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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 18, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 4, 1957
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79R00890A000800060004-9.pdf92.5 KB
Approved For Releale2000/08/29 _: CIA-RIDP79R00890A000800060004-9 War eN tlL~ C.t F~C.i t"14" 1.,, \ J to stores curfew and restore order. Since start of rioting (29 tar) several hundred have been killed or wounded, mot of 500. Da 25X1A A. the situation is extremely delicate consider the ouster of Nee. Ibanez ps ible of the Communist-dominated labor federation, the the disorders on 2 Apr. Ibanez convened emergency session of congress 3 April A. Requesting "extraordinary powers" to suspend constitutional claims powers will be granted. Rowever, vote looks close 4 April 1957 tg continued in riot-torn Santiago last night, :n past 3 days. Arrests last night reportedly totalled is said to exceed $2 million. Communist Youth, and Individual Cu kv ? t troops rtedly aiding the disturbances, which were initially sponsored by a non-Communist student federation. Communist party leaders, themselves, previously standing back, reportedly decided to disorders appear to be a welling-up, of popular protest against Chile's '-backed economic stabilization scheme, initiated in Jan. ice of a 96 Investment firm. A. Although cost of living rose only 3 in 1956 (coaampared with n 1955) real income of workers to declining since Gov't has limited compensating wage increases to 30%. ApprovediFor elease 2000/89/2 oII I 16$% Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R0089OA000800060004-9 controls to give appearance of complete price stabilization during period Nov 156-Feb '87. Sharp upward break in prices during Mar 157 came as shook to publ is . Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CM tl? 089OA000800060004-9