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ARTICLE AP ON, PAGE ARED NEW YORK TIMES approved For Release 600/19}TZIA-RDP81 M00980R000600250058-6 leaders have denied anj -recent involve. . merit with the .rebels, who had fled to Angola from Shaba Province, formerly ,A House Leader... caned Katanga. ? - , Whether Cubans played an. active role in aiding the Katangans is important, be- ~,~ Sakse A cce p #s j i cause much of the Administration's Afri. can policy in recent weeks has been based on the assumption that the Cubans ..-? ^'? 0 ' 6 1 1 Zaire. C 'd t By BERNARD GWERTZMAN Speed M T , N.w Yon TSm,, WASHINGTON, June 5-Adfn.,?Stans- field Turner, the Director of Central Intel- ligence, presented evidence to the House ;Intelligence Committee today. that ap- peared to have satisfied its chairman_ that :President Carter was justified in assert- : ing that 'Cuba had.trained and equipped Katangan, .rebels; and knew in, advance 'of their attack on Zaire from Angola- last :'month. The charge has repeatedly been denied by Cuban leaders. Representative,;' Edward .P.". Boland, Democrat of Massachusetts, the, commit- :.tee chairman, told reporters after a two- '.hour, closed-door briefing: "Pm satisfied, :and the committee itself is satisfied, that `the President's,. statement.. was , correct.'.' The` Administration has not yet made public its purported data, but instead has begun' a campaign of ;briefing. key mem- bers and committees ' of Congress "on Its contents. Mr. Boland said that Admiral .Turner had presented evidence 'from "prisoners, diplomats and persons sur- rounding Zaire Itself." 'We Have Sufficient Evidence' Meanwhile, representatives of the Unit- ed States, France, Britain, West Germany and Belgium argued late into the night in Parts over the. best way to. stabilize Zaire withaut becoming involved in.Afri- can rivalries or generating a new East- West confrontation. [Page A7] And King. Hassan It. of Morocco;.. who sent peace- keeping troops: toZaire? last right, vowed .to ".'intervene' ia',ZaiM again - and . even a third: and a fourth tine"' to help protect it''-front further~?.attacks by insurgents, based in Angola. [Page A81 Admiral Turner; speaking to reporters, was cautious in describing the evidence. "It is my, considered 'opinion," he said, "that we have sufficient evidence to draw the conclusioir that there.must;have.:been Cuban -involvement in'the training and equipping,of these'insurgent forces which attacked' the. Government of Zaire last May 13." "We made a careful ; objective evalua- tion' oil' this-no : intelligence conclusion is ever: absolutelybiack and.: absolutely white,' Admiral Turner said. "But when you have a preponderance of.evidence as we -do in this case. from a variety of sources: 'over :`a period. of time, one can: only' come to the. kind of conclusion' that we did' President FIdel_Castro and other Cuban- r ar er sal at a aeovs conference in` Chicago.on May 25 that Angola had to bear. a heavy responsibility for the "deadly attack" on Shaba, "and it is a burden and a responsibility shared by Cuba "We believe," the President said at that time, "that Cuba. has known of ': the Katangan plans to invade and obviously did.nothing torestrain them from cross- ing the border. We also know that the Cubans have played a key role in training and equipping the Katangans who at- tacked." McGovern Tells Cuban Version Senator George S. McGovern, Democrat of South Dakota, who has publicly drawn attention to the discrepancy between Mr. Carter's and Mr. Castro's statements, said today that be had been told by the Cubans that their involvement with the Katangans ended two years ago. ' Mr. McGovern said-the Cubans asserted that they had trained and equipped the Katangans only to help them. fight on the . side : of. the winning forces in the Angolan civil war, led by President Agos- tinho. Neto.According to.. Mr. McGovern, the Cubans said that since then they had had nothing,. to- do with . the- Katangese. But Mr. Boland said the.,-information provided to the committee showed that the Cubans' training had taken. place as ,recently as the past year.. ; ?_ I Mr.. McGovern, who has' not yet. been briefed on the Administration's data, said that if he was convinced the Cubans were lying, he would regard it as a "personal insult." - Some Administration officials are not satisfied with the, quality ..of'the intelli- gence. They have said privately that- the reliability of many-of the informants was dubious, and that much of ' the data was "circumstantia)w" `Proof Is There; O'Neill Says,'; An Administration- official said, that it had been decided to brief the Senate For- eign Relations -Committee last, ow, the ground that that group - would. be the most critical. The first briefing was at the White House last Friday and involved' Congressional leaders such as the Hous Speaker, Thomas P. O'Neill Jr., Democrat of Massachusetts, who commented today: 'I would -say that the proof is there. that Cubans participated. in Zaire!'. He also said he understood that the Central Intel ligence :.:Agency had . photographs of Cubans with Katangans... But. the Administration -has never as- serted that. Cubans actually crossed over into 'Zaire ?. from Angola, and Admiral Turner, when asked - about Mr. O'Neill's comment, said: "This. Government made no.'such' statement-that Cubans were in Zaire' or .they' were not. The"evidence, is not that clear one way- or.' the other.": ? President Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire Approved For Release 2004/08/19: CIA-RDP81 ?OQ0-g> 12d ble. for the attack.