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Approved For Release 2004/02/03 : CIA-RDP6580038~ 216ii-eh 15, 1963 Daily Digest ? HIGHLIGHTS Senate cleared for White House bill to extend draft for 4 years. See Congressional Program Ahead. Senate Chamber Action Routine Proceedings,, pages 4069-4099 Bills Introduced: 14 bills and 4 resolutions were intro- duced, as follows: S. 1102-1115; S. Con. Res. 32; and S. Res. 113-115. - ? Page 4080 Bill Referred: One House-passed bill was referred to appropriate committee. Page 4069 Draft Act Extension: Senate passed without amend- ment and cleared for President H.R. 2438, to extend for 4 years the induction provisions of the Universal Mili- tary Training and Service Act. Motion to reconsider passage was tabled. Pages 4089-4091 Committee Authorizations?Corrections: DAILY DIGEST of March 14, page D146, stated that further action on S. Res. 68, to provide $55,400 for Committee on the Judiciary to investigate Trading With the Enemy Act, was deferred after committee amendments thereto were adopted. The Senate did, however, adopt the resolution as well as the amendments thereto. Also, on page D147, the DIGEST showed as $310,880 the funds authorized under S. Res. 62, providing for investigation of the Internal Security Act by the Com- mittee on the Judiciary. This was the amount as shown in the report accompanying the resolution when re- ported March ii by the Committee on Rules and Ad- ministration (S. Rept. 35). The correct amount, how- ever, is $333,880. Confirmations: The following nominations were con- firmed: William J. Hartigan, of Massachusetts, to be an Assistant Postmaster General; Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Army; John W. Douglas, of Maryland, to be an Assistant At- torney General; Kenneth A. Cox, of Washington, to be member of the FCC; Paul J. Tierney, of Maryland, to be an Interstate Commerce Commissioner; 14 nomi- nations, each to be an incorporator of the Communica- tions Satellite Corporation, as follows: Edgar F. Kaiser, of California, David M. Kennedy, of Illinois, Sidney J. Weinberg, of New York, Bruce G. Sundlum, of Rhode Island, A. Byrne Litschgi, of Florida, Beardsley Graham, of Kentucky, Leonard Woodcock, of Michigan, Sam Harris, of New York, George F?iian, of New York, Leonard Marks, of the D.C., John T. Connor, of New Jersey, George L. Killon, of California, Leo D. Welch, of New _York, and Joseph V. Chary.VOf California; 6 judicial; -3 Coast Guard; 29 Colseand Geodetic Sur- vey; and Brig. Gen. Robert F. Seedlock, U.S. Army, to be a member of the Mississippi River Commission. Pasms 4149-4150 Nominations: 529 Army nominations were received. Pages 41484149 Program for Tuesday: Senate met at xi a.m. and adjourned at 3:46 p.m. until noon Tuesday, March 19. Its program for Tuesday has not been announced. Pages 4099, 4148 Committee Meetings (Committees not listed did not meet) APPROPRIATIONS?INTERIOR Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee con- tinued its hearings on fiscal 1964 budget estimates for the Department of the Interior, and related agencies, with testimony in behalf of projects for their respective States from Senators Moss and Church; Senator Prox- mire, who testified on funds for the extension of the forest products laboratories; and Senator Cooper, on funds for research on strip-mined land in the Appa- lachian coal region. Hearings continue on Monday, March 18. NEW HOPE DAM Committee on Public Works: Subcommittee on Flood Control?Rivers and Harbors held hearings in con- nection with the flood control project New Hope Dam on the Cape Fear River, N.C., receiving testimony from Senator Jordan (North Carolina), who submitted statement in behalf of himself, Senator Ervin, Governor Sanford; Representatives Lennon Hen son, Kornegay, and Cooley; Brig. Gen. jack.564,': ham, and Col. Robert C. Marshall, both of the Co Army Engineers; Carl Brown, Soil Conservati ice, Department of Agriculture- and numerou witnesses. 11152 arch 15 Cha.lilbee..,./.1, The .116iiie *.ai., , .. A. iig:'*itl'fiq,lieId*,, ?.YA'..,....,....?.. ....,..,..,, 4a noon. Por program sc.Cciiiigrasioaliat. .roi M. this Dintsr,i,,,,4 ,,-, r'-'1. ?.:.?',0,,.1"j.1,,''','''''''''::3:4:..,":.';''74.';''' ' Committee Meetings, - RESERVE fRAINING Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee No. .3 continued hearings on FLR. 2421, regarding, .the 6-month Reserve training program. Heard testimony from Lt. Gen. Lewis R. Hershey, Director, Selective Service System; other departmental, and public wit- nesses. EQUAL PAY Committee on Education and Labor: Special Subcom- mittee on Labor heard testimony from W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary of Labor, Esther Peterson, Assistant Secretary of Labor; and public witnesses, on equal pay RECLAMATION Committee on Interior and Insular Allairs: Subcom- mittee on Irrigation and Reclamation ordered reported favorably to die full committee H.R..4zp3, to permit the Secretary of the Interior to continue to deliver water to -nutlet on ati n ar e e- sent**, Marsh 'and dep es. ; -to authbrize the': Seci 'etari: Of dii riortoco- operate with the State of Wisconsin in the'designation . and administratiOn of the Ice%lige, Nati-mar Scientific Reserve in the State,of-Wutonisiii. - BROADCAST RATINGS Committee on interstate and-Toreign CeMitnerCe: Spe,- cial Subcommittee on. Investigations continued hearings on broadcast rating Services,,anct heard testi:Many from public witnesses. NEWS MEDIA Committer on the Judiciary: Subcommitten No. 5 (Antitrust) continued hearings on concentration of ownership of news media. Heard testimony from pub- lic witnesses. TAXES Committee on Ways and Means: Continued hearings on the President's tax recommendations, and heard testimony from public witnecges CONGRESSIONAL PROGRAM AHEAD Week of March 18-23 Committee rneettngs are open unless otherunse indicated) Senate Chamber Senate will meet rIext on Tuesday, March 19, but no program has been announced tor Tuesday or for the balance of the week. Senate Committees Committee on Aeronauticai and Space Sciences: March i9.? to . hold hearings on 1,4, nominations to? be incorporators of the Com- Murtinations Satellite System, to a.m., -235 Old Senate Office BuiMing: Committee on Agricohnwe esnd Forestry: March i8-2r, on S. 19*, S:19ort, and 9.5.3?pending dairy legislation, io a.na., 324 Senate Office . . : Committee on Appropriations: March 18, 19, and 20,. StibCGM- Mine; an fiscal x964 budget estimates for the Department of the and related agencies, ra 1223 New Senate Office Tinalding; 40 March. as ana 22, 31111303finniltbre? Oft fiscal r964 budget esti, mates for the Department of Agriculture, Thursday to heat Sec- retary Freeman. x0 a.m., r1r4 New Senate Office Building. - ? , Committee on Commerce: March xg, executive, on committee business, so a.m., 51 to, New Senate Office Building. Committee on the District of Colimaiva: March r8, excentive, iarganizationak meeting, 9:30 sari, 6a28 New Senate Office Building. - Committee on Finance: March 2i, to hold hearings on I I.R. 25x3, to require certain new packages of imported articles to be marked to indicate the country of origin, to a.m., 2221 New Senate Office Building. Committee as Government Operations: March 59 and 20, to hold hearings on S. 537, to create a Joint Committee on the , Bud et, a.m., 3302 New Senate Office Building; arch it,' Pernianent -Subcommittee on Investigations, to rentnie, in execntive session, its ilit.a.tingS dti procurement prat, fiats of the Air Force and Navy, and the awarding of the TFX type aircraft contract to General Dynamics Corps of Fort Worth, t a:3o, 2,02-,33oa. New Senate Office Building; March 22,. Subcommittee on. National Security Staffing and Operations, to resume its *rings on the administration 01. ,national Qecurity in. the IL& and abroad, to hear Assistant Sec !entry of State W. A.vereft Harriman; so 33o2 New Senate OffieeBuilding. Cormsnirtiee vs the hodisitinry: Mutat 350-72, Allthriast and Mo., =faySubcounnittre, 1D CO .11011100: .011 btillitegS 011 S.. 387% so called "truth. inpackaging" balk 10 Wm, =DS New Senate Office Building; Approved, or Release 2004/02/03": CIA-RDP6513003931R000 002900'13-8