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Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-0005~ROd~~100n'70010-3 MEMORANDUh1 FOR: Deputy D~irector? for Administration STAT FROM: SUBJECT: Reorganization of the Compor~erits Under the Assistant for Information 1. This memorandum contains options far a reorganization of the components under the superJision of the Assistant for Information into an independent staff pursuant to your request. The new staff would be named the Information Services Staff (ISS) with the Assistant for Information (AI) as its chief. The AI would continue to perforrrf his present staff functions along with his duties as Chief, ISS. Ti~is rnerrro- randum also recommends that a new Career Sub-Group be established to administer the career needs of staff personnel. 2. The organization and mission and Functions of the Hera staff are shown in Tab A. It incorporates the positions presently in the Information Systems Analysis Staff, the Information and Privacy Staff, and the Office of the Assistant for Information. 3. We have developed three staffing options. Under Options I and II at Tabs B and C, the staff would function within the current manpower ceiling. Under Option III at Tab D, the number of staff positions is enhanced. 4. Tab E presents a brief discussion of thc? need for a career service for records officers. Tab F identifies unresolved issues that will require your attention. 5. Your approval of one of the three propgsed Staffing options is requested. ~/ STAT APPROVED: OPTION I ( ) OPTION II ( ) Don I. Vlortman `. Deputy Director for Administration OPTION III ( ) Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 ?: ?~ ~ Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-00058R00020007001~~3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 ?. JtRECTORATE OF ADMINlSTRAT(ON DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR ADMIM1ISTRATION INfQiiMAT~QN $ERVIC;E$ $1Afc ::~.,n .~ ?,~~: ''~`~~'~,Approved For 1~?L ::i ?t. .. .. ~f.Y..; t Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 INFORMATION SERVICES STAFF CHIEF DEPUTY CHIEF CLASSIFICATION REVIE;~J DIVISIOi, INTELLIGEi~CE BRAi~CH REGULATIONS COi~TROL DIVISIOi`; FOIA AilD PRIVACY 3RANCH CONTROL BRANCH PROCESSi;u BRANCH SCIENCE ANO TECHNOLOG`! ? BRAi~CH ----OPFRATIOi~S BRANCH A0~ 1 i f~l I STRAT I OilApproved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 INFORi?1ATION AND PRIVACY CIViSION RECURUS i?;A~??.~~i?;ci~~ DiViSiOi~! ~3RA~~C~-! iil. ORi'AT iv.! T. ~~tif ~ nr`I ? ~Cnr, ~u nnr~~r , p!~~r~1i~t, fC- /~'l1R'riil Y~C.7 liiiu R=CORDS SY?ST r r'? ' _.,OnLS _ ~ .~ ., Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 INFORP1ATIO~J SERVICES STAFF MISSIOPJ AND FUNCTIONS CHIEF, ,INFORMATION SERVICES STAFF The Chief, Information Services Staff is responsible for planning and managing Agency records management .programs, coordinating and responding to public requests under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, implementing Executive Order 12065 concerning national security classification and declassification of Agency records and other information, and maintaining the Agency regulatory system. In addition to his other duties, Chief, Information Services Staff also serves as Head of the h1I Career Sub-Group, Acting Executive- Officer, pDA in the absence of the Executive Officer, the DOA representative to the Public Affairs Advisory Group and the Publications P,eview Board, the Executive Secretary of the Information P,eview Committee (IRC), Chairrrran of the IRC 6Jorking Group, and DCI representative on the~Inter-Agency Information Review Committee of the Infor;nation Security Oversight Office. The Chief, Information Services Staff is assisted by a Deputy Chief and a small support staff. RECORDS PIANAGEMENT DIVISIOtd The Records t~lanagement Division. through its components direct s the Agency Records tvianagement Program. Tl~e Agency Records Management Program provides for effective controls over the creation, maintenance and use, and disposition of all Agency records; develops and encourages the application of standards, procedures, and techniques designed to improve the management of records; ensures the maintenance and security of records of permanent value; and facilitates the segregation and disposal of records of temporary value. The Division is also responsible for the Agency Classification Program as required by E.O. 12065. The chief of the division serves as the DDA Records management Officer. The Records Systems Branch provides guidance and assistance to Agency components on records creation, records maintenance and use, and records disposition; performs periodic inspections of Agency records management practices and procedures; and develops and maintains an Agency records management training program. The Information Technolog Branch provides assistance to the division and staff on the application of information technology to the solution of records management problems, and performs. systems analysis in the. field of office automation with emphasis on records systems. Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 The Archives and Records Center Branch provides for the storage, maintenance, and use of inactive records and their ultimate destruction or physical transfer to the National Archives. INFORMATION AND PRIVACY DIVISION The Information and Privacy Division receives and processes all requests submitted to. the Agency under the :Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts and the mandatory classification review provisions of Executive Order 12065. The division reviews the requests to determine if sufficient information has been provided to initiate a records search; acknowledges receipt .of requests within statutory time requirements; assigns records search to appropriate Agency components, and. provides guidance to them on the interpretation of requesters' queries and on sanitization and release of materials; prepares responses to requesters with the assistance of components that maintain the requested records; processes appeals on denied requests; conducts .liaison with other Govern- ment agencies regarding the processing of requests; and prepares reports for Congress or other Governmental elements as required by law or Executive order. CLASSIFICATION REVIEW DIVISIOP! The Classification Review Division (CRD) manages the Agency program for systematic classification review under Executive Order 12065. In carrying out this function.CRD establishes declassification guidelines, develops and implements classification review procedures, and prepares classification guides in coordination with,otrrer Agency components and the Agency Security Classification Officer. CRD also maintains liaison with the National Archives and Records Service and other U.S. Government agencies concerning the classification of records over which they or the Agency have classification jurisdiction.' REGULATIONS CONTROL DIVISION The Regulations Control Division directs and monitors the processing, coordination, and publication of Agency regulatory issuances. It is responsible for maintaining editorial standards, ~rorking directly with initiators and coordinators of regulations to resolve substantive differences during coordination, ensuring that time limits imposed by for completing the regulatory process are adhered to, and prepares coordinated proposals for DCI, Deputy Director for Administration, or Deputy Director for Operations approval. 1%lE~ ~3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved .For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 OPTION I STAT Under Option,L~he staff would be established within the current manpower level of u positions. This.. number is based on the 4 August 1978 memorandum from the Deputy Director .for Administration to Chief, Position Management and Compensation Division requesting implementation of the FY-79 0/DDA Staffing Complement, .the. subsequent establishment of ^ positions for the Classification Review Group, and an addition of ^ positions to the original ~ positions requested fcir the Information and. Privacy Staff in the 4 August 1978 memorandum. The staff would be able to provide two positions for its minimal administrative support needs, relying in various degrees. on 0/DDA elements in the areas of budget; finance, training, personnel, and support of the hiI Career Sub-Group. Staff resources under Option I would continue to be spread thin. The lack of a personnel officer would make the administration of a separate .Career Sub-Group more difficult. The problems concerning the backlog in the Information and Privacy Division. are well-documented, and. the current level Opositions reflect the number of employees now on board. Similarly, the Class ification Review Division with its authorized ~ positions will be able to review only a part .(probably no more than 25 percent) of the Agency's permanent records requiring review during the .next ten years under E.O. 12065. The Records Management Division, with ^ positions divided ,among its three branches, will still have insufficient resources to fully meet its Agency records management responsibilities. As stated in the recent draft IG audit report, sufficient resources are lacking to fully implement programs, and the limited resources often must be reallocated to meet pressing requirements. The draft audit report also stated that final success will be contingent upon the availaUility of resources and a positive determination that implementation should have priority. Only the Reyulations Control Division, with positions, appears adequately staffed to meet its obligations under present system for coordinating and publishing regulatory issuances.. Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA=RDP87-000588000200070010-3 I".PACT Of" OPTIOPJ I Under Option I, the Information Seruices. Staff :vould rely nn tFre Office of the DDA for assistance in the areas of budget, finance, training, and Personnel. With respect to personnel , the nave reviewed +rri th the* DC~ Career Management Officer his. role~in supporting the MG Career Sub-Group . as well as the new MI Career Sub-Group to which most of orcr personne'i would. 6e assigned. Ne recommended that the career r+~anay.E~rerrt, f unction ~be the responsi 6i l i ty, of .1 i ne management wi thin ta~rcy new staff.. cte concurred with our proposal to .establish the Pasitior~ cif- Executiues Officer/Career Management Officer: This function ~?tordld ~~rimari~ly be concerned with the assignment of personnel and evaluation panels. The other support provided by the CMO in the areas of personnel, training, and clerical coordination could .continue. This support to two career services, however, most likely would be cumbersome, especially since it includes the preparation of numerous stati5ticai reports and. records. In view of this, the Cty10 felt that relying on such suggart from the 0/DDA would in time become inefficient and unsatisfactory. The DDA Budget Officer has assured us that his staff could con- tinue to provide guidance in preparing the budget and input the neces- sary data intro the Financial Resources Systerrr. His staff could also continue providing the finance officer support the presently receive. Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved 'For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-0005880002000700'10-3 INFORMATION SERVICES STAFF Option I STAT~ CHIEF DEPUTY CHIEF STAFF CLASSIFICATION RE!liE,?r DIVISIONd INFORJ~IATION AND PRIVACY DIVISION REGULATIONS COrJTROL DIVISION r INTELLIGENCE BRANCH f"?~' FOIA ArJD PRIVACY BRANCH BRANCH nnrnnrrn?rr nnn.rnrr SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ~~ CONTROL BRANCH AD~?' I r; I STRATIOiJ Eyed For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 ?otal Personnel: RECORDS ~?tA~lAGEi?IEiIT DPIISIOiJ ' RECORDS SYSTEM. BRA~lCHI I r J FGRr?tAT I 0; l .TECHNOLOGY BP,A;JCN AP,CI?I'lES Af;D ? RECORDS STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 ~t *. ?:-:.:t .-:.w~..-. ~'~,..~.,y.E~:.~ .. r.. ... _~ a tel: i~?~i ~ . -.~ r K ~.*: .......:~..a.n..+w.."..~_n~.-_.:. . ?'Ft~..~ ...._._~_._. .. ... __ ..:.t:._~~. _ .. _~. ..rte[ ...i~3.... a'.s...~..a._~:v::~.L.tC~}..'.~+~..~w~~1~KA+~.~.. a...~.. _~~..~ ...~~.t.a.S.3i ~ ... ~ _ :4S _ 'S+: ~N3 C I Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-00058R000200070010- ~. Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 (Current Staffing. Provide for own personnel and finance support) Under Option II the staff support element would be increased to 0 positions with the addition of a personnel officer and a junior finance officer. This would enable the staff to provide far nwst of its support needs, including the needs of the t~fI Career Sub-Group. The total number of staff positions would remain at 0 but the two additional support positions would have to be taken from the Records Management Division. Such a reduction would put further strain .on the division's ability to carry out its records management program. Since each element of the program if properly conducted with adequate resources would result in direct benefits to the Agency, inadequate resources would result in a direct loss. For example, even at the Option I level the Records Management Division has not been able to devote sufficient resources toward ensuring proper control over records creation or to ensure that Agency records are effectively and economically utilized. Under the reduced staffing level of Option ~I, the entire division effort would be hard pressed to achieve a positive approach to reearcis management rather than simply meeting minimum legal requirements. Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 INFORMATION SERVICES STAFF Option II Total Personnel: ~ CHIEF CLASSIFICATION REVIELJ DIVISION) F---- INTELLIGENCE 3RANCH SCIENCE AND T ECHi`JOLOGY BRAfJCH F----- OPcRATIONS nRAi"NCH FOiA AND PRIVACY BRANCH CONTROL BRANCH PROCESSING BRANCH ~---??--~ADt?iIf;ISTRATIC~i~ DRAirCH Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 INFORf?1ATION AND PRIVACY DIVISION 0 STAT RECORDS f?ifl~;%+G;~i?;~;;. tr . ~~. D rl~i v:i ~~rn~ ~ _._.... R ",,, tt D~ C Y S ~. r,r1,, a 3~^"C nn ~ir~ 3i~/`.:el.~l ,._ ., ~~ ~_ t.. .. t ._ ? J'?'1'~ STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 ? 1 ~l'3 U Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Releasej~~lC~~~~~-0000200070010-3 Option III CLASSIFICATION ~ REVIE4J pIl(iSIOfJ Di INFORF~ATION AND PRIVACY DIVISION INTELLIGENCE BRANCH }-- FOIA AflO PRIVACY BRANCH OPERATIONS BRANCH ~____._ PROCESSING BRANCH BRANCr' SCIEfJCE AND TECHNOLOGY ~---_ CONTROL BRANCH fl AD++'liNiSTRATIO~~! BRANCH Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Total Personnel: RECORDS f?'/1~dAGc~?iLFi. DiVISi(:;i IflFORl1AT ION iECnNQLOGY 6~.A'1Cn ARC'r,VES A~~D ^C~ ~n~ i;~_~vn~S a Tr-~. n ~ ~~r?_ STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 ' Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 T~1~; E Approved For Release 2003/04/29 :CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Agency management has begun to recognize the benefits of a properly conducted information management program. Senior management also is aE~~are of the resources the Agency has expended in FOIA, the information security issues that have been raised, and the cost of applying tech- nology to information handling. Moreover, the 1975 Office of General Counsel legal opinion that the Agency must comply with the Federal codes on records management has created a revolutionary change in Agency policy, procedures, and methods in the life cycle of its records holdings_ Aievertheless, these changes in management concepts have not yet resulted in the provision of adequate human resources dedicated to the success of the information management program. The status of the people who develop information management procedures and carry out information handling activities needs enhancement. They need to see their legitimate career aspirations developing normally, and they need to be given opportunity for training to meet the challenges they face now and in the future. A dedicated separate Career Sub-Group for the entire directorate could ::reate a l ife line between the new program and qualified high caliber personnel whom we need to attract. A separate Career Sub-Group would r~rovide careerists with an opportunity for growth in a profession where their i~erformance is judged in competition with their peers and not with other disciplines. The Sub-Group eventually should include the direc- t~~rate personnel who are inva1ved in the information control functions, espec~ialiy component records management officers and registry personnel. Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 We recommend that the responsibility for-coordinating the acquisition of word processors be transferred to the Office of.Data Processiny. Word processing technology is becoming more computer/data process ing oriented. The Agency's needs will be better served if tjris function is integrated with the management of computers. The existing program consists of one position encumbered by a GS-13. If ODP agrees to take on this-function, we propose to transfer both the position and the incumbent. The following are issues which require senior management attention. ISSUE. 1: Nistory,Staff The history Staff now under the purview of the Assistant for InforRFatian is. not included in the proposed~Information Services Staff. The history function has been the sub'ect of a recent study concerning its future placement and function. are involved. A decision must be made as to its functional. location. ISSUE 2: Word Processing Program ISSUE 3: Space (Would this be a proper issue paper without a plea for space?) The headquarters area components that make up the proposed staff presently are in eight different locations in three buildings. Our minimum requirements follow: Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 ISSUES a. The Office of Chief, Information Services Staff needs. space for. people depending on which option is approved. b. The Chief, Records Mana ement Division and two of its branches need to be colocated ISSUE 4: PMCD View of the Reorganization This issue is to alert management to the possible negative reaction PMCD may have to locating a ".staff" at the office level in an organization chart. Experience tells us that PMCD will ask some very hard questions as to why the staff is at that level, and then why it is not called an "office." Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Option 3 Under Option 3 (enhanced staffing), RMD should be increased by four professional positions. This would enable RMD to assign resources in the areas of Agency .records management that are not being thoroughly carried out. These additional positions would also provide the resources needed to apply to records systems the new technologies .such as "office of the future" that have potential for significant improvement in Agency productivity, and at the same time ensure Agency compliance with legal requirements. Additionally, internal developments such as .the task forces on information security and information handling will require RMD participation in both the study and implementation stages in order effective. The added positions would also provide RMD with needed f]exibility to develop the professional ,capabilities of its per,sonne] through rotation and training without seriously detracting f~m ongoing program responsibilities. In short, :augmenting the RMD staff by four professional positions would enable RMD to accomplish its mission. Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-00058R0002000700~'0-~~`~ ~?~ Option 1 Under Option 1 (present staffing level), RMD would continue to be unable to fully-meet Agency records management requirements. RMD would be hard pressed, as described in the recent IG Audit Report on ISAS, to devote the necessary time fora really productive approach to Agency records management, rather than only meeting minimal legal ,y~~ requirements. For a fully functional Agency Records Management Program, RMD staffing should be augmented (see Option 3). ~tion_ 2 Under Option 2 (give up one slot), RMD would have to further reduce its efforts in managing Agency records systems. Each element of the program can provide direct savings to the Agency, but 1~1r these savings dependp on the time available for RMD to provide guidance and assistance to Agency components in reducing their information handling costs. Even at its present level, the staff has not been able to properly control records creation and ensure that records are effectively and economically used. At a ~._ 1o vu of u c-~~ vt L~:F.Go'v"f" vv~ reduced staffing level,~the Agency Records Management Program would have to be further cut back - in order to tvh~.n ww~ 7 ensure^compliance with basic-legal requirements. Approved For, Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP87-000588000200070010-3