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Publication Date:
October 3, 1967
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O CT 3 1967
{ s~ ~ys7~ A
person whose passporthanoi 1 ips has been revoked can have it
reinstated if he convinces the
IIost Department that intends toi
'C 243 abide by travel regulations in
This has been done In the:
cases of seven persons on the"
fA~~~1t list of 28, including that of
Herbert Aptheker, a well-;
known member of the Commu
By J. Y. Smith ist Party of the U.S.A.
Washington Post Staff Writer " > frin'
The State Department made to Hanoi in the company of
available yesterday a list of 28 Staughton Lynd, a professor.
Americans whose passports it at Yale University and a lead-'
revoked because they visited er in the antiwar movement.
North Vietnam in violation of: Lynd's passport has not been
travel regulations. !reinstated.
Similiar action Is now being' One of those whose passport
studied In the case of Mrs. was returned, a Ralph B.
Dagmar Wilson of Washing-, Schoenman, later made a see-
;ton, the head. of Women's and trip to North Vietnam and
Strike for Peace, and two com- lost his travel document for
ipanions, Mrs. Mary Clarke of a second time. ,
!Los Angeles and Mrs. Ruth In releasing the list, the
Krause 'of Englewood, N.J. State Department declined to
-The-.three visited Hanoi on a give any Information other
"private' "peace" mission last than the names of those whose
month. passports were revoked.
Action may also be taken Names Are Listed
!against Stokeley Carmichael,
the Black Power leader, for The list included:
visiting Hanoi. Carmichael's Apthekers and Lynd; Diane
passport has already been re- Bevel, wife of James Bevel of
voked because of an Illegal the Southern Christian Lead-
.trip he made to Cuba. ership Conference; the crew
On Aug. 3, the State IIepart- of the Quaker ship, Phoenix,
tment, following, its usual which sailed to?Haiphong.on a
procedure in such cases, "peace mission earlier this,
1 mailed a letter to Carmichael's year: Earle L. Reynolds, cap ,
home in the Bronx, New York tian,.Karl P. Zietlow, Horace,
advising him that his passport Chanipney, .Robe: W. Eaton,
was Invalid because of his Phillip V. Drath, Mrs. Eliza-
Cuban sojourn. beth Boardman and Ivan Mas-
ser, Jr.;' William 'Worthy, a.
'Stokeley Still Abroad newsman whose passport also
Carmichael went from Cuba I was. revoked after visits , to
to Hanoi and ,thus has not rr_- -Communist China and Hun-
ceived the letter. But the De' l gary in 1956-57; Ralph B.
partment considers that the Schocnman, secretary to Ber-
;Fcv(iR c(~ H~letter is sent, not linger, editor of the Pacifist
rom the time it is received Liberation magazine.
so Carol B
VL persons outblut:
--"---'-'?) '?'---'
the country, the passport is bara Deming, Nicholas Egle-I
considered to be valid only for son, Abraham Feinberg, John
return to the United States. Gerassi, Lena Greene, Patricia
In the meantime, according; Griffith, Thomas E. Hayden,
to Department press officer Jon Christopher Koch, A. J.
Carl E. Bartch, the list. of 28 Muste (deceased), Michael
names made available yester-; Gene Myerson, Grace New-
day Includes all the persons man, Russell D. Stetler, Jr.,
against whom action has been Harold D. Supriano and Rich
,taken since travel to North 1 and E. Ward:,
Vietnam was first restricted in
The regulations -now in
force. say that Arqerican citi-
zens may not visitiNorth Viet-
nam unless their passports are
specially validated for that
purpose by the State Depart-
Sa ffttbd --Approved -Foo Release : CIA-RDP75-