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July 17, 1964
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C Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R0004001600 Executive Registx~j 'i,..\'.H:NGTON I~'/~/_ PRESIDENT'S FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY ROART) ~~aly 17, 1954 Dear John: I appreciate very much receiving your letters of June 15 and July 9, 1964 concerning the Board's requests for your submission of annual reports on the coordination of the U. S. foreign intell.igf?nce effort, and on the intelligence activities and covert operations of the Central Intelligence Agency, It is particularly gratifying to have your judgment that the information sought by the Board in these reports will prove helpful to the President and to the Board. Your letters touched on some questions pertaining to the annual reporting procedure which I am happy t;n clarify r. You also suggest that your annual report concerning coordination of the U. S. foreign intelligence effort be submitted on December 15 instead of October 1 for the reason indicated, and the Board of course desires to adjust to your needs as to the timing of your report. I wish to point out, however, that the annual reporting procedure does not contemplate, as suggeste,l in your Jul,,- 9 letter, the 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160022-9 r-j r- Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160022-9 intervening step of your equating the State-Defense-CI'~ reports. Further, the Information specified by the Board for inclusion in the annual reports was not intended is a n11 atitute for survellis conducted by the Director ! Central 111tellicrence for purhenec, of lends r cr)ord .nat ic?~ and uidance to the over-all i'orelrn it te1li_aence 'f.>t;. T e outline and scope of the annual renor`c> renvested by the Board aro-2 designed primarily to elicit, directly from officiai._y and agencies concerned, the kind of information required by the Board to carry out its assigned 2esronsibil.ity for making L.dependerit assessments and recorunencaticns to the President concerning the objectives and conductk; of S. foreign intelligence and related activities. c,periertce has demonstrated the advisability of utilizing the annual reports as direct channels of information to the Board from the responsible agencies, In order that the Board may be in a position to arrive at objective appraisals of subject matters reviewed on behalf of the President. Ar,cordingly, if you find it possible to forward your annual report on coordination of the intelligence effort on October 1_. this will provide the Board a useful opportunity to review it in conjunction with the rennorts submitted by State, Defense and CIA at that time. The Board appreciates the high degree of sensitivity attaching to the several reports which will be forthcoming from you and from the Secretaries of State and Defense. In keeping with the President's Executive Order these reports, like all other classified data received by the Board, will be afforded requisite security protection. The annual reports will not be circulated outside the Board, I am available at any time, as is htr. Coyne, to discuss these reporting matters or any other intelligence-related subjects concerning which we may be ielpful to you. Sincerely yours, Clark 14 Clif`'nrd . 1.. jai- .n Mr. John A. McCone Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D. C. Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160022-9, , _. .d Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160022-9 ;64 s rar Clarks : the msttexst which I hra } lotr_tded to n;.-Icus@ with you at # ch today, these &,re cwo c ,, disie ifnPurt, nce. Therefore, i -^-I tai:irm the Hberty cd srritin- you eoncsrnin-g rbe% -, You aasre reattaetinq % vary Coz%~pre?mmsive report on the ; trml xatatlfr~Ance rry~as aer*fvitLeas to be eu,"'mit*ed by * er list, this r &"--"t you ask, ftMang other thin s, for f"'urt3ts:a ~?cnrnin s~v~ a>rAF..~.'xt:j 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160022-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160022-9 Point is 19r rstj*,,s.e3t for a rr a"rt on c U..:'? L '~ i ~ A}~~4OM/~ i.f4o 't, r c?r"zr'. an :._'Ctcber lit, 1 }'f?M~ this :'.?" 'S'ny'aT'a ;,5e mare WId iPv f?f'i more +ray Mime"ul .1 ww1??3 u:x' 7 4."0 + r-1:00 0I ,"+ .wy,r 7+r.,~p R M'QI ~r ne'Pwer I ha [R Ia cs 3 e t t! rC!.A rr .rri with thu#v _?tt . ar'l ~-;~$ ~ :may ;~ ~o~ ~*~~s-~^~a *~, .~.._ t. ._ !~ r Y ~ 'f ejt:b nos ~FtiI - V'7111.1 be fin : ed by "--Ur W `t'm. 0 '3:'."Cr !g? 141 ? ,.M.'- `hit 17-.y : t ort r;n x 3 k,~~~ t*!3cs..! J p,rcv d in draft form, e!OflO~'a h1, t'jark ?l, # 2f*~ . 4~3 ky ?T ~Ys~ etiy.~li # Qi2t"3 'r1? i!+!f fn* u **AcQ t4vitsoty lJo r I&M .SAM/r b Orig - handcasried to addresses 7/I3/64 .cc - DCI IIIA B fUs ice - DCI chrano 1cc + Exec. Dir. leec o DDCI Icc .,- ER Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160022-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160022-9 ^-i i_`3K:drn-_ ( 12 June 19b4) )istribi*ion: Original and 1 - Adc?rests!ti,.l 1 - I-)( ".L 1 - fz 1 - i'YP.ir (YJ~'?_?B file) {4~u f _--xt. Clark V. ford; Ch naan ideYa3'a c roi%n ft teili~ uce fl, sory 3a;rd -.,c 'IAVO siflee (Building Clarks Qvil 19,64 letter will acknowledge your ca--zarnurdcaticrs cif we Cth tcrr annual re its en the "intetlivence and relates' Activi.tr.eg c ntra?1 Int=lli' epee Age?i cy ' and :r3 the "coordtsa.R. t?. i of the !11..3. ~'717'31:i "`?-^l t"ence eff rt. " I ttrz Prat led that t`tci .card has ra :heater'. va req:mts ae I believe through them the Board tan a Y-aore ?_ -:,cam-,h tit-ierstaud ng of these aroaa of activities v.fthtn the is_telli?encaa them Is axow Pocue:-kcasi by the Boat-d. `,?so I t2aztei to MUM it lip any o?sW t tat the .oar is a t. ,t rt-Iles of t:,_,3 i.nte'71- ^ce community activities :rave placed it in a position of beer r- . erv .t el r erect. I believe the rez oita, which ? dot b y you %t?.xrid r_-tea :e av .it .le to the 'residexit and his lru:r.ed ate staff tot"ether ?.~ tb .root Lo;Art1' I *-