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DOE REVIEW COMPLETED. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON. D.C. 20545 Dear Admiral Reborn: Enclosed for your approval and signature are two copies of a Memorandum of Understanding relating to the conduct of certain intelligence research activities at the Atomic Energy Commission's Lawrence Radiation Laboratory. We would appre- ciate your returning one signed copy of the memorandum to the Commission for our retention. Sincerely, t$t, ;00 his Seaborg Honorable William F. Reborn Director Central Intelligence Enclosures: Memorandum of Understanding Cys lA and 2A GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic clawn=;ra6in and declassification SECRET - pages Series This d ent consists of proved For Rele a 2004/02/ N:tTIA-IRDME0059g1t00$ltOIF8.00 f8=8copics, LkI This materjaI contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the e;pie~arage laws, Title Iu, U.S.C., Secs. 793 an? 794, ti : ansxzzi.s::ian or retlation of which in an v manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2004/02/24: CIA-RDP69B00596R000.100180018-8 Approved For Releas,2004/02/24 69BOO596R000 P1 document conaiett of No. pages Copies, series MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION AND THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CONCERNING WORK TO BE PERFORMED AT THE LAWRENCE RADIATION LABORATORY I. Purpose The purpose of this agreement is to set forth agreements reached by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Central Intelligence Agency in connection with certain research, development and technical analysis of joint interest to both agencies to be performed by the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, California (hereinafter Laboratory) under Contract W-7405-Eng.-48. The initial time period to be covered by this agreement is from the date of the signing of the agreement until the end of fiscal year 1966. It is anticipated, however, that this agreement. will be extended to cover subsequent fiscal years, and the planning for this project should be carried out with this goal in mind. II. General A. The Atomic Energy Commission and the Central Intelligence Agency are mutually interested in making greater use, of the capabilities of the laboratories, facilities and personnel now administered by the Atomic Energy Commission for intelligence purposes. Such purposes include the technical analysis of intelligence data leading to conclusions on the significance of foreign develop- wents including foreign atomic weapon developments and. to research and development on mutually agreed projects of significance to the national intelligence effort such as new devices for the collection of intelligence information. It is recognized that these activities may stem from mutual interests and responsibilities of both the CIA and the AEC or may be of sole interest to CIA. "Restricted Data", as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1'954, as amended, will be involved in some of the work to be performed under this agreement. It is understood that while the work performed under this agreement is classified the fact that the Laboratory is GROUP T This material ? contains information affecting the EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC national defense of the United States within the DOWNGRADING AND SECRET meaning of the espionage laws, Title -18, U.S.C.. DECLASSIFICATION Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person Approved For Release 2004/02/24: CIA-ROP69BV1h9MRO0 't00180018-8 S Approved For Releaa 2004/02 4:9 TRDP69B00596R000Y00180018-8 performing intelligence work in which CIA has a major interest is unclassified but nevertheless should be handled on a need to know basis. B. The Atomic Energy Commission does not dxpect to be the channel for day-to-day liaison and communication between the Central Intelligence Agency and the Laboratory. It is the sense of this arrangement that the Central Intelligence Agency and the Laboratory will maintain direct liaison and communication on day-to-day matters and the Atomic Energy Commission will be informed of the substance of significant intelligence and management information communicated between the Central Intelligence Agency and the Laboratory. III. Agency Responsibilities Recognizing the responsibilities assigned by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, to the AEC for conducting, assisting and fostering a program of research and development and to encourage widespread participation in the development and use of nuclear energy, it is agreed that: A. The Atomic Energy Commission will be responsible for: 1. Arranging for activities such as the following to be carried out by the Laboratory under the Commissions contract with the University of California W-7405-Eng.'-48. In carrying out such activities, particular emphasis is to be given to those areas for which the Laboratory is in a position to suggest and augment new, unique, imaginative approaches to the solution of problems. a. Evaluation of foreign intelligence information, such as: Using cumulative all-source information, estimate the meaning and significance of trends in technology of foreign nuclear weapons design, high explosive efficiency, delivery capability, vulnerability and hardening of war- heads; penetrability of U.S. defenses; test procedures and diagnostic instrumentation em3ployed, goals and limitations of test programs, specific functions of weapons research, development and fabrication sites; 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/22 Cl-TDP69B00596R000100180018-8 Approved For Releaaa 2004/02/24: ~I~Oy, P. 9B00596R000'' 0180018-8 fill b. Development of other analytical techniques and apparatuses for intelligence purposes, such as: Experimentation directed toward broader application of machine methods for photographic readout, automatic identification techniques, and audio analysis. c. Research and development on such tasks as are mutually agreed upon such as: i. Development of counter surveillance detectors. ii. Development of.technical intelligence collection for specific tasks. iii. Audio analysis. iv. Environmental studies. d. Provide a project manager who will furnish the necessary management and technical direction to the'project. e. Provide an adequate number of full-time personnel who are expected, in general, to participate in the work of the project for at least one year. In addition, arranging for the assignment of consultants to be utilized by the project on an ad hoc basis. Providing a special facility at the Laboratory for the conduct of work to be performed under this agreement on specially classified material. 3. Arranging for the necessary continuing physical security including adequate storage space at the special facility at the Laboratory. B. The Central Intelligence Agency will be responsible for: 1. Reimbursing the AEC upon request for: a. Such of the costs incurred in accordance with the terms of the contract W77405-Eng.-48 in performance of the work under this arrangement as are mutually agreed to be attributable to CIA's programmatic interest in the work; SEGRET Approved For Release 2004/02/14: CIA-RDP69B00596R000100180018-8 Approved For Rele2004/02/2$=P69BOO596ROO 00180018-8 b. The full cost of such construction or modification work or capital equipment necessary for the special facility and the cost of such other construction modifications or capital equipment as may be mutually agreed. Equipment shall be deemed to be capital dquipment if it (i) costs in excess of $200 and (ii) has a normal useful life of a year or more. Capital equipment the full cost of which is paid for by CIA shall be disposed of as directed by CIA. 2. Providing a CIA Security Officer to coordinate with and advise the project manager on all aspects of security, including documents, physical and personnel. CIA will validate the facility's security. 3. Providing at its expense any necessary special communication equipment, e.g., a TWX system; operation of this equipment will be the responsibility,of the Laboratory, subject to security policies of CIA and those of AEC when'Restricted Data is involved, 5. Supporting the activities to the fullest extent possible with intelligence information specific to the assigned tasks. 6. Providing at its expense the safes necessary for storage of classified documents. IV. Visitors and Information Control Procedures for control of visitors to the project and briefings presented by project personnel will be established by the project manager with advice from the Central Intelligence Agency and if Restricted Data is involved the AEC. V. Reports The parties to this agreement will keep each pther'informed of significant developments in the performance of the work hereunder. The CIA will provide the AEC copies of program directives and the AEC will have access to CIA records relating to this project and to instruments, devices, models and processes that may be developed. Under Contract W-7405-Eng.-48 the AEC now has access to all reports generated under it and the Commission will authorize the Laboratory to report the results of technical analyses and of research. and, Approved For Release 2004/02/24: CIA-RDP69B00596R000100180018-8 25X1 SECRET Approved For Rele 2004/02/24: CIA-RDP69B00596R000100180018-8 development performed pursuant to this agreement directly to the Central Intelligence Agency. The Commission will be responsive to requests by CIA to limit access to information and reports developed under this arrangement. Dissemination of reports to other elements of the Government will be the responsibility of the Central Intelligence Agency subject only to the requirements of the Atomic Energy Act. The reports should be: A. Technical Reports, Memoranda, and Wire Reports will present as appropriate the results of indepth analysis or of research and development work, ad hoc studies generated by the Laboratory or as a result of CIA ad hoc requirements, or will transmit brief reports or tentative answers to incomplete studies. B. Administrative Reports will be submitted bimonthly and will cover the progress made in the various technical areas and will report fiscal, security and other agreed upon items. VII. Personnel Security The Central Intelligence Agency will be responsible fpr processing and granting as appropriate, required intelligence clearances for project personnel, both regular and ad hoc. The number of people to be cleared and the clearance levels required will be established by the Agency in coordination with the project manager. Nominees for positions established for the project, regular or ad hoc, will be subject to preliminary security screening criteria by the Agency. The assignment of individuals to the project on a regular or ad hoc basis will be dependent upon final security approval by the Agency. Clearances of all project personnel for access to Restricted Data is required. The Agency agrees not-to permit any individual to have access to Restricted Data until the individual is authorized access to Restricted Data in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. The Commission will limit access to intelligence data by Commission employees and Commission contractor employees to those authorized such access by CIA.., VIII. Administration It is recognized that appropriate arrangements will have to be made for such matters as GAO audits of the project, and safety inspections of the work areas utilized by the Laboratory. Approved For Release 2004/02/24: CIA-RDP69B00596R000100180018-8 Approved For Rely 2004/02/ EGDP691300596R000100180018-8 B. With respect to administration of this arrangement, the point of contact in the Central Intelligence Agency is the Deputy Director, Science and Technology, and in the Atomic Energy Commission the Assistant General Manager for Administration. ~ , r~aborri 1u: V Director Tenn T. Seaborg, Chairman Central Intelligence Agency Atomic Energy Commission 3 AU G 1965 En'f ' Approved For Release 2004/02/24: CIA-RDP69B00596R000100180018-8 Appr Appr 1001800, 8-8 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET FORM 10. 237 Use previous editions (40) U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1961 0-587262 __ _ E L R UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 DD/S&T 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : Copy #2 of agreement is returned herewith for your information and for your disposition to AEC as indicated in the ltr frm Seaborg/AE (Copy attached) Copy #1 of agreement retain in ER for DCI files. Lori/ER FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE L 25X1