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Approved For Release 200210 T e IDP73B00296R000100060003-2 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 7 December 1971 Page 3 10. (Unclassified - JMM) Art Kuhl, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, said he was accompanying Senator Stuart Symington on a Far Eastern trip beginning about 15 December and wanted to make s hi ' 25X1A ure s (Kuhl s) clearances were in order. I assured him they were, but emphasized he was titl d en e to r briefings 25X1A 11. (Secret - JGO) Delivered to Mr. Ralph Preston, Staff Assistant, House Appropriations Committee, a letter for Chairman Mahon from the Director dated 6 December concerning withdrawals from the Reserves. After a brief review of the purpose of the withdrawals, Mr. Preston noted that this letter relates to monies 'that have already been spent. 11 Mr. Preston told me that the Appropriations Committee conferees are meeting this afternoon on the supplemental appropriation. The question of meeting of the appropriation conferees on the military appropriation bill is still up in the air. He said the Chairman plans to take the foreign aid appro- priation bill to the floor of the House tomorrow under a rule waiving points of order. He noted that since the Chairman and principal Committee members will be on the floor there will be little time for any conference meetings. He told me also that no new continuing resolution is in the works to extend expenditure authority beyond the 8 December termination date of the present resolution. Mr. Preston told me there should be no difficulty with the Senate amendment to the supplemental which provides for RFE/RL. 25X1A 12. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Richard Barton, Staff Assistant, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, who told me that although the full Committee is scheduled to meet on 16 December, the meeting may well be cancelled in the interim due to a lack of quorum. He told me that the letter from Chairman Hebert concerning H. R. 11150 has been duplicated and will be placed at each Member's position the morning of the hearing. I thanked him for his consideration. 13. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Al Westphal, Staff Consultant, Hou..___ $e Forein Affairs Committee, who told me that the conferees are stalemated on the foreign aid bill due to Senator Mansfield's (D. , Mont. ) position concerning the end-the-war amendment. He also told me that the House had appointed conferees on S. 18, the Radios bill, but that he saw no hope at this time of the conferees meeting on S. 18 prior to conclusion of the conference on the foreign aid bill. SECRET Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100060003-2 Approved For Release 2002/01/10':`C1A-RDP73B00296R000100060003-2 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Friday - 3 December 1971 7. (Confidential - JGO) Received a call from Jay Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, who told me he had been requested by members of the Judiciary Committee to ascertain for their use without attribution the names of the principal Soviet intelligence officers in the various Latin American and South American countries such as Mexico 25X1A and Chile. WH Division, has been advised. 9. (Confidential - GLC) Cover Division, called to say 25X1A he had made arrangements with e Department of Defense for an Agency representative to review the transcript of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on the Okinawan Reversion Treaty. They will let us know early next week when this can be done. 10. (Unclassified - GLC) Left with Dorothy Fosdick, Senate Subcom- mittee on National Security and International Operations staff, an~tenSTATSPEC in which Senator Jackson's name was mentioned. Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100060003-2 Approved For Release 2002x0-:MIrfWp296R000100060003-2 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 2 December 1971 Page 2 6. (Internal Use Only - PLC) The status of S 1438, the Ervin Bill, was discussed with Miss Marcia MacNaughton, Staff Member of Sub- committee on Constitutional Rights of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Miss MacNaughton stated that the bill had been voted on favorably without amendment in executive session by the Judiciary Committee but has not been reported out as the Committee report is still in draft. She stated the report would be the same as the report submitted to S 782, an identical bill, which was passed by the Senate in the previous Congress. I aked if the Director's letter of 21 May 1971 to Senator Ervin requesting a full exemption to S 1438 would be noted in the report since the report to S 782 contained a statement that the DCI accepted S 782 with the specific ex- emptions granted. Miss MacNaughton stated that the statement would be deleted; however, the Director's letter of 21 May would not specifically be mentioned. She expected the bill would be reported out within a few days and calendared for Senate vote. Miss MacNaughton was aware of the Agency's exemption and the President's broad authority to grant other exemptions in the House version. She felt the differences in House and Senate bills would be taken care of in conference. Mr. Richard Barton, Staff Assistant of Subcommittee on Employee Benefits, House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, was subsequently called, and he was aware of the status of S 1438. He felt that Senator Ervin will probably seek an early Senate vote and the bill will pass. The Hanley Bill (the House version of the Ervin Bill) will not be considered by the douse Post Office and Civil Service Committee until the early part of the next session. 7. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Returned the transcript of the testimony of the Secretary of Defense before the House Committee on Armed Services on Tuesday, 16 November, concerning H. R. 8856, a bill to provide an additional Assistant Secretary of Defense, to Miss 'IKalinowski, of the Committee staff. 8. (Confidential - JGO) Met briefly with Mr. Al Westphal, House Foreign Affairs Committee staff, who told me that as of noon today he does not foresee any immediate action on S. 18, the Radios bill. At the earliest,25XlA he does not see any consideration for meeting of the conferees until after the completion of the conference meetings on the Foreign Aid bill. - CA Staff, has been advised. Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100060003-2