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UNCLASSIFIED ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE r' LY Approved For ease 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M0016#02400080AA5)q 77- SUBJECT Proposed Response by DCI to Rear Admiral John D. Kane, USN (Ret.) 1. Per our telecons, attached is a draft of a proposed response to Admiral Kane's letter re Captain Lionel Krisel's problem on the Bay of Pigs history. 2. Aside from the background spelled out in the draft response to Admiral Kane, I would call your attention to the fact that there is one area about which the CIA version of the Bay of Pigs action will differ very sharply from that of the US Navy. The issue concerns the authorization for the USN to provide a Combat Air Patrol (CAP) for a one hour period (0630-0730 Cuban time) on 19 April 1961. There was a foul up, and two of the Cuban Brigade B-26's piloted by US personnel were shot down and four Americans died. 3. In my first volume of the history (Air Operations, March 1960-April 1961) -- which is currently being reviewed -- I have established that the Navy was remiss in its obli- gation to protect the B-26's. I know, however, that Krisel does not buy this. He has discussed this subject with some of our retirees who were involved in the air operation, and he falls back on the traditional explanation that it was a CIA failure to realize that there was a time difference be- tween the point of departure of the B-26's (Nicaragua) and the Cuban target. My thesis is that the time difference was inconsequential and that the real fault lay with the C. O. of the carrier Essex for failure of his radar to pick up the aircraft and his failure to have at least one reconnaissance aircraft on station to spot the incoming Brigade aircraft. 4. I see no point in raising this issue in the DCI's response, however; and it is possible, of course, that if this is one of the problem areas that Krisel has, he may be convinced by my evidence. ST UNCLASSIFIED Approved)ffWM 93/15 Zel, - 9 01 9166~9,Q 400080006-5 Approved For Vase 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M0016S02400080006-5 From 9 November 1977 Distribution: Orig. & e Addressee w/att. 1 - w/att. 1 - JBP watt. 1 - HS Chrono w/att. Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165A002400080006-5 Approved For ease 2004/03/15: CIA-RDP80M0016.002400080006-5 DRAFT 9 ' November 1977 AT AT AT Rear Admiral John D. H. Kane, Jr. (USN, Ret.) Director of Naval History and Curator for the Navy Department Building 220, Room 200 Washington Navy Yard Dear John: Following receipt of your letter of 4 November 1977 concerning Captain Lionel Krisel, USNR (Retired) and his work on a Bay of Pigs project for Admiral Arleigh Burke, USN (Retired), I asked the CIA Historian, 1 -1 to look into the problem. As you probably know, I of Pigs Operation; and he has done some research on the project in the Operational Archives Branch, Naval Historical Division. In the Spring of 1975, he was visited by Captain Krisel for the purpose of discussing the respective histories on the Bay of Pigs. At the time of Captain Krisel's visit, noted that the focus of his history would be on the period from March 1960 through April 1961; and he showed Captain Krisel the tentative outline which he had ST Approved For Release 2 Q3A 5I DP80M00165A002400080006-5 is writing CIA's Official History of the Bay Approved For ease 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M0016002400080006-5 AT prepared. Captain Krisel's approach was on a much broader scale, including extensive work on Castro's rise to power. Since that time, Captain Krisel and STA two or three telecons when Captain Krisel passed through the Washington area. Captain Krisel has never made any specific request for access to CIA materials which he throught might be pertinent to his endeavors. I either visited or contacted various retired CIA personnel who were affiliated with the operation under study. Some of these individuals apparently were quite reluctant to discuss the Bay of Pigs or their roles in the project be- cause such information has never been made public -- nor did they intend that it be. In view of this background and considering the relative progress which our respective historians have made, I would propose that if Captain Krisel has specific problems which might be solved by access to CIA documents that he define these problems in writing and forward them to At that time, we can determine which, if any, materials might be made available to Captain Krisel. As in all cases of requests for access to Agency historical records, we would have to re-confirm Captain Krisel's security clearances; STA Approved For Release 2F Z1 Y5SI6Ii-RDP80M00165A002400080006-5 also informs me that Captain Krisel has Approved For ease 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M0016*02400080006-5 but I assume that this would be worked out through your auspices since the history is intended for your archives. If you have further questions, please feel free to directly; or have Captain Krisel do Yours, STANSFIELD TURNER Director Approved For Release 2e#10& & i DP80M00165A002400080006-5 Approved For Foase 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M0016562400080006-5 {D. . Gellert' of A ~t F?'j L7I c Washing ton, D.C, 20565 Office of the Director Dear Stan: I I am much intrigued by your concept of making information about the CIA available to the broad American public by means of traveling displays or other audio-visual aids, supplementing or.even supplanting actual tours of the agency itself. The people with the most experience in the circulation of material of a variety of natures is the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, and whoever on your staff is work- ing on this might well be in touch with. the energetic head of this enterprise, Dennis Gould. We have some experience in materials dealing strictly with art, and in our case they could be in touch with Joseph Reis, who has been developing similar materials for our own extension service. A logical place for the exhibition of such material might well be the library system in this country. For that, useful contacts might be someone designated by Daniel Boorstir., the Librarian of_.Congress, or Russell Shank, librarian of UCLA, former Smithsonian librarian, and President-elect of the Ameri- can Library Association. For printed matter, the Superindendent of Documents circu- lates libraries with the availability of various government information to a very wide list. One of the agencies of the United States Government that has covered the grass roots most thoroughly over the years is the Department of Agriculture. The person there your staff might be in touch with would be Karl F. Munson, Extension Service. Approved For Release 2004/03/15 CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Approved Foolease 2004/03/15: CIA-RDP80M0010002400080006-5 Admiral Turner page 2 November 8, 1977 I enjoyed hearing from you, and look forward to being of whatever help we can. With all good wishes, Admiral Stansfield Turner Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D. C. 20505 N 83 As ever, ~~aS 1 J. Carter Brown Director Approved For Release 2904/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 E CU T.IV SEC *,ETAR AT Routing Slip SUSPENSE praved5For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00.165A0 80006-5 IIiFO DATE INITIAL' Approved For ?ase 2004/03/15: CIA-RDP80MOO16*2400080006-5 y . l' i ' 9z1 , %4 77 Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M001,65A002400080006-5 STAT Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Sotto la guida del nuovo capo Stansfield Turner si rarefatta I'atmosfera di estrema riservatezza. "In fondo. la clente ci sapere ie cose-'. La "purga" dei veterani. I difficili rapporti c ' Chi a I ammiraglio the governa la roccaforte dells info essuno genti d in pa ferno, . siano si pub essere loro ossa si. stann ni fa, gli alti funzi ` shington non menzi Ia Central Intellige parlavano soltanto amici ', di c quelli flume a oppure, in perto, dell's agenzi compagnia a. Qua gurb la nuova sede generale a Langley, nel 1961, sull'auto solo tin cartello the Bpr (Bureau of P fece Mere perfino, Kgb, la polizia segre re sul cartello: Cia. to un passo piu in 15 ma volta un fotogr . di persone- the lavo gley. Pub darsi -che presto delle visits g gari solo ii sabato, segreti the vogliono faranno bene a non loro ufficio. priranno the Lang] in uno stile da aero no molti poliziotti (al terreno, protetti da prova di proiettile), i sui tavoli Sono difcsi to copertine, i Conte stini per la Carta de bruciati, ci sono mol ti e zone in cui a vie so. ,E probabile the i vedranno mai i labo greti, i centri di oper comunicazione, le st vengono interpretate Approved For Release 2004/03/1jWIA-RDP$0M`00165AO024000800 SENDER IFIC BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 3 3 4 S 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PRONE NO. DATE S -7 E \3 roved For Release 2004/03/ i l/aa/-> 0 ICUM O. 237 Use PnVious editions * GPO : 1974 O - 53S-857 1-67 CENTEAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY i Approved For ease 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80A~0016 Deal Your 4 October letter to Mr. Blake was referred to this office for a response. Enclosed you will find a summary translation of the book Secrets of the Secret Services of the USA.. I hope you will find this helpful and wish you good luck with your dissertation. Sincerely, Deputy Executive Secretary Distribution: Or Adse. w/enclosure - ER wo/enclosure GQ ES Fs (8 Nov) iif3'U 6di~ iur1,R6~'A Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165A002400080006-5 ST Approved For ease 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M0016D2400080006-5 SECRETS OF THE SECRET SERVICES OF THE USA collection of articles compiled by Ye, Ya. Yakovlev; Moscow, Politizdat, Russian, signed to press 25 January 1973, 304 pp with illustrations The book provides the structure of American intelligence services and reveals the techniques and methods to which they resort in the secret ...war against peoples of the socialist countries and against the forces of. -- The desire by American imperialism to play the part of a sort of American subversive activity is characterized by its global nature, both geographically and politically. It is chiefly directed ggainst our country, as well as the rest of the socialist world. Western intelligence has the goals of obtaining information on the military-economic potential of the USSR and its Armed Forces, the internal situation, and latest achieve- ments of Soviet oppression demands a maximum activation of the secret subversive activity . guarantor and protector of'the international system of exploitation and directed against other countries and peoples. All imperialist states .with an aggressive; expansionist policy have had a powerful and active foreign intelligence organization... This is the case at present with.the U.S. intelligence service. science and technoloxv. ly. Approved For Release 2004/03/15 CIA-RDP80M00165A002400080006-5 ti Approved FSelease 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M0*A002400080006-5 Central Intelligence Agency Attn.:Acting Deputy Director Mr. John F. Blake Washington, D.C. 20505 4 October 1977 I hereby inform you that as a ddtbral-candidate at the University of Michigan I have started woxking on a dissertation in the areas of "Strategic Intelligence/Strategic Crisis- Warning Intelligence". I recently came across a Soviet book on U.S. Intelligence Services (copies of title page and table of contents are enclosed) published in Russian.Due to my non-fluency in Russian I cannot use the book effectively, therefore I would be very interested in the English translation which would enable me to write a critique (or a counter-argument) of the book. Looking forward tomyour close cooperation. Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165A002400080006-5 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 The Director InteiI Approved .or se 06 / 5 : CIA-RDP8Q1d1 0716 12 October 1977 Dear Dr. Killian, Thank you indeed for your letter enclosing the resume of I am checking his qualifications agains our present needs. If it looks as though a match is possible, I will be in touch with him directly. I was delighted to hear that some of your vast-experience with intelligence will be recorded in your memoir on Sputnik, Scientists, and Eisenhower. I do look forward to reading it. More than that, if you are ever free when in Wash- ington, I would most enjoy an opportunity to visit on such matters. Thanks, and warm regards.. Aort4l STANSFIELD TURNER Dr. James R. Killian, Jr. Approved For Release 2004/03/15: CIA-RDP80M00165A002400080006-5 lE Wj#Jor W 4A(q3/15 : CIA7R 80M0 Routing Slip ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI N, 3 D/DCI/IC 4 DDS&T 5 DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 D/DCI/NI 9 GC 10 LC 11 IG 12 Comot 13 ` D/Pers 4 D/S 15 DTR 16 Asst/ DCI 17 AO/DCI 18 C/IPS 19 DCI/SS 20 D/EEO 21 22 Co Dote Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Approved Fbrse 2004/03/15 :CIA R R. KILLIAN, JR. ..... ! ? 2.~ . September 28, 1977 A Admiral Stansfield Turner, USN Director Central Intelligence Agency McLean, Virginia Dear Admiral Turner: Recently I was visited by Sta e university, and while here, he indicated to me that if an opening should occur for a person who had experience in the intelligence field and who was a competent scientist- engineer, he would appreciate the opportunity to be considered. He recalled with great satisfaction his Washington assignments that appear on his curriculum vitae, which is attached. When I was Special Assistant for Science and Tech- nology to President Eisenhower, intensive experience in intelligence and re.lated fields. I have no knowledge, of course, as to whether men of his background and experience are being sought after and I want to make it clear that I am submitting his name to you at his suggestion. He is able, attractive, and as you see, has had a variety of experiences. In writing to you about him, perhaps I should call attention to a quite different matter- -a memoir (Sputnik, Scientists, and Eisenhower) that I am just publishing that covers the period when I served President Eisenhower in various ways. It includes some digressions on the CIA. These digressions Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Approved FSpr Rose 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00(65*400080006-5 may or may not be of any value, and certainly they are in no way related to some of the controversial classified material that is now coming into the public domain. Yours sincerely, p.~ . r R. Killian, Jr. JRK: ep attachment Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Approved For F4ase 2004/03/15: CIA-RDP80M0016502400080006-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 Dr. James R. Killian, Jr., as you may know, forwarded your resume to our Director, Admiral Turner. Admiral Turner asked n:-! to review our personnel requirements in an effort to identify an opening in which your fine qualifications could be utilized. The two vacancies we have in the Science and Technology area are not at a level commensurate with your present responsi- bilities, as of this office may have mentioned to you during your .recent phone conversation. We appreciate your.interest in serving the intelligence community and regret that we do not have a senior-level position available for you at this time. My best wishes. Sincerely, F. W. M. Janney Director of Personnel Dist: 0 _. Add X- ER 1 1. - Subject's File 1 - D/Pers Chrono (w/field) OD/Pers : jmrn (4 Nov 77) Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 STAT Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Approved For Reese 2004/03/15: CIA-RDP80M00165AM400080006-5 Watson Associates Boulder - Denver Advertising Public Relations Marketing November 3, 1977 Mr. John F. Blake Acting Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Executve- iyr Thank you very much for taking the time to personally construct a very detailed and informative letter pertaining to your agency's fair employment practices. Your letter was a welcome departure from past Administration responses to minorities' inquiries about other executive departments. However, on the subject of employment there--remain a few more questions: 1. How many Black or Hispanic Americans are receiving over $30,000 per annum and what per cent of all persons above that paygrade do they comprise? 2. Is there even a remote possibility that Mr. Knoche's position could be filled by a minority? (The Agency has now been in existence for 30 years and such an appointment could certainly signal a sincere desire on the part of the Carter Administration to eradicate institutionalized notions that ipso facto exclude minorities from certain positions). Finally, on the subject of minority business enterprise I certainly understand the role of the CIA as well as any citizen not inits direct employ, including its legally mandated sphere of operations. However, I am also aware that expenditures -.even such routine ones as that required for the printing of the descriptive brochure you enclosed - was undoubtedly a domestic expenditure. In all, I think one can reasonably conclude that the CIA makes considerable domestic expenditures. The questions thus obtains: how much of those dollars go to minority businesses and individuals? (or, in the absence of dollar amounts - perhaps for security reasons - what percent?) Your comments to date have been responsive and I hope that we can continue to be candid on this subject. I look forward to hearing f rom you soon. pj v d.Fo,.r,F . We 2004/03/15 CIA-RDP80M00165A002400080006-5 fie Clarke R. Watson President. S i nceje l y, UNCLASSIFIED ~~ EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Routing Slip Remarks: Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO024000800 ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI 3 D/DCI/IC 4 DDS&T 5 DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO S D/DCI/NI 9 GC 10 LC.. 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/Pers -14 D/S 15 DTR 16 A/DCI/PA - 17 AO/DCI 13 c/IPS 19 DCI/SS 20 1 21 --- 22 CGi`IF ENTiAI C - ' SECRET The Deputy Director Approved For ease 20041pl?ep;F4&-){ pp,80M0016519240 26 October 1977 Mr. Clarke R. Watson, President The Westland Companies 1429 Larimer Square Denver, Colorado 80202 Your 28 September letter to the President of the United States has been referred to this Agency for response an opportunity we welcome. I wish to assure you, sir, that the Central Intelligence Agency is not immune from fair employment and has no desire so to be. We are, quite proudly, an equal opportunity employer with an aggressive affirmative action. plan. CIA has made sub- stantial progress in the last several years in our priority objective to identify and recruit minority individuals for employment with this Agency. In-Fiscal Year 1977, almost 15% of the total number of individuals we brought on board for pro- fessional and technical positions were either Black or Hispanic Americans. They generally grade and salary from GS-7 (currently $12,336 per annum) to GS-14, Step 6 (currently $35,875 per annum). On the clerical side, we have done even better. Twenty-seven per cent (27o).of the clerical employees who entered on duty in FY-77 were minorities, mostly in, the GS-3 (currently $7,930 per annum) and the GS-4 (currently $8,902 per annum) range. Internally, we have initiated or continued a wide range--of programs- to assure equal opportunities for our minority employees and to utilize fully their skills and talents. We have worked hard to improve. The results are encouraging but much, of course, remains to be done. Enclosed, for your perusal, is the CIA Equal Employment Opportunity Plan for Fiscal Year 1977 and a recruitment brochure. Our FY-78 Plan has been approved by the Civil Service Commission and will be published shortly. I have read the list of High-Level Black Appointments in the Carter Administration prepared by Mr. John W. Lewis, Jr. The Central Intelligence Agency is-quite unique in regard to Presidential appointments in that only two of our positions fall in that category. They are the Director of Central Intelligence try Approved For Release 2004/03/15 CIA-RDP80M00165A002400080006-1 Approved For F ease 2004/03/15 CIA-RDP80M00l6 2400080006-5 and the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. As you know, Admiral Stansfield Turner was President Carter's choice to be Director of Central Intelligence. The position of Deputy Director of Central Intelligence is vacant following the retire- ment of Mr. E. H. Knoche on 1 August 1977. The absence of the Agency from the Inter-Agency Council for Minority Business Enterprise is easy to explain by an examination of our role in the Executive Branch. It is the responsibility of the Central Intelligence Agency to collect, evaluate, and produce foreign intelligence. The primary task of CIA is to provide t Fe most accurate, comprehensive, and objective information available about national security matters, together with whatever can be learned or deduced about possible impending foreign developments. As you can see, our charter simply does not relate to domestic activities. As a matter of fact, we are specifically prohibited from participating in all such activities except for a few, like recruitment, that are required to carry out our overseas charter. It would be most inappropriate, therefore, for this Agency to participate in the Inter-Agency Council for Minority Business Enterprise, the membership of which includes senior executives of major agencies and departments having programs to promote and strengthen domestic business enterprises. Our presence on such a council could easily be misunderstood, to the possible detriment of that body's effectiveness. I trust that my comments have been responsive to the con- cerns you expressed in your letter to President Carter. John F. Blake Acting Deputy Director ST Approved For Release 2004/03/15 CIA-RDP80M00165A002400080006-5 Soh '~ t e ?' or Release 2004/03/15 Wk, DPa01111t16165A 0 40 8000 ONFIDENTIAL SECRET ACTION INFO :Q/Pets SUSPENSE J~ Watson Associates Boulder - Denver Advertia PJ roved For R Public Relations Marketing 303-573-1865 The President The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 - 3; . 3 We certainly commend your administration for its activities promoting greater development of American minority-owned businesses. Your September 12 statement released by Mr. Powell's office is most encour- aging. However, there exists a rather glaring contradiction i_rLthe_form a._ the Central in-Agency which gives. p ne__pause __in_terms., of .the -sincerity of various Administration statements advocating _uni,ve.,rsa.l,-_ equa`Iify: -From ari i t-erna~~erspective it .appears that no Black person fias a substantive role within the Agency. (I have enclosed--a--l st pre- pared by an associate of mine, John Lewis, which, you will note, does not contain a reference to the. CIA.) Externally, the Agency appears not to have a policy aimed at encourag- ing minority participation in its affairs. Its absence from the Inter- agency Council for Minority Business Enterprise (see enclosed.) is evidence of this. We contend that to permit any agency of government, for whatever reason, to not have an affirmative action policy sets a dangerous precedent for discrimination in other segments of the public and private sectors. No argument, "security" or otherwise, should be advanced in the cause of discrimination. Therefore, we.. as a 100% minority-owned firm, request that immediate and definitive steps be undertaken by your office to eliminate this seeming immunYtr from fair employment and business practices. We thank you in advance for your personal attention in. this matter. Sincerely, THE WESTLAND COMPANIES Clarke R. Watson, President cc: Parren Mitchell Dr. Randolph T. Blackwell A DivisAir oir~/esdtla ndrComlpanSies ?Q~FZ91a/ Inver S~Aua'r~~er~01~1S1p 0? 0,MppG%er, CO 80303 e 2004/03/15: CIA-RDP80MOO165AMN 4998~8 ' ACT!OW 1 INFO. nnTC' I ~hI;TIAM Remarks: Yesterday ke with Capt eisel by DCI. He is having problems in the exchange.of classified information with our Histories Staff. Please provide background and .draft response- phone. He said the a on its way to the 5 Nov 77 Data' Approved For FWD 004/03/15: CIA-RDP80MOOl6 DIRECTOR OF NAVAL HISTORY AND CURATOR FOR THE NAVY DEPARTMENT Admiral Stanfield Turner, USN Director, Central Intelligence Agency Langley, VA 20505 Dear Stan, Several years ago, Admiral Arleigh A. Burke made arrange- ments with the Navy for Captain Lionel Krisel, USNR (Retired), to undertake a complete, documented account of the Bay of Pigs operation for deposit in the Navy's classified archives. Captain Krisel was ordered to this Center by the Navy Depart- ment for two extended periods of temporary active duty to re- search available records and to interview participants in the operation. Since completing his last active-duty tour in 1975, Captain Krisel has continued to undertake research and writing on this project under the personal direction of Admiral Burke. Inasmuch as Captain Krisel has expressed interest in con- sulting certain Central Intelligence records that relate to his subject, I am writing this letter to acquaint you with the background of this project. It is hoped that your agency will be able to offer appropriate assistance to him. With warm regards as I remain, JCI-N D H': KANE, JR. Rear Admiral, USN (Ret.) Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 STAT Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 I UN4LASSII tED T, _ NFIDENTIAL SECRET .' rc4~tedjfor f2~rea3-e~vv4rvsT r5 . wjW 002400080006-5 EXE+CU TIVE SECRET ?T Routing Slip ACTION INEJ DATE INITIAL 11 DCi 2 j DDCI 3 D/DCI/IC. 4- DDS&T 5 DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 D/DCI/NI 9 GC - - 10 LC 11 IG 12 Comps 13 D/Pers 14 D/S 15 DTR . . 16 A/DCI/PA 17 AO/DCI 1$ C/IPS 19 DCI/55 20 21 22 roved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Approved Foolease 2004/03/15: CIA-RDP80M0016A PRINCIPIA COLLEGE - ELSAH.ILLINOIS 62028 November 3, 1977 Adm. Stansfield Turner Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D.C. 20505 I was sorry to learn from your recent note that we were too :Late in extending an invitation to you to schedule you at Principia this fall. Will you be good enough to keep in mind our desire to have you come to Principia when that would work out with your schedule? If I.should extend another invitation at some later date, I hope you will advise me as to the proper procedure. Ever with warm good wishes to you and Pat. Cordially, David K. Andrews President DKA:mf cc: Speakers' Committee (Dictated but not read.) Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 D/DCI/IC DDA DDO D/DCI/NI 2') A/DCI/PA 27 Sep 77 rog4J fgS,Release 2004/03/15: CIA-RDP80M00165A002400Q80006-5 in coordination with 16:'. Pls develop response for DCI signature I I. Approved For Fuse 2064/03/15: CIA-RDP80M0016502 016'>`iPH5t5: PPINCIPIA COLLEGE ELSAH, ILLINOIS 9 J P (/~R7mR Personal Admiral Stansfield Turner Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D.C. 20505 September 21, 1977 You were very thoughtful indeed to chase down the statistics on petroleum use. I find it very helpful as a private citizen to have this kind of information and only wish it were more widespread. As you point out, the big savings will have to come in the trans- portation category. However, my brief homespun study, copy of which is enclosed, leads me to want to ask some further questions of somebody about the first two categories, particularly the In- dustrial. I had been hearing that industry, faced with the high cost of petroleum, was actually cutting down in its use, but it doesn't look that way. We felt it was a great privilege,Stan, to have that relaxed family time with you and Pat and the others at Aptos last month. We greatly enjoyed getting caught up with you after some years. I hope we meet again before another twenty have passed. I wonder if you would ever feel that you could accept an invitation to speak to our student body here at Principia College? .I hesitate to even bring the subject up because I can imagine how extremely busy you are, and we do not want to impose. However, it would mean a great deal to all of us at Principia if you think you could make a visit to the campus sometime during the academic year. I would be delighted to work with,you on details if you feel there is any possibility. Helen joins in warm good wishes to you and Pat. Cordially, DKA:mf Encl. (Di ctatt0pp6e& or9 ase 2004/03/15 : C1A-RDP80M00165A002400080006-5 96a~;dTS'2'rp r~' G? Cnk~:.~. Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 FUELS AND POWER STUDY & Power l F 1975 1976 Increase % Increase in Category % of Total Increase Increase as % of t 1975 Consumption s ue - Million's of Millions of Millions of - - - Barrels Barrels Barrels Household and Commercial 853.6 1,104.2 250.6 29.35% 24.23% Industrial 614.5 1,166.1 551.6 89.76% 53.36% Transportation 3,310.9 3,480.4 169.5 5.12% 16.39% Electricity Generated 520.1 559. 38.9 7.48% 3.76% Other (Not specified) 16.4 40. 23.6 143.90% 2.28% 0.44% ? dP- TOTAL 5,315.5 6,349.7 1,034.2 19.461 a- Info from Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines. Newsletter dated 14 March 1977. (Provided by Dr. Schlesinger's office and'confirmed by office of Economic Research.) Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80MOO1.65A002400080006-5 ti Approved.Fc R fs~e 2004/03/15: CIA-RDP80MOOI652400080E e irec~ . a en ra n e igence tV shin ton. D. C. 20505 31 (.UG 1977 Dear Dave, During one of our stimulating conversations at Sanderling, you mentioned that you had difficulty in-determining just where our oil supplies were actually being consumed. I asked one of my staff to check with Dr. Schlesinger's office, and enclosed is a breakdown of the 1975 and 1976 statistics. It really shows that busses, trucks and cars are-the big consumers - 55% of the total. Pat and I certainly found it a great treat to have an opportunity to be with-you and Helen as well as the California-Andrews clan. We-are so pleased that we had that day of overlap. Look forward to seeing you both again soon. All the best. STANSFIELD TURNER Enclosure Mr.. David Andrews Principia College El sah, -Illinois 62028 Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Approved For A se 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165*2400080006-5 Info from Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines Newsletter dated 14 March 1977 (Provided by Dr. Schlesinger's office and.confirmed by Office of Economic Research). FUELS & POWER 1975 Household and Commercial .853.6 Million Barrels Industrial 614.5 Transportation 3310.9 Electricity Generated 520.1 Other (Not specified) 16.4 TOTAL 5315.5 FUELS & POWER 1976 Household and Commercial 1,104.2 Million Barrels Industrial 1,166.1 Transportation 3,480.4 Electricity Generated 559. Miscellaneous & Unaccounted For 40. TOTAL 6,349.7 Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Approved For Rise 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165W2400080006-5 MEMORANDUM FOR: 2 "1 , ,U' 1971 - FROM: Director of Central Intelligence Would you see if Dr..--Schlesinger's-office can give-us statistics.-on how our oil consumption is divided into principal categories, e.g., automobiles, homes, factories, etc. Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET 4pSrQve~ For Release 2004/03/ CIA=RDP80M00165A00240b3$OOD6 EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT 9 10 DDO D/ DC1 / NI GC . LC Compt A/DCI/PA ,VEAC, ecutive Secretary Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165A002400080006- Routing Slip SUSPENSE Approved F&elease 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M006A002400080006-5 'Penglais,' Stoney Lane, Corntown, Bridgend, Mid-Glamorgan. Telephone: 0656-50357 D eIy Admiral Stansfield Turner, Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington DC 20505, USA. Many thanks indeed for the five reports you sent me. They are indeed, interesting and I have gained very considerable information from them. Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80MO0165AO02400080006-5 XECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Routing Slip ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL i DCI 2 DDC1 3 D/DCI/IC 4 DDS&T 5 DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 D/DCI/N! 9 GC ."_ 10 LC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/Pers 14 D/S 15 DTR 16 A/DCI/PA 17 AO/DCO 18 C/IPS 19 ICI/SS 20 -- 21 ? 22 2004/03/1 CIA-.RDP80M00165A002400080 Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165A002400 Approved For Fuse 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165`2400080006-5 THE STANLEY FOUNDATION C. `,!?\XWELL STANLEY President JACK M. SMITH Executive Director Admiral Stansfield Turner Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 STANLEY BUILDING , MUSCATINE, IOWA 52761 ? (319) 264-1500 Attached are advance copies of the discussion reports from our recent Strategy for Peace Conference October 13-16, 1977. We are glad that the CIA was represented by in the Southern Africa discussion and by Leslie Dirks in the Outer Space group. We hope the conference experience was worthwhile and further benefits result from this report. We will be most pleased if you are able to use the report and to advance its recommendations. Please credit The Stanley Foundation if reprinted or quoted. The complete conference report of discussions from all six groups is expected from the printer in December and will be sent to you at that time. Jack M. Smith Executive Director ST Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO02400080006-5 Approved For ease 2004/03/15: CIA-RDP80M0016IP24000800 The Director of Central Intelligence Washington. D. C. 20505 g.uffm L~l F`; ti{t R'L Vi`'y UL1 i] Approved For Release 2004/03115.: CIA-RDP80M00165A002400080006-5 Dear Dr. Redick: 3 SEP 19`x' Thank you for your letter of 1 September 1977 inviting me to designate a CIA participant in your Eighteenth Strategy for Peace Conference, 13-16 October 1977, at Airlie House, in addition to Mr. Leslie Dirks. I am pleased to be able to confirm that Mr. Dirks does plan to attend as requested by Dr. Herbert Scoville. For our second participant I wish to nominate 0 AT' I a senior analyst on African affairs, for your discussion group on "Souther Afrira- S. Policy Options." I am confident that will be a valuable addition to your group. I am pleased also to note that our fathers are friends and I shall share your anticipation of an eventual meeting, perhaps in Charlottesville. Sincerely, -Is/ Stansfield Turner STANSFIELD TURNER Dr. John Redick Research Director The Stanley Foundation Stanley Building Muscatine, Iowa 52761 -? Approved For ease 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M0016*2400080006-5 Letter to Dr. John Redick AT AT Distribution: Orig. - Addressee 1 - DCI 1 - D/DCI/NI 1 - A/D/DCI/NI 1 - DDI 1 - DDS&T 1 - Exec. Reg. 1 - Subject 1 - Chrono 1 - NIU Reg. O/D/DCI/NII 1(21 September 1977) Approved For Release 2004/03/15 : CIA-RDP80M00165A002400080006-5