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StatApDproved n-p or elease 1 R19 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000200220055-2 Ouest.ion 19. Does the Administration believe we have the men. and the equipnment to handle another ground war on the r1lain1- land of Asia without: the use of tactical nuclear weapons) If Answer. Whether or not the United States could "handle" another ground war on the mainland of Asia without the use of tactical nuclear weapons would depend very much on precisely what~ coat i_ngcncy we were faciing. In certain emergencies it would clearly he appropriate for the United States to mobilize additional forces in order to broaden the character of the options available to us, For certain situations--certain types cif agg,:c$sion--nuclear weapons would not. seem to have any iel.c- vance whatever. One cannot, however, completely exclude the ronni.bi_l _'tty of other : it_u3 tjQns in Which tactical nuclear weapons might at some point have to be used. There does not seem to l,e any general statement about this wide. and complex Yongc of contingencies which weu:ld by helpful. or rosponsi.ve to the Committee's uc,t:ion, in fact, there are weighty argumonts against any definition or discussion by the Administration of just 4111ich mi.i.i tary options it would select or prefer to meat particular conti.ngenci.es, Contingency planning of course., carriers out .rout:ill (A y by the t)c!ik r6 3i @a opftela@ 2t 102~(48t: 611AC DFt,7bM8336Mbo720022Ot56-dirt so, on what do we base this estimate given the presents deploy- ment and commitment of our forces? SECRET into operation mechanically if one or another event occurs. Rather they are clcwsignod to clarify tthr character of the choices which would, then have to be m:adde, on the basis of political as well as military factors, and in the light of a host of specific circummmstance:s. Our juc1gcnent, implicit: in what has been said above, that another war on the Asian mainland would not necessa'trily require the use of tactical nuclear weapons, is based on. our intelli- gence estimates on the capabilities of likely opponents and the possibility of our being faced with one. or another type of attack as compared with the forces available to our: selves and our allies to meet: att;acl.;s. IL is relevant to note that the ITS has more forces deployed today in the Pacific area not cczinI:i1??; those in V'let:--Nim than it did in 1963. 11nestion 20. If t.re do riot: intend to use tactical nuclear wear>ons in any ground war in should we not star L promptly to take steps to ~: educe our conmmitments in other parts of the 1-7 0 'L (I'? Answer. As indicated abovve, tal:et.tz~_r, this government tlc~uld or would not find it necessary to use noel ear weapons in a ground war: in Korea would depend on the specific circum- stance:!s and chtractc:ristics of any act:ack, and on the c'egr,ee Approved For Release 2004/02/09 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000200220055-2 Approved For Release 2004/02/09 : CIA-RDP70B0033$R000200220055-2 I I,CRET of 'military success iL rni.4ht meet. The Armed Forces of t:he Rcpubl.,ic O.C Korea, like the US divisions stationed at their side, are wolf. trained, hi,tlhl.y i otivated, cael.J. equipped vlith conventional arms, and capable of giving a good account: of themselves against any aggressor. Under cortai.n conditions, those forces in Korea might have to be reinfozc:ccl with troops noV7 stationed elsewhere or mobilivecl to rneet: the emergency, or oven supported by nuclear weapons, but such hypothetical rventu~l i a.es cto not appear persuasive arguments 'or modifying the militaty deployments and the, political commitments which we have undor:taken to'meet actual, cul rent: probIcnis and to protect in other areas. Approved For Release 2004/02/09 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000200220055-2