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Document Creation Date: 
December 14, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 4, 2001
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Publication Date: 
February 16, 1953
Content Type: 
Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA000200420001-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY IN FORMATION REPORT DATE DISTR. 16 February 1953 in . Cheat W r l adeb".~ I~re~dl ., 25X1A NO. OF PAGES COUNTRY Rest Germany REPORT NO. 25X1A DATE OF INFO. pxi+cl e: Eep i nt a r .e a titled ""mil ypiion~r sin no use Sc latmitte . deaf' earl, to ea ux'ore, he.. which appeared in ie alndkeS~, ~ C (off) .. p n s s a so a ne7 prgcee whi h ilk' at fift -uy percent cheaper than the f arm&j, " one e Also under c structio is a calf"In .manufacturing division which will be abie to der dh the ti # 'ket-prfce ';All [bards p ee"ses are 'ylr tested Iy peteu to in all the important countries. It is unlikely that the b0*,r r .c aaci.d. t"will"be dismantled for rebuild ng in Ru lsie~ because the rr' ire' n 03217' to*, or three people and has tbe n0 en put +d i,n bi?I c c1 and, white, ! to hief chemist at the Heyde wor ,, and the avel of the ~.turic acid from the crotyl process, is Dr keu= NZ%i~ 'te'eI+ant i the nteretat . 'the " abr k !46w&v&A&A- Von Boyden Be it A department for the the A :+cylio acid has been eatabl>d in la t Thi i l . a~s o i a om a diethyl bade as heretofore The 090t of manufacture will be much reduced by this process without impairing the efficiency of the .product in any way} The f6ject in view is to fly the world warket with these barbiturate tablets [Meth are to b e e al3 ed ' on" Doc n.ant.oshins Infarwtlon st.et$a the me. [boat Defense of the Vatted state.. wtthtn the ass.a- Ind of Title It. [[.chess 7I$ and M. M the VA.O.d.... .mended. !ts ttaaemlattan or revsattoa of lte contests to or rscs$pt by an unauthol$asd t eon Is prohibited 'by law. The reproduction et this tams 1* prohibited. TIES SOWN EVAWAT10NS ar THIS M!!ORT ?Aa OMINITIVE. TIN AMGISAL OP CONTIW..,,.L: ,T#4TAINE. (IOR Ur' s" WVAAE) A large plant for the manufacture of ,,.bi bituriir - acid will be built at the Pharma Y: Chemische Fabrih vOn Borden t Ttadebei 1..Dresden, where barbituric acid will be produced from a crotyi base Inste ' r f e'/ac OMOAT's STATE X' ANY 7C NAVY x AIR % FAt.. AEC 11IIahlaElra OfrM1YeN.a in~s.l./ I >>l > > Approved For I easse 111 1 I'a: CIA-RDP80-00810A000200420001-2