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May 28, 1953
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Appr d3 i lE TOM e_ :4l ~1 IT PIP I-li _ ner austad r ALfield VALUAT 0NI 25X1X __PLACE OBTAINED 25X1A DATE OF CONTENT_ 21 and 22.Apri.l 1953 DATE (XRTAlNFrD-, _25X1 REFERENCES. 3 PA^ES_____ENCLOSURE (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS 25X1X 60 MiG..l5s., including 13 in front of the iaangaare on the eastern edge of the pyrotechnic plant, on which mainte lance or overhauling work as in progress, 22 on the dispersal area near the flight control station,, 2/+ in or next to the revetrients near P.adener Strasse, and I in the ;k, _,t' shnn These 5L'..iG--15s had red or 'g blue stripes s xu 10 cm wide along the utpe edge of the rudder a+.asenbly: 9 tari.rx-jet planes near the flight control station, including 7 with blue stripes on the ur.per edge of the rudder aaosembly; 6 single engine planes, 3 biplaa*:nes and alcut 10 T' -2s near the l? rge temporary building at the northear.tcrn end of the pyrotechnic plant:, At 11 a ,,r ., 2 1UG-l5t3 sinultaneously 1andod at the field. "here was a 0/10 overcast, a nor-"W easterly wind of about 1.0 mr./h and good visibility. No gore air activity w s observed. There i?ras intensive activity at the field arr.d near the aircraft., which were perked in or near the revetments. any trucks, van--like trucks, tank trucks and >rall lbskovich van--like trucks end trucks with nounted sea .rcblights were observed at the field. 2. The AA gun emplacem nts along Wiener Neus'.adt-9ad Fise :au road and near 1 adener Strassr wer B occupied by guns. About 15 trucks were parked in the vicinity. i".nke?s apparently underground quarters had. been built near the .,' A gun: enplaceents. Chimneys and roo9's projected: beyond the ground and billeting equipment was seen nearby. Lange finders were observed near the AA gun enplrce-tints between the church and the Woel?ersdorfer t:rias se railroad stop. They ' ,sere connectec'; with telephone lines to the other AA gun er^A.l-acenents. T)- ere were aalsc, underground bunkers. No 25X1 .DATE PREPAREt 2 YaL2953 25X1 1. Between 8,:3O an. and 3.p.rn. on 21 April 1953, "iener Neustadt (0 4,8/x 34) airfield was occupied by the following aaire'raf't CaLASSIFICaAI'lON S R?.:T/ Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700040007-2 Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700040007-2 SECRET, 25X1 25X1A changes were observed on the radio instal.latioas near V-ich brick buildings were recently erected, 3P A sentry wearing black-bordered blue epaulets Eras posted at the Artillerie Kaserne was occupied by soldiers wearing black-bordered blue epaulets and a few soldiers wearing red.-bordered. black ap a.ulets o About 10 motor 25X1 B vehicles and radio truck with a rod antenna ware parked in the barracks yard 25X1 25X1 B 25X1 The T?1aclr.ra_chteaa :Ka,serne was guar e by so : era who were black-bordered blue epaulets. It was apparently slightly occupied. Three motor ver:icles were parked in the barrac';s yard. A sizeable ax:iount of coal was piled ub and more coal was being inloaded froan- two trucks, S e r es wearing red-bordered black epaulets were posted at the cantonment west of Wiener Neustadt were almost no activit was observed,, ;six,. motor vehicles w+-?re parked in the yard and the garages. The villas west of the pyrotechnic plant were occupied by soldiers wearing black:--bordered blue epaulets? Billets, technical installaticns and workshops were apparently located in the area of the pyrotechnic plant, the former !oellersdorferr Plant, Besides the aforementioned 1`iG--l5 with 25X1 disassembled controls and tail, 3 Pe-2s and 1 Li-2 were parkec', in front of the two small hangars at Theresier2eid airfield. 4. Between 8:30 a..m, and 2 p,r, on 22 April, the 'ollo ring aircraft i?rere observed at the field: 63 11G-15s including 424 fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks, parked rows of four. staggered to the rear, with noses pointing to the Louth, the left wing at the western oo,st revetments at Badener t;trarse; 9 at the eastern edge of the pyrotechnic plant; and 30 on the d i.sperssJ. area near the flight control station; 9 twin-jet cle nes on the dispersal area near the flight control station; 6 single-engine planes; 3 hinl.anes near the flight control station or can the eastern, edge of the pyrotechnic plant; About 10 Pe-2s in?.the depression in front of the pyrotechnic plant. There was a 2/10 overcast at an altitude of about, 1,900 meters, a1imost no wind, and light haze. Between 9:54 and 9:57 a,n~ the 2, F'iG--15s parked in rows took off from north to south, developing large pies of dust. At 10:17 a,m,, a sizable ruriber of aircraft cv ssed. the field from 'north to south. The planes flew behind the clouds. Ab: the sarae tire, an. 25X1 individigal 1`iG-l5 crossed the field and landed at 10:22 aeni, SECT?ETj Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001700040007-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700040007-2 SEC fifth plane showed Door formation discipline. 25X1A Another "s'iG-l5 landed at 10:23 ar: o At :1.0?30 a.m0 a forration of NiG-15s flying in echelon formation to the ri ;ht at an.altitude of about 400 meters crossed the field from north to south, The No more landings were made until 2 pen. After air activity was discontinued the aircraft were towed by trucks to the eastern edge of the pyrotech*ic plant =.;4r aircraft revetments were also located. The depression in front of the pyrotechnic plant can only observed from the hills near Wiener Neustadt {. This explains why no information on the presence of Pe--2s in Wiener Neustadt has been received since 12 March. The construction of semi underground quarters near the AA gun amplacenents ' was also observed from East Gen any. Formation flying observed on 22 April was probably connected with maneuvers since a total of 24 PUG-15s took off but only one unit, probably a squadron, landed at the field until 2 par. SECP E`/ Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700040007-2