35-24-35 measurements record- ed when she won that title 21 years ago. Over the years she has added only one pound to the '119 she weighed as the 1951. Miss America aid is, if anything, more beautiful. She entered the competition as 18- year-old "Miss Alabama," Yolande Bet- beze. . Today she is Yolande Betbeze Fox, widow of a wealthy film 'executive, resi- dent of a magnificent Federal House in Georgetown and a hostess to whom few, If any, say "no." After Matthew' Fox died :in New York of a heart attack in 1962, the gorgeous widow moved here with their daughter Yolande, called Dolly, who. now is 9 years old. And 'immediately the rumor mill be- gan grinding. She was breaking up a marriage ... she and a prominent archi- tect were in love ... she was the con- stant companion of a noted TV news- man. In an interview at her home Yolande tossed her long, glossy black hair, wid- ened her big brown eyes and laughed. $he confided: "Publishers have been after me to write a book, you know. And the good Lord knows . I could write a dandy about ,the, men of Washington. But I'm so hap- 'Yolande.Fox and her "beau," Cherif Guellal. py and contented here with Dolly and Cherif." . Cherif Guellal, formerly Algerian Am- bassador here,.- now representing his country's Scnotrach Oil Company in the United States, is Yolande's beau.. They have been a devoted pair for several? years and their friends expect them to marry. Cherif is charismatic, handsome and intelligent. His business keeps him rush- Ing between Washington, New York, Texas and Algeria. Yolande accompa- nies him on some of his trips and has visited his family - mother and four brothers - in Algiers many times. Cherif has gone with Yolande and Yolande employs a chef, a chauffeur, and a maid, Ida James. - Yolande looks back on what she calls he "Pageant Years" with no particular nostalgia. "The Miss America Pageant is as American as apple pie, but times have changed," she said. She was a stormy petrel in those days. She was no sooner named Miss America than she refused to pose for cheesecake art in a bathing suit. The bathing suit sponsor was so outraged he formed the Aliss Universe contest. After her Miss America stint she went to New York, entered the New School for Social Research and took private voice lessons.. "I was a complete maverick," said Yolande. "No one could understand why I refused all the movie offers I got and I got plenty. Then I met Matty Fox, fell in love and got married in 1954." A first cousin, Elizabeth Gillette Car- son and her husband kit, a lawyer with the Justice Department, are Yolande's only Eastern Shore relatives. That was another reason to move to Washington and buy the former home of CIA Chief Allen Dulles. At the moment she is busy redoing another house on R Street in George- town. She bought the large, wooden Sa- vannah-type. house with balconies and a swimming pool. It was an orphanage during the Civil War. "I call it their R Street Beach," she added. "We'll have parties there and swim all summer. It's a lot better than carrying American dol- 4rs abroad to swim in Europe."t Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000100010042-0