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Document Release Date: 
May 13, 2004
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Publication Date: 
July 14, 1978
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Approved For Rene 2004/06/'4 ~ 61P -RbI 81 B00401 R *400040054-6 14 July 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director of Central In te lligence FROM : Presidential Briefing Coor di nator SUBJECT : Preparation for 19 July an Briefings d Later Presidential 1. Attached are packages on the following topics: A. Soviet Air Defense. This has been revised based on your outline. There are still several loose ends. B. Terrorism. This has been broadened to cover all terrorism. C. Soviet/Cuban Options in Southern Africa. This will be the topic of your Tuesday, 18 July, meeting with the NIOs. I have invited DDO, NSA3, DIA and State/INR people to attend. Unless otherwise directed I ill cdntinue this practice for appropriate subjects. JAL. 25X1/ D. Law of the Sea. This is a filler item. 2. In. addition to Terrorism and Soviet Air Defense the following topics are being followed for your use on Wednesday,-19-40y A. Congressional Reaction to Presidential Initiative on Leak Prevention. OLC will prepare a short summary. OLC is assembling the data you requested and will advise you if there are any loose ends to be tied up with the President. Violence. DDO will provide short statements on these topics. Potential for Future 3. To close the books on the Tuesday, 11 July, briefing the following points are relevant: A. Your statements on Jamaica's economic slide and the GDP graphic were correct. B. Your statement on II was right. Approved For Release 2004/06/14: CIA-RDP81 800401 R002400040054-6 25X1A Approved For Rene 2004/06A 4E: ?IA41D'81 800401 80400040054-6 P~. Your memorandum for the record did not indicate that the and Soviet Propaganda topics were covered; them." In light of the above do yoi want to pursue regional economic organization. Then we should dissuade since he wants to explore the methodologies used, k verifications done, etc. If you prefer not to pursue this matter in such a populous forum I will nominate another topic for this meeting. C. Who do you want to brief the President when you are gone which I think is 21-31 July and 7-13 August? b2 P'le QDC D. The ASEAN foreign ministers will meet here 3-4 August. When I asked, "Should we brief on ASEAN?" ANIO/EAP 25X1A answered, "Only if policymakers think ASEAN is a significant future I have the following questions. A. Should I move PRC-VN Relations from 15 August to 26 July? B. At the NIO/NP's request I have scheduled an NIO meeting on the North Korean Military Situation for 16 August Unless you indicate otherwise I will assume they were,h 4. My tentative briefing schedule is attached. In looking to the briefing on ASEAN6 lli~ Attachments cc: D/NFAC AD-M/NFAC J~ -2- SECRET Approved For Release 2004/06/14: CIA-RDP81 800401 R002400040054-6 Approved For Rene 200410%11E4 :CChA 2gP81 800401 RS00040054-6 25X1 13 July 78 TENTATIVE MAJOR TOPIC PREPARATION SCHEDULE Backup Material Week of to DCI on: 17 July 25X1A US/USSR Arms Transfer Comparison 24 July PRC-Vietnam Relations 31 July Moves Toward Western European Unity 7 August International Narcotics 14 August PRC Foreign Economic Policy Brezhnev & the Politburo 21 August Afghanistan Free World Fiber Optical Comm. DCI/NFAC Meeting On: Options in Southern Africa (none) Arms Transfer Around-the-table with NIOs North Korea Mil. Situation Brezhnev & the Politburo Presidential Briefing on: Nuclear Terrorist Threats Soviet Air Defense Law of the Sea 25X1A Options in Southern Africa Arms Transfer and PRC-Vietnam Relations European Unity 25X1A International Narcotics Role of Evacuation in Soviet Civil Defense 25X1A Filler material is or will be available on the following topics: - Soviet -Thailand -Monitoring Arms Control Agreements -Soviet Microelectronics -Nuclear Power in the LDCs 25X1A Note that this schedule is tentative. It will be revised weekly and major changes may take place from week to week. Approved For Release 2004/06/'14 ~ CQPKF&9T81 B00401 R002400040054-6