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STANDARD FORM NO. 64 Office Approved For Relea 2004/05/05 CIA-RDP6O-p0594A000 30041 Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO : AC/FPS FROM : C/LAS SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report #3 A. SIGNIFICANT ITI None to report. B. OTHER ACTIVITIES DATE: 23 January 1958 Document No. Class. !~' 19 Auth: _ 3A ' _ ` .,.L nit + e _ pats; OR 25X1 25X1 2. We, this week, are arranging for withdrawal from the FSI, on a basis 25X1 of performance, an 06I employee who recently was transferred from an LAS course to a special program at the FSI. Withdrawal is based upon recommendation of the FSI. Decision followed a detailed discussion between C/LAS and and f OSI. 3. Interviews have been held with I(NEA) and former JOT preparatory to QRP's this week considering requests for language training. 1 4. On 16 January, QRP's certified (FE for the FSI nine-month Cam- 25X1 bodian course beginning in February, and (Log) for the FSI sixteen- 25X1 week German course. 5. 0 has forwarded a firm commitment of an ample number of enrollees for both France-Basic Country Surveys#l and France-Integrated Language/Area Study #1. Included were names of six prospective students, as well as seven auditors for certain lectures, in the 13CS and four students for the IL/AS. This was the first advance commitment of its kind we have even received con- cerning the area program and is real evidence of WE's keen interest In these new courses. tion of France-Basic Country Survey #1 has been completed by Several of the prospective guest lecturers, including Leroy Benoit, Chief of Language and Area Training at USIA, have told us without res- ervation that we have tapped the best people in Washington. The higher than usual level of prospective students' qualifications will permit us to make this an intermediate course, on the threshhold of a seminar. 7. (FE) advise that 3 or 4 candidates from their shop may be forthcoming for France-Integrated Language/Area Study #1, Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP60-0.0594A000300030041-6 Apprd For Releg 2004/05/05: CIA-RDP60-00594A00030041' which will be our first full-time intermediate French course. Ynphasis will be on building up a capabilit to discuss public affairs, using materials on France and the French Union. will check out interest in FE, 25X1 NSA, and EE. 8. EE has turned down our effort, through PO/TR, to obtain as principal instructor in the prospective Hun a -Basic Country Survey #1. Two months have passed since our approach, and is still without reassignment, 25X1 five months after his return from overseas. The unprecedented interest in this course continues. 9. Mrs. in her incidental but time-consuming capacit as LAS Librarian, deserves commendation for apprehending a book thief.' Mrs. had 25X1 politely - and for good reason - refused this person a particular book, but a few minutes later our librarian spotted him walking out of the library with the book - unfortunately for him - clumsily hidden. Mrs. 0 proving eternal 25X1 vigilance is the price of maintaining the LAS library, went after him, requested and obtained the return of the book. 10. George Beck of the Commerce Department contacted Il and in- formed h about a bi-weekly analysts' discussion group on the Far East. __Passed the information on to ORR. 11. lof Comma in arranging orientation briefing for personnel going to 25X1 12. countries 13. provided bibliographic information on the Eastern Satellite for 10 Division at the request of Mr. Q 10 planning officer. has informed us that foreign language translation tradecraft guides will and ties at soon be available for LAS use. and conferred with Messrs. concerning the installation of more adequate cooking facili- 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 has completed a study of domestic semi-commercial and 16. On 15 January, Ion 25X1 the progress of the testing program. 17. On 17 January, Prof. tacted by mail to determine whether he can compose an Icelandic proficiency test. 18. During the week, Mrs.In the French teat, worked on preparing the Greek test and Approved For Release 2004/05/05 CIA-RDP60- 94A000300030041-6 cooking equipment and selected, with the concurrence of 0 and 25X1 range adequate for our purposes. 15. this week in a regular lan- was con- 25X1 25X1