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Approved For *a$e;2002/o1/09 : CIA-RDP96B0117 10800010001-3 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Policy and Plans Group THROUGH: Deputy'Director of Security (PTOS) STATINTLFROM: Chief, Physical Security Division SUBJECT: Security Clearances and Approvals (New Series STATINT 1. (U/AIUO) Reference is made to your request for comments regarding the proposed subject regulation. A review of the proposed regulation has been made and two areas involved in the regulation are of particular interest to this Division. 2. (U/AIUO).S.ubparagraph g(2), entitled "Industrial Contractor Approval-Secret (ISA-S)," should be reevaluated. The investigative coverage outlined for access to Agency information at the Secret level is deemed to be inadequate. As you are aware, extremely sensitive Agency information is classified at the Secret level, particularly so since the promulgation of Executive Order (EO) 11652. Prior to EO 11652, much of this information carried .a Top Secret'clas- sification. Access to highly sensitive Agency sources and methods and operations information at the Secret level based solely on investigative criteria of National Agency Checks is, in our estimation, insufficient and not in keeping with the Director's responsibility for the protection of this information. Investigative standards-and criteria for. access to Secret level information was the subject-of a special Security Committee Working Group some time ago and this Working Group recommended to the Security Committee that a minimum five-year background investigation, in addition to-National Agency Checks, be required. We feel any less standard to be inadequate in face of current considerations for improved security in the industrial contracting area. Approved For ease 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP96B01172ROD080001Q001-3 Approved For Se 10O2i01/09 : CIA-RDP96B01172 IWP$POO Q001-3 #cd1'7 {{'~ i P' r 3.' (U/AIUO) Subparagraph j(2), entitled "No Escort Access,"' appears to be a weak presentation.- It is felt that any individual having unescorted access to an Agency facility be investigated to staff standards per paragraph c., including the polygraph requirement. It is difficult to differentiate the degree and nature of access regarding No Escort Access personnel, inasmuch as they have uncon- trolledaccess to the facility and have, as a minimum, sight recognition of covert staff and contract personnel. Distribution: Orig - Adse D - U/ 1JD/PhyS - chrono OS/PhySD peh (14 Sep STATIN Approved F +eIeaae?2002/01/09: CIA-RDP96B011t2R000800010001-3 ^ REQUEST FOR INDUSTRIAL SECURITY APPROVAL f^ NOTICE OF PERSONNEL ACTION ~^ CONFIDENTIAL Separation ^ Transfer Name change to ^ SECRET Withdraw prior approval request Other (specify) ^ TOP SECRET DATE DATE NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (If subsidiary, include name of Parent Company) NAME OF SUBJECT (last, first, middle) DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH 2 HOME ADDRESS US CITIZEN SOCIAL SECURITY NO. YES NO 3 SUBJECT'S JOB TITLE WORK LOCATION (if different from contract address) 4 SUBJECT WILL BE AWARE OF CUSTOMER'S IDENTITY ^ YES ^ NO 5 SUBJECT WILL BE USED ON CUSTOMER'S CONTRACT NO. TASK ORDER NO. DOES SUBJECT POSSESS A CURRENT SECURITY CLEARANCE GRANTED BY A U.S. AGENCY? YES ^ NO IF YES COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: 6 NAME OF AGENCY GRANTING CLEARANCE LEVEL DATE AND PLACE GRANTED IF YOUR RECORDS INDICATE SUBJECT PREVIOUSLY HELD A SECURITY CLEARANCE BY A U.S. AGENCY INDICATE LEVEL 7 WHEN GRANTED BY WHOM AND WHERE HE WAS EMPLOYED AT THAT TIME. DO YOUR RECORDS INDICATE SUBJECT HAS EVER BEEN DENIED A SECURITY CLEARANCE BY A U S. AGENCY OR HAD A SECURITY CLEARANCE SUSPENDED OR REVOKED? ^ YES ^ NO IF YES EXPLAIN 8 DO YOUR RECORDS INDICATE SUBJECT HAS EVER BEEN ARRESTED, CHARGED, OR HELD BY ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY? ^ YES ^ NO IF YES EXPLAIN DO YOUR RECORDS INDICATE ANYTHING NOT COVERED ABOVE THAT MIGHT HAVE A BEARING ON THIS SUBJECT BEING GRANTED A GOVERNMENT SECURITY CLEARANCE? 10 11. TYPED NAME OF CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE 12. SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE FOR USE BY CUSTOMERS ONLY ^ INDUSTRIAL SECURITY APPROVAL GRANTED ^ PERSONNEL ACTION RECORDED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET TOP SECRET NAME OF CUSTOMER'S Approved) For Release 2002/01/09 yq Q~ ~+ S~ `~ FjT~ 014] IF1~r9V~ I~R~IU I-J DATE SIl r Approved For Relea4IiF 20MW0 -14PM1172R000800010001-3 )RM 79 1841 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS (9.38) REQUEST FOR INDUSTRIAL SECURITY APPROVAL DATE ^ SECRET ^ TOP SECRET ^ TOP SECRET UPDATE INSTRUCTIONS: Print or type all answers. All questions and statements must be completed. If the answer is "None," so state. Do not misstate or omit material fact since the statements made herein are subject to verification. If more space is needed, use the Remarks section, item 26, and attach additional sheets if necessary. The information entered hereon is for official use only and will be maintained in confidence. The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) requires that federal agencies inform individ- uals who are asked to provide their social security numbers whether the disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, by what authority the number is solicited and the uses that will be made of the social security number. Disclosure by you of your social security number is voluntary. The authority for this solicitation is Executive Order 9397. Your social security number is used to aid in the positive identification of the person requesting security approvals. Failure to provide your social security number may delay processing. 1. LAST NAME - FIRST NAME - MIDDLE NAME - 2. SEX 3. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 4. ALIAS(ES) AND FORMER NAME(S) AND PERIODS OF USE: 5. MONTH, DAY, YEAR OF BIRTH 6. PLACE OF BIRTH 7. CITIZENSHIP a. RELATIVES DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH PRESENT ADDRESS CITIZENSHIP A. SPOUSE (Full Maiden Name) B. FATHER C, MOTHER (Full Maiden Name) 9. RESIDENCES (List all from 18th birthday or during past 15 years, whicheveris shorter.) A, FROM B. TO C. NUMBER AND STREET (List Apt. No.) D. CITY E. STATE 10. EMPLOYMENT (List all from 18th birthday or during past 15 years, whichever is shorter.) A. FROM B. TO C. EMPLOYER D. POSITION E. ADDRESS 11? EDUCATION (Account for all civilian and military academies) MONTH AND YEAR GRADUATE FROM TO NAME AND LOCATION OF SCHOOL YES NO DEGREE 12. C ITIZEENSHIP INFORMATION .~ ~ ~ C p pa Sp ( I AM A CITIZEN OF TH~/~,.,,.,,. E~FNFQCYQ4T @t~L-J~7rI g~rP2rIv11j a 1 ~~11A17 .R0nnQ9ORI0001- CITIZENSHIP N ED BIRTH IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY OF UNITED STATES PARENTS El DERIVATIVE CITIZENSHIP IF NATURALIZED, CERTIFICATE NO. DATE NATURALIZED WHERE NATURALIZED (City, County, State, and Court) IF ALIEN, REGISTRATION NO. CITIZEN OF WHAT COUNTRY DATE AND PLACE OF LAST ENTRY INTO U.S. 13. ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIP LIST ALL ORGANIZATIONS EXCEPT LABOR UNIONS IN WHICH YOU HOLD OR HAVE HELD MEMBERSHIP. NAME AND ADDRESS TYPE OFFICE HELD FROM (Date) TO (Date) 14. MILITARY SERVICE A. COUNTRY BRANCH OF SERVICE RANK SERVICE NUMBER FROM (Date) I TO (Date) TYPE DISCHARGE B. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A RESERVE OR NATIONAL GUARD COMPONENT? ^ YES D NO (If answer is "YES", furnish service, component and current status on additional page.) 15. LIST CHILDREN, BROTHERS, SISTERS (16 years and older) RELATION LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE NAME ADDRESS (Enter "deceaed) if no longer living) PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH PRESENT CITIZENSHIP 16. LIST NAMES OF ALL FORMER SPOUSES AND INDICATE DATE, PLACE, AND REASON FOR ALL SEPARATIONS, DIVORCES, OR ANNULMENTS; 17. INDICATE RELATIVES BY BLOOD, MARRIAGE, OR ADOPTION WHO EITHER (1) LIVE ABROAD, (2) ARE NOT U.S. CITIZENS. (3) ARE NATURALIZED U.S. CITIZENS, OR (4) WORK FOR A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT A .1. NAME (Last-First-Middle) 2. RELATIONSHIP 3. DATE OF BIRTH 11 4. P LACE OF BIRTH(City, State, Country) 5. CURRENT CITIZENSHIPS) 6.DATE U. S. CITIZENSHIP ACQUIRED 7. WHERE ACQUIRED (City, State, Country) 8. NATURALIZATION CERTIFICATE NUMBER 9. IF ALIEN, GIVE ALIEN REGISTRATION N UVIBER 10. DATE AND PLACE OF ARRIVAL IN U.S. 11. CURRENT ADDRESS (Give last address, if deceased) B. I. NAME (Last-First-Middle) 2. RELATIONSHIP 3. DATE OF BIRTH 4. PLACE OF BIRTH(City,State, Country) 5. FORMER CITIZENSHIP(S) 6. DATE U.S. CITIZENSHIP ACQUIRED 7. WHERE ACQUIRED (City, State, Country) 8. NATURALIZATION CERTIFICATE NUMBER Approved For Rele 9. IF ALIEN, GIVE ALIEN REGISTRATION sel? OU2/01/09 : CIA-RDP96B 10. DATE AND PLACE OF ARRIVAL IN U.S. 1172R000800010001-3 11. CURRENT ADDRESS (Give last address, if deceased), 18. FOREIGN COUNTRIES VISITED OR RESIDED IN CITY AND cApp 9ved For eleas, 02/0 /09 : IA-RD ~~Q> ~?~Q~O~,~'~ 96B01172N F VISA LEFT U.S. RETURNED U.S. 19. LIST EACH FOREIGN GOVERNMENT, FIRM, CORPORATION OR PERSON FOR WHOM YOU ACTOR HAVE ACTED AS A REPRESENTATIVE, OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE IN THE PAST 5 YEARS. LIST ALL COMMUNIST GOVERNMENTS, FIRMS OR CORPORATIONS. 20. REFERENCES (Give five personal references, two of whom know you on a current social basis. Do not include relatives, former employers, or persons living outside the United States.) NAME YEARS HOME ADDRESS STATE. CITY STREET AND NUMBER BUSINESS ADDRESS STREET AND NUMBER, CITY, STATE, KNOWN , , TELEPHONE NUMBER TELEPHONENUMBER 21. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ARRESTED, CHARGED, OR HELD BY ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES FOR ANY VIOLATION OF ANY LAW, REGULATION OR ORDINANCE? INCLUDE ALL COURTS-MARTIAL. DO NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED BEFORE YOUR 16TH BIRTHDAY. DO NOT INCLUDE TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS FOR WHICH THE ONLY PENALTY IMPOSED WAS A FINE OF $25.00 OR LESS. ALL OTHER CHARGES MUST BE INCLUDED EVEN IF THEY WERE DISMISSED. DYES ^NO IF "YES", GIVE DATE AND PLACE, CHARGE, AND DISPOSITION 22. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN PREVIOUSLY PROCESSED FOR, GRANTED OR DENIED A CLEARANCE? (If answer is "YES", indicate level of clearance granted, by whom and where employed at that time under Item 26, "Remarks".) 1 YES O NO 23. HAVE YOU EVER EXPERIENCED MENTAL OR NERVOUS DISORDERS WHICH REQUIRED PROFESSIONAL HELP? YES NO (If answer to the above is "YES", explain. Give names and addresses of hospitals, clinics, sanitariums, and physicians, psychologists or psychiatrists who have examined or treated you for such conditions.) 24. HAVE YOU EVER USED ILLEGAL DRUGS, INCLUDING MARIJUANA AND OTHER SOFT DRUGS, OR ABUSED PRESCRIPTION DRUGS? 0 YES E] NO (If answer is "YES", explain. State form(s) of drugs taken, how administered, dates and places, to what extent and under what circumstances.) 25. ARE YOU NOW OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A MEMBER OF ANY FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC ORGANIZATION, ASSOCIATION, MOVEMENT, GROUP, OR COMBINATION OF PERSONS WHICH IS TOTALITARIAN, FASCIST, COMMUNISTIC, OR SUBVERSIVE, OR WHICH HAS ADOPTED, OR SHOWS, A POLICY OF ADVOCATING OR APPROVING THE COMMISSION OF ACTS OF FORCE OF VIOLENCE TO DENY OTHER PERSONS THEIR RIGHTS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OR WHICH SEEKS TO ALTER THE FORMS OF GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES BY UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEANS? YES NO (If the answer to the above question is "YES", list in item 26, the names of all such organizations associations, movements, groupfi, or com ination of persons and dates of membership. Give complete details of your activities therein and make any explanation you desire regarding your membership or activities.) 26. REMARKS (Use the space provided below and attach additional sheets, if necessary.) above are true, complete, and correct y me I certify that the entries made b SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE ~,{ ; to the best of my knowledAgnq?a~dda 16ga ai.geO2 U2h01/09 : NN CIA-RDP96BO1172R000800010001-3 FORM 1841A 7-78