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Publication Date: 
January 16, 1975
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SECRET Approved For Rel a 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP79M00098AO 00030003-2 EIS-D-001 16 January 1975 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE SUBCOMMITTEE MEMORANDUM FOR: EIS Principals (See Distribution List) SUBJECT Establishment of the Subcommittee 1. The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Secretary of the Treasury have approved the establishment of the Economic Intelligence Subcommittee (EIS) of the National Security Council Intelligence Committee (NSCIC). The EIS replaces the. Requirements Advisory Board. (RAB), formerly chaired by Kenneth W. Dam, Executive Director of the Council on Economic. Policy. 2. Treasury's Assistant Secretary for International .Affairs, Charles A. Cooper, will be the Chairman, and William N. Morell, Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury (National Security) will be Vice Chairman. Other .subcommittee members will be senior representatives from the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Defense (ISA), the Department of State (EB), the Energy Research and Development Administration, the Export-Import Bank, the Council on International Economic Policy, the Council of Economic Advisers, the National Security Council, the Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations, and the Economic Intelligence Committee of the United States Intelligence Board. 3. The purpose of the EIS is to _provide a means by which the intelligence community-ga ec 've aut on ative guidance on international economic intelligence su -sects from the po i.cymaking level. At present, the flow f information requirements and criticism of intelligence production from intelligence users to intelligence producers mainly comes from analysts and specialized consumers at the sub-policy level. This system of informal relationships works reasonably well and will continue to serve as the primary guidance mechanism. What has been lacking heretofore, and what the EIS will hopefully provide, is systematic Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP79 25X1 SECRET Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP79M00098AOQD400030003-2 guidance on matters beyond the authority or competence of the sub-policy specialist. One example of such matters concerns the relative priorities to be attached to fulfilling information requirements in the various policy areas. Another. involves the perceptions of intelligence users as to the balance of risks and costs vis-a-vis benefits in mounting collection efforts on particular subjects through sensitive means, realizing that the great majority of useful collection will continue to be undertaken overtly, principally by the Foreign Service and the Treasury attaches. 4. As the National Intelligence Officer for Economics and Energy, and Director Colby's chief economic advisor, I have been designated the Executive Secretary of the EIS. The Deputy Executive Secretary will be Alan Sokolski of the Intelligence Community Staff. Subject to the schedule of the Chairman, I anticipate holding an initial meeting of the EIS in February. Subsequent meetings will be scheduled according to need. The agenda of this initial meeting will include, but will not necessarily be limited to, the following topics: Criteria for the lawful collection, safeguarding, .and use of foreign intelligence involving multinational corporations. The protection of sensitive sources and methods, particularly relating to monetary and energy matters. Priorities and criteria for assistance from the intelligence community to. US business in competition with foreign business. Prior to the formal meeting, either I or I will be in touch with you to discuss proposed agenda items and to solicit your views as to matters deserving EIS attention. Attachments: A. RAB Membership B. NSCIC Membership I Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP79M00098AO00400030003-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP79M00098AO00400030003-2 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP79M00098AO00400030003-2