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Document Release Date: 
December 21, 1998
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Publication Date: 
September 18, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000300170007-7.pdf137.87 KB
FOIAb3b Sanitized - Approved For Relea Editor: After finally acquiring a copy of our cur rent best-seller, "The Invisible Government," an applying the knowledge gained therein to the month old Gulf of Tonkin episode, a ,more clear picture begins to unfold. The second attack upon our destroyers was a well organized, even if "spur of the moment," operation- of the CIA to make an excuse to involve our mofi active support of the South Vietnamese command raids against North Vietnam. Very likely the opera tion had the full knowledge of President Johnson for he is briefed daily on CIA operations and situation analysis. The retaliation'-measure to congress w )robably planned in advance also. It is of everlast- ing credit to Senators Morse and Gruening that the smelled a very old and rotten herring in the whol' episode and selflessly fought and voted against the' blank-check retaliation measure... In the meantime, it is my sincere, conviction that Senators Morse and Gruening are the only two public citizens of our nation who are morally qualified to be- come President and Vice-President of these Unite CPYR&VRGHT RICHMOND, VA. TIMES-DISPATCH j m. 14,315 S. 18 1901 Front It Oth.r Pays pit Pays Date Scores U. S. PohieY In Viet Nam would like to express my opinion in reference to the ,honey-wasting project better known as South Viet Nam. Today (September 13) 1 heard. over the. short wave radio that the United States faces another setback in South Viet Nam, a coup d'etat by an ultranation. alisl, high ranking, officer with clear anti-U. S. overtones. these military and civilian pup- , pets should be given a one-way trip to the moon. ... The.late.,J,ohn Foster Duf Sanoto7ed proved For Release act up this acute situation And it has been a headache,, the waste of public monies by so- called diplomats and the ]sidling tary uniform. This mess should be thrown in the lap of 'the United Nations, and the bureau known as the CIA should, be given the Bronxxl cl` i ttr and the iron Cross. May I suggest that a Con gressional body composed ' of Senators, 'headed by Harry F, fiyrd, Russell of Geozgia and`, Morse of Oregon, and an equal number of members of the :` House of Representatives;: in-, 41 vestigate this situntion in South.-''r Viet Nam and cut oft all aid..4 ' " 4 hese roundtabl cf' eone'ences, that have, been going on are 'I remain a conservative Rich- WILLIAM J. MEONI. Ila 171P.6 Editor, Journal: One of they s: chief weapons of the Democrats is to picture Sen. Goldwater as },'a. trigger-happy, hip-shooting, jingoistic, and reckless warmon- - ger. These charges stem from' disagreement in dealing with . foreign nations, weather they' F be 'friendly or hostile. Probably' the primary difference in opin-. ion is a result of Sen. Gold water's proposals for ? victory I?. in Viet Nam contrasted' with - that ' of the present adiinis-; ' tration. Since the topple of Diem, the.. war has worsened, and recently. a CIA report stated that the chances"ofvictory are extremely remote and that neutraliza tion may be' the only means to achieve peace. (Peking would love this, for it is a step closer to an inevitable takeover). Though, being a complex situ a-1 Taylor 'as ambassador, Has?' tion, something must be wrong. anyone taken note of what the with the manner in which it has been ; handled. The American general has said'recently7 Well,'' 1 casualty total is more than he believes that in order to, 1,000 with approximately 2001 sheen victory the privileged, sanctu i ar es of the Viet Cong being fatal. The policymakersI claim that our 18,000 men in Viet! fOrList no loger b a dden territorye treated ' as Nam are serving as advisers. However, it is quite clear that Sen. Goldwater proposed .this is not the case and that t months ago that we interdict Americans are going on combat .the, supply lines in Cambodia. missions in which their capacity Laos, and North Viet Nam. For is by no means advisory, unless this is, done there will be The question is, what are the no means of preventing the', ighting for? There seems to be' enemy from refurbishing and` no objective of victory, for' thus we will be engaged in an here w o u I d certainly be endless war. It now looks ' like here "tronger measures taken if that this cpurse of action will be, ere our goal. So American: given a chance, for Gen. Taylor oldiers are dying and being: has suggested the same thing. cot to the jungles of Southeast If the interdictions do tlk.e Wit because the administration Plaec, wilt the President and as not been able to make up his policy makers in Washing-' L', mind as to what the modus ton be called the names i~h'rh perianth should be. 'have been used to offend S(ii. The vacillation and indecision Goldwater? Or will the adminis ill most likely continue unless tration refrain from proper mea- he plan of Sen. Goldwater is im surer for fear of making Sen. demented. into our. disastrous Goldwater look right?.Or will it reign policy.. continue to waver and fluctuate Although the '. situation has,., and allow Am, ricars ? to die orsened gradually, ' there is ?:x0,000 miles away while % c have I mA hnnn 1 enrrtmnn,.rn AA :?~..., i6t W2.4141 t~l3(~Lb~lAt ~GtO/C DRICH,Eliz?