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r.NNI vv=%a OLC: 78-0692/a Mr. Edward Stephenson General Government Division General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Dear Mr. Stephenson: We have completed our review of your draft report entitled, "Drug Control Efforts in South America Having Limited Success-- Future Outlook also Dim. " We have found the report to be well written and accurate overall, although we strongly recommend that the following changes be incorporated in your final report. The report emphasizes the paucity of usable tactical narcotics intelligence information and the lack of analysis of the information that is collected. The report also gives the impression that DEA and CIA share equal responsibility for the collection of tactical narcotics information which is not, in fact, the case. The CIA emphasis is on the collection of strategic intelligence information such as trends, sources of supply and foreign governmental corruption. We collect and report tactical information, generally speaking, as a by-product of our field operations which are themselves designed to gather information to be utilized in the formulation of narcotics control policies. It is our recommendation that the sentence, "In addition, the CIA provides drug intelligence to DEA, " appearing in your report on page 15 be deleted and the following substituted: "CIA's primary focus is on the collection of strategic intelligence information of use in the formulation of narcotics control policies. The Agency also provides useful tactical narcotics information to DEA concerning foreign traffickers and their supporting networks. 91 With regard to the lack of analysis of narcotics information, CIA and DEA are currently working on a joint effort in Washington to produce a series of in-depth profiles on major cocaine trafficking networks. The first of these studies, done on prominent nets operating in Peru and Colombia, has been forwarded to the field. We recommend that following "Where intelligence data had been gathered, for the most part, it had not Approved For Release 2004/08/30 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001600040012-8 Approved For Release 2004/08/30 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001600040012-8 been analyzed," which appears on page 15 of the report a footnote be added as follows: "It is encouraging to note, however, that CIA and DEA are currently working on a joint effort in Washington to analyze and collate all of the available information concerning the most prominent cocaine networks trafficking in South America This material is being included in a series of in-depth profiles of the major cocaine trafficking networks to support ongoing investigations. " We wish to note an apparent typographical error on page 16, line two. The word "collected" should more appropriately be replaced by the word "collated." In regard to the cocaine estimates cited on page ii of the Digest and page 10 of the report, we suggest that GAO contact the Office of Drug Abuse Policy, as they recently produced a collation of estimates of cocaine and heroin consumption and production which we believe to be the best figures now available. We appreciate the opportunity to present our comments and offer no objections to the publishing of the report with the above recommended changes. Sincerely. Acting Legislative Counsel cc: SA/DO/O C/P ICS or Dis ri u ion: Original - Addressee 1 - OLC Subject 1 - OLC Chrono OLC:MDC:mlg (2 March 1978) Approved For Release 2004/08/30 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001600040012-8 Approved For Release 2004/08/30 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001600040012-8 28 February 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: OLC C R FROM: C PC SUBJECT: GAO Report on Drug Control Efforts in South America 1. The proposed GAO report on "Drug Control Efforts in South America....." has been reviewed by PCS/NAR and LA Division officers and we have no major problems with the (unclassified) text. 2. T'-le, report emphasizes the paucity of usable tactical narcotics intelligence information and the lack of analysis of the information that is collected. The report gives the impression that DEA and CIA share equal responsibility for the collection of tactical narcotics information. This is not the case. CIA, as I explained to the GAO prior to the field investigation, emphasizes the collection of strategic intelligence information, e.g. trends, sources of supply, corruption, etc., and collects and reports tactical information generally as a by- product of our operations which are designed to gather information of use in the formulation of narcotics control policies. A sentence or two clarifying the CIA role would help place the GAO review in proper perspective. 3. With regard to the lack of analysis of narcotics information, CIA and DEA are currently working on a joint effort in Washington to produce a series of in-depth profiles on major cocaine traf- ficking networks. The first of these studies, done on prominent nets operating in Peru and Colombia, have been sent to the field. I believe that mention of this project would again give the GAO a more balanced estimate of the overall effort. FOR INTERNAL TISr ONLY Approved For Release 2004/08/30 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001600040012-8 Approved For Release 2004/08/30 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001600040012-8 SUBJECT: GAO Report on Drug Control Efforts in South America Page 2 4. Some of the cocaine estimates cited in the GAO report (page ii of the Digest and page 10 of the report itself) either leave too wide a range or are seemingly inaccurate. I would suggest that the GAO contact the Office of Drug Abuse Policy which pulled together in December 1977 estimates of cocaine and heroin consumption and production that are probably the best available estimates the U.S.G. has to work with. 5. A minor point, but I believe that on page 16, line two, the word "collated" should be used rather than "collected." Attachment: Subject Report cc: C/PCS Approved For Release 2004/08/30 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001600040012-8 Approved For Release 2004/08/30 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001600040012-8 Regarding paragraph 2 of my memo: On page 15, I would replace the sentence "In addition, the CIA provides drug intelligence to DEA." with two sentences: "CIA's primary focus is on the collection of strategic intelligence information of use in the formulation of narcotics control policies. The Agency also provides useful tactical narcotics information to DEA concerning foreign traffickers and their supporting networks." Regarding para 3 of my memo: again on page 15 I would add to the footnote at the bottom of the page "It is encouraging to note, however, that CIA and DEA are currently working on a joint effort in Washington to analyze and collate all of the available information concerning the most prominent cocaine networks trafficking in South America. This material is being included in a series of in-depth profiles of the major cocaine trafficking networks to support ongoing investigations. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/08/30 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001600040012-8