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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 1, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP69B00369R000100220077-7.pdf207.78 KB
Approved For Release 2004105112 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100220077-7 HOUSE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE 90th CONGRESS Pbilip J. Phfhm L. Mendel Rivers F. Edward H@bort of New Orleans Pa Dis.) of Chin,' (3d this.) Demoemt-1Sdt mean of chmdmwa(lot Disc) Domrcmt-14th term Drmocror-lam team LOUISIANA MASSACHUSETTS SOUTH CAROLINA CHAIRMAN Wr1Ram A. Rotes fSo,,(6tDi,..) 8epu6lirav-3pt !um MASSACHUSETTS Specdr 0. Long f Jmo (&h Dth ) Democrat_Sd term LOUISIANA John R. Blandfbrd SUBWHIdItfEE NO. 1 Philip W. Kelleher Frank M. Slatinshek Philip J. Philbin, Chairman Leslie C. Arends William H. Cook Charles H. Bennett Charles S. Gubser Karl J Morgan Samuel S. Stratton Carleton J. King . Ralph Marshall William J. Randall Frank R. Evans William L. Dickinson . eo JV'orr3 Hervey G Machen . -JSkH f c( SoBCCMMITIER B0. 2 F. Edward Hebert, Chairman William G. Bray Porter Hardy, Jr. Charles H. Chamberlain Lucien R. Wedzi Alexander Pirnie Alton Lennon Donald D. Clancy G. IDSiott Sagan Speedy 0. Long SU8t*II3TER NO. 3 Melvin Price, Chairman Alvin H. O'Honski Otis G. Pike Durward G. Hall Richard H. Ichord Hobert T. Htaiford Otis G. Pike, Chairman Bob Wilson Robert L. Leggett Charles W. Whalen Jr. Richard H. Iohord Charles S. Gubser Floyd V. Hicks , iucien W. Bedsi Charles H. Chamberlain G. HLliott Hagan William L. Dickinson Irwin Donald J Jr. Charles W. Whalen . Frank H: Evans , SIBcalMITrER NO. A Office Secretary of Defense Office Legislative Affairs 0. C. Fisher, Chairman Bob Wilson James A. Byrne Richard S. Schveiker Charles H. Wilson Charles A. Halleck Donald J. Irwin James V. Hith R. S. Johnny Walker Chier Counsel Counsel Counsel Counsel Counsel Counsel to REAL TATE SUBfXB@ff'PTHB Charles H. Bennett, Chairman William G. Bray James A. Byrne Carleton J. King Samuel. S. Stratton James V. Saiitk Richard H. Ichord SPECIAL IBVH3PIGATIORS SUBtFPHR Porter Hardy, Jr., Chairman Charles S. Gubser Otis G. Pike Alton Lennon Alexander Pirnle of Medrz (175 Di.6) R`Q061o-17th ram ILLINOIS SU3lXt MITPEH OR AIR TRABSPCRTATIOB FOR SBBVICE Richard H. Ichord, Chairman Charles H. Chamberlain / Alton Lennon Richard S. Schveiker V ,,,,, William J. Randall Nq REfIRH?T SOBC(lBD:iTRR F. Edward Hebert, Chairman Alvin E. O'Konski Samuel. S. Stratton Bob Wilson Hervey G. Machen Charles S. Oubser Speedy 0. Long ARTS-SOB4ARIHH WABFASH SIITPEE Samuel S. Stratton, Chairman Charles H. Chamberlain Robert L. Leggett Hobert T. Stafford Floyd V. Hicks Rickard S. Schveiker MILITARY ACADR4Iffi SUB(BIPPTHE F. Edward Hebert, Chairman Charles S. Gubser Melvin Price Alexander Pdrnie Charles H. Bennett Donald D. Clancy L. Mendel Rivers, Chairman Philip J. Philbin F. Edward Hebert Melvin Price 0. C. Fisher Porter Hardy, Jr. Charles R. Bennett William H. Bates Leslie C. Arends Alvin B. G'Konski William G. Bray Charles A. Halleck 1st Session 3 February 1967 Approved For Release 2004105112 CIA-RDP69B00369R000100220077-7