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Document Release Date: 
August 12, 2003
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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220206-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 DATE DIST. 1`+ npr 3.953 NO. OF PAGES i SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. N:TRA1:'L KA4T OJTi.INE r'R01 T'ION -- Frankfurt /Main, Chemische industrle, No 1, ;an 52 7-he new TyppL Oy nitrate plant at laanL:a rear Th_u, currently under construc- tion. will gn into !u._1 op-r Lion at thr_ e^3. Of l95; S:LLktally, 16,000 tons of nitrate viii be proauc.d yearly, bit this f_Ft,re ccui later be readily doubled. Of tht' 16.OOO tons 10,, tone are to be as'?5 for manufacture of nitric acid. 3.0?'0 tons will be a e3. fir he and the remainder will be used to produce approximLLtCiJ ho ,C T tons 20 5-percent ca ciu_zn limmonium nitrate FIRST TO USE KO"EPEOIS PP x:ES Sanor>_nt. 3.0 -an 5' The ni tra*_e plant of the 3'yDr,t Gy .N3. _rete IT ;,] Lost ion) in Oulu is the firi'it such plant in the world to employ the fcrman Koppers gals process on an industrial acale.. As a n.Lmerou? fc,r-:gn visitor'- have inapc?cted the gac 5er.tnn, as wa'_l as the mire p 'ict, w1 T, .a a chart. Lane. The vi9J,tors have inl-:nde?z irausl.zislts*.s nct only from Europe. but from dap' and the US as T..c:3.l; th,- n1.out event tour way: by a F're-tick de!eFat:on Alt bough thus far used only in Finland. the process appears to be due for universal adoption. SEc. %54 LANGUAGE F-ir.l and Economic CENTRAL I r_LLIC, ._.._ ..,-.__. Daily newspaper, monthly periodical. PUBLISHED He1 oinks , Frankfurt/Main DATE PUBLISHED .an 'y=.^, COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE TKIS DOCOV[MT COMIAIMS IMPOS[ATIOM Af[[CTIHO TM[ NATIONAL D[/[HS. OF 1.1 OMIWTO 1 TA19S ITIIM I1 3.N[ ^[AM,.D 01 111111 111ACT SO V, S C., SI AND IS. AS 'A.C. 00 ITS 1[AM SYI SSIOH 0[ TN[ H:, 107100 01 III COSTIHTS IS AM ^...MSO TO AM OI,AYTMOAIZID rSH301, IS TOO .101110 IT LAW. 11[PII.000TI04 OF THIS FOSS IS r0OH1.1T10 _ CLASSIFICATION Fr'.ST'Flr'rrt, STATE NAVY ,+JNSReI DISTRIBUTION ARMY AIR ~ FBI Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220206-4