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Sanitized - Approved For Release ' CIA-RDP75-00149R000800080011-7 1inent~r Peace in Batty r white House by Jack White washinaton Post Staff Writer Four persons were arrest- ed as an anti-draft demon- stration led by W-o rn e n Strike for Peace erupted into a wild melee in front of the White House yesterday. 'I'he outbreak occurred when some of the protesters -mostly middle-aged women - attempted to join 100 fellow pickets already in front of the White House. Park Police regulations pro- hibit demonstration by more than 100 there. As about 80 of the women surged out of Lafayette Park headed toward the last: Gate of the White Clouse, they were met by a wall of Park Police. In the ruckus, several women were knocked to the ground, shuck by swinging police bilW sticks and tackled after breaking, through the line. After trying unsuccess-. fully to pass the police lines, the women staged a noisy ?5-minute sit-in in the street, ight: in the middle of the t'ennsylvania Avenue-lvladi- :o(r glace intersection. They tinnted "Hell, no! We won't o" and "We shall not be moved" into the faces of the policemen who c r o w d e d around them. Park Police, who have charge of both Lafayette Park and the sidewalk in front of the White House, gave the women "two min- utes to move or you will be charged with unlawful as- sembly." A compromise was worked out, however, allowing the women to return to the 1'.^.rk, Two men and two women -ere arrested and charged vith disorderly conduct. THE 1VIELE1, feilowed a ally at the 1511ipse during Peace pled.ed itself to re- sist, the di aft and called upon :-oung men to refuse to serve in S iet-iam. Daginar vilson, founder of the worren's strike,. Who returned from two weeks in Hanoi on Tiesday, told about 300 at tic rally .'the moral( of the Nc th Viet,' names' is a:)sotute:.y superb and I can nderstand why. You sir at t table in a dtlg- out and heir ino e Ameri- can planes inc yo.: want to get up and :.hoot them down yourself." She also quoted a cap- tured Amer:cari picot as say- ing " gro hone and tell the American reorple the truth. Print the Geneva Accords in every newspaper s, that the American reople will know we have no business being in Vier.nam. ' Gar' Racer. who said he was a former Careen Beret, told the rill, that "hun- dreds of drift :sisters" will return thei - draft cards to authorities on )ct.. 16. VI .,l,i, y, LI I1'SE, the protesters na 'chid two- ])v-two o S''Ier ti.ve Sec.: 'e Headquarters, 17th and F sts., n'v. Chanting We'll back the boys who v. ill not go," they carried to the door of the building a black "coffin" marked "N :t my ions-not your :ions- no. the it sons- support those wha say no' It was after m_me group had marched to: Lj:'ayette Park that the violence began. One hundred of the women were allowed to carry their picket White House where they marched in a tight circle. The 400 or so left n the Park began to mill around between green picker, bar- riers which one dubbed "Johnson's Wall." Several persons attempted to cross the street. All four arrests were made as the group at- tempted to cross Pennsylva- nia Avenue. Rader, 23, was arrested when he lay down in front of a paddy wagon. As he was wrestled awav by police, Francis R. flocks, 23, and several women came to his aid. :Police grabbed Rocks and berth hr and Rader were taken to the Third Precinct. The two women who were arrested were Evelyn -% lacy. 50, of Philadelphia, and Joyce 1). Williamson, 1, of 3416 17th st. nw- Miss V, if- Ii rpson was charged 'e th failure to move on. All four were iat,'r leased on $10 collater?ar on disorderly conduct chart After the protestor, h ro returned to F;hfavettp Pa .k- Park Police made ar, offer to allow all 500 women to picket the White House in shifts of 100. Previously, the picketing was restricted to the first 100 women who crossed the street. Mrs. Wilson rejected the offer saying "If we cross 100 at a time, we're accepting the edict we reject." SOL ROSEN, an Ameri- can Civil Liberties Union lawyer, told newsmen that he would bring criminal charges against "eve-3 po- liceman involved." Ile said the regulation limiting dem- onstrations to 100 was "fla- grantly unconstitutional and t.;iat he would challenge r in the courts. Aa Part i i . mart it ii 'l"h:r ii Met !~ L lit,' o it (1, Li Mlle if ao; v. i,-< o it rlt l t, v'lsut, I W, or the ~r ~lri ti all 1 11 p11 ii 'u! I 1+0e~ I'll t e I al i rrir r.:ckr~ s,. oa ( the I Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000800080011-7 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000800080011-7 CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000800080011-7 CPYRGHT rt p "1 f! O O O w ?; m `s3 O .fAra O f~ m Al 00 O !D CA O O fn