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Publication Date: 
May 15, 1964
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CREoved For Relea$7R0fl,(07 3 4CI P37b5-001 r !1r~in e;_:despite a weak Heart,. nn- South America to enlist support ' ue1 ate.. a common campaign against Cas- '~ Pigs tro.. This week's raid m iy have been CPYRGHT identification of Dr, Manuel Artim one of the first, small fruits of his mis- a the leader of the hit-run raid thi ?o and his travels indicate it may Ii~ive been based elsewhere than in w;, ek on Cuban port facilities and the United States. Other leaders of sugar mill marks the skirmish as T3ri ode 2506 - Erneido Oliva and part of a long-range plan by Cuba Pepe San Roman - have enlisted in exiles to redeem the humiliation of t17 ihr U.S. Army, as have nearly .half Bay of Pigs and liberate their islan tii;r members of the Brigade, including fr`;Qm Fidel Castro and the Comm rnr=.?ny who had been seriously wound- nlsts. Dr. Artime was the eivilia c'u at the Bay of Pigs. leader of the exiles' Brigade 250 Of utmost importance to the Amer!- which was chewed up in the fiasc can people is the understanding that oi:;April, 1961. He and more than 1,00 trice' United States is inextricably of,'. his comrades, who spent nearl linked to the aspirations of the re- t,.Yo years in Cuban jails before thei sip, ing Cuban exiles, who were three r ram by the United States hay y:firs ago - as the Johnson book so sworn to dedicate their lives to a a r cferirly reveals'- let down so discs- turn to a free Cuba. trinusly by the United States at several ''he members of Brigade 2506 hav h~''els of authority. c ,nfounded the psychologists sine One need not accept at face value it return to exile in this count all-of the grave Johnson and Artime A`,study of their reactions to impriso ac usations - secret Central Intelli- rrient, conducted by the Bureau of cnce Agency plans to countermand c%al' Science Research in Washington White House decisions, a suicidal bat- as a part of a continuing exan t.X;.plan approved by the U.S. Joint itsaiion of ex-prisoners of Red re Chiefs of Staff, failure to redeem re- gnes, has labeled them as "unique.' Peated pledges of U.S. air cover for Te bureau has reported it found i the invaders -- to be convinced that 4merica has a tremendous moral ob- ry unga o ban exiles often re er They do not know what their futur [oien' Bay 'ay of 'analysis Pigs, of and events,` from the 'Mr. Admin John-, h~ilds, but they are determined the, jistration in Washington could learn a are not going to live a lifetime of ex apt from Dr. Artime and his confed- ilc, in the manner .of the White Rus Orate. in the way Fidel Castro should 11 sians and the Hungarians. Each ! be confronted and impressed by an waiting to return to Cuba." mplacable will to free Cuba. It will. dot be accomplished by hope alone. n-i-resistance.to esprit, organization verse, or t e cause o r. ime an cad active resistance." those who follow. him must be the ri. extraordinary report on Brigad cause of the entire hemisphere. How 2 06, "The Bay of Pigs" (Norton), b it is to be pursued must, of course, be Hynes Johnson, scheduled for publi _ matter for decisions at the highest levels of American government, act- cation next Monday, reflects the de termination -of Dr. Artime and' hi frog in the interests of all Americans. eciunter-revolutionists. The latter should have, but are lack- "Their spirit of resistance remain iu'rg, assurance that. these decisions are,? nd will be made at the levels re-' a a strong as ever," writes Mr. John nsive to the people, not by the s . ; a respected newspaperman Wh ,p? gents of a. secret organization, like has spent a year interviewing Dr., Al 'di'ne and other leaders and member e CIA, or, for that matter,, by Dr., ofd the, brigade. "Today, in .their me However, from what one can learn? rants of despair and bitterness, the f rom developments, from the history of t H . the of despair, demoralization, an 'J11C wvulu ""t, W""t, ia? "' "? """~- f h f D At, d A4proved For Release 200