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Approved For ReIse 2003/6EC:R&TRDP84-00933R0QQ400 A Registry 12 NOV 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Data Processing I I Executive Officer to the DDA SUBJECT: FY 1983 Congressional Budget Justification Book REFERENCE: Memo dtd 3 Nov 81 to Office Directors from EO/DDA; Subject: Revised 1983 Ranking 1. The attached memorandum from the Comptroller issues guidance regarding the submission of the 1983 Congressional Budget. 0 2. As stated in the memorandum, we have not received ''hit figures.'' We have, nevertheless, been instructed to adjusted figures outlined in reference proceed with I I memorandum. 3. To assist you in the preparation of your decision unit material, attached are copies of last year's submission applicable to your respective decision units. 4. Please submit five copies to the DDA Management Staff: b. Supporting photographs or other illustrations with captions tion of FY 1983/FY 1982 changes and resource exhibits 25X1 25X1 5X1 Approved For Release 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400100016-2 Approved For Ruse 2003/11/05: CIA-RDP84-00933RQJ400100016-2 6 November 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration Director, Natioftal Foreign Assessment Center Deputy Director for Operations Deputy Director for Science and Technology Administrative Officer, DCI FROM Maurice Lipton Comptroller SUBJECT FY 1983 Congressional Budget Justification Book REFERENCE . FY 1983 Program.-Budget Call (December 1980) 1. The 1983 Congressional Budget Justification Book (CBJB) will be essentially like last year's, except for the addition of a targeted budget section which will be derived by my office from the 2 November submission. Most of the guidance contained in the Call we published last December still applies. See pages 19-22 and pages 54-57, December 1980, Program-Budget Call.) 2. Because of stringent deadlines, we must request material from the directorates before we have a final budget number. When we have an approved 1983 program, we will provide separate financial guidance to allow components to reflect those changes in the Financial Resources System (FRS). However, you should begin to prepare your submission now based on the numbers that are currently in the FRS. We are sending you a revised ranking which reflects changes that were made at our 27 October 1981 review (Attachment D). You will also note that a number of cuts that we agreed on have been put back in the ranking Based on my discussion with the DDCL on 30 October 1981, it appears high y unlikely that we will get any packages thus, your justification statements should be keyed to that level. 3. Those sections of the CBJB requiring your input are noted below. Certain changes that apply are shown in Attachment A. Directorate submis- sions (four copies of each) are due in 0/Comptroller as follows; This document may be downgraded to Secret and taken out of channels when removed from attachments. Annrnvcrl Fnr Rclc sly/11/1 Tip Ft I 25X1 25X1 25X1 ? Approved For RelWse3D03/11/05: C1k ' 4;00933RGQQ400100016-2 20 November o Decision Unit Material -- Activities Description and Justification We suggest you include accomplishments through the date of your submission, being careful not to repeat any reported in last year's CBJB. o Responses to Congressional Directed Actions (Details on the CDAs are shown in Attachment B.) o Supporting Photographs or Other Illustrations with Captions Because we expect to reduce the number of illustrations, we are asking each directorate to submit approximately 5 to 10 candidates. o Blue Plate Specials This year we are asking each directorate to draft one or two "blue plates." 14 December o Decision Unit Material -- Identification of FY 1983/FY 1982 Changes o Resource Exhibits Most of these are unchanged from the Deeembe Call; exceptions are noted in Attachment A. lul 4. I urge you to take particular care in preparing the Activities Description and Justification for each decision unit. These sections must be well thought out and presented and include solid accomplishments, as form the backbone for the justification of our entire 1983 program. Moreover, as we strive to be more succinct, we need to make every word II 25X1 25X1 ci CPT Approved For Releasg-'F11/0'5' '~CYA`-F'`Cf84-009338000400100016-2 Approved\For ReJ ase 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP84-00933R44W400100016-2 5. You are well aware of the close scrutiny that Congress pays to the CIA budget. The CBJB is read carefully by committee members and particularly by the staffs. It is extremely important that we present 'l reasoned, complete, and defensible justification of our bud get. Maurice Lipton Attachments: A. Changes in Instructions for Preparation of CBJB B. Detail on Congressional Directed Actions C. Position Justification and List of Occupational Code Groupings by Occupational Families D. 27 October 1981 Agency Ranking 25X1 25X1 f'+ r,' rh a Approved For Release 1/0 ;:~ ~A F 84-00933R000400100016-2 Approved For Rase 20 Y3P1"ftb5' y~ A-RDP84-00933ROW400100016-2 Attachment A 6 November 1981 CHANGES TO REQUIREMENTS IN DECEMBER 1980 PROGRAM-BUDGET CALL FOR PREPARATION OF 1983 CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET JUSTIFICATION Portion of December 1980 Call Being Changed C.. Resource 'Exhibits (Page 21. of Call) 7. Su=ary of Mandatory and programmatic Changes . . . C.harige 11. Position Justification by office - Form 632a 20. External Analysis Detail RDT&E and Procurement Profiles Note Attachment C for additional instructions Provide by office rather than by DU Last year, in addition to the RDT&E Detail and Procurement Schedules, we prepared a separate RDT&E/ Procurement annex on all specific projects and programs that had total R&D costs exceeding $5.0 million and/or total investment exceeding $10.0 million. This year we plan to have a separate section of the book that will consist of two parts: (a) The material on specific projects that have life cycle costs that meet the $5 M/$10 M threshold as in last year's annex. Detailed guidance for preparation of this section, including projects to be given special treatment, will be issued separately. (b) Additional tables covering other RDT&E and procurement which will be prepared in the Comptroller's office from information contained in the RDT&E and Procurement Schedules. The instructions for preparing these two schedules remain unchanged. Approved For Release qQ3 ~~~Q5.:_CIA-RDP84-00933R000400100016-2 roh1's- } Approved For R&I ase 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP84-00933ROW400100016-attachment B 1. The complete list of Congressional directed studies for which the CIA is responsible, including the due dates for each is shown below: Committee Study Action Due Compt Due ICS Due Committee 25X1 b. I.?SCI C. N.PSCI. Cover Relationship O/Compt 25 Nov 1 Dec 15 Dec DDO 25 Nov 1 Dec 15 Dec Use DDO 30 Dec 5 Jan w/CBJB 2. The following references are provided for the studies: a. (xESCI Report on 1982 Budget, pp. 75-76) "...the Monitoring of Overseas Direct Employment (MODE) ceilings established for the Central Intelligence Agency should be consistent with the Congressionally approved HUMLNT manpower for overseas operations. Significant efforts should also be made to reduce the length of time required to approve and implement NODE requirements. Although some improvement has been noted, there is still siderable time lag between the. initial proposal and implementation .IIII 25X1 The Director of Central Intelligence, in conjunction with the Department of State and the Office of Management and Budget, is re- quested to study the creation of a NODE manpower reserve of at least 100 positions to provide flexibility for unforeseen contingencies and to permit.a quick response capability for critical or emergency situations. This study, with recommendations, should be provided the Committee December 15, 1981." 0 25X1 b. (:PSCI Report on 1982 Budget, pp. 76-77) Approved For Release 2003/11 - 84-00933R000400100016-2 lu:i Approved For Re4ase 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP84-00933ROQ0400100016-2. c. (HPSCI Report on 1982 Budget, p. 75) "The Committee recommends approval for the Human Source Intelligence (HLMINT) augmentation manpower spaces) requested in the amended fiscal year 1932 CIA budget. The Committee intends, however, that the majority of these additional positions authorized for the Directorate of Operations be used to augment or initiate HU1_UNT collection, recruitment, counterintelligence and covert action operations overseas. The CIA is requested to provide the Committee with a report detailing utilization of these additional positions by January 15, 1982." 3. In addition, there are three actions recommended by the SSCI concerning foreign counterintelligence: (SSCI Report on 1932 Budget, p. 49) "The Committee believes that CIA should take certain actions to strengthen its counterintelligence efforts. First, greater emphasis should be placed on the development of a larger core of fulltime career CI professionals within CIA. The Committee recommends, therefore, that the 25 additional positions authorized for CIA counterintelligence in the FY 1982 budget amendment be filled by fulltime career CI officers. Second, an internal CIA panel recently recommended intensified CI assessments of recruited Soviet agents. The Committee believes these recommendations are sound and considers that they should be fully implemented. Third, improvements are. needed in CIA efforts to enhance the security of overseas operations. Therefore, the Committee recommends that steps be taken to ensure that CI station surveys are conducted more frequently, preferably at 3-year intervals, and to provide for more frequeunter-SIGINT and counter-audio surveillance surveys." 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/1140 :kcIA-RDP84-00933R000400100016-2 Approved For ReJoase 2003/11/05: CIA-RDP84-00933R0 4OO1OOO16-2 Attachment C Position Justification -- Full-Time Permanent Employment (Tab A of Program Budget Call, December 1980; Form 632a) As in the past, components must indicate a prospective change in positions for FY 1983 or a significant change in occupational mix by using Form 632a. This year, to help the Office of Personnel in its manpower planning, you should also indicate on Form 632a the "occupational family" for each position change (increase, reduction or change of nix). "Occupational families" are aggregations of related occupations. A listing is attached that keys the occupational families to occupational code groups. Where a change in positions or occupational mix is not programmed, a negative report should be submitted on the Form. Approved For ~ 3Pi 1~d . C -RDP84-OO933ROOO4OO1 00016-2 OCCUP -I MkL CODES BY OCCUPATIONAL FAQ "`' Approved For RaIase 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP84-00933ROW400100016-2 1. POLICY AND DIRECTION GROUP 0000.00-0090.99 2. CAREER AND STUDENT TRAINEE GROUP Career Trainee Series (GS-0090.00-GS-0090.99) Professional Training Series GS-0098.00-GS-0098.99 Student Trainee Series GS-0099.00-GS-0099.99 3. ECONOMICS (INTELLIGENCE AND SOCIAL'SCIENCE) GROUP Social Science Series GS-0101.00-GS-0101.99 Economic Series GS-0110.00-GS.-0110.99 4. INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTION: GENERAL RESOURCES GROUP Intelligence General Subseries GS-0132.00-GS-0132.19 Intelligence Resources Subseries GS-0132.20-GS-0132.29 5. INTELLIGENCE: PROCESSING, REPORTS AND ESTIMATES GROUP Intelligence Processing Subseries GS-0132.30-GS-0132.49' Intelligence Information Reports and Estimates Subseries GS-0132.50-GS-0132.69 6. INTELLIGENCE: OFFICER PROGRAM, MILITARY GROUP Intelligence Officer Program Evaluation Subseries GS-0132.70-GS-0132.79 Military Intelligence Research Series GS-0133.00-GS-0133.99 7. INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS: GENERAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, POLITICAL, FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE GROUP Appro blrf ? `! $#?;1W, w04f~4 # WE .4-tff 3?,Rq 100016-2 . ...-...e.. e V a r ar i A& F 11 a C "1%3 F l ki.. "V 1.a i.ll d9.. ) Approved For Rise 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP84-00933RWO400100016-2 Intelligence Operations General Subseries GS-0136.00-GS-0136.09 Paramilitary Operations Subseries GS-0136.10-GS-0136.29 Foreign Intelligence Operations Subseries GS-0136.50-GS-0136.59 8. OPERATIONS SUPPORT GROUP Operations Support Subseries GS-0136.60-GS-0136.79 9. INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS RESEARCH GROUP Intelligence Operations Research Subseries GS-0136.80-GS-0136.99 Intelligence Operations Research Assistant GS-0303.12 Intelligence Operations Research Clerk GS-0303.13 Intelligence Operations Research Clerk-Typing GS-0303.14 Intelligence Operations Research Clerk-Stenography GS-0303.15 10. GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY GROUP Geography Series GS-0150.00-GS-1500-99 Equal Employment Opportunity Series GS-0160.00-GS-0160.99 History Series GS-0170.00-GS-0170.99 History Clerical and Assistant Series GS-0171.00-GS-0171.99 11. PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION GROUP GS-0200.00-GS-0299.99 12. GENERAL CLERICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP App~g j-s t,e~ease 2003/.11105': CIA=R?P84-0693-3 400100016-2 Approved For Rise 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP84-00933R0O8400100016-2 Miscellaneous Administration and Program Series GS-0301.00-GS-030.1.99 Intelligence Clerk (through GS-06) GS-0303.03 Operations Support Assistant GS-0303.07 Cryptic Reference Clerk (Through GS-6) GS-0303.08 Cryptic Reference Assistant- (GS-07 through GS-09) GS-0303.09 Liaison Assistant GS-0303.10 Staff Assistant GS-0303.11 Clerk-typing GS-0303.16 Clerk GS-0303.17 Intelligence Assistant (GS-07 through GS-09) GS-0303.18 Intelligence Clerk-Stenography (Through GS-06) GS-0303.19 Intelligence Clerk-Typing (Through GS-06) GS-0303.20 13.? COURIER GROUP Courier Series GS-0302.00-GS-0303.99 14. INFO RECEPTIONIST, INFO CONTROL AND RECORDS, CORRESPONDENCE CLERK STENO AND REPORTS GROUP Information Receptionist Series GS-0304.00-GS-0304.99 Information Control and Records Series GS-0305.00-GS-0305.99 Appro~bHWdas1U(A11705t ;QIAAP.84-00933F4Q100016-2 Approved For Rase 2003/11/05: CIA-RDP84-00933R090400100016-2 Correspondence Series GS-0309.00-GS-0309.99 Clerk Stenographer and Reporter Series GS-0312.00-GS-0312.99 15. SECRETARY GROUP Secretary Series GS-0318.00-GS.-0318.99 16. CLERK TYPIST GROUP Clerk Typist Series GS-0322.00-GS-0322.99 17. COMPUTER SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION, COMPUTER OPERATION, COMPUTER SPECIALIST, COMPUTER AID AND TECHNICIAN GROUP Computer Systems Administration Series GS-0330.00-GS-0330.99 Computer Operation Series GS-0332-=00-GS-0332.99 Computer Specialist Series GS-0334.00-GS-0334.99 Computer Aid and Technician. Series GS-0335.00-GS-0335.99 18. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND OFFICER, OFFICE SERVICES SUPPORT & SUPERVISION GROUP Administrative Assistant and Officer Series GS-0341.00-GS-0341.99 Office Services Support and Supervision Series GS-0342.00-GS-0342.99 19. MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS, MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST, PROGRAM ANALYSIS GROUP Management Analysis Series GS-0343.00-GS-0343.99 Management Specialist Series GS-0344.00-GS-0344.99 Program Analysis Series GS-0345.00-GS-0345.99 App Rfiae r 3f'I11AT &E U 9 H9 400100016-2 Approved For Rase 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP84-00933RWO400100016-2 20. OFFICE MACHINE, DATA CONVERSION, CODING, ELECTRIC ACCOUNTING, TELEPHONE Equipment Operator Series GS-035.0.00-GS-0350.99 Coding Series GS-0357.00-GS-0357.99 Electric Accounting Machine Operation Series GS-0359.00-GS-0359.99 Electric Accounting Machine Project Planning Series GS-0362.00-GS-0362.99 Telephone Operating Series GS-0382.00-GS-0382.99 21. TELEGRAPHIC TYPEWRITER, COMMUNICATION, GENERAL M NAGEMENT, SPECIAL GROUP Telegraphic Typewriter Operating Series GS-0385.00-GS-0385.99 Communications Management Series GS-0391.00-GS-0391.99 General Communications Series GS-0392.00-GS-0392.99 Special Communications Series GS-0393.00-GS-0393.99 22. ACCOUNTING AND BUDGET GROUP Credit Union Series GS-0091.00-GS-0091.99 Accounting and Budget Group GS-0500.00-GS-0599.99 23. MEDICAL, MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE, PSYCHOLOGY GROUP Psychology Series GS-0180.00-GS-0180.99 Psychology Aid and Technician Series GS-0181.00-GS-0181.99 Appro At, jF. 'rie ,sea,Q 11'?N I84;Q~, 3 9? 4 0100016-2 Approved For RWpase 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP84-00933ROO0400100016-2 Graphology Series GS-0182.00-GS-0182.99 Medical and Medical Intelligence Group GS-0600.00-GS-0699.99 24. ENGINEERING GROUP GS-0800.00-GS-0899.99 25. LEGAL GROUP GS-0900.00-GS-0999.99 26. INFORMATION & ARTS GROUP Scientific Linguist Series GS-0195.00-GS-0195.99 Information and Arts Group GS-1000.00-GS-1099.99 27. PHYSICAL SCIENCES GROUP GS-1300.00-GS-1399,99 2.8. LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES GROUP GSS-1400.00-GS-1499.99 29. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS AND CRYPTOGRAPHIC GROUP GS-1500.00-GS-1599.99 30. TRAINING GROUP GS-1700.00-GS-1799.99 31. SECURITY, INVESTIGATION AND INSPECTION GROUP Safety Management Series GS-0018.00-GS-0018.99 Security, Investigation, and Inspection Group GS-1800.00-GS-1899.99 32. BUSINESS, INDUSTRY, EQUIPMENT, FACILITIES SERVICES, LOGISTICS TRANSPORTATION GROUP Business and Industry Group GS-1100.00-GS-1199.99 Equipment, Facilities and Services Group GS-1600.00-GS-1699.99 Logistics Group GS-2000.00-GS-2099.99 AppiM Me 3/11=/05 :CIA-RDP84-00933R000400100016-2 a s 1 rEf M L H a~ EJi'2L Approved. For Rase 2003/11/05: CIA-RDP84-00933RON400100016-2 Transportation Group GS-2100.00-GS-2199.99 33. BIOLOGICAL $ VETERINARY SCIENCE GROUP GS-0400.00-GS-0499.99 34. TRADES, CRAFTS AND LABOR GROUP GS-2200.00-GS-2299.99 Wage Board WG, lVL, or WS-4000.00-4999.99 Domestic Services Group WG, WL, or WS-4000.00-4099.99 Crafts Group WG, WL, or WS-4200.00-4.299.99 Equipment Operating Group WG, WL, or WS 4400.00-4499.99 Warehousing Group WG, 1'TL, or WS-4600.00-4699.99 Labor Group WG, WL, or WS-4800.00-4899.99 35. PRINTING, PAPER :MAKING, PHOTOGRAPH BOOKBINDING GROUP Lithographic and Printing Wage Board Wi-5000.99-5999.99 Government Printing GP-6000.00-6999.99 Graphic Arts GA-7000.00-7999.99 36. FIREFIGHTER AND GUARD GROUP Fire-Fighting and Fire-Prevention Series GS-0081.00-GS-0081.99 GUARD SERIES GS-0085.00-GS-0085.99 37. MILITARY MOS AND SPECIALTIES GROUP Appr~~isi N, 41- 1 l~ FVE3/1..1/l I, i 8 3 yE 00100016-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400100016-2 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400100016-2