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Approved ForQlease 2002/01/15 : CIA-RDP80BO1139_AQ00300020011-7
18 November 1965
Revised Draft CODIIB moat the
Task Team IY Item I ntificmtfon Etscomm?nditions
1. The attached revision is submitted in accordance with direction
from the Chairman (see CCDIB-M-67, 17 November 1965, para. 3). Cross
references to the basic report have been deleted by expanding Section B;
also the Recommendations Section D has been .expanded,
2. May I have telephone concurrence or comments by Friday,
26 November .
S-E-C?R.?E"T Excluded from automatic
downgrading and
Approved For Release 2002/0.1/15 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000300020011-7
Approved For Relea
002/01/15: CIA-RDP80B0l139A000W0 020011-7
18 November 1965
Report of Task Team II (Item Identification)
References: a,
USIB-D-39?7/6 (6 May 1964)
CODIB-Dm111/1.2 series (28 Jul 64 - 20 Aug 65)
A. Background
This is a report on the study undertaken by CODIB's Task Team II (Item
Identification) pursuant to USIB direction contained in reference (a). The
objective of this Task Team was to plan for a standard Inventory and listing
of series--type information Items of use in the intelligence process, and to
consider the problem of standardization of the bibliographic elements common
to most of these items. This would facilitate data and file exchange within the
Community, aid in on-going inter-system operations, and assist the system
designers and system managers in planning and controlling their own operations.
B. simm of Task Team Fiadi s
1. General
The Task Team II report notes that the steadily increasing volume
of information and intelligence items, both incoming and in files, manifests Itself
principally In the form of "documents" which, if systematically approached, can be
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S-E-C-Rr.E-T *do
controlled and identified uniquely. These items, In effect, do tie the Community
together, but truly useful interchange among Community information systems
and avoidance of undesirable duplication In processing, can occur only when
we can accurately and definitively describe the scope and content of our systems.
This then points to a comprehensive and standardized inventory of information
Items in circulation or in file In the Community. The Team's conclusions are
that a) such an inventory would best be met by the establishment of an Item
Register; and b) that further standardization of bibliographic elements should
be undertaken after the Register is to being.
2. Item Register
The Item Register System is envisioned as consisting of 1)
decentralized input of requisite information by the producers of the item; 2)
centralized processing of input information and maintenance of an authoritative
item register and descriptive data base; and 3) diversified form, formats and
orderings of item information to satisfy a spectrum of users, including catalog-
type printouts, special bibliographies, and ad hoc query responses. The report
discusses requirements for such a system, Its elements of Information, codes
and other methods of representation, machine requirements, expected outputs
from the system, and provides a scheme for implementing the system, together
with cost figures.
The elements of information which most nearly meet the criteria for
unique identification are listed in both required and desired categories, as follows:
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S-E_C.-,R- E-
a. Exact title of the item
b. Classification of the title
c. Series designation -and control, if any
d. Producing agency or department, major component thereof
and lowest organizational level identifiable from the item itsolf
o. Range of security classification applied to the item
f. Dissemination control applied to the Item
g. Item status, i.e., is it currently being produced? If not,
inclusive dates of publication
h. Unique reference number
Dew sired
a. Short title of Item, if any, and its security classification
b. Frequency of Issuance
c. Form(s) in which produced
d. Categorization of item (Substantive; Substantive Support; Non-
Substantive - defined in the report)
e. Remarks
3, Imblementation and Community I . ract
Implementation would take place incrementally, in the following
general steps: i) detailed design, programming, initial collection of data and
initial Input to the machine system, plus the production of an initial set of output
products; 2) a thorough evaluation of this initial product by the Community;
3) redesign and further collection (if found neoessary during evaluation);
4) a continuing phase of maintenance and operation of the system. The report
recommends that this system be implemented by a single agency acting as executive
agent, but does not specify which agency should be chosen.
The initial system would control and identify between 5000 - 7000
Items at the series level. Preliminary manpower and cost estimates for the
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months) include 28 man-months of a yst and programmer time 12 a -
41rinths of clerical support and 170 machine hours (based on IBM 140D, once in
operation, maintenance of the Item Register, production of neriodfr nra dricts d
:servicing of ad hoc requests will require ar estIrw is ;l .10 Machine
hours air ,
ra*A,-_haif of one analyst's time and (.xne-fourth of c?'Rtr c ic~,al ~ ~ .r fit, 4 rro ,
Community users is provided for d= rIIng th? bEsiih Fn v rloe
CODIB Comment on the Report
Ian the view of CODIB, the report addrasses fu dr~r oa rat d ^ th! n, .? sqt ,Joegp
,z be solved:: identi-ication of the inforinati an=.bP r p., 4q~ fl
eased In the Community, CO1?WI A f ?'
discussed the goals, L"i #?c.i se's. ~6+: b" E',r 4[ Actin ia, sa?9 ?~ rt S1rrnr,144--AtJr4ns,
CODIB therefore agrees with the co cl. s ago phut .n TzAvJsfPr
be initiated and evaluated. CODI further a.?seep with M T A.4, TRatvr that thc-
executive agent route is the best way to i xazrle ?nenat gala c Fw t?4 .3, wovi ey that
sufficient continuity and expertise van be cb ins ..
13. Recommendations
It is rec;orrimended that- 1tt;i
... Note the gen*,r?al finel"inas rind c c za a~x { r3 ref Shp T
e- ort .
Drect the CIA to undertake the task, of i le s~ fr amt ~ riin
an Item Register System as outlined in the repor t., ~ t farlr:s~ qiueh
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Approved For ReleaW2002/01/15: CIA-RDP80B0l139AOOW020011-7
assistance and guidance from the CODIB Support Staff as is
appropriate and necessary.
3. In addition, direct the CIA to develop Item description element
standards and recommend them to CODIB together with an
implementation plan.
4. Call for periodic progress reports during the implementation
phase, including Community evaluation when appropriate.
Approved For Release 2002/01/15 : CIA-RDP80B0l139A000300020011-7