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Document Creation Date: 
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 17, 2004
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
April 20, 1968
Content Type: 
Approved For Release 2004/07/07 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000200030018-4 Froit Editt 63Gcr Papa . Pap PcQ. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. T It ES-UNppIO I Li-ldg,9b ? 2 01968 5-171,135 r 1~~ Served by Ky Slander? ` A report from an unnamed and :.publicly unverified source which brands South Vietnamese Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky as an op- ium smuggler has been released by the Senate subcommittee on fcr- In the pro- cess, a heretofore unknown CIA op- eration has been exposed. The Defense and State Depart- ments have properly refused to - comment on the unverified report because publication of the docu- ment by itself may seriously dam- age U.S.-South Vietnamese rela- tions and perhaps damage the war effort against the Reds and prolong the conflict in Southeast Asia. Vice President Ky may be a foi- mer opium smuggler. He may even have used C4 facilities to do so, if the operation did exist. It is doubtful that any highly placed Oriental could be found to- day who has not dabbled in some form of illegal trade at one time or. another in his life. But it is not clear what the Senate subcommit- tee is seeking to accomplish by re- leasing the report. Technically speaking, the committee members have used their official position with its atten- dant immunity from suit to slander and libel the second ranking mem- ber of the foreign state. Ignoring the common law rules on which this nation bases its judicial sys- tem, the subcommittee has ac- cused a man but concealed the ac- cuser. Worse yet, the subcommittee has openly admitted to U.S. partic- ipation in a covert act against an- other nation, and bared the outline of an alleged subversive. plot against the Ho Chi Minh regime. The report thus destroys the cover for similar operations and provides the Reds with one more thing about which they may be outraged to the point where they delay truce talks. Release of the report constitutes an obvious attempt to influence U.S. foreign policy through the use of secret documents and to destroy the effectiveness of Ky as a leader. It is difficult to understand why the report was made. If it was in retaliation for Ky's sub- sharp remarks against this coun- try, then it was a childish act that hrows doubts on the maturity of the subcommittee members: and their ability to deliberate on weigh- ty -matters. Vice President Ky is entitled to his own opinions and no one has insisted that he like this country, nor should anyone seek to muzzle him: such a tactic would be more in keeping with Red impe- rialism. The destruction of the CIA oper- ation is inexcusable, if such a proj- ect existed, and the use of unknown sources to smear a man is unthink- able. It should not be overlooked, when probing the probable causes for the release, that Sen. Ernest ruenin D-Alaska, has not been . a supporter of t e administration' policies in Vietnam. Approved For Release 2004/07/07 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000200030018-4