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Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67B00944R0001000500642 INVESTIGATION OF THE DETERMINANTS OF THE MODULUS OF RUPTURE OF FUSEDSILICA ATINTL Contributors to tLi:: work: PART I '17obruary I, 1961 Documer.t 301 rtOe- -140g PY 1 OF STATI NTL Nk.r.:ber of Pi.s proved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67B00944R000100050001-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 - - I. INTRODUCTION Te roolrt re ,:err a SUI-r1Z-.17y that r;ceh Jo t date on the proram pro r,!-: in prore':;s to determine the offoeto " method, and surface gunlity on the modulus of rupture c Case,:! silica. The motivation for such a study as well the overall objectives are discussed in detail in the document titled "A Proposed Program Eor Investi- gating the Determinants of Modulus of Rupture of Fused Silica", July 1960. Figure No. 1 presents in pictorial form the overall procedural flow. This report concerns itself with the results of breaking the group labeled "Set. e. PROCEDURES A. Grinding and Polishing Sixty fused silica disks, 4" in diameter and 1/4" thick, were numbered for identific,a,tion and cloth polished on one surface. They were then cemented to blocks in groups of six ahd-thc, other surface ground and polished in a conventional manner using the following abrasives,: Blahhz'.rd - 150 grit diamond (100 micron particle) line irfrid - 2F aluminum c7,ide (.30 micron particle) flee cind - 3i' aluminkrm (20 micron particle) line rind - Kll aluminum oxide (1:4 micron particle) Fine rind - KO aluminum oxide (12 mir.n particle) PolHh Baruesi:_e The abrasive ,equence was detevmined fr.,r1 the fine .(?rind dad polish schedule followed on other fused silica structural pieces made recently. The overall grinding procedure was uncontrolled in the sense that the amount of material to be removed with cLen abrasive was left entiriily to the discretion of the operator. Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67B00944R000100050001-2 ii Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 - 1 - A history of ;Thrive c, .1ater rcmove;,1 i;; cc operation, tL:c of reowl, wa: kmL Lr eL.c. ample. All fine grindirve, and polihirw wLs done by 1.:x. ame (Ttician on t machine to remove the poscibi lityof operator ski 11 or machine c;arac- teristics as an influence on resultant strength. B. Inspection and Classification Upon completion of the polishing operation, the samples were. cleaned and sent to Quality Control for' inspection. The surface area of interest was found to be free from inspectable defects -in almost all cases. ? Controlled surface scratches, therefore, were purposely .introduced to approximately. 2/3 of the sample pieces, selected at --_,random, and the samples were returned for further inspection. All samples were inspected a minimum of two times by each of two inspectors making a total of four inspections. Samples whose final classification was still in doubt were inspected aim by each of the inspectors for a total of six inspections. Each sample was then placed in one of three groups according to its surface qurility within the surface area of interest, The groups are defined as tdlows: Crou,) Sccntch 0-60 60-100 100-160 Scratch specic.ications described in U. S. Government Specifiation MIL-0-13830 are defined by an arbitrary master at Frankford Arsenal, Pennsylvania and refer to the appearance of all defects which are of a long nature. Duplicates of this master are used for visual side by side comparison with the optical element being tested under the light from a standard 40 watt incandescent lamp. Approved For Release 2002/07/30 CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 , , Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 - 3 -- In C7,1- ;)Crr. in doubt hec:IL 'he variation in Q. C. (:.1:tIch d.5lL;natiuns, was placed in t,:e roup f6hr which it by vir'fie of Lle controlled scratch :,reviously introduce.:. C. Test Equipment Figure 2 is a photograph of the equipment used for breaking the test pieces. Load is applied to the sample by the extension of the spring attached to the end of the lever. arm. Loading rate can be _adjusted to any desired value by varying the voltage to the drive -1flotor. Motor speed is indicated .by a tachometer mounted on the MOEOC shaft, and may be kept constant as load increases by fine adjustment of, motor voltage. Load measurement is accomplished by means of an Emery hydraulic load cell which transmits a pressure signal to a Honewell pressure transducer. The crLnsducer in turn cnverth this to an electrical signal which 1:;-1 to a pen recorder. Thus a permanent record is made of load verms time f,11: each sample. CLlibr[tion of load cell-tr;:nisducr asnembly was hy moan:; of applicaz:i,-n of km.;1,-r) loads mer..2;urc2 Morehour.e. ria. Accur! was found to he 27. in the test load range. III. ANALYSIS A. Breaking Stren .1,ure 3 is a photograph of a test sample being broken between the upper and ic:;er rings of the test apparatus. loads the sample as foll)ws: The apparatus a = 1.75" r, b = 0.625" 2.09" A Reledse 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP6713044R000100050001-2 = Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 - 4 - Within the concentric area of radius' r , radial an,_1 tangential stresses are e,;n,il is magnitude, and 1-.1y be expressed by the cquation: = 1 where K and KI are coefficients based on material properties (Poisson's ratio, modulus of elasticity) and test apparatus dimensions (a and r0). W is total load (lb.). For the tests under discussion, K= .0.77 and K 2 0.32, the equation may be reduced to: .700W Q-r The. double ring test is used, rather than the conventional knife- edge method with rectangular samples, because the -former produces maximum stresses of equal magnitude throughout the concentric area of radius ro' while leaving the edges relatively stress free. The use of the knife-edge method would have resulted in large stresses at the edges of each sample and necessitated the grinding and polish- ing of the edges of the test samples F:0 the same igtec of perfoction as the center. Moreover, stress at reratch would be depenTh:lt on exact ::7cratc I :a,:ion and orient.tin. In the double ring t:st, however, so the .::-Itatch is wit the concentric nr,m radius the reult:Int stress at t(,e craten is independent of scratch boor tunor ,,rientation. B. Long Time Stress Figure 4 is a representative curve for the breaking stress of 2 glass at room temperature as 'a function of time duration. Shand 1 Roark, "Formulas for Stress and Strain", McGraw-Hill, 1954, Pg. 194 2 Shand, "Fracture Velocity of claBs in Fatigue Rane" J. Am Cer. Soc. -ary roved For Rerease 2002/0700 : CIX-RDP67`500944R000 , Janu100050001-2" I.':: Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 - 5 - state:: that Fur a particular lart7pe,4he L ross concentr,atiDn factor at Lie crack rip varies the one-haif power of toe cracl, depth. he further states that wiri she same initial crack tip stress, the time duration fc)r fracture (stress durtin) will vary directly with the initial depth of the crack. Thus: where al and a2 = initial crack depths In and 0-2 =. nominal appliedtensile stresses t1 and t2 = time durations to fracture, or stress duration. - Therefore, by selecting any point (q-L, t1) on the stress-time curve, Cr 'and any other point (q7"2, t2.) such that a line drawn through these two points will represent the locus of equal values of crack tip stress for different magnitudes of initial crnck depth. Line A-B on Figure 4 is such a line. Thus, by shifting the representative curve along line A-B so that it passes through the test point of interest, this single curve may be made applicable to samples having any initial crack depth. The eff,:ctive load duration was taken as that required for tne final 107 ircrehse before fracture. This relationship is based on 3 actual computations by Shand from tests conducted by him. IV. TABULATION OF TEST RESULTS Table 1 is a tabulation of surface quality inspection results for the test sample::. The last column indicates the group in which the sample 3 Shand: Verbal communication, June 1960 ? Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 Approved For Release 2002/07430 :-CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 was placed 1..,111S It he t. t in almost:core scrat:Th pre?-67,r, ther7_ Ibte variation betlen te vicious Q.C. C1i i ctior1 for illustrating the Lled for a more consistent =Iner of establiching surface quality. Table 2 is a tabulation of breaking stress for the test samples arranged by groups. Column 1 shows the actual breaking stress. column 2 indicates the time in seconds. for the load to rise from zero to the break- ing load. Column 3 shows the calculated long time stress-. ' DISCUSSION OF DATA . Significance of Results 4 An analysis of variance performed on the breaking stress data resulted in the conclusion that there was no significant difference between the results of group II and group III. .There was, however, definite significance between the ce.dts of group I and each of the other groups, ond between group I and the .::omposite of groups II and III, Groups It and III., therefore, are treated as a combined sample hence- forth in this report. B. Breaking Stret. 'igure 5 is a chart of m_,,h11;:s of rnl.ture versus Eceuency of occurrence for the test groups. The data for these distributions are uhimodc11 with averages of 8600 psi for Group I and 7040 psi for Groups II and III and a range of values on either side of the averages of 2000 psi for Group 1 and 3000 psi for Groups II and III. The distributions were tested to determine their fit with the normal distribution. The plot of the 4 Waugh, A.E., "Elements of Statistical Variance", McGraw-Hill, 1943; P236-252 Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 - 7 - data on prob?Ibility paper a-cpeared Lo bc4repre[entative r.t. a nrsrmal distribution. Therefore, roe normai H_striuti,.'n parametric pt-- diction techniciues were used to determine the lower modules of rupture values. C. Long Time Stress Figure 6 shows the frequency of occurrence of calculated long time stress. Introductions of time as a parameter in the calculations of the long time stress has tended to weight the, values. When plotted on probability. paper, the data appears to be normally distributed, Croup I shows a mean value. of 3000 psi while the mean for the composite of groupsII and III is. 2250 psi. Lower Limit Stress Valdes We may compute lower limit stress values with varying degrees of reliability according to the formula LV = tS where LV = lower limit stress value, psi _ X - sample mean stress, psi = a device for computing the lower limit S :tandard deviation 5 Valuer of t were obtained from tables prepared by Lieberman for various reliabilities and percentages of the distribution below the lower limit value. Reliability is the assurance afforded by the formula that the lower limit value computed will be exceeded that percentage of the time. The t values are shown in Table 3 and the lower limit values for breaking stress and long time stress are shown in Tables 4 and 5 respectively. The datizof the tables 5G. J. Lieberman, ,"Tables for One-Sided Statistical Tolerance Limits", Ind. Qual. Control, April 1958 Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 are pr, lnted i,1:1!;hcal for, fa 1,'fires* 7 nnd 8. i oth the lower It j tfl for he strf:s aie shvon L col iv.a:L!7,on. L'ith the similar values to the long time strss. or cxanr,le, there. is 951 assurance that a valut. or. 1.8.C) psi or 1L-cn cause rwture 1/, of the time in quart with a 60 scratch or less. This is equivalent to a 1225 psi long time stress. In quartz with greater than a 60 scratch, the breaking stress is 3370 psi and Crle long time stress psi for the same reliability and percent of the distribution below the _lower limit. SUMMARY YthemodUluS of rupture for quartz ground and polish,id according to , dtur.present technique was colaputed for .samples of different surface. quality. The effect of fatigue on the 1.odu1us of re:,ture calculated. It was ? found that the data fro l: sanples haviri a surface quality equal to or better than a 60 scratch f:as si;:,ntficantly dIfforent from those with a surface quality of 30 scratch or wore. With 99% rel Lability fouud tnat only once In a hue(1red timcs could yr. CNT,i2.CC fai:ule Ln LI, c,u,,rtz to OCCUT be Low 4650 p;)l. lt its sur- .faCe qua) Lty was !)L!"..1..el a ',() Cl low 2 quality was all z1fect of fnti n?f in to reduce these v,)lw's to 30 psi :d ,si rc!:41occively. noted L%ain thas :f3i:s,?. are ,,alcallt,,d f)alue:i, dad :_ftr_tto Hit-ICI: of - fatigue on 7770(Inlu:; Of ruptL7A-L Jot eea deco.tnLoQd expori:lent3Lly thus far in this :,roo_am. Future plans call foi7 d testin,; of another set of. 5amples, this time ground and poli3hcd accoidin4f, to controlled procedures designed to minimize residual crack3 rmaiaing beneath the surface of the quartz as a r. suit 4i411KabSPOr fszeielEe . : CIA-KUP67E300944R000100050001-2 tlw elfest_ of fatigue on the modulus In Approved For Release 2002/07/30 :,CIA-RDP67B00944R000100050001-2 I y the Jon Lf L. - Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67B00944R000100050001-2 - ' START 20 SAMPLES SET A 60 SAMPLES gd.rmassmal Approved For Released:2002/07/30 : CIA-ROP67800944R P01 ISHING SAMPLES POLISHED IN CONVENTIONAL MANNER GRINDING SAMPLES GROUND IN CONVENTIONAL MANNER ? SELECTION 20 SAMPLES CHOSEN TO FITTED INTO EACH OF 3 SURFACE GROUPS 400060001-2 - QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES CLASSFIED INTO 3 SURFAcE GROUPS BE FITTING SAMPLES FITTED INTO APPROPRIATE GROUPS BY SCRATCHING OR POLISHING 000nfl 0 0 SAMPLES GROUND ACCORDING TO CON- TROLLED PROCEDURES SET 60 SAMPLES 0 0 00 C ? 0 00 000 ? BREAKING LOAD troe?kull , L T PWRI I SUPPL T, PRESS VOLT XDCR 000 LOAD CELL 120 SAMPLES PEN ANALYSI I. SIATISTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MODUL( OF RUPTURE FOR FUSED SILICA. 2 EFFECT OF CONTROLLED \iS CONVE TIONAL GRINDING PROCEDURES 3. DEPENDENCE OF MODULUS OF PUPIL ON SURFACE SCRATCHES & DIGS 4 ESTABLISHMENT OF CONSISTANT SUR FACE CODE 5 REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES OF EACH QUALITY GROUP STORED AS STAN- DA RDS. Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 111,1i 1111$f 1111111:ii l"'-1 41'6.11110N ? 111 :111 11111'1111rimr' ii 1111!:: 111111 111 H1:1 4111111111 11111111 i modirom i[11111 1 I hiloohowasmihdi h Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 Ilk 1miEN IN: 1111'11111 ' ' 111111H, 11 11111 11 1 11 11, ' I fip 1J11.111.1.111),11411111,:.1,:.... Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 Available ? Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 Approved For Release72002/0-7/311: GIA-RDR67B00944R000100050001-2-, 1? E E vE.Lc (Tv4 f CsAN -\hrs4 , ? ITAr. %) ;.1 2 Approved For Release 2002/07A]gCliek-RDP67B00944R000100050001-2 SUMMARY OF SURFACE QUALITY INSPECTION RESULTS DATE 10/3/60 10/5/60 10/13/60 10/14/60 10/18/60 10/18/60 INSPECTOR' A B A B A B PIECE NO. GROUP , 1 160 100 100 100 80 80 It 0 0 0 0 0 80 80 80 100 II III III III It II II III III III II II 13 100 100 160 120 160 120 14 80 100 100 100 15 80 100 100 160 160 160 16 160 120 100 100 160 160 17/ 80 100 80 100 18 100 100 80 100 19 80 100 100 100 20 80 160 100 120 ? 160 140 21' 160 100 120 120 160 160 22 100 120 100 100 23 80 120 80 80 80 80 24 80 80 80 80 0 0 DATE INSPECTOR, PIECE NO. ID/3/60 Foil-1'4%e 2069/0109 CIAA110094414(CIP0500CIP-91/60 GROUP 27 28 29 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 60 40 60 0 0 0 0 32 ' 60 100 80 80 . 120 80 40 160 120 120 120 41 80 100 80 100 42 160 160 80 120 160 160 43 160 80 80 120 120 120 44 160 120 160 160 45 80 100 80 100 46 160 100 160 80 80 80 47 80 80 100 80 48 80 100 80 80 49 80 100 100 160 160 120 50 100 80 80 80 51 0 0 0 0 52 60 120 80 100 80 80 53 80 100 160 160 100 120 Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67B00944R000100050001-2 III II III II III II II III Ii II III DATE INSPECTDR PIECE NO. 10/3/60 10/5/60 10/13L60 10/1410 1.9./18/60 .110/18/60 ApRroved Forlliease 2002/0p30 : CIA-RuP?/B00944K009;100050001-2 B 54 80 100 100 55 30 120 80 56 0 0 0 57 80 120 160 58 80 160 160 GROUP ?100 II 120 100 100 40 0I 160 160 160 120 160 160 160 160 140 II III III III GROUP I Tiece Breaking Time, Long Tine Number Stress, PSI Sec Stress, PSI Fititii4 Approved For Release 2002/07/3314.6CFA-RDP 2 7050 3 . 8500 -11150 8625 8900 7700 8000 9650 8675 9900 8650 9100 8425 7750 9200 '8850, 7300 8075 10150 6900 8125 11 -25 26 27 28 qo . 33 - ,34, 36 -51 . 56 8 8600 1047 21 26.5 28.6 38.1 28.6 20.5 24.0 29.2 32.9 29.4 34.8 29.5 30.4 24.1 23.8 28.7 27.7 22.3 27.0 29.3 26.0 30.4 2250 2900 4500 3000 2900 2500 2650 3500 3000 3800 3000 3300 2800 2500 3300 3100 2300 2750 3800 2250 2800 3000 - 543 21 Appro Summary of Modulus of Rupture' Cilculaticas- GROUP Ii Piece - Breaking Time Number Stress, PSI Seb 1 6600 9 8125 10 8425 12 7650 14 8040 17 7200 18 5675 19 6850 23 8850 24 32 5125 13.2 37 9450 31.4 39 5950 19.6 41 7875 23.8 45 6375 18.9 47 5750 17.8 48 6175 18.9 50 7325 25.8 52 10125 32.5 54 7075 18.8 55 6275 19.4 46 6225 19.4 -- 'GROUP III 'Piece "Breaking Time, Number 'Stress, PSI Sec 23.6 2000 30.5 2800 31.0 .285O..' 24.3 2500 26.4 2750 25.8 2400 18.6 1600 21.4 2150 23.4 3050 7200 1263 21 R =. Mean S Standard Deviation N = Semple Size 1450' 3300 1700 2650 1900":, 1650 - 1800--; 2450.. 3800 2150' - 18507, 1825 '6875 7100 6950 ? :7950 6150 7200 7850 .7125 7550 4250 8850 5050 8100 7375 3400 5325 -6830 1180 16 GROUP II AND III Breakit* Stress. PSI '68310 S 1233 N. 37 d For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67B00944Rd00100050001-2 23.2 ? 22.3 17.6 26.4 21.6 22.6 24.8 22.9 23.0 12.7 26.4 16.2 31.5 29.5 19.9 14.7 Long Time Stress, PSI 2200 2350 2100 2650 1800 2350 2600 2300 2450 1050 3100 1375 ????IM, 2950 2450 1500 1400 2160 572 16 COXPOSITE Long Time Stress, PSI 0 562 37 Approved For RelezteAct2/0y30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 A c 0 NI R ?.)F t\ A L E ATA F.. Is; s (fj vs. F REaLiENc'Y,O cc.ucSu,KFAc.7 r.:p,) EL, E- MEAN `" 8 600 9f)% Amfi_E- = 21 040 , . . e SO 60. 70 F30 0 100 110 110 6 RE7\K kr,4 .sTR Psi xlco ;-11";:-.1 E -a- 6O-0D Ta: I - 60 mErat-I 704-0 SAmt - 37 I _ 70 80 ")0 ? 100 HO? 140 eREfro6i,14rcLs1 pS I 100 29021.07/30 : clpk-RDP671300,044 Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 LC_ PC't t.) L r?1 (-!; T 1\ E FcKTL ?R sT, (1.` F3 F U E D vs. Fc o cccjk 1 14 GIROUP SURFACE scRA,Tct-AE.s : 0-GO MEAN t: 3000 V=5% SAMPLE 5?ZE 21 : . j 14 12, 10 lo 2.o 30 40 go L- ON 6) 1-1 E .ST E55, P:31 xtoo GROUP IL 16 C.ONVPOSITE suRAcE 10 60 SC:RA-re-NE.5 : 60- I oo 1:11- I00-t60 ME.-AN 2.2-50 5ApAci,E 'SIZE 37 ?.? 2.0 30 4-0 so LoN61 TIME ST1FCoo GO Approved For Release 2002/07/30 CIA-RDP671300944R000100050001 , Approved For Relag-bib:N:12/07SO : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 "TOL.q-RANCE Fi-\c7C't voc VLUS CE crt; ?gS' LI AS1 LITYI sIS Pc. ?C -.. 6 A r ?0- G SIZE ----- 2t , T) sh,t,,,,LJ tc,%-z,i- = 37 (,?:-.:,...1. ': ?111.) \ t) 5 1 O. 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S /o- f - `1/0 1 0.1 0, -- i i _ f__...__1._?.j?__.__ 90 9 '5 RE v_ \ A \ .'_. IT Y, 9.., - FAElisor< \NG 51--c:rY -rime ?f51--E;;,.s It11/30,`;. PP67B00944 -.? Approved For Release 2002i07/30 : CIA-RDP67600944R000100050001-2 F 7: 8 :==tiRV F L o E L C -- - -?- _ 5 E _c)o 1,4 -- - TiME --` TI Approved For Release 2002/07/30 : CIA-RDP671300944R000100050001i2--J I)