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Document Release Date: 
October 6, 2003
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Publication Date: 
June 25, 1970
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Approved For Relea'2003/11/25 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000090002-8 SECRET IDEA-0136-70 Copy-of J MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Trip Report 17-19 June 1970 1. Location and Purpose of Visit The undersigned visited Detachment G on 17 and 18 June 1970 to conduct two (2) experimental low-pressure chamber flights using the emergency oxygen supply from one of the two high-pressure bottles as the sole source of oxygen. Additionally, a proposed technical manual change appears necessary in the pilot's Handbook on Liquid Oxygen Manage- ment when the two (2) systems feed unevenly in flight. Discussions and a proposal have been prepared for submission to the prime contractor. a. The low-pressure chamber flights were completed using one (1) high-pressure bottle as the sole source of oxygen in two (2) separate profiles: (1) 67,000 - 10,000' in 7 minutes unpres- surized amount of oxygen remaining 1180 psi. Distribution A14A/OSA DATA; 2 JUL 1974 JEE DF EWC X534 --- File Dest -oy Tickler Other 25X1 (2) 67,000 - sea level 10 minutes pressurized amount of oxygen remaining 1730 psi. 1 :1 _ GR00 Excluded Iroai 001 a9P It downprauin; and declassif`~ai~s 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/11/25 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000300090002-8 Approved For Rele, 2003/11/25 : CIA-RDP75B00285ROOW00090002-8 SECRET IDEA-0136-70 Page 2 In both cases, using emergency descent rate for the aircraft, there is adequate oxygen in either bottle to return the crewmember to a safe environment. b. A proposed modification to the RQ-225 para- chute lumbar pad has been made by Detachment G Personal Equipment personnel F :1 This modification includes the attach- ment of the tree-lowering device to the lower two- thirds of the lumbar pad with hardware storage and attachment of the lanyard to the seat kit with velcro tape. This modification has been test flown at Detachment G for some twenty (20) hours already and subjective impressions of the pilots are all optimistic. c. Liquid 02 Aircraft Management in flight. Two (2) proposals have been forwarded to Lockheed Aircraft Corporation on changing the technical data on 02 Management in the pilot's handbooks. (1) Allow pilot privilege of turning one system off and leaving it off until pressure is reduced from active system whereby equal bleed-off will again occur. (2) Allow pilot privilege of turning active system off once quantity gauge reaches two (2) liters thereby allowing some one to three hours of remaining 02 if second system were for some reason to inadvertently fail when turned on. At the present time, if it appears that one LOX system is not supplying 02 , the dual reliability may be proven by shutting off the active system for a brief period. However, a brief period is not adequate to allow both systems to supply evenly and therefore the pilot ascertains little with such a maneuver. 0 AMS OSA 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/11/25 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000300090002-8 Approved For Releas 2003/11/25 : CIA-RDP75B00285R00Q 0090002-8 IDEA-0136-70 Page 3 CONCURRENCE AND/OR COMMENTS /i C?as,oSA AMS/OSA Distribution: 1 - AMS/OSA'-- 2 - " Chrono 3 - DD/SA 4 - TB/OSA 5 - D/O/OSA 6 - D/M/OSA 7 - C/Idea/O/OSA 8 - RB/OSA 1(25 Jun 70) 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/11/25 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000300090002-8 Approved For Release 2003/11/25 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000300090002-8 Approved For Release 2003/11/25 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000300090002-8