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ILLEGIB tiVASHI~i~ -i'C75FI~or Release 2004/07/08 : C~DPB?1 I~0(9~ ~0,0 0022-0 pAGE ,~ U.S. Weighs Action on CIA F~-Agent By Charles R. Baboock _. ? waehlncton Poet ~talf Writes The Justice .Department is investi- gating wlie'ther it is possible to bring espinna;ge charges against former ('ventral Intelligence Agency officer Philip-Agee-or perhaps hts publisher -aver. aforthcoming-book that i~;aaid to #dentfy hundreds of :undercover CIA operatives. ; Th? department also fs considering taking civil aciion in an effort to stop publication of the new. book, "Dirty 'Work; The CIA in Western Europe,'? which is scheduled to be published next month by Lyle Stuart Inc, of Se- caucus, N.J. ..Justice. officials. emphasized in re- cent interviews, however, that they .have made no decision on whether to proceed against Agee. It is possible, they said, that legal problems may preclude taking any action. :_~ 3us~_l~st year, for instance, the Jus- tice Department decided it would not prosecute Agee for secrets he dis- closed in an earlier book,"Inside the Company:. CIA. Diary." In that book he described his years as a CIA- agent in Latin ,America in the 188Qs and identified sev8ral other undercover operatives. CIA officials were upset at the time by what they .considered the failure of the espionage laws to punish such disclosures.. But 'one knowledgeable source said that an espionage charge against Agee-then or now-could be counterproductive because it would give him. a platform to discover still more CIA secrets that might be dis- closed at a trial., Civil action-such as the breech of contract suit the department won against Frank Snepp, another former CIA agent-turned-author-is compll- Gated bacause Agee lives abroad and cannot be reached by regular court proceedings. Justice earlier moved successfully against 'Victor Marchetti, coauthor with John D. Marks of "The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence," to hold up publication while a judge reviewed CIA deletions. But a proposed injunction against Agee's publisher is complicated, offi- cials acknowledge, because Lyle Stuart signed no secrecy agreement to protect CIA material. Thus in such a case the government. }vould have to meet the difficult standard of irrepar- able harm, which the U.S. Supreme Court raised in the celebrated case in- volving The Ne1v York Times and the Pentagon Papers. A possible espionage charge against the publisher, perhaps for receiving classified information, also is ,being looked at, ane official said. But that would be an unprecedented attack on the press and raises the .same prob- lems of possible disclosure of secrets as such a charge against Agee. Justice officials have been reluctant to discuss the specifics of the Agee case, though some have confirmed that the CIA claims the new book will reveal the fdentit.ies of many under- cover agents. Such unauthorized disclosure of names could be prosecuted because the identities are classified, officials said. -- Another recently formed project by the former agent also is a cause for concern at the CIA and Justice. A new magazine called the Covert Ac- tion Information Bulletin announced it would fight the intelligence commu- pity by "exposing CIA personnel and operations whenever and wherever we find them." The first issue identified a man alleged to be the CIA station chief in Jamaica. Though the magazine could be a re- curring source for releasing unauthor- ized,classified material, legal action against it is not being considered as. part of the current review of what to do about Agee's book:, officials said. Approved For Release 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP81 M00980R000400040022-0