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December 22, 1966
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WEAPONS SYSTEMS EVALUATION GROUP WASHINGTON, D C 20305 2 DEC 1966 Honorable Richard Helms 2430 E Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20505 Sincerely, --f ' , 1-11 lam The Joint Chiefs of Staff have asked the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group (WSEG) to ascertain more precisely what the U.S. national political and military authorities will need to know about crucial military events on the battlefield in order to be adequately prepared for critical decisions and to assess our present capability to support such requirements. As part of its investigation, WSEG was directed to initiate a series of personal interviews with political and military leaders who have had senior responsibilities at the national and theater levels. The results will be reported only to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense, and the findings will be generalized and published on a classified basis, without personal attribution. To be responsive to the requirements of the JCS, WSEG must complete its program of interviews by about 25 January 1967. Our present schedule calls for interviews in Europe during.the period 5 to 14 January 1967. Due to the press of time I have asked-.___Arnol4-wfio is the project leader to contact you or your office by telephone with a view toward arranging an interview. I hope you will be able to fit this into your busy schedule. I -'D , 4 (` q r t~~'-`tC~` u Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400060011-2 K: S. MASTERSON vice Admiral, USN Director Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400060011-2 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R00040006001-2 27 DECEMBER 1966 -- Telephone Conversation 1:45 -- DDCI called Adrn. Masterson of WSEG; he was out, so spoke with Dr. Arnold DDCI said he was curious to know more of the background relative to Adm, Mastersonrs letter of 22 Dec. requesting that Mr. Helms grant an interview to Dr. Arnold regarding a project on capability to support requirement of national and political and military authorities in crises situations. Arnold said that Mr. Vance has asked the Joint Chiefs to look into the general problem of trying to make tactical situation reporting in combat theaters more responsive to needs and to look at the question of how adequately national authorities would be informed if confronted on the battlefield. Part of this effort has been farmed out to WSEG and, in attempting to pin down a place to start, WSEG decided to talk to experienced senior people in terms of their experiences in crises in general and essentially what they would be after would be to try to pin down the degree, reasons and nature or demands for specific information of a tactical nature at the national decision-making level. This has two dimensions -- looking at our own people, and simultaneously having the same type of question as to what the other fellow is doing, "We would like to talk with experienced people who have been experienced in national crises to pin point the demands." DDCI asked, "The environment you are talking about - time and events any time from now on or situations in which a crisis builds up, as well as what happens when we come into conflict?" Arnold said yes. Said there are two perspectives -- ultimate object is to look at requirements and then figure systems. Spectrum from when an incident occurs; what you need to know to alert you to look at it at the national level; and then, once focusing on terms, what it may signify and what in terms of national decisions would they want to know, for th$ national policy makers who are trying to define national policy boundaries. He said they would be talking to the White House, State, DIA and such others in the decision making community. .DCI said, what you're after is what we need to know in order to do our part in these things. Arnold agreed. DDCI said he would talk to DCI bou,thzs.,.. r cc -- DCI, with the incoming letter. Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400060011-2 mfb Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400060011-2 On 27 December Admiral Raborn requested a get together with some veterans of last year's Dominican crisis. His purpose was to prepare himself for a session with the Pentagon's Weapon System Evaluation Group (WSEG). WSEG is trying to analyze how "battle- field information" - read tactical intelligence - can be better fed into the national decision making process. R. J. Smith chaired a roundtable with Admiral Raborn on 28 December at which John Bross, and I Iwere in attendance. irne 1scussion rambled over a great deal of past history - much of it to refresh the Admiral's memory on events and procedures. It is difficult to say what tack the Admiral decided to take before WSEG. He seemed most impressed with exploring means to alleviate "paper suffocation" during crisis periods. He proposed to tell WSEG that the task force approach works well and to propose that the White House Situation Room be turned into a. national ops center during crises. On the latter point he agreed that the Agency should be the logical body to supply competent staffing and to provide analytic judgments on the significance of incoming intelligence from all sources. STAT Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400060011-2 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400060011-2 On 27 December Admiral Raborn requested a get together with some veterans of last year's Dominican crisis. His purpose was to prepare himself for a session with the Pentagon's Weapon System Evaluation Group (WSEG). WSEG is trying to analyze how "battle- field information" - read tactical intelligence - can be better fed into the national decision making process. R. J. Smith chaired a roundtable with Admiral Raborn on 28 December at which John Bross, F_ I and I Iwere in attendance. The discussion ram e a over a great deal of past history - much of it to refresh the Admiral's memory on events and procedures. It is difficult to say what tack the Admiral decided to take before WSEG. He seemed most impressed with exploring means to alleviate "paper suffocation" during crisis periods. He proposed to tell WSEG that the task force approach works well and to propose that the White House Situation Room be turned into a national ops center during crises. On the latter point he agreed that the Agency should be the logical body to supply competent staffing and to provide analytic judgments on the significance of incoming intelligence from all sources. Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400060011-2 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : ?IA-RDP80B01676R000400060011-2 3 January 1967 DDCI talked to Dr. Arnold on hone about this request. Steno notes att~ched. Admiral Raborn is also on e list for interview by WSEG. Plea a see memo (also attached) relating action taken. Adm. Masterson: Code 11-76335 Dr. Arnold: Code 11-52535 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400060011-2 Approve FjtRAN91O$ TAUSTilll5 DATE : CIA-RDP80B01676R0 TO: DDCI ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: _Ole ? /~ I rrw&o . ~. a wopee e4e'~ ~- -7t4 - ,;V 1004"40* C iG~