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ApprCC}NGlfi 7R L2ORf 6: CI jffiW383R000200240015- A4429 Behind The Iron Curtain : I Won't Tell Them About Supreme Court, They Think We're a Christian Nation EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. PATRICK MINOR MARTIN OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, July 15, 1963 Mr. MARTIN of California. Mr. Speaker, the following article, written by one of my constituents, ran on the front page of the Imperial Valley Press, Imperial, Calif., on the Fourth of July 1963. It should cause the State Depart- ment to check its sources of information about liberty under the Communists; It should also cause each Member of this Congress to pause before casting a vote authorizing continuing aid to any nation ruled by the Communists; at the very least, it calls for corrective legislation to permit Bible reading on a noncom- pulsory basis in public schools. Under unanimous consent I include Mary tell about the incredible "Kennedy Dold's article in the Appendix of the policy" on Cuba: RECORD: KENNEDY'S CODA POLICY A Two-FACED TILING? BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN: I WON'T TELL. THEM ABOUT SUPREME COURT, THEY THINK (By Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott) WE'RE A CHRISTIAN NATION WAsHrNGTON.-Presldent Kennedy's Cuban (By Mary Ann Dold) policy has an increasing resemblance to Dr. In March I made a short visit to Prague, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. While State Department spokesmen are Czechoslovakia. my country where From s experiences rule nd in di- publicly proclaiming the administration's Communists rule and a firm intention to continue to Isolate the victual where vidual freedoms do not exist, I developed Red-ruled Island, the President's Inner coun- mplacenToday- Today, cit of policy advisers Is privately pursuing an in deep sense of view o of f Ammericaericae ns' for attitude o of f co co country. n view exactly opposite course. cy, I regard my country with shame and pity. are p proterotestst. . these large see White During my visit behind the Iron Curtain, Without House a authorities single White I met with the youth of the Baptist Church House of oil from Western and Communist In Prague. I witnessed people whose freedom countries of it flow Into Cuba to keep muni t to CaBtro's of religion was being thwarted. These people nom o rating and his Soviet- British flag. Three other tankers are Greek, three Norwegian, and two Italian. Inoverall tonnage; these tankers represent nearly one-fourth of the 1,031,517 tons of Western shipping now serving Cuba. These Western tankers averaged two trips to Cuba in the first 6 months, according to the Navy, indicating the vessels are regu- larly assigned to transporting Western oil there. As administration policy is to blacklist only individual ships and not the entire fleet of an owner, these foreign operators find it highly profitable-and safe-to assign cer- tain vessels to the Cuban trade. This glaring loophole makes utterly, mean- ingless the loudly ballyhooed blacklist the only concrete measure so far taken to curb Western shipping. Repeated efforts by congressional leaders to put teeth into the administration's shipping blacklist have been disregarded by the President and his policy advisers. They claim stiffer measures would lead to vehe- ment objections by U.S. allies, particularly Britain. Significantly, these potent White House lieutenants are suppressing a Defense In- telligence Agency report indicating that con- siderable quantities of strategic lubricating oil, processed in the United States and used In ground-to-air missile systems, have turned up In Cuba after being transshipped from another country. This same report also reveals that Vene- zuelan oil is finding its way to Cuba by trans=hipment through European and Latin American firms. 5HIFIING POLICY As reported In this column on June 19, Prealdent Kennedy is seriously considering a State Department proposal to resume diplo- matic ties with Castro. As a first step, the President Is contem- plating reopening the U.S. Embassy in Ha- vana by sending a charge d'affaires there. Under the plan, this would take place in September. At present, the Swiss are han- dling U.S. affairs In Cuba. The closely guarded move to "normalize" relations with Communist puppet Dictator Castro is linked directly with the President's elaborate maneuvers to ease tensions with Rwrsia. If the resumption of diplomatic ties with Castro can be brought off, the President then contemplates a gradual relaxation of the trade ban on Cuba. The administration's decision to drop plans to ask the Organiza- tion of American States to declare a sweeping economic embargo against Cuba is a direct result of these new policy considerations. BEHIND THE NEWS Chicago newspapers owe their interviews with Benjamin J. Davis, national secretary of the U.S. Communist Party, during the NAACP convention, to an FBI tip, giving his hotel and room number. The G-men wanted to alert the public to the Communists' secret scheme to move in to take over demonstra- tions and sessions. Another Yalta appears to be in the wind, with the same authors telling us why: RUSSIA-UNITED STATES NONAGGRESSION PACT were persecuted for their belief in God. I equipped and dominated military machine met students who had been expelled from the ning. Charles University. I met children whose equne President's assistants are even pro- fathers were in prison. I met young girls ceeding with a closely guarded plan to re-in . who worked long hones to emboec one some diplomatic relations with Castro by jobs yr not December eboya one sending a charge d'affalres to Havana. Sundaay last Deecember able hours these e young gc young boys and d The carefully masked face of the admin- irls t stood up biomemunst unitt officials congregation officials and an- - istration's Cuban policy Is clearly reflected the nceced setheir ce of belief m in Gpd d in Navy reports on the steadily Increasing noun ands h . volume of Western and Communist shipping I loaned hands and prayed with these d w to Cuba, surveys by the Maritime Admin- might . some day ay b b We be that lifted the and Iron they y could lstratlon, and high significant discussions prayed might among top administration ofnclals. then us in America. t s God for Naval Intelligence's latest reports disclose their freedom to worship Christ t In their that 429 Russian-satellite and 205 Western hearts. vessels arrived In Cuba In the first G months The youth America is taught me their a of 1963. The Maritime Administration, lot about my y Countr I]tly. America lacks certain clandestine information dream. available to the Navy, states that "at least "America," they said, "is a country based 167 free world ships docked in Cuba since on a Christian heritage. It Is a nation under January 1, 19G3." God. The words 'In God We Trust'. are According to the Navy's unpublished esti- written on every coin. The phrase 'under mate, 96 of the Russian-satellite vessels were God' is Included in the flag salute. The tankers carrying vital supplies of oil, kero- people stand together in public and sing sene and aviation gasoline to Soviet and 'God Bless America.' Most important of all, Castro military forces. the students can read about God in the Both of these official reports also reveal ciRSSrooms. the disturbing fact that In the past 3 months WASHI NGTON.-President Kennedy and "You know," they explained to me, "most an increasing number of ships riving free- Premier NGTON Khrushchev already have reached an of the students in our country have never world flags have been showing up in Cuban understanding "in principle" to ban even heard of God." ports, under contract to Soviet bloc coun- under t tests In the atmosphere and under- nuclear correspond with two boys from the tries, water and on a compromise tie between church. I'm not going to write them about Most of these ships (39 In April, 42 In NATO and the Warsaw Pact. the Supreme Court's recent decision to ban May, and 53 In June) are of British regis- The later is to consist of an exchange of Bibles from the classroom. Perhaps they try, although many actually are owned by military missions between the Western and will read about it In their paper-for news nationals of Greece, Italy, and Norway. Soviet bloc alliances. like that is always welcomed by the, Com- THE OIL TRAFFIC Establishment of this relationship would munists. If they should hear about it, I know they won't understand. They would Of the Western ships plying the Cuban be the first step in an overall plan under say it is a lie, produced by the Communists. trade, 21 are tankers, 13 of them flying the which, sometime In the future, a nenaggres- "Surely." they will argue, "the Christians will use their freedom of speech and units in a protest against such a decision. After all, what do American Christians have to lose? There are no Communists to put the fathers in prison, to send the children to factories and keep the students out of the universities. No, the idea of Americans let- ting their great 'nation under God' lose Its Christian foundation, is too absurd." I'll just send them a newspaper clipping of us Americans at our ig Fourth of July ti Kenn ' s wo-F red Cuban Policy EXTENSION OF REMARKS o HON. STEVEN B. DEROUNIAN OF NEW YoSA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, July 15, 1963 Mr. DEROUNIAN. Mr. Speaker, when will the American people be told the truth-when it is too late? In the July 10 issue of the Long Island Press, Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott IN THE WIND (By Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott) Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 198. ~ U K T4 We nuhm~ 00 - tats. boo *&it oft 4lk"w_ .9OW -ter I= It ss ;- _ iii _ emtI Tbalr splei; wawa w low d `aelei s 1~set -- ~ ,~ 1I 'tt~ w.* --dome reset ~ss~:ffi r~idt retr rte.= ~~- edop of tirrq. _w'ae ub? L fir i scot sJ ! ae0 =i #ii '?hews are i ..-. w*a o ouOtvs- a ham, *Uafti in Ob- b fi t dad ---a le0~rs! ,tea.. uw we cc law am" unim t1d _ urn q a w "Ours, screen CNWAlhovw~A.*"A~_ 9=0 10 my In this vbseryanm we wish t'?. a d I SW discuss the bs is ' remInd throe aDtfve peoples L The gime, to dow-W at am tMTSI by U.S. as df u, a ba to free wftM bas www sn not iota their soab.. ~t- * r tp s g and, I Am sacs Members } l d*FdMOdRelea--; p ftm" Se: -lurp 1~r16 wbs I "'o mu*w bqW. mtmkM. to eLd a lithe -W juw "d !!w,.ires r m w we s Now man* am sbwak va~ OAVA *0 Is aun the pusmg am sown3ohmaw .3fWoos W.et1i i A sit 16-;_ ss POOSIMIRF sa to. aw#la atA afield be ^..eor.wst s U Ahk in.e'eu.le 1sts..y ttnla 010016-60 *sow, 6- lp"baom Ass& &A w `~ d; of sow ~.assr Cedar. sad m an appavonaft ow womb- *&_Acm, :.~ YllG S! lam- Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 1.1840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- HOUSE July 15 bit of light on this particular situation. The reason for taking the House floor today in particular Is because of a mat- ter that has been called to my attention with regard to a new trip bring planned and proposed, by U.B. citisens--nd some foreigners--who are members of the Committee for Non-Violent slams--- which came to my attention as a result of monitoring Radio Havana. And WAS is what Radio Havana now reports eon- cerning new trips by U.B. Mind ants; tad this, Incidentally, also b>Mudes certain foreign students traveling to Cuba for the purpose of demanding, and traveling through the United States to highlight that demand, that the United States withdraw Its troops h+omi Guantanamo, even though we are there by treaty right. What am I talking about? CMQ Havana broadcast an July 6 the follvw- ing Information: There an three student O'oape parUCipat. we in a worth through the United Stains asking the Government to evocasle the tauantaoanio Saco. They agreed yesterday to meet at Grt ee Air Pam Bass. Which, parenthetically I state is In Brice. N.Y. The students met on July a in Mvw 'lest and sate tins their march would end at Ouaotsaaerw Seas. dwrntte the fact that tea VA . government; arbitrarily asdatatna prv- bibitlooe against VA. ettlsine visiting Cuba. This Is Havana Radio speakIng which, of coarse. is the Government of Cuba. which an the Communists. speaking. Again on July 9 Radio Progreso. Havana, said: It was announced In New York that par- ticipents of the "march aloe peace., Is" AMM yeetesdal an routs to Cubs, alter having made a Aug deawnstraiion of American territory (VA. bees of Bike in Italy)-- Incidentally, demanding that we with- - draw our troops from that base as *oil- with their anal goal being Oueadsnwaso Bare. The group will be joined by m atpare, from Quebao, Canada. and 12 from ONve- land. Ohio. `reiterating their decision to continue the peaceful fight for Cuba." The members of the group pointed out that the -fight for peace in the Oewribbean Is a necessary condition for peace is all of the warid." They will travel through Mortis American territory. frown north to south, until they arrive in Florida, where they will astir- at the city of Guantanamo, anon than 3,300 miles of journey. They announced they would 'continue mating acts of protest against the aggres- sions or the United Btates against Cuba," and an journeying to O ant-namo, "de- spite the olflotal Yankee teasures that pro- Whit North Americas to journey to Cuba." I assume that from Florida they will go to Cuba in a manner similar to the route taken by the 50 US. students who are there today. who are there extolling throughout the world the virtues of C i-- trolon and communism in this heml- sphere and throughout the world. As a matter of fact, one of these students even went so far as to call Castro a "saint" while visiting in Cuba. I shall comment on that in just a moment. Apparently the route these people In- tend to take will be similar to that taken by the 59 students going through Prague, Czechoslovakia, to Havana, having got- ten visas and penports from our State Department to go to London and to Am- sterdans,. Be where are we? Well, they an- oamoe, these now students, that they will continue to make "sets of protest against aggressions of the United stater against Cuba, despite the oBa4al Iran- boo measures that ptobibit North Amer- jams from traveling to Cuba." Tice Stats Departments soft line on the ille- gal travel by the U American students now being brainwashed by the Comma. nists in Cuba has apparently meouraged further of this kind and further travel to Cubs. If the State De- portment continues to refuse to enforce the law that stakes travel to Cuba 1116- gal, _ turthet ft-ations of this kind and further date~ts from cubaom ex- tolling the seer can become arts at, Ctabi z and bommunisae's greatest propWards, weapons.. Theme people bate announced their intention to travel to Cuba through the United States and, therefore. should not be allowed to con- tinue their propagandizing of Castro and communism on U.S. moil or permitted to go to Cuban soil through our. acquies- cence In order to acoosgpltali this same objective. How foolish i0 this thing get- Uall to b0 ,The t has now beta ? set This new trip ,has now been an- nounced. I b'fe demanded that the State Department Call a halt to the so- tions uuderwat. What in wrong with It has been latereattas to mnd to read some of the editorial reeactioms to the States demand that the law of the Wiled be obeyed. Tithe li, U.S.C.. section 1183. specifically says that wbmn the President so proelaines U.B. ctiaeas shdi be darned the right to travel to apeelfle countries because it is in the best Interest of the United States that they be so denied. That Is a law Dammed by the U.S. CM- With the obvious objective of not permitting U.S. citbhms directly or hldl- rectly to aid or abet the enemy. Some my. Is Castro really the enemy? T'he, President himself has said so by up- holding this with. the proclamation of January 16, 1961. denying such travel. That was President Eisenhower. Presi- dent Kennedy and the State Department previously stated their intention to up- hold this proclamation and the law It- self. The Government of the United States now has the duty to enforce that law. The United Stater. the President, as I started to may. President Kennedy, has twice invoked the Trading With the Enemy Act as It relates to Cuba. This in effect states Castro is the enemy of free- dom and of our Government's objectives in this hemisphere under the law. The Trading With the Enemy Act was invoked with regard to tobacco shipments last year. The Trading With the Enemy Act was Invoked again just a few weeks ago by the President relating to Cuba. The United States has withdrawn recognition of Cuba and continuing coin uric tioals. continuing vmltations, without express permission of the State Department are In violation of that basic foreign policy objective of the eventual political and economic quarantine of Cuba. These are some of the things that are wrong about It. We have cut off travel to numerous other countries for other reasons, and still do: North Korea, North Vietnam. Red 4atine. Albania, and Cuba. All pass- ports of the United States, partially as a result of my objection. to travel to Cuba, are now so stamped. Every passport is- sued Is stamped as not valid for travel to thom countries, including Cubs. This is the U.S. policy. If the State Depart- atent does not uphold the law it is In- viting violation of the law. What are some other reasons why this Is a proper action to be taken and why the hiw should be obeyed? I read the press reports this morning and heard on the radio that a U.S. citizen, one of the 59, was tilled yesterday In Santiago. We beard that he was swimming In a swim- eams pool- on a hot day. sweltering heat, In Santiago and drowned. The news report, did not give Bob Hill's home ad- drxsas and gave no further explanation. I think this Illustrates another reason for banning travel to countries in which the United States has no embassy and does not recognize the countries, and therefore cannot protect the citizens of the United States who travel to those eoimtries. We do not know how Bob Hill was killed. We do not kihow whether there iwns anything wrong in regard to action by Castro or the Commun sts. We have no way of knowing about it. There is no protection for future Bob Hills In these countries because we have no embassies to accomplish that protec- tion. That Is one of the additional rea- sons for denying travel to these coun- trim. . A further reason Is obvious in con- nection with this present student vilitsUcir, these 69 students that are there. when they go to these Com- lOsunist countries, which even in- .elttds-fsssta--and I have been there. I have bean there under the sponsorship of the Intourist Travel Agency. They show you just exactly what they want you to on, and nothing more. Them is no such thing as free travel In Red Chins, in North Vietnam, in North Korea, There Is no such thing as free travel in Cuba. These students. some of them apparently, were bilked into think- Ing that if they went to Cuba, they would be able to see what the revolution was all about and what is going on. Well, the only thing they get to see is what Castro lets them see and what the Com- launiste let them see. This trip is being sponsored by the Student Union Federation of Cuba which is headed by a known Communist. Ron- ald Cubelo, assisted by Angelo Quevada, another Communist. It is under the di- rect sponsorship of the Cuban Govern- ment and the Cuban Government, as a matter of tact, Is paying the bill, as I stated in the Racoas Just the other day. Here are some of the other organisa- tions that are sponsoring this trip. There Is A.rniando Hart. He is the Com- munist head of the educational depart- ment In Cuba, the Cuban Ministry of Education, directly under the Cuban Government. He Is the one who is Is- suing the orders. He Is the one who is pulling the strings concerning this visit. Everyone else Involved In the Invitation Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 11842 Approved For ReI G8W19 3A]GIAfR' 6BWPM$gPO200240015-0 July 1.5, What else is wrong with this travel to Interests of this country to let specific lenis involved here and I think he should Cuba Proposition? We have imposed a thm. Qnals ban on not only travel but on economic there, for specific purposes travel be recognized for the tremendous job interchange between the United states that he is doing in the interests of na- Business people now in the United tional security. and Cuba for some time. A trade ban States are talking about traveling to Red Mr. CRAMER,. I thank the gentle- aimed at all free-world trading with China. There are a number of them and man from Ohio very much. Of course he Cuba has been Imposed. partially at they are attempting to get permission to likewise has been a fighter in the effort least. We have stopped trading with travel to Red China.; The objective is to get this country to follow a firm anti- Cuba. To permit these students, to per- the Obvious---to do what the Congress of Communist mit this other group that is now talking the United States said shall not be done; I appreciate Policy kind remarks. abroad about going to Cuba; to go to that cam- that is, to open up trade between Red These are the signs of the times that try does what? As Castro himself says China and the free world, meaning the bother me. For instance. here is an- and as was stated in another of these United States In Particular. Red China other example, not only in the travel of Havana radio broadcasts we have moni- already trader with Great Britain. So students and people to Cuba, but now tored. this is an effective way of breaking the objective in the first instance is to go we end that there Is a proposal pending the dollar curtain. And It certainly is. to that brutal Communist country to try and'. that permission is being asked for The Communists on the Havana radio to create additional Markets in Red the reinstatement of the ferry and ship- are bragging about these 59 students and China. That Is the objective on the part ping line between Key West and Havana. ymbolize. The w sat they sst to break the dollar d Implication curtain of these U.B. businessmen. If you are As I Informed the House previously, is t that has been Po bre around Cuba going to open up trade with Red China t2eiro were other signs with regard to the the next thing will be a demand for rec- eonununieations and travel, such as the United States. If this Is permitted to ognitlon, which has not been made. and United States permitting Cuban non- continue. there is no question but what a demand for seating them in the United scheduled airlines to travel over the tourist dollars will be flowing to Cuba. Nations. All of these matters the Con- United States going to Canada so long This would undercut all of the basic grew of the United States and, I am con- as they stopped at one of our major air- policies of an economic and Political fident. the people of the United States Ports for Inspection, Including Dunes quarantine of Cuba in order to squeeze oppollie. Airport outside Washington, the Communists out of this hemisphere. There is a further basic aspect of this; you have the anomalous and almost un- This is another thing that 1s wrong namely, the fact that the State these rte planes thinkable s g over of d stoppng in the with it: We have asked all other coun- went has done nothing to prevent Depart,- tries in this hemisphere to stop travel flying over and stopping to the Cuba. TBelden subcommittee let students from traveling and has shown ares6 of Washington, D.C.. on their way the ub&. The the Senate subcommittee, a rather soft attitude about it and has to and from Canada. Also a week later and lb House of the other body on enatesubc In male not sued Its Intentimi to seek their pro- the United States announced that the America and o this o country ve the Ben- secutlon when they get back. That ap- ban on U.S. commercial airlines sched- te ric clearly showed that Cuba pears to me to be a step In, the direction uled to go across Cuba was being with- being atengdeed a an Island for Cuba In of Coexistence with Castro slid cocomu- drawn. ' Yet they said there was not a and that those trainffUbVerldve ees are niam in this hemisphere, which possibly deal made on those two subjects. I training Kraito all other countries trainees was best exempilfied by the President's think the facts speak for themselves. h t hem In is to all of r oo remarks at American University when he You can imagine the U.S. Government unarm, order r er t spire said--end this is the first explanation I lifting such a ban if they had not been tro's comet have had as to why our policy is what convinced in the first Instance by some nlsm to those other countries. and they it Is as it relater to Cuban communism assurance given to them are doing it effectively. that- by the Castes Mr. Cone, Director of Intelligence, e should would not that our c. Why, iaf curse stated to the Belden committee that no reexamine our attitude toward would not be attacked. Wily, of course less than 1,5110 had gone to Cuba for the the Soviet Union- not. re to purpose of attending these subversive And that- ing To up get and re back newing this this ferry proposal for andhi ship- schools In 1962 alone, naming some of Additional communication mesas addi- tional understanding between the came- ping line between Key West and Havana, crated. These 59 students are now in mat countries and the United States. here is the proposal. It Is for a shit. or 0, Cuba and they. Intentionally or other- The word make er the Ord~e Sun week the ryi g to wise, are being put through the Commu- Honed, and certainly ly ly permitting i ttin was men- students three tries week carrying &* rust subversive training Program_ That to go to Cuba Is In the form of an ac- already been leased b an Arrif- firm .in what Is wrong with It. How foolish commodation. So this Involves the basic headed by a British nat onal.ic Castro we look Insisting that all Latin Ameri- fundamental concepts of our foreign re- apparently has already agreed to the can countries stop subversive travel to lations in the cold war. All the efforts I deal. I called the State Department and Cuba and we let 59 of our students to have seen lead to the conclusion that we asked, them for information about It and there for brainwashing. are rapidly on the way, this being an- objected to any such renewal of trade The security of the United States is other element of proof in that regard, to- between the United States and Cuba. involved, the basic security for our coun- coexistence with Castro and com- To my, amazement I was informed try. An additional purpose not per- munism in this hemisphere. matting people to travel to these other Let me give you another example that that the State Department indieveed countries which the United States does disturbs me. that Brat are not any laws to prevent not recognize, these other countries Mr. DEVINE. Mr. Speaker, Havana and Key ferry swine ertSince which this Nation has stated are the gentleman yield? will the when" and gothe West. U I wonder .enemies of this country, Iour se- when" Does not the United States have i rem . The security aspect Involves involved Mr. CRAMER. I will be delighted to the right to say what ships may enter yield urity Is and there Is no way in the world that Mr. DEVIINE~ I would like to com- th ht that this trade was with the the enemy? whole nole nI our Government can control what some- pliment the gentleman from Florida for and one does when they go to those countries, rendering and bares for the present trade bales now that what Information they may leak to those Ice to his country. I think is a great srom in ex absolute right he United Stater has . The gentleman man from the absolute righstate whether, for governments or what may be brought Pinellas County, Fla.. has been an ar- instance, any foreign company ships back to this country for subversive pur- dent lighter against Communist subver- trading with Cuba can then use U.S. noses. The basic security of our Nation sion situations, and the whole Cuban pow and the United States as h is Involved in all ,t this travel. That is mess. We do not read much about Cuba said no, they cannot. I just wonder how one of the reasons w:iy travel is forbidden any more. I do not know whether the far the State Department will go in in these "enemy" foreign countries. Few administration, because of other failures opening this door of accommodation exception,, exist and thy must get per- wants to sweep it under the rug, but It with Castro. I am h mission from our State Department to appears to be that. The gentleman from opeful that they do so and then only If rived them.le Ut921 3Me01~k R@R6d>~6i038 $ t ~f? of this App - that Is another CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 11843 11 51ff to do it is not element on the road to coexistence and formerly Cam I orb ;;cominodation with t 3Poved For Re1da I )_ ee p ~O Q Making this nhfaotim% with regard to the 59 students, what was the reply that the State Department gave? This is almost unbelievable naivete on the part of the State Department. This is the day following my last statement on the floor of the House objecting to this student trip. A Department spokesman, Robert McClos- kec told a news conference, "We hope that thee students would have the opportunity for frank exchange with students at Cuban University where traditional and classical autonomy has been lost to the dictates of the regime and academic freedom has dis- appeared in the stuitillaation of Communist slogans." That Is the usual doubletaik of the State Department. They are on the one hand saying, "You have got communism In Cuba, you have got a stultification of Communist slogans, you have a lack of academic freedom," and then on the other hand showing the extent of their naivete by saying, "But we are con- vinced the Communists are going to show these students what the Commu- nist revolution Is really all about," im- plying that the students will thus find out what is wrong with It. This is the fuzzy-headed thinking of the State De- partment that evidences almost unbe- lievable naivete on their part, from New York City. It Is signed "Alan I mentioned a minute ago something deReosa." This Is the thinking of the of the brainwashing that was going on people living in the United States of and here is another example. America who support these brainwashing According to press reports Blas Roca, trips. I Will read the last sentence the Prime mover of communism in Cuba nrst: u.B A to bat the for other 30 years-he was addressing We brains need out of of a G punks In like e the you these 59 U.S. students-told 59 American college students here on this illegal And he was writing to a Member of the junket that Fidel Castro "began his U.S. Congress, Let us read the whole study of Marxism early in life." card. This was reported in the Communist I read that you are sponsoring action newspaper Hoy: against the students visiting .Cuba. You big bum. If you punks in Washing. wty The students pold visit to n did Rory and Armed FOICeeaMinister Raul Castro p e izwtesomething for the benefit of no the peo~- v to on. in in the Hoy editorial ottloea yesterday , the USA wld h ...oueae any Inteteres in am. Raul Castro unquestionably has ban munism. The people In Cuba have kick" a Communist all his life and undoubt-. off the Yoke of oppression. They have rid pitan edly gave them a good brainwashing. Me ot erg of the Bare atte crooks to the Roca, one-time president of the Ooanmu- something and for r the now an td enp people. dow , do Wet Party in Cuba is now editor of Hoy.e people of the II What Thi s is what he said : One thing that is not understood in the United Staten is that Comrade Fidel Castro,. our leader and guide, began his study of Marxism early In life and began to assimilate the essentials of it. Raul's wife, Vilma Flspin. also met the American students. She had returned from a Moscow Women's Congress only 2 days ago, held in Moscow. Roca told the American group, which Includes 10 Negroes, that discrimina- tion will not disappear until "there Is no more exploitation, no more imperialism, which maintains Negroes and whites divided." Obviously he was trying to brainwash the American students as relates to racial problems in this country, imply- Ing that citizens, Negro and white, are better off under communism where every One is a Prisoner of the superstate. Last night the students were feted at a rally in their honor at Liberty City- munist all his life and whose name I Cuba.~or permission to thesegst dents to mentioned Just a few minutes ago, tour the United States on their way to These are some of the things that are Cuba which serves Castro's purpose and wrong with these visits. gives him, I think, one of the biggest The reaction to my remarks has been propaganda victories and weapons to sow practically unanimously favorable, but false propaganda he has had for a the kind of people who are supporting long time. these trips and these students Is what I include related editorials and articles Interests me. There is no doubt In my on this subject supporting my position mind that those who support them are generally. those who likewise support and sympa- Cause's 59 Qvxs= thine with the Communist cause In Cuba, Not surprisingly, the 59 U.S. college stu- even though they are U.S. Citizens. dents who went to Cuba in denanes of State Here is some pretty Conclusive proof. Department warnings have been defended by Here are some items that Caine to my a scathing of Americans. Their line is omee. Here Is one that calve from i&l- that the Jude showed spunk and that the aml. signed Janeli Itoeenberger. She State Department has no business dictating states the address. We checked the ad- travel taboo.. dregs, and it obviously Is a fake. $d- That second point is open to debate. A quotes the news article In July in which I can be mein for epe en right r Amerisoh- I called for prosecution of those on this servers or f~ in Ind gatherers ao on their trip, if t they thgo on tir own and take their own chances. ..We dare you." Signed "Janet." But advocates of that point of view make Here Is another from Miami, "you a pretty poor argument when they cite the ain't got a chance, man." Signed college rebels an a case in point. ?gym " The students' trip to Cubs can scarcely be But listen to U31L Hole a called have dependent venture In any sense. parently from Card ap- They gone there by way of Prague as somebody who H he is not guests of the Castro regime-under the aegis A U.S. citizen-is in this country by the of a front outfit called the Cuban Institute Nothing, you bum Just filing your own pockets and creating a bundle. We need a Castro In the U.S.A. to bat the brains out of punks like you. ALax saRaoaa. This happened in the United States of America. This Is someone living under the freedoms of this country. writing a Representative in the Congress in this fashion. Is there any doubt but what this person is a supporter of the Castro revolution and of the Communists In this hemisphere? I do not think so. I think It is the best evidence of who really is behind this trip of these 59 students and who undoubtedly would be behind the trip of these other students who are now planning to make this trip through the United States and visit Guantanamo. It is my hope that the State Depart- ment will take a firm position with re- gard to these new travelers in the United States, these new students intending to pro to Cuba. ' The State Department should be unequivocal about this, and .% swsemient Issued by thestudents In part. Ing hinted that they thought Americans were being led lies about the nature of the Casio regime and the living conditions of the Cu- ban people. Dispatches from Havana since the stu- dents' arrival Indicate that Castro is giving them the full red carpet treatment And do_ ing 'his utmost to provide them with a selected view of the landscape. This is the sort of abuse the State De- partment is trying to prevent as part of no general effort to isolate Cuba and short eir- eLdt Castro Propaganda. The example of the a9 thus serves to Justify, not weaken, the De- Lent'e restrictions On travel to Cuba. Anyway, the state Department's aye or nay isn't all that counts. The real criterion is which prospective visitors the Castro regime will admit orrefuse to admit. Thais, as much as anything, is what. puts the trek of the 59 In such a questionable light. IFroe n the Tampa Tribune, July e, 19691 Ax l'xvnrarrox ro Diaassracr The presseice of 59 American students In Havens despite U.S. State Department warn- ings that they face possible jail terms and Aria if they made the trip brings to mind an old Marine Corps maxim. goes something to the effect that you never gun at anyone unless you in- tend to pull the trigger, the theory being that frivolity with the weapon erodes re- spect for both the gun and the rasa behind It. Insofar as its curb on Cuban travel is con- owned. the State Department had done a powerful lot of pointing, but has pulled the trigger mighty little. The State Department carefully makes the point that Itn prohibition dc._* not apply to those who have legitimate reasons for travel to Cuba--newsmen, those with humani- tarian reasons such as doctors, lawyers, and religious representatives, and those whose business Interests on the island predate Castro. But Congressman WILLIAM C. Caasm, of Pinellas County, recently furnished the Sen- ate Internal Security Subcommittee a list of 97 U.S. Citizens who defied the state De- partment's ban and traveled to Cuba by way of Mexico during A 6-months period Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --HOUSE Jul? 15 in I9s9. an" o9P?'0'~ 1R~sleaise 2(X$4/OSr ai. G{> R6SB 4H00Q 2 A they would 'eontlnu, other sources of Ps by additional Amen- Communist organ,, Boy and held a round- making acts of protest against the sggres- catrs, Including V. T. Lee. erstwhile head of table dfaoussioq with the Oommunist bier- moss of the United States against Cuba,' and the Tampa Pair Play for Cuba Committee. arc-by of Cuba: Journeying are Guantanamo. 'despite the who was quoted in a Cuban magazine as "The 59 young brave Worth American stu. oScYankee measures that havin made a s prohibit North g perch In "broken but emo- dent are vialifimg our country to learn !lrat= Americans to Journey to Cubs'.. tlon-packed Spanish- in Havana's Plata de hand the Cuban revolution, were interviewed la Revolucion declaring: last night by the National Directorate of the (Mr. CRAMER asked and was given "I want you to know that may country is PUR (communist national direction of the permission to revise and extend his re- anxious to know the truth about this heroin government). Comandante Raul Castro. Marks and include extraneous matter.) island, first free territory of Amer" and Vice Premier and-Minister of Armed Forces: that It doesn't agree with Kennedy's sggres- and Blas Roca, of Boy. The President of the slona. Some day together we will wla" Federation of Cuban Women (Communist MALICIOUS STAT NT RENTED The Senate subcommittee's records are re- women's group for the penetration of Latin stlete with other such Instances. including America,) Vuma Mspln de Castro, and Legato (Mr. TAL,COTT (at the request of Mr. considerable indication that Lee just about Pena, Secretary General of the Cuban Work- SneAL) was given permission to extend =Annex and goes as be pleases where travel to ors Pederatlan (Pena has called repeatedly his remarks at this point in the Rzcoiw Cuba is concerned. Yet only two U.S. citi- of workers In Venezuela and other coun- and Include extraneous matter.) wens, Negro Newsman William Worthy, and tries to-revolt against the Imparl.1i $---aes Mr. TALCOTT. Mr. Speaker, portions Mrs. Helen Maxine Levi Travis, of Los An- speeches of January 953) took part in the of a statement appearing In the QoNaaxs- geles, have been prosecuted for violating the discussion. ban- The meeting took place in the oldces of 111[0NAf. RSCOLD of June 27, 1963, on page Such laxity Is hardly curbing travel to Roy, whose director gave the students a his. 11195, are seriously erroneous, Cuba. About all it's accomplishing is in- tgry of the background of the paper time An unnamed union leader--after fig disrespect for the State Department its foundation. For his part, Comaante claiming an absence of toilet and hand- from U.S. oitiaane--and from governments Raid such as F(atleo's which Castro, and his wife, V11- k I n, an- Washing facilities for migrants--ls quoted only recently has swered all the questions put to them by the as saying: been prevailed upon to quit permitting North American visitors." Americans with nonvalid peasports to use The edit in Boy on July a is revealing: Consumers would gag on their salad If they its airports as points of departure for for- "The Mobilisation of the heroic American now the lack of sanitary conditions under bidden travels to Castroland. Negroes fight for their rights as citlsens which the products are grown and processed. , purveyor, and the voyage of 50 American students to I challenge BTUntarrs ill CUBA Cuba, Is breaking the dollar curtain and or publisher re the of the e quoted to For the first time since Castro .yr.,.. r daatmvins cr,. - h , ,.- ,._ -- . ed stdt Fourth of July. The flaming seems to lank- in prison (for the illegal trip)-.-demon- - able evidence to substantiate any such cote an Increasing need for acoosnaodation ' strata that even in the fortress of imperial- charge pertaining to the Salinas Valley with the United Staten in view of his troubles ism (the United States) tha contradictions in California. I believe, and unless fac- with the guerrillas and maatlve resistance among peoples are beginning to explode." teal evidence Is produced. I submit that (am his speeches June 15 and 97). He also Immediately following the editorial on the the statement is false---mltliciously false. had a news peg on which to hang his Cu- American Negroes sad students, cam the More quality salad vegetables are existence--60 American students-and Guan- following: grown and processed in the Salinas Val- CAnarao Ba e. "The latter ?irnm the Ldtlst Flat of Lib- ley than in any other place In the world The following in a translation of broad. oration of Uruguay to comrade Fidel Castro such conditions do not occur in the cents over the Cuban radio, July 5: Impress" the unmovable solidarity of the "Havana, radio Progreso: Sector Juan peoples of Latin America toward the Cubans 812A Valley. Any product grown In Marinello (president of the Cuban Oomamu- revolution is as immovable as the solidarity the Salinas Valley is thoroughly in- must Party), of the University of Havana, of Cuba toward the Latin American peopley. spected for an Imperfections-by State presided over a brilliant meeting last night The OAS with its treaties (accords) is in- inspectors and by industry self-inspee- 1n the Magna Hall. Said Dr. Juan Marinello: capable of killing this sentiment, or to iIn- ikon, for which there is none more strict me Fourth of July is a glorious day for pede its expression. in the United States. humanity, not only for the United States.' " "Our Peoples eau pose the read tb the in- The meeting took place as an act of honor terventionlats, the fight of all the patriotic Moreover, the statement is an unfair to the 59 U.S. student, who are visiting Cubs forces, demoorsile, popular, revolutionaries and false slur upon the migrlint workers. "t,o learn drat hand the results of the Cuban socialists ' ' ' all then who refuse to cede Certainly the publisher of this remark revolution." Following the winging of both to the Yankee foreign ministry as col- would not want to infer that the personal rational anthems, the secretary of foreign oralea ? ? ? sW-?? habits of the domestic migrant worker relations of the student union, Roberto Viz. Apparently linked to all this, CUQ Havana are Inferior to those of the bracero from caino (Communist) presented the head Of broadcast on July 6 the following: Mexico. the student groups, Levi Laub, who said: a had no idea "There are three student groups pertici- Would anyone believe that per- that tonight I was going to paging in a march through the United States arW 'peak. If I had known it. I would not have asking come the Oovaruiaant to evacuate the such a derogatory remark about an in- - I only want to may that we are happy Guantanamo Base. They agreed yesterday dustry in which he over the kindness with which the people, to meet at Grilsth Air Force Base. The was interested or and particularly the university students, are students met on July 3 In New York and from which he derived his livelihood. treating us." said that their march would end at the Such a remark, even if well founded, "Our trip," Laub continued, "has been the Guantanamo Rase, despite the feet that would be no Less than treacherous Sabo- cause of surprise to our country ' ' ? al- the U.S. Government arbitrarily maintains tal;E. though we have been here only a brief time, prohibitions against U.S. citizens visiting It would seem analogous and just as we have observed the warmth which which Cuba .? we, have been treated fair to publish a statement that all d0- , and hope that in a Again, on July s, Radio Progreso, Havana, met;tic grocers, doctors, short time, the Cubans will visit us In our said: and restaura- universities-" "It was "flounced in New York that Leers in San Antonio had a contagious venereal disease. Such a statement Later the same day. Radio Progreso an- Participants Of the 'March For Peace' left ' "Today "Today, July 6, the Association of the Rome Yesterday an route to Cuba, after would I resent be the rightfully statement resented about by the everyone. salad North American Friends of Cuba will eels- having made a final demonstration on Amer- brato Independence Day of the United States wIcan i Territory (U.S. ba's'e of B1k1 in Italy) vegetableIndustry Lh the ~ final goal Guantanamo Be". JUsO, It OCCUrs to me that if the cause - ' ' end will hold a forum on the fight of ~ the Negroes for their civil rights in the "The group will be Joined by 3 others, from was valid, resort to false statements United States. Quebec. Canada. and 19 from Cievelsnd, would not be necessary. "Meeting with their resident compatriots Ohio, 'reiterating their decision to continue Most importantly, all people-except- In Cuba, will be the brave North American the peaceful fight for Cubs.' ing one dishonest "rate-in every students who have Journeyed to Cubs to see "TTme members of the group pointed out State in our Union can be assured that with their own even the truth of the Cuban that 'the fight for peace in the Caribbean all vegetables grown in the Salinas Val- "Amon the a necessary condition for ponce to all of ley Of California were and are of high g participants in the forum will is the would.' sate Hobert Wlliiams, well-known Negro "They will travel through North American qusaity, clean and thoroughly inspected. fighter of the United States and srepresents- terri tory from North to south, unt1l they Any reasonable person should under- of the International press. (Williams is arrive In Florida, where they will arrive at stand what every local governmental of writing for Castro's propaganda news service the city Guantanamo, more than 3.600 miles ficlal In California Well knows; nafflely, 'rei]aa Latina.)" of journey, that it is enormously more difficult. ex- Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 1963 ApproveCONGRESSIONAL/ REZ:6f--1~~&5)RR 383R000200240015-0 11885 The agencies contend that NASA-the Government's newest glamor agency as far as Congress and the public is concerned-is using higher salaries and promises of promo- tions to entice the employees. As a result, some Federal agencies contend that their own vital programs are being hurt. Some of the defense agencies, for example, are unhappy about the situation. They as- sert that their programs are at last as vital to the national security as NASA's. The Defense Department is not the only Government establishment unhappy about NASA recruitment of their engineers and scientists. Other Government research and scientific agencies are equally unhappy. There is a definite possibility that President Kennedy will be asked to order a halt on NASA's recruitment of other Government engineers and scientists. NASA denies the raiding' charges. The agency does acknowledge that of the 3,700 scientists and engineers it hired during the last 15 months, about one-third of these came from other Government agencies. However, NASA officials say that about 60 percent of the engineers and scientists secured from other Federal agencies were not given higher salaries. The other 40 percent did get higher pay grades on joining NASA. NASA officials acknowledge that many to scientists and engineers switched over their agency in the hope of eventually getting tanamo Bay, for a free provisional Cu- higher pay. This is only reasonable, say ban Government, representative of all NASA officials, since the agency is the fastest responsible Cuban factions, and one growing one in Government and conse- which our own country could and should quently more promotional opportunities-will then recognize. And instead of the type be available. of Pacific blockade envisioned by Sen- tennd d that of NASA other recruitment Government officers agencies con- stress ator CURTIS, I said at the time in the this fact in persuading engineers and scien- discussion in the Senate-and I rise to- tists to switch to NASA. NASA is one of the day to describe more fully what I had few Government agencies that has no trou le in mind-that there is an alternative getting all the money it w is frpm C n- fl t step which in my own opinion our gress to run its operations. ' 14;gruntry can and should take in the area INTENSIFYING THE FEE WORD'S Castro to his knees. However, I again ECONOMIC BOYCOTT OF CAS- salute Senators ALLOTT and CURTIS and all others who are devoting their talents TRO'S CUBA and their thoughts to the imperative Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, during need to "get America moving"-to quote the past several weeks, I have been inter- an almost forgotten phrase from our re- ested and impressed as have many other cent past-in the direction of doing thing more effective about Cuba i ons some Senators by the developing discuss of American policy on Cuba which were than merely decrying the existence of nounced last October, just before the munist Castro dictatorship on discovery of the Soviet missile-launch h C m om e t touched off by the junior Senator fro Kentucky [Mr. MORTON] when he re- our doorstep and wringing our hands at sites and nuclear weapons in Cuba. It cently delivered a most informative the unwillingness of the Russians to go consisted of the following: speech on Cuba and called for a develop- home or the reluctance of Castro volun- First, U.S. ports will be closed to all ing dialog on the subject. And since the tarily to abdicate. Our recent history ships of any nation that permits its ves- executive branch has chosen to remain with relationship to the Cuban peril is sels to carry military equipment to Cuba. silent about Cuba and continues its fail- indeed most melancholy and discourag- Second, U.S. ports will be closed to any ure to propose constructive Cuban poli- ing. ship that on a continuous run carries any cies I think it highly appropriate that One of the most inadequate and least nonmilitary Communist cargoes to Congress has become a forum for this satisfying aspects of present U.S. policy Cuba. discussion. I note that more and more toward Cuba consists of the half-heart- Third, Foreign shipowners whose ves- Members of the House of Representatives ed measures that have been taken to- sels are engaged in trade between Cuba are also devoting their talents to this ward weakening the economic base of and the Soviet bloc will be prohibited serious and growing problem. the Castro regime. Granted, there is a from carrying U.S. Government-financed On the Senate side, the senior Senator virtually complete embargo on . United cargoes on any of their ships. from Colorado [Mr. ALLOTT] and the States-Cuba`tr'ade that has been in ef- Fourth, U.S. flagships of U.S.-owned senior Senator from. Nebraska [Mr. feet since February 1962 and that the ships are forbidden to carry goods to and CURTIS] have come forward with stimu- countries of Latin America are for the from Cuba. lating suggestions of their own. The most part imposing sharp curtailments Mr. President, this series of measures Allott proposal to encourage the estab- on their own trade in Cuba. But let us ciated; htron ,to when first they un- lishment of a free provisional govern- take a look at the other measures an-add, ment to be offered a home on Cuban soil nounced by the administration and see never put.into effect. The administra- on Guantanamo base and the Curtis just what effect they have had. tion attributed its inaction-to the Octo- suggestion that we establish a Pacific First, under the Foreign Assistance ber missiles crisis, the subsequent nego- blockade of Cuba enforced by our Navy Appropriations Act of 1962, U.S. Con- tiations over the release of the Bay of and Air Force have evoked spirited and gress provided that American aid will Pigs prisoners, and vigorous protests informative discussions among impor- be denied to any country whose ships from some of our allies. tant segments of our national press and carry arms or strategic materials to Finally, last February the administra- each proposal has developed its own pro- Cuba. tion issued an order barring U.S, Govern No. 106-10 Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 ponents and its opponents. In my opin- ion, Mr. President, this is all to the good. Challenging and constructive recommen- dations such as those emanating from the Senator from Colorado and the Sen- ator from Nebraska may not be the final and accepted answer to our continuing do-nothing policy toward Cuba but from the discussions involving these and other proposals it is hoped that an all-Ameri- can, positive, forward-moving program may be evolved toward Cuba which will force the Russian and Chinese Commu- nists out of Cuba and hurry the down- fall of Castro and the establishment of a free and representative democratic government in Cuba. As I stated on the Senate floor during the colloquies which followed the pro- posals of Senators ALLOTT and CURTIS, I am not personally wholly satisfied in my own mind that either of them, or both together, provide us with the prop- er formula for action at this time.- I believe we should, for example, fully explore the availability of other Cuban soil-some nearby islands, perhaps-or some other log tion, other than Guan- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to have printed at this point in the RECQRD the complete text of these con- gressional prohibitions. There being no objection, the text was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Public Law 87-872 (76 Stat. 1165), Oc- tober 23, 1962: Section 107(a). No assistance shall be furnished to any country which sells, furnishes, or permits any ships under its registry to carry to Cuba, so long as it is governed by the Castro regime, under the Foreign Assistance. Act of 1961, as amended, any arms, ammunition, implements of war, atomic energy materials, or any articles, ma- terials, or supplies, such as petroleum, trans- portation, materials of strategic value, and items of primary strategic significance used in the production of arms, ammunition, and implements of war, contained on the list maintained by the Administrator pursuant to title I of the Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951, as amended. (b) No economic assistance shall be fur-. nished to any country which sells, furnishes, or permits any ships under its registry to carry items of economic assistance to Cuba so long as it is governed by the Castro regime, under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, unless the President determines that the withholding of such assistance would be contrary to the national interest and reports such determination to the For- eign Relations and Appropriations Commit- tees of the Senate and the Foreign Affairs and Appropriations Committees of the House of Representatives. Reports made pursuant, to this subsection shall be pub- lished in the Federal Register within seven days of submission to the committees and shall contain a statement by the President of the reasons for such determination. Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, these provisions are not, however, enforced with ? regard to NATO-type aid to NATO countries. Hence, this is not as strong as it sounds, since Cuba has been receiv- ing arms from the Communist bloc in Communist bottoms for 3 years now. None come directly from non-Communist countries. UO- --- ------------------- - I AL RECORD SENATE July 15 ernment-financed cargoes to foreign This would require a similar ban by all chologieal value, but it has no practical ships trading with Cuba. The President countries bordering the Caribbean. Despite effect or impact whatsoever upon the directed Federal departments and the resolution of the council of the nroan- agencies to Ueny-"shipments of such cargoes on vessels that have called at a Cuban port since January 1, 1963, unless the owner of such a ship gives satisfac- tory assurances that no ship under his control will henceforth be employed in the Cuban trade." Thus, our present policy with respect to discouraging our allies from trading with Castro's Cuba consists of a provi- sion of the Foreign Assistance Appropri- ations Act of 1962 that Is virtually inap- plicable and the order denying shipments of U.S. Government-financed cargoes on individual ships that have traded with Cuba since last January 1. In this connection, I wish to refer to an editorial, published in the New York Times, which states: The latest step was a request to Britain to prohibit Cuban planes from landing on Grand Cayman Island, which is regarded as a convenient transfer point for Cuban Com- munists traveling to South American coun- tries. The editorial also states: The other measure was a freeze on an estimated $33 million in deposits ($20 mil- lion held by the Cuban government, and the remainder by Cuban nationals resident in Cuba) accompanied by a ban on U.S. dollar transactions with Cuba. But neither one of these has any sig- nificant impact whatsoever on the eco- nomic situation in Cuba. I call to the attention of the Senate this editorial, entitled "'Controls' on Castro," which was published in the New York Times; and I call to the attention of those who read the RECORD who may not be famil- iar with the editorial policies of the New York Times the fact that it is a news- paper which supported the election of President Kennedy, has supported his foreign policy, and has fairly consis- tently supported his attitude toward Cuba; but that was going a step too far in trying to bewilder and confuse the public, so the editorial concludes with the following paragraph: The notion that Cuba is being subject to total economic isolation may be politically helpful to the administration. But the actual impact of its latest steps is minimal. In fact, they give Castro ammunition on the evils of dollar diplomacy for his agents to spread throughout South America. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent that the entire editorial be printed at this point In the RECORD. There being no objection, the editorial was ordered to be printed In the RECORD, as follows: [From the New York (N.Y.) Times, July 12, 19831 CONTROLS ON CASTRO With considerable fanfare the Kennedy ad- ministration has announced two new meas- ures advertised as curbing Cuba's ability to engage in subversive activities. But on ex- amination they are mostly bark and little bite. The latest step was a request to Britain to prohibit Cuban planes from landing on Grand Cayman Island, which is regarded as a convenient transfer point for Cuban Com- munists traveling to South American coun- tries. Even If the British agree, Castro's agents would not be confined to Cuba. bars "to counter Castro-Communist subver- Is the Senator from South Dakota sion In the hemisphere," other nations are familiar with that view? unlikely to follow the United States in cur- Mr. MUNDT. The Senator from Ne- tailing Cuban flights. braska is entirely correct. The other measure was a freeze on an esti- I am sure it was that aspect of it, mated $33 million In deposits (420 million held by the Cuban Government and the among others, which led this pro-Ken- remainder by Cuban nationals resident i nedy newspaper-the New York Times- n Cuba) accompanied by a ban on United to make the rather cynical remark that States dollar transactions with Cuba. this announcement "may be politically There Is no way to stop Cuba from (inane- helpful to the administration, but the Ing subversive activities in South America, actual Impact of its latest steps is mini- where controls over currency movements are mal," and that it is completely worthless notoriously lax. Ever since trade relations insofar as bringing economic pressure with the United States were broken off to bear on Cuba is concerned. 2 years ago. Cuba has conducted most of its Mr. HRUSKA. Similarly the adminis- commercial transactions with the West in Canadian dollars, Swiss francs and the Brit- tration's effort to enforce an order hav- ish pound, which are fully convertible into ing to do with travel to and from Cuba dollars. Presumably, they can be equally of agents trained there for subversion in useful to Cuba's agents. other Latin American countries is of lit- Nor will Castro be pinched by the freezing tle value. of $20 million in deposits. These funds have Mr. MUNDT. That is correct. been tied up in litigation with American Mr. HRUSKA. That order was dis- companies whose assets in Cuba have been expropriated, so that they could not be with- cussed by the Organization of Ameri- drawn in any event. As for the Immobiliza- can States; but, although those discus- tion of deposits held by individuals, it is sions were approved by the Council of comparatively small change. the OAS, four major nations within that The notion that Cuba is being subject to association abstained in that vote; total economic isolation may be politically namely, Brazil, Haiti, Mexico, and Vene- helpful to the administration. But the ac- zuela. So, for all tual impact of Its latest steps Is minimal. though that practical purposes, In fact, they give Castro ammunition on the move provides some evils of dollar diplomacy for his agents to dow dressing and is the basis for a lot of ot of spread throughout South America. administration publicity to the effect Mr, HRUSKA. Mr. President, will the that we are dealing adequately with Senator from South Dakota yield? Cuba, even that resolution was a dis- Mr. MUNDT. I am ha appoi MUNt. happy to yield. Mr. . MUNDT. That is correct. Four Mr. HRUSKA. I commend the Sena- nations abstained from voting; and one tor from South bakota for his splendid nation voted against us-by casting a discussion of U.S. policy-or the lack negative vote. of it-toward the Cuban Government. Mr. HRUSKA. So this attitude in re- It Is In keeping with the previous discus- gard to travel by the agents of subversion sions in the Congress, which seems to and the guerrillas trained in Cuba and be the only forum in the Government sent to the Latin American countries has where this subject is being discussed and no real deterrent effect; and those move- where constructive steps are being sug- ments continue unimpeded, as heretofore, gested. These are helpful suggestions do they not? which could well receive consideration Mr. MUNDT. Yes. In connection from other quarters in the National with the Senator's statement, I call at- Government, although apparently they tention to an Associated Press dispatch are not. dated July 11, and published in the In regard to the Instance cited by the Washington Post, under the heading Senator from South Dakota-the im- "Red Agent Suspects Fan Out of Cuba." poundment, a week ago today, of Cuban I shall read the first paragraph of the funds-I ask if it is not true that there article, as follows: are at least three points In regard to the The State Department reported yester- so-called freezing of those funds which day that 15 to 20 persons described as "po- render it virtually ineffective. tential subversive agents" flew from Cuba First, $13 million of that $33 million to various Caribbean countries within the was in private funds which were tied up last several weeks. by litigation of American claimants The articl, relates how they, In turn, against Cuban citizens or corporations. were conveyed from there to Latin Amer- Therefore, the freeze order was without ican countries. any effect whatsoever upon the $13 I ask unanimous consent that the en- million. tire article be printed at this point in Mr. MUNDT. Yes, I understand it was the RECORD, freezing something which was already There bein n b g o a jection, the article frozen. was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, Mr. HRUSKA. Second, part of the $20 as follows: million of the funds for the Castro gov- RED AGENT SUSPECTS FAN OUT OF CUBA ernment Itself was to be used to finance The State Department reported yesterday Cuba's United Nations activities in this that 15 to 20 persons described as "potential country. When that was discovered, an subversive agents" flew from Cuba to various order to unfreeze that particular portion Caribbean countries within the last several of the funds was entered, thereby vitiat- weeks. big the order considerably. It is well Press Oaicer Richard I. Phillips said the known in banking circles that this order three Russian-made presumably mabCubans, were aboard ade Ilyushin airliners that might be a petty annoyance or disturb- landed at Grand Cayman Island, a British- ance and may even have some small psy- owned Caribbean Island. He said they then Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 1963 Approved or Release 20ft06123 ' C~:!jTEKR, 383R000200240015-0 11887 transferred to non-Cuban commercial flights enough to think that we are making for other points n the Caribbean, including progress by freezing $15 million, and San Jose, Costa Rica. then hand him $53 million of new He said the State Department had drawn wealth, new and usable merchandise in that to the attention of the British. Gen- exchange for those prisoners-one of the erally speaking, he said, Britain has joined with the United'States in its policy of iso- most effective bits of international lating.the Red Castro regime and not allow- blackmail in history? ing such -flights. Mr. MUNDT. The Senator makes a No response has yet been received from the sound observation. While all of us are British Government, he added. pleased at any little token step whatso- State Department authorities said that, ever against Castro, and agree it was although Costa Rica has broken off diplo- perfectly proper for the administration matic relations with the Havana regime and to have taken those steps, but to balloon has joined in the American Republics' effort to isolate Cuba, officials at the San Jose air- them up, to headline them, and to make port apparently were taken by surprise at the a special announcement about them in ...,... i l k home ----' t- p e ac r deco ve the lowed their entry into Costa Rica in normal fashion for airline passengers. What other Caribbean points the pas- sengers went to was not stated. In Havana, meanwhile, Cuban news- papers reported for the first time yesterday that Washington had frozen Cuban assets. in the United States and taken other measures to clamp on a financial squeeze. The newspaper El Mundo said, "Of course this measure does not affect the Cuban Government's available dollar reserves for its dealings with other countries because in these transactions American banks or similar organizations are, not involved. These reserves are not deposited in any of them." [In another development, the Soviet Union ratified a loan agreement giving Cuba long- term credit on favorable terms to "cover the excess of Soviet goods deliveries over Cuban deliveries to the U.S.S.R.," the United Press reported from Moscow. [A brief announcement Tuesday by Tass said the Soviet credit "will strengthen the Cuban economy, help the Cuban population with consumer goods." Tass said the ar- rangement was concluded last February, but gave no further ttails.] Mr. HRUSKA. I thank the Senator from South Dakota. Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, I appre- ciate the contributions the Senator from Nebraska has made. Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Dakota yield to me? Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, I am happy to yield to the distinguished Sena- tor from Utah, who has made a great study of this entire Cuban problem, and heretofore has expressed himself. very lucidly and effectively on it. Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I have been interested in this colloquy be- tween the Senator from South Dakota and the Senator from Nebraska. It has developed that out of the $30 million, which presumably has been frozen, probably only half of that amount was in fact frozen. $13 million was already frozen. An unnamed amount was unfrozen-let us say half of it, or $15 million. Does the Senator from South Dakota remember how much good American merchandise we sent to Cuba as a ran- som for the Bay of Pigs prisoners? Mr. MUNDT. I do not carry the amount in my mind, but it was much larger than either the $1.5 million or the $30 million. Mr. BENNETT. My memory is that it was approximately $53 million. Mr. MUNDT. I believe it was in that neighborhood. Mr. BENNETT. Cannot Castro laugh up his sleeve at us when we are stupid into believing we are doing something effective was too much for the New York Times to stomach. For that reason the editorial was written. The whole program of the administra- tion is at best a half-hearted and less than a half way program. It is even more half-hearted than I said it was in my colloquy the other day with the Sen- ator from Colorado [Mr. ALLOTT7, when he was delivering his magnificent address. At that time I declared that we are telling a shipping company, in effect, "All we require of you is that your ships A, B, and C which trade with Cuban ports, shall not enter our ports; but you may bring into our ports any other ships you operate." Actually, we are saying, "Ships A, B, and C may enter our ports and carry cargo to Cuba so long as that cargo is not financed by the U.S. Government." Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to have printed 'in the RECORD at this point in my remarks the most recent report of the Maritime Administration listing free world, Yugoslav, and Polish flag vessels arriving in Cuba since January 1, 1963. There being no objection, the report was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MARITIME ADMINISTRATION REPORT No. 9 LIST OF FREE WORLD AND POLISH FLAG VESSELS ARRIVING IN CUBA SINCE JANUARY 1, 1963 Section 1. Pursuant to the National_^,ecu- rity Action Memorandum No. 220, dated February 5, 1963, addressed to the Secretary of State; the Secretary of Defense, the Secre- tary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Com- merce; the Administrator, Agency for Inter- national Development, and the Administra- tor, General Services Administration,' con- cerning U.S. Government shipments by for- eign-flag vessels in the Cuban trade, the Maritime Administration is making avail- able to the appropriate departments the fol- lowing list of vessels which have arrived in Cuba since January 1, 1963, based on infor- mation received through May 31, 1963, ex- clusive of those vessels that called at Cuba on U.S. Government-approved noncommer- cial voyages and those listed in section 2: Flag of registry, name of ship Gross tonnage Total-all flags (97) ships___ 807, 581 Flag of registry, name of ship-Continued Gross British-Continued tonnage. Athelmonarch (tanker) ---------- 11,182 Athelsultan (tanker) ------------ .9,149 Avisfaith------------------------ 7,868 Chipbeel------------------------ 7,271 Fir Hill------------------------- 7,119 Haaelmoor_._____________________ 7,907 Ho Fung------------------------ 7, 121 Ivy Fair I----------------- - 7,201 Linkmoor----------------------- 8,236 London Confidence (tanker) ----- 21,699 LondQn Independence (tanker) --22,643 London.Majesty (tanker) --------- 12,132 London Pride (tanker) ---------- 10, 776 London Splendour, (tanker) ------ 1-6,195 London Victory (tanker)----_-_-- 12,132 Lord Gladstone__________________ 11,299 Maratha Enterprise_____________ 1,166 Overseas Explorer (tanker) -__-__- 16, 267 Overseas Pioneer (tanker) ------- 16,267 Pampas------------------------- 7,589 Shienfoon----------------------- 7,127 Tulse Hill ----------------------- Vercharmian-------------------- West Breeze l----------------- -- Yungfutary_____________________ Zela M 1----------------------- 7, 120 7, 265 8,718 5,388 7,237 Alderbaran (tanker) ------------ 12,897 Americana: ----------------------- - 7,104 Apollon------------------------- 9,744 Capetan Petros------------------ 7,291 .,Despoina'----------------------- 5,006 Embassy----------------------- 8,418 Galini--------------------------- 7,266 Gloria--------------------------- 7,128 Hydraios IIII------------------- 5,239 King Theseus------------------- 9,153 Kyra Hariklia--------------- ---- 6,888 Maria Santa-------------------- 7,217 Mastro-Stelios II________________ 7,282 North Empress__________________ 10,904 Pamit--------------------------- 3,929 Pantanassa______________________ 7,131 Penelope------------------------ 6,712 Perseus (tanker)________________ 15,852 Redestos------------------------ 5,911 Seirios-------------------------- 7,239 Sirius (tanker) _________________ 16,241 Stylianos N. Vlassopulos_-_____-_ 7,244 Western TraderI ________________ 9,268 Lebanese (14 ships)_______________ 96,633 Akamas------------------------- 7,285 Aiolos 11 ------------------------- 7,256 Carnation 1---------------------- 4,884 Giorgos Tsakiroglou_____________ 7,240 Ilena---------------------------- 5,925 Malou------- '----------------- 7,145 Mantric------------------------- 7,255 Mousse-------------------------- 6,984 Noelle--------------------------- 7,251 Nocrat --------------------------- 7,070 Olga---------------------------- 7,199 Parmarina----------------------- 6,721 Razanil------------------------- 7,253 St. Nicolas---------------------- 7,165 Achille-------------------------- 6,950 Annalisa1---------- ------------ 2,479 ArenellaI------------------------ 7,183 Cannareglo---------------------- 7,184 Linda Giovanna (tanker) -------- 9,985 Nazareno 1---------------- ------ 7, 173 San Nicola (tanker) ------------ 12,461 Ardgem------------------------- 6,981 Ardmore------------------------ 4,664 Norwegian (5 ships)_______________ 45,595 Ardrowan----------------------- 7,300 Arlington Court_________________ 9,662 Benny Viking__________________ 3,857 Athelcrown (tanker) ------------ 11, 149 Kongsgaard (tanker) ------------ 19;999 Athelduke (tanker) _____________ 9, 089 Athelmere (tanker) ______________ 7,524 Footnote at end of table. Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 11888 Approved For Rt4tff&lLC65B0YPRR0200240015-0 July 15 Flag of registry, name of ship--Continued Gross Norwegian-Continued tonnage Ole Bratt----------------------- 5,252 Polyclipper (tanker) ------------ 11,737 Tine---------------------------- 4.750 Polish (5 ships) ------------------ 80,274 Baltyk-------------------------- 8,963 Bialystok----------------------- 7.173 Bytom-------------------------- 5,967 Chopin `------------------------ Plast--------------------------- 3.184 Bar--------------- ------------- 7.233 Cavtat-------------------------- 7,286 Dugi Otok---------------------- 6.997 Trebisnpca-------- ------------- 7.146 Spanish (2 ships) ----------------- 4,585 Castillo Ampudia--------------- 3,666 Sierra Madre-------------------- 999 West German (1 ship) : Adolf Leon- hardt' -------------------------- 7,006 Japanese (1 ship) : Meischun Maru__ 8.647 Moroccan (1 ship): Toubkal------- 8,748 Swedish (1 ship) : Dagmar--------- 6, 490 'Added to report No. 8 appearing in the Federal Register, Issue of May 25. 1903. SEC. 2. In accordance with the provisions of National Security Action Memorandum No. 220 of February 5. 1963, the following vessels which called at Cuba after January 1, 1983 have reacquired eligibility to carry United States Government-financed cargoes from the United States by virtue of the per- sons who control the vessels having given satisfactory certification and assurance that no ships under their control will, thence- forth, be employed in the Cuba trade so long as it remains the policy of the United States Government to discourage such trade: a. Since last report. Gross tonnage Danish (1 ship) Nimmerland___-__-- 8,774 b. Previous reports. Flag of Registry Number of ships British------------------------------ 1 SEC. 3. The ships listed in Sections 1 and 2 have made the following number of trips to Cuba in 1983, based on Information received through May 31, 1963: Nu mber or t rips British (43) _------- i Jan- nary 5 Feb- ruary S March April 16 May 6 Greek (30) ---------- 4 6 S 4 Lebanese (14) ------- a 3 Norwegian (7)__---- 2 Italian (A)----------- 1 2 a Yugoslav (4) -------- 2 Spanish (2)-----_--- Danish (1) ---------- German (West) (I)-- Japanese (1)_---_---- Moroccan (1) ------- Swedish (1)--------- Total (113)__-- 28 36 is Polish (7)----------- 1 I 2 1 No7E.-Trip totals in this section exceed ship totals In seq. 1 and 2 because some of the ships made more than 1 trip to Cuba. DONALD W. ALEXANDER, Maritime Administrator. Mr. MUNDT. It is about time for Senators and the country generally to know specifically what we are talking about in connection with the extensive trade now being conducted with Cuba. The reports list the names of the ships, the tonnage, the dates, and the entire factual material, so that the people will realize that we are are practically doing nothing whatsoever at the moment even to make trade with Cuba difficult, to say nothing about trying to make it impossible. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, will the Senator yield to me briefly? Mr. MUNDT. I am happy to yield to the distinguished Senator from Nebraska. Mr. CURTIS. I am happy that the Senator is putting the entire table into the RECORD, but I believe it would be helpful at this time if he would mention the totals Involved. My recollection of the figures is that they are most astound- ing. I shall have something to say about the Senator's remarks later. But some of the countries listed show a grand total amount which is beyond one's belief. Mr. MUNDT. The Senator is entirely correct about the amounts. Actually I have not added the total number of gross tons. However, in the period covered by the report there has been a total of 97 ships carrying a gross tonnage of 807,581 tons. The names of the ships are listed. The countries are also listed. I am sure that many Senators, when they read the list of ships, will share with me disap- pointlnent when they find that the biggest offenders In this regard and the biggest traffickers in blood money are our good friends in the British Isles-Great Britain. Mr. President, this Indicates that the administration's half-hearted measure has had no visible effect. The number of trips made by free world Ships to Cuba actually was lower in January, 1 month before the administration's order went into effect, than in any month since then through May. So if the order did anything, it seemed to encourage people to trade with Cuba instead of to discourage them. Other sources indicate that shipping from some of our European allies to Cuba may be even greater than U.S. Govern- ment reports show. I call the attention of Senators to a recent report issued by "Revolutionary Unity," a Cuban organt- sources of information from inside Cuba. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to insert in the RECORD at this point in my remarks a tabulation of free world shipping with Cuba prepared by this or- ganization, which also breaks It down by months, countries, and by offenders. There being no objection, the tabula- tiori was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Free world ships entering Cuban ports ----- d - W ~ A Z F United Kingdom ------ 24 - 7 - 3 - 7 - 4 - 3 - 48 Lebanon--------------- 22 0 0 1 4 0 27 Greece----------------- 14 5 3 5 3 35 Panama--------------- 1 0 1 1 1 0 4 France----------------- 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Sweden -------- ------- 1 0 1 2 3 4 11 Italy------------------- 3 1 3 2 1 1 11 Morroco--------------- 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1)enmark-------------- -1 0 0 0 0 1 2 Norway--------------- 3 1 2 0 4 0 10 Rolland---------------- 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 3 ain------------------ T k 0 2 0 0 1 0 3 ur ey---------------- West Germany -------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 5 1 Total------------ 70 16 16 18 27 16 163 Mr. MUNDT. Regardless of source, the available information suggests that the measure announced last Friday is not working effectively. In fact, I submit that it is doubtful whether it is working at all. Meanwhile, the volume of So- viet-bloc shipping to Cuba seems to be rising. I ask unanimous consent, Mr. Presi- dent, to insert in the RECORD at this point in my remarks a brief statement made in the House of Representatives on June 11 by the gentleman from Florida, Rep- resentative ROGERS, dealing with this spe- cific point. There being no objection, the state- ment was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: RUSSIANS INCREASE SHIPS TO CUBA Source: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, June 11, Mr. ROGERS of Florida. Mr. Chairman, I have received Information from various U.S. Government sources which shows that the Russians have increased the number of ships supplying Castro's island in recent weeks. It may be too early to determine the sig- lcance of this increase, but stepped up shipping was an early sign of the Soviet military buildup of Cuba last summer. I strongly urge that U.S. surveillance of Cuba be Intensified to insure that our intelligence community can provide reliable and accu- rate data for U.S. policymakers. During the month of May, 37 Soviet ships, along witti 9 Soviet-bloc ships, called in Cuba. April shipping figures show 27 Soviet vessels, along with 7 Soviet-bloc ships. Total Iron Curtain shipping to Cuba for the first 6 months of 1983 numbers 165 ships, 52 of which were tankers. Detailed Russian shipping figures for 1963 are as follows: Soviet- flagships Bloc- Bloc- flag ships flag January--.-- 35 February---- 34 March------- 32 - ------ April -------- may --------- ey--------- 37 However, the shocking fact is that one out of every three ships supplying Castro's island Is from the free world. Since January 1963, 89 allied ships have made trips to Cuba. and 20 of these vessels Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 1963 Approved EeJ-699AT6f&3CRDPfRp83R000200240015-0 11889 were tankers. This shipping would have been considerably reduced if the U.S. Gov- ernment had implemented my proposal to close U.S. ports to nations which allow their flags to be used in sea trade with Cuba. However, such action is warranted particu- larly now in view of this new development. The British are the main offenders. Since January of this.year there have been 33 Brit- ish ships which have called in Cuba. The British would think twice about shipping to Castro if we banned the Queen Mary from New York Harbor. Mr. MUNDT. I also ask that the news stories on this subject appearing in the Baltimore Sun on June 21 and June 25, this year, be printed in the RECORD at this point. There being no objection, the articles were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: [From the Baltimore Sun, June 21, 1963] CUBA TRADE RISE ALARMING TO UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, June 20: Administration of- ficials privately expressed concern today about the increase in Western shipping to Cuba. This was learned as the Maritime Ad- ministration released the names of 21 ships added to the U.S. blacklist for trading with Cuba. Although the 21 compose the largest list yet released by the Government agency since the blacklist was put into effect as of Janu- ary 1, additional vessels bound for Cuba were noted in Lloyd's Shipping Index, which records ship movements all over the world. BRITISH SHIPS BLAMED State Department and White House of- ficials pinpointed British and Greek-owned ships as playing a major role among the vessels trading with the Communist domi- nated island. A high official remarked: "The British and Greek Governments could certainly do more than they are doing about their ships going to Cuba. So far they have done nothing." Although the Greek Government has made three major pronouncements since the Cuban crisis last fall about its ships not going to Cuba, a number of Greek-flag as well as Greek-owned vessels, show up on every list. The newest group includes seven Greek and five Lebanese ships, most of which are owned by Greeks. Only 4 British ships were in this count, bringing the British total up to 37 ships making 47 trips since January 1. Thirty Greek-flag ships have made 37 trips and 19 Lebanese ships have made 19 trips. The blacklist now contains the names of 118 Western and Polish ships making 132 trips since January 1, the arbitrary cutoff date. PLEDGE IS NEEDED The vessels are not allowed to pick up U.S. Government cargoes in U.S. ports as their punishment for going to Cuba. However, any owner can remove his vessel from the blacklist by promising it will not call at Cuba again. Many American shipping executives and maritime labor unions were cirtical when the single restriction against Cuban-trading ships was announced in February. They pre- dicted then that it was not strong enough to deter Western shipowners from diverting their vessels from this trade which has be- come more profitable in recent months. The International Longshoremen's Asso- ciation (AFL-CIO) takes more credit than the Government for cutting off a large por- tion of Cuban-trading ships by refusing to work any cargoes on them or any ships of any shipowner going to Cuba. [From the Baltimo're Sun, June 25, 19631 MORE SHIPS GO TO CUBA (By Helen Delich Bentley) WASHINGTON, 'June 24.-Havana radio to- day confirmed what administration officials have been saying quietly with concern-that free world shipping to Cuba is on the in- crease. The Communist radio broadcast quoted an editorial of the Havana newspaper Hoy say- ing, "Each new boat which is added to this list is a defeat for the imperialists since it signifies no more and no less than the ad- dition of a boat and a company and a capi- talistic country which has ignored the Yan- kee threats, has disobeyed the orders, has disregarded the persuasions, and the de- mands." . ADDITIONS TO BLACKLIST Last Thursday the largest single group of free world ships calling at Cuba was an- nounced by the U.S. Government and added to the blacklist. That list now numbers 118 vessels which are not privileged to transport U.S. Govern- ment-financed cargoes out of U.S. ports. They can pick up such cargoes in foreign ports and carry them to another foreign port. The blacklist contains the names of those ships which have called at Cuba since Jan- uary 1. PROOF OF STUPIDITY "The fact that they already have had to inscribe 118 boats on the blacklist is a proof of the stupidity of this policy, of its weak- ness, of its inevitable failure," Hoy said. The number of vessels visiting Cuba has been increased since Premier Fidel Castro visited Russia, the newspaper stated. "The world sees that the world balance of forces and the unity of Cuba with the So- cialist world augur the complete failure of the U.S. policy aggression," it added. Early last week, administration officials had said in private circles that they were disturbed by the rise in free world shipping to Cuba. NEW SUGAR CROP NOTED They were inclined to attribute it to the present sugar crop, for which the Commu- nists are willing to pay premium freight rates to get the crop moving. U.S. shipping sources do not feel the single restriction which the Government has im- posed upon free world ships calling at Cuba is sufficient to stop shipowners from use of their vessels in that trade. The Government. restriction covers only the ship involved. DOUBTED WHEN IMPOSED When it was announced February 6, ret- roactive to ships of January 1, there was criticism in this country that it would not do the job. But Government officials said it would be sufficient, noting such trading to Cuba had dropped sharply from October when the initial warning was issued. The International Longshoremen's Asso- ciation (AFL-CIO) claims that Its own ban against both ships and shipowners calling at Cuba since November 8 has done more to cut down the calls than the Government's re-' striction. An ILA spokesman said the union still re- ceives two or three calls daily from ship char- terers and brokers clearing a vessel before it is chartered to a new operator. Mr. MUNDT. Here, too, we get out of the realm of generalities and speculation and come down to the actual names of the offenders, the names of the ships, and the amounts of merchandise being transported. Why should the present measure work, Mr. President? What incentive is there for some of our allies to curtail their trade with Cuba? Certainly none can be found in U.S. policy on Cuba. The fact of the matter is that the United States has not demonstrated that it really means business when it says that Communist power in this hemi- sphere is intolerable, non-negotiable, and must be eliminated. Cert.Wnly the Bay of Pigs debacle was not such a demonstration. Surely, the aftermath of the missile crisis of last fall as well as the weeks preceding it convinced nobody that we really regard Cuba as an urgent threat to the security of this hemisphere that must be dealt with accordingly. And certainly diplo- matic representations to our allies to curtail their trade with Cuba are mean- ingless in the face of this record and alongside the puny measure I described earlier. Before we can expect other free. na- tions to go along with our desire to in- tensify the boycott of Castro's Cuba, we must demonstrate that we really are seri- ous and mean business. Having displayed this intention clearly for all the world to see, we can then go to our allies in Europe and elsewhere and lay it on the line: We can make it clear that we will close U.S. ports to all vessels of any country permitting trade with Cuba-not just to those specific vessels engaged in the trade. And we can warn that unwillingness to heed our requests will result in the suspension or sharp curtailment -of U.S. Government aid programs until a change of attitude is manifested. I realize, Mr. President, that these are stringent measures not designed to en- hance our popularity abroad, but strin- gent measures may be required to com- municate the seriousness of our intent to. other nations and to achieve our ob- jectives with respect to the Castro-Com- munist threat in this hemisphere. I do not claim original authorship of the proposals I am making for intensify- ing the economic boycott of Castro's Cuba. I am sure others have discussed them and advocated all or part of them at different times. However, I first ad- vocated these proposals shortly after the President's ` speech of last October 22, and I have reiterated them on frequent occasions since. I think it is now time to bring them formally to the attention of the Senate and the administration as I am; doing here today. Let me repeat, Mr. President: Our present economic sanctions against the Castro regime are halfhearted, they have had no visible effect, and conse- quently more stringent measures are re- quired. A number of constructive sug- gestions for peaceful but positive actions have been made on-the Senate floor these past few weeks. These measures effectively refute and answer the oft repeated question asked by the White House whenever it is urged to face up to the growing perils of com- munism in Cuba. The White House then seeks to allay or divert criticism of its "see no evil; hear no evil; speak no evil" policy of vacillation by asking, "Well, what do you propose-that we go to war to free Cuba?" Mr. President, that Yankee habit of seeking to answer a question by merely Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 11890 Approved For RqJJA~T Cf5B(}MFM0200240015-0 July 15 asking another may have some merit elsewhere but it has neither merit nor validity in a discussion of our Cuban policy or lack of Cuban policy. Certainly nobody in the Senate has remotely suggested that we go to war to free Cuba, but a growing chorus of un- happy Senators reflecting a growing number of impatient and disillusioned Americans, have suggested and are sug- gesting constructive steps far short of war which can hasten the downfall of Castro and speed the day when Cuba will again be liberated and administered by freedom-loving Cubans. It becomes increasingly clear day by day, Mr. President, that to continue to do nothing Is the most dangerous policy of all. We can neither wish away the problem of communism and Castroism In Cuba nor close our eyes in the expec- tation that when we open them the prob- lem will have evaporated. Each passing day that we ignore Its existence Increases the dangers of its presence and the dif- ficulties Involved in Its elimination. Mr. President, the action program, the positive policies which I propose and strongly recommend here this afternoon have a number of attractive and appeal- Ing virtues. I enumerate some specifi- cally: First ,Nobody can successfully argue that this program is an act of war. By our sovereign right to control our own trade, our own harbors, and our own foreign aid programs we simply reenforce our appeals to others that they join us In helping us to help them to stay free and to remain secure and at pence. Second. To the degree that these eco- nomic pressures are applied to Cuba- and the degree of success and coopera- tion that Is attained will depend upon the vigor with which our administration would implement this program-we shall be undermining Castro-communism in Cuba and weakening his capacity to do injury elsewhere. Third. By urging all members of the Organization of American States and of NATO, together with the governments of free nations everywhere, to cooperate in this voluntary but comparatively uni- versal withholding of all commercial transactions and all free shipping from Cuba, we shall make her dependent for outside aid upon the comparatively weak and austere capacities of the Communist countries to provide such assistance. Cubans generally will then realize the meager degree to which they can be benefited by the Communist cohorts of their own treacherous leader. Fourth. By exercising the great pres- tige of our American leadership potential in winning free nations to the support of this organized program of economic pressures we shall gain experience with our friends and allies in "working in harness together" in the interests of the mutual security and advancement of all free peoples. From these experiences In effective teamwork and cooperation it would be hoped the same countries under American leadership and inspira- tion then might come to take other col- lective and cooperative actions together in the United Nations and elsewhere.. Nothing succeeds like success, and sue- cessful experiences in working together should lead to a continuation and expan- sion of these experiences. Fifth. Since it is too much to be hoped that all free nations and their re- spective Governments will cooperate in such a program of economic pressures and abstention from economic relations with Cuba, a final and important divi- dend for freedom would flow from an American-inspired effort of this type. We would, to put it colloquially, be "dividing the men from the boys." We would learn from our efforts exactly which countries and which governments really want to support collective security and human freedom and which are merely interested in procuring for them- selves the maximum of American aid and free world support in a selfish attempt to aggrandize themselves, to keep them- selves in power, and to practice a pro- gram of "global panhandling" by which they seek for themselves the largest pos- sible handouts from both the Communist camp and the free world. In fact, if this effort did nothing else than to establish for all to see and understand a star- studded rollcall of the countries who really mean business in the global effort to preserve peace and freedom against Godless, aggressive communism It would produce a standout result well worth all the effort devoted to It. Mr. President, let me repeat that what I propose requires nothing more than political leadership and moral courage. Specifically I propose four points: First. Issue a Presidential statement- today, If possible; tomorrow, if neces- sary; but no later than this week-that henceforth commerce in American ports will be denied to the ships of any coun- try which permits its merchant vessels to engage in trade of any kind--except only medical supplies-to Castro's Cuba. Second. Present to the Organization of American States and to our NATO allies an official request that each of these friendly countries adopt a similar policy and that they, like we, abstain from ship- ping to or buying supplies of any kind from Castro's Cuba. Third. That through appropriate dip- lomatic channels we present the same requests individually and separately to every country outside the domination of the Communists. Fourth. That we announce as official American policy the determination to free the Western Hemisphere from Com- munist-dominated governments inas- much as this violates at least the spirit and perhaps the letter of our hallowed Monroe Doctrine, and that in our desire to utilize all peaceful means at our con- trol to attain this objective our foreign aid and military assistance programs henceforth must be tailored and adjusted to provide maximum assistance to those who are willing to aid us with our own immediate problem of ridding the West- ern Hemisphere of Castro's Communist regime and any other Communist dicta- tor who might succeed in grabbing power by means other than those of free, orderly, and honest elections. Mr. President, In my opinion we need go no further in announcing an Amerl- can policy of determination and positive action at this time. Perhaps we should move more precipitately and perhaps we should proceed with more direct ac- tion-undoubtedly we should take addi- tional steps-but it is my conviction that a program developed along the general lines of my proposal will achieve the de- sired results and will, likewise, procure for us some highly important and sig- nificant collateral dividends and beine- fits. Certainly, we should do no less than what I have today proposed. To do less will be to continue to do nothing. Un- less we have no faith in our own capacity to lead; or unless we lack confidence in our American ability to sell an idea, which is basically sound and in the Inter- est of freedom loving people everywhere; or unless we are in some way committed by agreements and exchanges of cor- respondence the contents of which are now unknown, to continue a program of appeasing Castro and doing nothing to help liberate Communist Cuba, I sug-, gent this program as a bare minimum of what is required to recapture our self- respect, to recapture our posture of world leadership, and to recapture the security of the Western Hemisphere and perhaps the world from the growing menace of an unchecked Communist threat thumb- ing its Red nose at the greatest and the strongest power the- world has ever seen. Today Castro's associates in the drive to communize Latin America and to im- peril freedom In the Western Hemisphere have succeeded in creating trouble which is breaking out all over. We witness It today in British Guiana. A few days ago it was in Venezuela. Tomorrow we may expect to see it evidenced in other places creating new provocations and dangers. Each news dispatch from Haiti is fear- fully scanned lest it reveal that the Com- munists from Cuba and their Russian masters have established themselves in that unhappy country, whose dictator flouts the authority of all his neighbors and maintains himself illegally in power by military right. I invite the attention of Senators and others who read the CONGRESSIONAL REC- ORD to a most significant full length arti- cle which appeared in the June 29-July 6 Issue of the Saturday Evening Post. I quote from page 20 of an article en- titled "How the Communists Plan To Win Latin America." It is written by Richard Armstrong. I suggest that those who have available the issue of the Sat- urday Evening Post to which I have al- luded, for June 29-July 6, turn to page 20 and read the article in full. I quote one significant statement: Why has Latin America, so long Ignored, become so important a battlefield in the cold -war? The most immediate reason, of course, is Cuba. "The Communists were amazed there", said a former Party member. "They had always assumed that you meant what you said and implied-in the Monroe Doc- trine, in the Rio treaty of 1947, and in the Caracas treaty of 1954-that you would not permit an alien dictatorship in the Western Hemisphere. Then came Cuba?" A prominent U.S. diplomat adds, "The Communists have been working in Latin America for 40 years, but they were always Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 Approved F I M A( 6/ 1963 +C6I fDP?JJ3R000200240015-0 11891 sabotaged by a certain lethargy, an inner disbelief in success. Cuba says every day that it can happen here. Encouraged by this success, the Communists have launched their first really comprehensive campaign to capture Latin America. Their spirits and their hopes are high. While we spend billions of dollars abroad to oppose communism and while Americans are dying in far off Asia to support the cause of freedom, we `sit in chains and do nothing to protect our home base through moving to reduce the power and repel the programs of communism in Cuba, which is indeed the Achilles heel in our entire program of national defense and world coopera- tion. Let us delay no longer in demonstrat- ing the leadership expected of America. Let us evolve a pattern of action against this Communist cancer on our dorstep which will match our brave words about communism elsewhere and which will give meaning - and significance to our pretty phrases about the protection and the promotion of freedom throughout the world. Mr. ALLOTT. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. MUNDT. I am most happy to yield to the distinguished Senator from Colorado, who has made so many con- structive suggestions in this field and who has devoted so much careful study to this growing problem. Mr. ALLOTT. I am extremely inter- ested in the overall approach that the distinguished Senator from South Da- kota has made to this problem. Again and again he has pointed out facts which almost every American knows-what is going on in Venezuela, what is going on in other Latin American countries, and what is going on within Cuba. He has also pointed out-and this is a significant contribution-that there are many ways by which we could stop or throw a block into the development of communism out of Cuba and into Latin America-not only the blockade idea, or closing our ports. He has suggested that we might use our mutual aid for this purpose. I am glad to hear him bring that sugges- tion up, because I have long felt that aid to other countries should not be a gra- tuity that we throw around like a drunk- en man throws money around on Satur- day night, but, rather, that our mutual aid should be utilized for one purpose only, and that is for strengthening and bolstering the international foreign pol- icies of this Government. We know what is going on. In the few weeks since I made my proposal on the floor of the Senate, on June 17-a proposal, incidentally, which was not re- ported in one of the local newspapers, and which received only a brief notice in another, and then was withdrawn after the first edition-hundreds of letters have come into my office, and they con- tinue to come in an ever increasing and strengthening volume, from South America, saying, "When is America go- ing to wake up and do something about the situation in Europe?" The point the Senator has made is one of the strongest that can be made. How can we expect those who want free government in other Latin American countries to have their hand supported when we are absolutely ineffective in doing anything with Cuba? The fact is that every day we permit Cuba to exist as she does-and the Senator has pointed this out so well-we provide moral sup- port to the Communist activities In South America. Mr. MUNDT. Yes; and we discourage our Latin American friends who might like to join us in a strong effort against communism, and particularly against communism in Cuba. We discourage them by our inertia. Mr. ALLQTT. I intend to speak in greater detail on one of the points the Senator has made, as a result of some of the thoughts the distinguished Sen- ator from South Dakota has provoked. It Is time for Americans to shake their heads and say, "What did Khrushchev want in Cuba?" It is almost 9 months after the 22d of October, 1962. if any person in this world Intended to establish a Commu- nist base in Cuba for the subversion of Latin America, the one thing he would want would be manpower. Whether or not the Communists had large missiles in Cuba, I do not know. Two or three years ago, in 1960, we heard about the missile gap as between the United States and the Soviets. The United States was supposed to be hopelessly inferior. If that was the case, the administration told us, or at least the one who became the head in this country told us, that Russia had all the missiles she needed to destroy America. Then we were told that the Soviets were putting missiles into Cuba. What purpose would that serve? The answer is, no purpose. Perhaps the whole mis- sile story was a red herring. Perhaps they put blank cylindrical tubes on con- crete platforms, to look like missile weapons. Whether or not they were real did not matter. The fact is that the big- gest red herring was drawn across our path, and we followed it. When it was over, Khrushchev had at least 17,000 men there in October 1962. Therefore, while we were concerned with what we thought were missiles, he had-established an entrenched Communist dictatorship government-not a Cuban Communist government, but a Russian Communist government In Cuba, which is one of the worst kinds of government that could be found anywhere in the world today- and that includes Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, and the rest of them. Mr. MUNDT. And he exacted from our President a promise that he would not promote, and perhaps not permit, an attack against Communist Cuba. Mr. ALLOTT. That is correct. That is where I think the red herring was. While he was doing that he was doing the things he always wanted to do, and it was necessary for the administration to take this step. That was the Commu- nist red herring; and we completely lost our way. I thank the Senator for his very great contribution. I hope we shall continue to discuss the subject, and I hope he will continue his contribution, because it will help in forcing a definite policy toward Cuba which will help kill communism in Latin America. Mr. MUNDT. I appreciate what the Senator has said. We hear indirectly about secret correspondence, which we read about in the newspapers, including a letter a week being exchanged between President Kennedy and Mr. Khrushchev. I am afraid this is a sort of put-and-take correspondence, whereby President Ken- nedy puts and Mr. Khrushchev takes, so far as Cuba is concerned, because there has surely not been an inch of progress from our standpoint, in the strengthen- ing of our position in Cuba, since the letters began. I hope the President will soon take America into his confidence and let us know what this correspondence is about, and whether we are getting any quid pro quo in any concessions that may be involved in the letters. Mr. President, I thank the distin- guished Senator from South Dakota for his speech today. The assembling of the material he used took a great deal of time and effort. The results are star- tling with respect to what is happening in the buildup and in the growth of the Communist camp on our doorstep in Cuba. As one humble American citizen, I am deeply indebted to the distinguished Sen- ator from South Dakota, to the Senator from Utah [Mr. BENNETTI, to the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MORTON], and to the Senator from Colorado [Mr. ALLOTT] for their remarks and their contributions with regard to the Cuban situation. These distinguished Members of the Senate have probed the subject. They have made suggestions. They have done what should be done by our entire Gov- ernment. I am greatly alarmed about our coun- try. I fear that the Republic we love, the Republic with prestige and power and opportunity and tranquility, is being eroded while the heads of our Govern- ment are chasing rainbows on foreign continents and making proposals In this country to buy the people's votes, and while other things upon which our perm- anent status and development depend are being neglected. I refer to our fight against communism, and I refer to the great necessity of preventing the finan- cial collapse of our country. The Cuban problem cannot be swept under the rug. The Cuban problem cannot be solved by bringing out the flag and using it as a political instru- ment biennially just before election time. Mr. MUNDT., In other words, the Senator does not believe that it can be deferred until October 1964? Mr. CURTIS. ' No. Mr. MUNDT. I agree with the Senator. Mr. CURTIS. It cannot. The-whole free world was heartened by what ap- peared to be the start of positive action in October, 1962. It united the country. It united our allies. It united the free- dom-loving people of the Western Hem- isphere. it united the voters of the country. Mr. MUNDT. And it united the two parties. Mr. CURTIS. Yes. Mr. - MUNDT. I do not know of one Republican Representative or Senator who was against it. We all joined as Americans in an attempt to do some- Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 Approved For F Jl; "g i : 00200240015-0 July 15 thing. We were all disillusioned shortly after the election, when nothing was done, except to retreat. Mr. CURTIS. This great problem, in- volving human liberty, involving lives, involving people who are living in slav- ery, and involving the security of this country, cannot be brushed aside or held back as a "gimmick," to be used politi- cally in October, 1964. I hope the dis- tinguished Senator from South Dakota and other Senators whom I have men- tioned, and many other Senators, will speak again and again on this subject. After all, in the last analysis, the people will determine this question. It has been my observation that on most crucial issues the peopleare=far ahead of Washington. The Senator has given all of us documented facts. I hope it will be but the beginning of his efforts along this line. We are not suggesting that any par- ticular individual's idea be adopted without question. We are suggesting that nothing be done which threatens to make us a fourth rate nation, but that every fact be utilized and pursued in the way it should be utilized and pursued. I again congratulate the distinguished Senator from South Dakota. Mr. MUNDT. I deeply appreciate the expression of my distinguished colleague from Nebraska. I realize the great amount of work and study he has de- voted to this subject and his own fine contribution to the discussion of this subject. We do not dare delay making badly needed decisions on Cuba. After several weeks of study of this subject, with specific facts concerning the eco- nomic situation, and the list of ships that were serving Cuba providing grist for the mills, so that we could bring into focus some plans and programs, I have pur- posely reduced all these to what I con- sider to be the bare minimal effort to start something effective operating against Cuba without a chance of war, or the breaking of any international treaty, but merely by exercising our pre- rogative as a sovereign Nation to con- trol our own ships and our own aid pro- gram, and to try to flex the muscles of American leadership; and also to dis- cover where we have friends, who they are, who will stand up, who will crawl away, and who stands like a great Shy- lock, trying to pluck as many shekels as he can, both from the Communists and from the United States. It is about time to get some sense and rationale into our American foreign policy. A good place to start is 90 miles away with communism in Cuba. Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. MUNDT. I yield. Mr. BENNETT. The Senator from Utah has been Gitting here, listening to what the Senator from South Dakota has had to say, and to the comments which have been made by several of our colleagues in the Senate. There have come back into my mind some lines written by the English poet Pope. I am wondering if we are not beginning to prove, in our relationship with Cuba, what Pope said. He was talking about vice, but what he said is true of any other evil thing. He said., Vic is a monster of so frightful mien, As to be hated needs but to be seen; Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, We first endure, then pity, then embrace. The longer we wait before we do any- thing about Cuba, the more American people there will be who will say, "Oh well, we have gotten along all these years and have not had any trouble. Perhaps we had better accept the situation and go on from there." I am a little afraid that this is already happening. Articles dealing with Cuba are disappearing from the front pages of our newspapers. We have many more problems to consider, and these have pushed Cuba from the front pages of the newspapers. We are In danger of for- getting the Cuban problem. When we raise It, as the Senator has raised It today, we are told by the ad- ministration. "Do not bother about It. The proposals you make are not prac- tical. We are aware of the problem," However, every week and every month that goes by customs are preparing us to assume that Cuba Is going to be Com- munist forever. We lapse into a kind of apathy. We say that this is the status quo. It be- comes more and more difficult to de- velop either a program or the strength to support it. I am very much afraid that If the American people do not nudge A he administration soon into beginning the necessary steps of action, we shall reach the point of pity and then em- brace. We will say. "This is the way it has been done for so long; it is now the pattern of the future." Mr. MUNDT, The Senator from Utah has made a most Interesting ob- servation, I hope not a prophetic one, but certainly within the realm of pos- sibility. Even though Americans, firmly imbedded as we are In freedom may never embrace voluntarily a situation such as exists in Cuba, there is cer- tainly grave danger that the rest of the world may, as Illustrated by the vote the other day, when there were four abstentions and one adverse vote on a vote from Latin American republics on a perfectly puerile, innocuous, inconse- quential resolution. I suspect that one reason why we lost was that any rational roan could say, "Why do this? Why an- tagonize Castro on this. point? Why slap him In the face? This is a com- pletely Ineffective procedure." The leaders of the Latin American Republics are conversant with the teach- ing that one never strikes the king until he can kill him. The leaders of Latin American Republics do not want to scratch Castro's face. But I am con- fident that they would join us In any forward-moving program, such as the first step, so that they could employ it effectively against communism. I think there Is a possibility that the longer this situation drags out the more it will be subject to suspicion. The peo- ple will begin to suspect that nothing serious will happen. Then once more, just 15 minutes before it is too late, we will try to unite them in a great program. But our timing next time may be wrong, and it may be 15 minutes after it is too late. The time to act is now, when we have earned the confidence and respect of the world. Mr. DOMINICK. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Dakota yield? Mr. MUNDT. I yield to the distin- guished Senator from Colorado. Mr. DOMINICK. I wish to add my voice of commendation of the remarks of the Senator from South Dakota. It seems to me that this is the most im- portant immediate step we could take. But I know some of the problems which will be encountered. In June 1961, Representative ROGERS of Florida and I introduced identical measures In the House, designed to cut off all trade between the United States and Communist Cuba. The interesting thing was that when hearings were held before the committee, representatives of the State Department appeared in Au- gust 1961, and testified in opposition to the bills. In any event, we were able to have a bill reported by the commit- tee and passed by the House. But it never got anywhere in the Senate. It was not until February 1962, that the administration finally took action under the Trading With the Enemy Act in order to cut off trade between the United States and Cuba, but months too late to be able to do any real good. So the Senator will encounter prob- lems in trying to secure any positive ac- tion which is not initiated under execu- tive responsibility solely and completely. Second, I have been interested in and have been advocating for a long time a NATO conference under section 2 of the NATQ Agreement, so that we could have an agreed treaty policy among the NATO nations with respect to trading with Communist countries. One of the things that concerns me is the evidence, which was shown so clearly in the Senator's speech, of the number of British ships which are trading with Cuba. There is no doubt that more British ships are trading with Cuba than ships of any other country. The other day I placed in the RECORD, In connection with an- other discussion on Cuba, the fact that the British have had an imbalance of trade of 98 million pounds with Soviet bloc countries in the past year. That is a large sum of money. It provides the Soviet bloc countries with the neces- sary sterling and dollar exchanges to en- able them to proceed with Communist infiltration throughout the world. It seems to me that we are doing exactly the same thing in permitting trade to continue with Cuba, a country only 90 miles away from our shore. The Senator's statement that we can refuse our foreign aid and can prohibit the use of our ports to countries which are trading with Cuba is the first posi- tive suggestion I have heard to bring home the reality of the problem to many countries which are solidly on our side in the overall effort to combat commu- nism. Mr. MUNDT. I deeply appreciate the historic documentation concerning the difficulties which confront Senators and Congressmen who are trying to pursue a minimum program of action against Cuba. I am quite certaip that any sug- gestion from any source that promises to accomplish anything against Castroism Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 Approved 8~0QARb1116-RDgffil~L 083R000200240015-0 11893 tinction of being the first recipient of power marketed by BPA. You are still reaping the benefits of that decision a quarter of a cen- tury ago. Today, residential use of electricity in Cascade Locks is three times the national average and yet you pay only one-third as much as the national average for each kilo- watt-hour. What happened in Cascade Locks on July 0, 1938, was the beginning of a chain of events which reshaped the social and eco- nomic structure of the Pacific Northwest. When Cascade Locks received its first power from Bonneville Dam, only about 30 percent of Oregon's farms were electrified; today 99 percent have electricity. The year before BPA power came to Cas- cade Locks, homeowners in Siletz, Oreg., paid $51.60 a month for 500 kilowatts of elec- tricity. Twenty-five years later, Siletz resi- dents could get the same amount of power for $8. In 1938 the economy of our State was al- most entirely dependent on lumbering, farming, mining, and fishing. There was little industry. SPA power brought Oregon six electro-process industries with a plant investment in excess of $190 million, esti- mated payrolls of $12,500,000 and 6,600 new jobs. Low-cost power from Bonneville nur- tured the unprecedented expansion of our quick frozen food industry and electrified our sawmills, paper and plywood plants, and wood fabrication facilities which are one of Oregon's major sources of employment. Here in Cascade Locks, City Light furnishes the power for the all-electric operation of one of the largest independent lumber mills in the Northwest, and I am advised City Light can accommodate almost any new in- dustry with the same low-cost power at very little added investment. Bonneville itself is a principal industry in Oregon with 1,000 employees, an annual payroll of nearly $8 million, and an invest- ment of $186 million in power transmission equipment. The Bonneville Power Administration did not introduce electricity to the Northwest. We had power before BPA. But it was ex- pensive for all, prohibitively costly to many, and completely unavailable to some. What -Bonneville brought to the Northwest was low-cost electricity distributed regionwide at a postage stamp rate-a rate which has re- mained unchanged for more than 25 years. How did it do it? With 20 operating or authorized Federal multiple purpose water projects, 8,600 miles of Federal transmission line, an antimonopoly preference clause that give priority in sales to public agencies and co-ops, and a policy of making an abundance of cheap power available in even the most remote reaches of the Northwest. It accomplished this feat in the face of the bitterrest opposition from one to today's major beneficiaries-the Northwest's private power companies, who buy large quantities of BPA power and pay less for it than pub- lic agencies and co-ops. Today, the` limitation of its marketing area has put the Bonneville Power Administration into a financial problem. In the last 5 years, BPA has experienced deficits which have reduced its surplus by $60 million. Al- though Bonneville is still ahead of the game, unless other solutions are successfully ap- plied, it will be necessary to raise BPA rates to cover scheduled repayments. During the same period that Bonneville's financial "cushion" decreased by $60 million, some $126 million worth of power went un- sold-water wasted over the spillway. If a market had been found for only half this surplus secondary power, which is avaliable on a nonfirm basis, there would have been no deficit. A major electrical interconnection between the Northwest and California and the South- in Cuba will meet with resistance, at least until the letter-writing campaign between the K-Boys is terminated and we can find out what it is all about. Representative ROGERS of Florida, who joined in that grand effort, with the Senator from Colorado when the'Senator was a Member of the other body, is a distinguished Member of the House. The people of Florida are the direct suf- ferers from some of the difficulties which arise from the establishment of com- munism in Cuba. I credit Representa- tive ROGERS with being one of the few administration followers who have had the courage to stand up and speak out against the craven do-nothing policy program toward Cuba. I feel certain that we shall meet with further resistance; but I am sure that the kind of resistance we shall meet with can no longer hide behind the language screen which says, "What are we to do?- go to war against Cuba?" The program I have recommended to- day is something which even the most imaginative writer in the White House cannot describe as au act of war. We could put together all the Sorensons, all the Schlesingers, all the Harvard men, and ask, "How are you going to describe as an act of war an American trade and aid policy operated under our authority as a sovereign nation?" So the Administration ought to con- sider the question: "Are you serious about communism when it is close to our shores? Or are you serious only about communism in Vietnam or Laos, 7,000 miles away?" Unless the administration completely lacks confidence in its own ability to lead, I challenge it now to take the in- itiative in. doing those things which are ADDRESS BY SENATOR WAYNE MORSE ON THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF CITY LIGHT, CASCADE Locks, OREG., JULY 13, 1963 Mayor Miles, Judge Teunis Wyers, Bonne- ville Administrator Charles Luce, other dis- tinguished guests and fellow Oregonians, it is a privilege and an appreciated compliment to be invited to deliver the principal address at this anniversary banquet. It was 25 years ago that Cascade Locks bought the first block of power sold by the Bonneville Ad- ministration. It was a historical event of great economic importance to Oregon, the Pacific Northwest and the entire Nation. It is particularly fitting that the Hon- orable Charles Luce, the present Adminis- trator of the Bonneville Administration should be one of our honored guests tonight. The Nation has been very fortunate in the appointment of Administrators of the Bonne- ville Administration ever since the passage of the Bonneville Act. However, we are par- ticularly fortunate to have Charles Luce as the Administrator at this time when we see arising on the economic horizons new threatening storm clouds that may develop into a deluge of controversy over public versus private power policies. I am confident that under Charles Luce's leadership the sunshine of reason will dis- sipate the gathering clouds of controversy. It is in the vital economic interest of all the people of our section of the country, includ. ing members of economic groups such as the stockholders of private utilities and their customers as well as members and customers of public preference groups, that gather- ing differences be resolved in a manner that will advance the legitimate joint economic interests of all. However, now is the time to face up to these issues and try to settle them before ad- vocates take irretraceable positions in respect to them. Charles Luce is particularly well qualified to help resolve any differences that may arise. His judicial temperament, his dedication to the public interest, his insist- ence upon fair play to the private utilities, the public utilities districts, the electric r consumer and the general public assure powe of war, which can be done to start of short the beginning of he end of Communist to an yingsout of ttes urpos p a essential to a carryng out of the purposes and objec- Castroism in Cub 9i R tives of the Bonneville Act. ADDRESS BY SENATOR MORSE ON 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF CITY LIGHT, CASCADE LOCKS, OREG. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, when I was in Oregon over the weekend, I made a major policy speech to the people of my State, setting forth my views with respect to the sum of the electric power problems that confront the Pacific Northwest. I spoke with respect to such issues as intertie connection legislation and the Canadian Treaty negotiations. I made this speech at a banquet at Cas- cade Locks, Oreg. The banquet was in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the purchase by the city of a block of power from the Bonneville Administra- tion. The city of Cascade Locks was the first of our municipalities to purchase However, it is very important that we have' open public discussion of these powerlines because they involve the economic business of all the people. Therefore I propose in this major policy speech tonight to deal with a few of the facts of our electric power prob- lems and needs in the Pacific Northwest to call upon the many friends, supporters and beneficiaries of the Bonneville Act to rededi- cate themselves to its purposes and sound objectives. I would have this audience never forget that the Bonneville Act has been the most important stimulant in the develop- ment of private enterprise business and the expansion of our private economy in the Pacific Northwest that we have experienced within our economy during the past 25 years. Businessman after businessman, operating his business within the economic environ- ment of any one of,Federal multipurpose dams in our section of the Nation, are the best possible witnesses in support of the pub- lic policy soundness of the Bonneville Act. These businessmen tell us that they never a block of power and to establish a mu- would have located their businesses where nicipal public power administration they did if it had not been for the low-rate making use of the power generated by electric power that the Bonneville Act in its the Bonneville Power Administration. administration has brought to Oregon and our neighboring I ask unanimous consent that the ad- States. dress I delivered at the Cascade Locks Thus it is a pleasure to be in Cascade anniversary dinner on Saturday night Locks again. Your town has many features which make it a notable municipality. I be printed at this point in the RECORD. came to speak about one of them: your role There being no objection, the address in initiation of the activities of the Bonne- was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, ville Power Administration. as follows: City Light in Cascade Locks has the die- Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0 11894 Approved For ReWxC&OINQ LCA 130?#,N 0200240015-0 west could be the means of marketing this power. An intertie would also permit sale of peaking capacity, allow firming up of sub- stantial quantities of secondary power for use in the Northwest. and provide a means of taking advantage of diversity In peak loads between the two regions. BPA has proposed two ties, one a 750-kilo- volt direct current line to Hoover Dam In Nevada or Los Angeles, Calif., and the other a 500-kilovolt alternating current line ex- tending to the Oregon-California border where it would link with facilities of the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Average annual net revenues to Bonne- ville in the first 10 years alone would be $24.6 million, and large additional benefits thereafter. Net benefits for the Northwest-- including the non-Federal utilities of the region-are estimated to range up to $872 million over the next 50 years. This Is an extremely lucrative proposal. These lines would pay for themselves in less than a decade. Benefit-cost ratio Is about 3.5 to 1-a better economic justification than most recent hydroelectric projects In the Northwest. Because of the profitmaking po- tential of such an Interconnection, seven non-Federal proposals to accomplish all or part of the job have been submitted to Bon- neville. However, none can show equal bene- fits. California private power companies are seeking to take over this Interconnection plan. The Pacific Gas & Electric Co. of Call- fornia, which has absorbed 620 other firms to make It the biggest privately owned utility in the country, wants to control the now of power between the Pacific Northwest and California. Southern California Edison Co. seeks to substitute a line from its service area to Phoenix, Ariz., for the Federal direct current line through Nevada. The California companies suggest that they become the sole channel for distribution of Northwest power In California. Under their plan, all BPA sur- plus power which Is exported for sale outside the region would be sold to Pacific Gas & Electric. Other potential customers could gain access to this power only on terms and conditions laid down by Pacific Gas & Electric. Last month the president of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company declared that "whoever controls transmission lines these days controls the works." The Cali- fornia companies would obtain control under their proposal. This is no new attitude on the part of private power companies. These private utilities fought Bonneville Dam and Grand Coulee. They opposed expansion of the BPA grid. They fought a high dam at Hells Canyon. They worked against the Hanford project. These private utilities are obligated pri- marily to their stockholders and therefore they naturally are concerned about making good profits. There is nothing wrong In that from their standpoint. Since 1850 pub- lic and co-op systems in the Northwest have made rate reductions of $30 million while private utilities of this region have Increased rates by $25 million. Low cost power is a key to the Northwest's economic growth. We are thousands of miles from major markets. Insulated from major centers of commerce by high freight rates. Our economy remains resource ori- ented, strongly sensitive to dips In the busi- ness cycle and seasonal unemployment. Low cost power has helped bring us Industry and stable payrolls. Low cost power permits us to compete with other sections of the coun- try. It Is an equalizer which compensates for our isolated location. I f BPA power rates go up, chances of attracting new industry- or even retaining full operation of existing plants-are proportionally decreased. BPA's $520 million transmission grid con- stitutes about 80 percent of all the high- voltage lines in the Pacific Northwest. Bon- neville provides 60 percent of all our power. An Increase in rates will have widespread impact on our State and region. Somebody is going to build an intercon- nection between the Northwest and South- west. It Is too good a deal to pass up. Any Intertle can help Bonneville's financial pic- ture. But a Federal Interconnection is the beet bet for keeping our power rates down. The Federal Government should build the needed tie lines. The Bonneville Act of 1037 directs the BPA to interconnect with other Federal systems and publicly owned power projects. Substantial economies are possible by ]inking such systems as the Central Valley project in northern California, the Hoover- Parker-Davis dams and the Colorado River St-orage project in the Southwest. Local public power groups, rural electric coopera- tives and State agencies also stand to benefit. The administration has asked for funds in the current appropriation bill to build to the Oregon-California border. What logic dictates that a Federal line must terminate at this point for the benefit of private parties? Some 75 percent of the surplus power available for export In the Northwest is at Federal dams. Why should EPA de- pend on private power companies for its marketing arrangements? Federal lines would be common carriers, available at cost to all-Including private power companies. Why should a private monopoly be sub- stituted? Implementation of the treaty with Canada for cooperative development of the upper Columbia River will result in the equivalent of another Grand Coulee Dam for the North- west, but conclusion of this arrangement swings on the ability of Canada to market its share of treaty power in the Southwest via an intertie. Are negotiations between the United States and Canada to be subject to the veto of a private power company? Any intertie requires as a prelude passage of legislation to prohibit the drain of Federal power out of the Northwest to the detri- ment of the needs of our region. We have passed such a bill In the Senate, and it is pending in the House of Representatives. An amendment has been added there, requiring enactmentof new authorizing legislation be- fore the 750-kilovolt line may be built di- rectly from the Columbia River to the south- ern California market. If the private utilities amendment remains part of the preference measure, the bill itself will cer- tainly be vetoed. But our concern with the progress of this measure should not blind us to the reason for its existence-the desirability of an Inter- tie to better EPA's fiscal situation. Our aim is not to build a Chinese Wall around the Northwest but to facilitate sale of surplus to protect our supply of low cost power. In a recent speech on the floor of the Senate I reminded the Federal Power Com- mission of Its independent jurladiction- indeed its obligation-to decide the question of the authority of the Washington Public Power Supply System to go outside the State of Walihington to construct a dam on the Middle Snake in Oregon and Idaho, notwithstanding a decision by the Oregon Federal District Court that Washington Pub- Ile Power Supply System lacks such author- ity under Washington State law. Editorial- izing about that speech, the Oregonian said: "Senator MoRse's position appears to be founded on Ideological grounds rather than legal grounds." This, apparently be- cause I also reminded FPC of Its mandate to provide for maximum development In the public interest of the publicly owned rivers of this country. Where the only resource concerned or affected is power generation at a low-head site, there is every reason for dams to be those of private utilities. I have always sup- ported their construction of low-head clams at such sites. July 15 But where there Is the prospect for a multi-purpose project, that is another matter. The editors of the Oregonian know just as well as I do that the private power com- panies which comprise Pacific Northwest Power Company are not proposing maxi- mum development of the Middle Snake, any more than Idaho Power Company did a decade ago. In its zeal to champion Paci- fic Northwest Power Company, the Oregonian camouflaged the substance of my legal po- sition. It obviously did so because it could not refute that position. The point I made is in fact irrefutable. The FPC, not having been a party to the litigation in the Oregon District Court, is free to deal independently with the issue decided by that court. Moreover, no pro- hibition in State law nor any lack of au- thority under State law can void an FPC license or bar the exercise of the FPC's para- mount Federal licensing power. This has been the repeated holding of the U.S. Su- preme Court. Irrespective of State law, then, the FPC can endow WPPSS-a public body competent under Washington State law to generate and sell power-with independ- ent Federal authority under a Federal license to construct a dam on a navigable stream -belonging to the United States located out- side the State of Washington. This is a far cry from the Oregonian's characterization of my legal position as being that a Federal court has no authority over the Federal Power Commission. In a second editorial, the Oregonian again bleated the call of the Pacific Northwest Power Co. with respect to the fish problem on the Middle Snake. After one private utility has killed off what fish there were above the Salmon River, we are told that only another private utility can save the fish below the Salmon. I think the people of this area have seen enough wreckage of Snake River resources at the hands of private utilities. It is regrettable that the Oregonian seeks its legal advice from patently biased quar- ters. It is even more regrettable that the Oregonian falls so often to speak out on major power issues -on behalf of the general public interest, in the great tradition of the press: Interconnection of the Pacific Northwest and Southwest, and development of the Mid- dle Snake River are issues which will help shape the future of the Northwest, just as did the arrival of BPA power In Cascade Locks. If we allow private parties to work out their own special solutions, outside the framework of the public interest, we have only ourselves to blame. It will be most regrettable if controversies over the intertie issue and the maximum power development of the Middle Snake are not settled on a negotiated basis that places the long-time public interest ahead of all other issues. For a good many years, great progress was being made in the maximum river basin de- velopment of the Pacific Northwest, based upon a program of joint venture between Government and private utilities that would result in the pooling of power and a fair dis- tributin of that power to the private utili- ties for sale to their customers and to public power bodies for distribution to their cus- tomers. Such a program was aimed at pro- viding people living in the great potential hydroelectric power areas of the West with low-cost power so vitally needed for an ever expanding economy, new job opportunities, new business, and an ever better standard of living for our people. 1 have always supported such as program, and I will continue to do so. It gives assurance to private utilities of an adequate supply of power, fair and rea- sonable but not exorbitant profits and a maximum rather than an inadequate de- velopment of the hydroelectric power re- Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200240015-0