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Approved For Release 20 4/06/1 81 M00980R002900010043-3 Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 18 July 1978 14, LIAISON Called Toni Crowley, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, and arranged. or im to meet with P, at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow to discuss the grievances o ormer Agency employee ]has enlisted the support of Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D., Hawaii) in pursuing his claim. 15. Senate Sc to get me the room number for of a group of interns from scheduled for this Friday. LIAISON Called Stan Taylor, taff, who promised OTR, briefing University which is 1.6. LIAISON Toni Moore, Senate Select nimittee on Intelligence staff, was at Headquarters anc spent the entire day reviewing documents on Angola including documents from Executive Registry, the Comptroller, Africa Division, and all National Intelligence Daily reports from 1 July to 31. December 1975. tiff, and informed him that we would like the number of staff at this afternoon's briefing on the "spy war" limited to those who would be directly involved with this topic. 25X1 25X1 25X1 18. BRIEFING Accompanied 25X1 SE/DDO, Don Gregg,'C/PCS/LOC, and Frederick Hitz, Legislative Counsel, plus numerous State Department and FBI representatives to a briefing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on the "spy war." ( ee 19. LIAISON Received a. call from Dwayne Barnes, of the Library of Congress, who asked if the Agency had an unclassified report on a Soviet nuclear accident which occurred. in 1957. After checking with CSS/NFAC, I called. Mr. Barnes and told him that we did not have such a report. 20. LIAISON Talked. to Donna Chrissman of the International Division, GAO, and. requested a copy of a GAO report on South America (i.d.. 77-19). She indicated that she would send it out to us right away. I advised of the CIA librar that it wa5``Fon its way. The requestor of the report is in OSR. S E I LIAISON Called Ed Levine, 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/06/15 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R002900010043-3 66 GS 1Appr8ye1d For Felleqs~i2i00e; C{F~1Zc8ll M00980R002900010043-3 P ai=, e t, o u r is R Tuesday 18 July 1,978 .. [Al SON Met I'Jith Representat-i ve 2:1 . LIAISON' V~:i l:liam Armstrong (R. to provide him with a suggested reply for a member of the family o.1 who currently resides in Armstrong's fie allegedly was killed in Cuba will l c' in the employment of CIA and the famil.y was told that. if arayth i.n.g happened to hi.m, CIA "would take care of the family." I explained cert.a.:in sensitive facts corcern:ing this matter to the Congressman. Ile said he understood and a.ppr. ec-i aced. us pr. ovi ding him with a suggested reply. 22. ADMINISTRATIVE DELIVERY Delivered to the office of Representative G. W':i.11 lt'h:i.tehurst (I'., bra .), a suggested repl,u for a. constituer:t involved i.n real estate. The constituent had. IVT.i t.ten to i:he Congressman about a. piece of land which. he had for sale on the River, Perqu:imalr County, North Carol ina. The Cougressamman was interested in knowing whether the Federal Government had. any :int.erest. in purchasing the property. ?3 ADM[NISTRATIVE DI LIVERY Called lit :1.zabeth I)a.oust, Staff Coordinator-Protocol , House InternationaI. Relations Committee, and told her t.ha.t., per her request., I would iron 25X1 24. BRIEFING I attended a briefing of Repr. esentative Richard Sr..ze (1Z. , Pa .) on Soviet and Cuban installation, and personnel in Africa. The briefing was an unc:l.assifi.ed- version. 25. LEGISLATION I met with Stan Tayllor, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence st.aCf on S. 2236, the ?Anti.- erro ,: no me . in the MR conference room from 3:00 p.m. until. 6:00 p.m. 26 LEGISLATION 1. called Mr. Mike Cardozo, Senior. Associate Couns-e 1. to the President, to request a copy of the 14 July 1VIi i.te }louse letter sent for Representative Jack Brooks (1). , Texas) , Chairman, Ilousc Government Operations C,ommi,, Arrangements were made to have the requested material sent. Approved For Release 2004/06/15 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R002900010043-3 4/06/15 : (XAlAMMUR002900010043-3 COW e c ,Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel. Page 5 Wed o e s clay - 19 July 1978 17. LIAISON Spencer Davis, -Hate Select Committec-on Intelligence staff called referring to a story being done by NewsdaZ on posse le conflict of interest arising out of the current employment of Larry Devlin, 25X1 Bill Colby, all former Agency employees, etc. I told Davis that CIA employees arc subject to the conflict of interest statute and rules which apply to Government employees generally. I also reminded him of the DCI's action in terminating two employees as an indication that active employees arc not to accord former employees any different treatment than would be afforded a. general member of the public. Davis felt that he could use these arguments with Newsdy and I made arrangements for the Office of Public,,,(lffairs to close the loop with Davis on this issue. 1.8. LIAISON Called Howard Li.ebengood, in the office of the Senate Minority Leader, to set up a session with Senate Minority Leader Howard Baker (R., Tenn.) on related information. Liebengood wanted to know if this was newly discovered information and I said it was not, that it is infor- mation deserving of special handling and we wanted to be sure Senator Baker was aware of it. 19. LIAISON Made arrangements with 25X1 Bill Miller, Staff .rector, Sonate Select Committee on Intelligence, for Bob Gambino, D/Security, and myself to see him on po related information. 20. LIAISON Spoke with Dick Perle, on the staff of the Senate Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, about his interest to see NIE 11-3-8, indicating I hoped we could resolve this issue as we had in the past through briefings but since we cannot I asked him to give me some time before we go to issue on this because of the absence of clear precedents of handling NIE's on the Hill. Perle said he would be more than willing to give me whatever time I needed. 21. LIAISON Ed Levine, Senate Select Committee on Tntcl1JgcacQ - ff, called on the Committee ort, indicating that the copy of the report we had was missingpa page and that he would send it to us. This page will deal with what we learned through a gap in t 1 report which I had earlier called to his attention. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2004/06/15 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R002900010043-3 pproved For Release 2004/9 6/001_40111 M0 980R002900010043-3 Journ.a . - .-tice o- Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 19 July 1978 5Sc Page 6 22. 1 LIAISON I NFAC, attended a Senate ta.. on n to i ,en_ce informal meeting with--Ambassador Elliot, ambassador to Afghanistan, regarding the Afghanistan coup earlier this year. 23. LIAISON Received a call from Mike Galacek, Senate Select Committee on staff, who said he c a empt_e to find other staff members who needed an orientation briefing on CIA but was unsuccessful. I said I would go ahead and try to schedule his briefings for next week. Galacek also said that he was handling some correspondence?for Senator Joseph Biden (D., Del.) and would like to talk to me about it before it was sent to the Agency. I told. him I would meet with him on this tomorrow. 24. LIAISON Talked with Tom Moore, Senate Sel -- ence about the status o. zi.s follow-up requests regarding t e Committee report on Angola. 25X1 25X1 25. BRIEFING Accompanied NED/OSI/NFAC, to a briefing of Senator John Glenn (D., Ohio), Chairman, Senate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation and Federal Services, plus Subcommittee staff members Leonard Weiss, Staff Director, and Leonard Spector. The briefing concerned 1950s. The Senator as well as the two staff members were very interested in the subject and indicated they would like additional briefings on nuclear-related topics such as nuclear waste disposal. Spector indicated he would call me regarding the Subcommittee's specific desires sometime next week. 26. BRIEFING Accompanied Assistant NIO/Africa, OER/NFAC, am CSS/NFAC, to a briefing of Senator Jake Ga.rn (R. , Utah) and Senate Select COn1 "i t_toe on Intelligen.e staff member Stan Tay oar on Rhodesia. The discussion was wide-ranging including the military, political and economic situation. Senator Garn, who is taking a very strong line in support of the transitional government in Rhodesia, did not agree with the Agency's assessment of the Rhod?sia situation. After the briefing, Stan Taylor said that Senator Garn's personal staff member Dave Fitzgerald, who had just returned from Rhodesia, thought he had been followed while there, possibly by CIA. I told Taylor that this was ridiculous but that I would confirm my views at the Agency and get a firm answer back to him shortly. A prove or Release zUU 6Ni 00980R002900010043-3 25X1 $5-- Approved For Release 4o4Io6IWJ1t1AD&NIJJeo98oRoo29oool 00 43-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 19 July 1978 27. Select Committee on n e. MMe= Page 7 LIAISON Tom Crowley, Senate If, met with I I, aTEos of former Agency employee 28. ADMINISTRATIVE DELIVERIES Delivered to Allan Spence, Senate Select Committee oD, I elli encesta.ff, personal notes from review of Angola papers for Tom Moore, also of the Committee staff. 29. LIAISON Sent a copy of the Agency publication entitled "Communist Aid to the Less Developed'"Countries of the Free World, 1976" to Bob Sutter, Library of Congress, per his request. 25X1 30. LIAISON Winslow Wheeler, who is on the staff of Senator Jacob K. Javits (R., N.Y.), called in behalf of two members of the Public Broadcasting Service in New York, Herbert Danska and Shicla Page. He said that they were planning to do a TV program for a presentation in the Miami area on the subject of how the Freedom of Information Act operates. - As part of that, they were seeking interviews with a number of Government agencies including the CIA. They told him they had been turned down by our Public Affairs office for an interview and had called Wheeler to see whether we would be willing to reconsider. I checked with 25X1 Public Affairs, who said that we had agreed to meet with Danska, but not to permit him to film the interview. Our reasoning was that the filming would not be in our best interest. 25X1 reiterated our offer to meet with Danska. I called Wheeler back, related the information to him suggesting that if Danska wanted to meet with our people, he should call 25X1 whose number I provided. I was later informed y 25X1 that Danska did not call. 31. LIAISON A current intelligence briefing by NFAC representatives was presented to Representatives Edward J. Derwinski (R., Ill.), William F. Goodling (R., Pa.), George M. O'Brien (R., Ill.), and Robert Lagomarsino (R., Calif.). The subjects covered included North and South Yemen, Afghanistan, Mauritania, Chad, Ethiopia, Angola, and the Western Sahara. Thomas R. Smeeton, who is on the House Committee on International Relations staff, arranged the briefing and sat in aq, did two cleared members of Representative Goodling's staff, Jeff Salmon and Gardner Peckham. CO F1 T1A Approved For Release 2004/06/15 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R002900010043-3