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Document Creation Date: 
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 3, 2004
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Publication Date: 
March 7, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP69B00369R000100220016-4.pdf52.1 KB
PHILIP J. PHIL.SIN, MASS. S'. EDWARD HfiEIERTp proved For Release 2004/05/12 CIA-RDP69B00369R000100220WLraaA H. BATES, MASS. MELVIN PILL. LESLIE C. ARENDS, ILL. O. C. PRICE, RI , TEX. ALVIN E. O'KONSKI, WIS. -0. C. FT HARDY, JR., VA. WILLIAM G. DRAY, IND. 'I ES ^AM ES A. HYRNENPA ,FLA. /(~F~ry 8 Ry - - --- BOB WILSON, CALIF. O. 3 oust of 3 .e 1t ttttatibe CHARLES E. GUSSER, CALIF. SAMUEL S. S FRATTON, N.Y. CH E. CHAMBERLAIN, MICH. .ICHA . PH0K, N.Y. ALEXANDER P ALL, O. RICHARD H. (CHORD, MO. COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES. DO DN D ?' HALL' MO. LUCIEN N. N .:DZI, MICH. N ALD ALD D. CLANCY, OHIO ALTON LENNON, N.C. ~,,~ (~ ROBERT T.STAFFORD, VT. LWILLIAM J. HGAN, GA. F~+ W IJANDALL, MO. Ia jtngton, ,.~b?Q RICHARD S. SCHWEIKER. PA. CHARLES G. AFI HAILSO CALIF. CHARLES A. HALLECK, INC. .IA ROBERT L. LI_ GETT, CALIF. NINE CIETH CONGRESS CARLETON J. KING, N.Y. DONALD J. IRWIN, L. DICKINSON, ALA. , CONN. F CHARLES W. WHALEN, in., OHIO RANK E. EVANS, COLO. L. MENDRL flIV Rs JAMES V. 9FSITH, OKLA. rLOYD V. IIICKS WASH C , I , HAIRMAN HERVEY G. MAGNEN, MB. SPEEDY O. LONG, LA. E. S. JOHNNY WALKER, N. MEX. SANTIAGO POLANCO?ASREU,- PUERTO RICO March 7, 1967 The Honorable Richard Helms Director, Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. .Dear Mr. Director STAFF JOHN B. SLANDFORD. CHIEF COUNSEL PHILIP W. KELLEHER, COUNSEL FRANK M. SLATINSHEK, COUNSEL EARL J. MORGAN, PROFESSIONAL STAFF MEMBER WILLIAM H, COOK, COUNSEL RALPH MARSHALL, PROFESSIONAL STAFF MEMBER JOHN J. FORD, PROFESSIONAL STAFF RIMIER DEORGE NORRIS, COUNSEL ONETA L. STOCKSTILL, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY In accordance with the arrangement made with you at the end of your appearance before this Committee, there are enclosed a number of questions. We would appreciate having answers to these as quickly as possible. In case there are any problems with respect to these questions or explanations that you or your staff would like to provide beyond formal written response, please get in touch with Mr. George Norris one of the counsels of the Committee. Sincerely, L. Mendel Rivers Chairman n ~i .tom a,,,M., I l?Jo LMR:gnw William H. Bates Enclosure Ranking Minority Member Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100220016-4