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Publication Date: 
December 12, 1977
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Approved F Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP80MODM~65A002200120012-5 THE WHITE HOUSE itsve peg.~t,~,, ~'t December 12, 1977 THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE a THE SECRETARY OF ENERGY THE ADMINISTRATOR, ENVIRON'ENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY THE ADMINISTRATOR OF GENERAL SERVICES THE DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION THE ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS THE SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR TRADE NEGOTIATIONS THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY THE DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET THE DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY FROM STU EIZENS~i'AT ~~ SUBJECT: Interagency Review of Nonfuel Minerals- Related Policy Issues The President has directed that a Nonfuel Minerals Polic~;~ :~~~ordin~aing C~mn:ittce, under the Chairz~a-ship of the Secretary of the Interior and consisting of the addre~ser.~. develop far Presidential consideration a set of policy options to address issues and problems related to nonf_ue:!_ minerals. This memorandum will serve to inform you of t1tc commencement of the interagency efforts to accomplish th.__> policy review under the procedures established in the Domestic Policy Review System. PURPOSE OF STUDY Members of Congress, the gublic, and several rec?~nt Comm.w- sions have enumerated many of the reasons why such a stud is needed. World consumption of nonfuel minerals has be~~z rising and will probably continue to do so. United Statc_~~: economic health requires that the supply of such mineral:> remain adequate and that prices remain relatively stable. Approved for Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP80M00185A002200120012-5 . Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP80M00165A002200120012-5 Yet, in recent years the ability of domestic and inter- national minerals markets to meet these requirements has became uncertain. Serious concern~~ have been expressed regarding: ? Whether the trends toward international interdepend- ence and the politicization of: certain minerals markets are increasing U. S. vulnerability to foreign supply curtailments and price manipulations; e Whether U. S. reserves, production capacities, and inventories are adequate to deal with possible supply/price interruptions, or- with the economic and social consequences of such disruptions; o Whether the economic health of the domestic minerals industry is adequate, as reflected in energy casts and supplies, investment, transportation, manpower, and other factors related to the structure and vitality of the industry. ? Whether land use decisions are based on adequate minerals information and analysis; ? Whether current tax laws favor the use of raw miner- als over recycled minerals or encourage substitution and other conservation practices; ? Whether current government regulations adequately protect the environment, health, and safety while not unduly affecting the su~:ply us:d price of minerals; ? Whether minerals policies adversely affect U. S. trade posture and balance of payments; ? Whether existing government policy analysis, data analysis, and data collection functions are adequate to support federal decision-makers responsible for formulating, implementing, anal monitoring nonfuel minerals policies. The development and implementation of effective, operational policies to address these and other related concerns require careful and systematic consideration of three distinct perspectives: first, ths.t particular minerals or groups of related minerals have unique characteristics Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP80M00165A002200120012-5 Approved Fir Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP80M01~P65A002200120012-5 which must be examined on a commodity-by-commodity bass; second, that certain policy issues related to minerals are generic in nature and cut across specific minerals or groups of minerals; and third, that issues relatir~q to minerals availability are international in scope. Every effort should be made in the study to take account of these three perspectives. There are two basic objectives of the interagency stud~~: (l) to prepare far Presidential consideration a set of policy options, analyses, and recommendations on spec iv=ic issues and problems related to nonfuel minerals; and (2) to develop, test, implement, and provide for the continuing use of a policy analysis framework. which federal policymakers can use to update and expand the analysis in this study as needed in the future. STRUCTURE OF STUDY In order to accomplish these objectives, the study wil:_ focus on the issues, problems, and conditions related particularly to those domestic and imparted minerals considered most critical to the United States economy. Far the most part, the issues are concerned with (a) the policy information and analysis required to support federal decision-makers in developing, implementing, acid monitoring minerals policy, including laws and regula- tions applicable to the issue and mineral under consid~tr- ation; and (b) the supply/demand data and analysis of specific minerals, including both economic and non- economic factors,which are required '~a conduct pa7.i.c3r analysis. Eight interagency working groups will be organized to examine issues and minerals which incarpoi-ate these two general concerns. Each working group should identify and evaluate existing and alternative policy options, make recommendations, and suggest actions to 1>e continued by particular government agencies. The agencies listed in parenthesis should take leaders~iip responsibility for the following subjects: ? A Policy Analysis Framework to Support Nonfuel Minerals Decision-making (Interior) ? The Adequacy of Government Minerals Data Collection and Data Analysis Capabilities to Support Policy Analysis (Interior) Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP80M00165A002200120012-5 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP80M00165A002200120012-5 s The Adequacy of Government Capabilities for Evaluating the Mineral Potential of Federal Land Prior to Land Use Decisions (Interior) ? Domestic and Foreign Policy Issues Related to International Interdependence (State} Government Tax, Investment, and Develop- ment Finance Policy (Treasury) s Government Policies Affecting Domestic Minerals Supply (Interior) ? Government Policies Affecting Minerals Demand (Commerce ) ? Government Policies Affecting Minerals- Related Research and Development (NSF) Nearly every agency of the federal government has respon- sibilities related to nonfuel minerals. Several agencies with lead roles in the study and with cross-cutting responsibilities have been assigned to the Policy Coordinating Committee. A number of other agencies are receiving copies of this memorandum and their participa- tion in the study will be invited as the need arises. A mechanism will also be developed for close and continuing consultations with interested Members of Congress and the public. SCHEDULE Within six weeks, a project management plan. for this study should be developed under the leadership of the Secretary of the Interior and the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, taking full account of relevant ongoing government activities. The Policy Coordinating Committee should submit options and recommendations for Presidential consideration within 15 months of the date of initiation. cc: The Secretary of Defense Attorney General of the United States (cont'd. next page) Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP80M00165A002200120012-5 Approved ~sr Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP80Mdt~f65A002200120012-5 cc: The Secretary of Agriculture The Secretary of Labor The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of Transportation Director of C'.entral Intelligence The Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission The Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission~ Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP80M00165A002200120012-5 __ ..~i-~. a.~nsc.rt crL1-ssIFICATION TOFF i1tyD BOTTOM f ~ UNCLASSIFI#I) - CONFiDENTIAi. SI;(;IiE'i' 0012-5 pproved For F~Fga,~;~~/9~~11 ~~~~ZD~~0~0165A0022001~2 TO NAME AHD ADfl14Egg `__ DATE INIT9AtS r 2 3 4 S 6 i~ARI p0. ~~ ~ Usa ravious editions I-a~ P