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Publication Date: 
October 18, 1963
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PDF icon CIA-RDP92B01090R002600090005-6.pdf94.13 KB
Approved For Rele 2001/12/05: CIA-RDP92BO109OR00260 SECRET USIB-D.-?41. 14/82 (COX;(>R D- 24/ 96) Limited Distribution 18 October 1963 UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD MEMORANDUM FOR THE UNITED STATES INTEL, GENCE BOARD SUBJECT: Request for Security Ruling on Aerial Reconnaissance Movie over Cuba 1 o COMOR has considered an urgent request of the Navy for a COMOR opinion to be considered by the United States Intelligence Board at the Board meeting this dates The Navy requests approval to releases, at an unclassified level and for public consumption, a color movie taken over Cuba which is now classified SECRET. In its consideration, CONIOR took note. of the following., a. The only known cases of releases to the public of aerial reconnaissance photography taken over Cuba were in connection with the Cuban Cris a of 1962, b., The only Board ruling on classification of Cuba overflight materials known to bear on this, problem had to do specifically with the product of high-altitude reconnaissance (see USIB-D-41. 5133; COr^0R.,Pg24127, Z9 October 19b;). This ruling permitted release of the materials from special security channels at the SECRET level but with st io Approved For Release 0eb1/15 ~a-~[a~'618'I(WD0005-6 SECRET Approved For Rel2001/12/05 : CIA-RDP92B01090R0Q29,00090005-6 S- E?C-R-E-T USLB-D?.41.14/8Z (COMOR-D-Z4/96) 18 October 1963 Linnited Distribution C. Neither COMOR not the Board participated in the ruling that low. altitude photography ah,)lild be c:lassi fied SECRET, This was probably a logical deduction by the operator based on the Board ruling in regard to the high-altitude reconnaissance. d. As far as COMOR knows the Board has not ruled on the classification of overhead movie photography at low altitude nor aerial photography acquired over Cuba in. any other way. 3. Conclusion: A_ That the classification applicable t;) high and low altitude photography over Cuba should almost certainly apply to low-level movies taken over Cuba. That the practice of releasing overflight photography of a denied area for publ''I.c relations purposes could have extensive ramifications. Ore could, for example, readily argue that because of the public release last fall, thereafter, any BK mater',.al through 1962, say, might also be useful in public relations, 2 Approved For Release 2001/12/05 : CIA-RDP92B01090R002600090005-6 S-E-C-R-E,-T Approved For Rel 2001/12/05 : CIA-RDP92B01090R092600090005-6 S-E-C-R-E-T USiB~!D-41, 14182 (C(:) NO- R-D-Z4196) 18 October 1963 L.irniteid Dietributior Recommendation. That the Board rule that the Aubj .ct material remain classified SECRET and therefore not releaaeably for public relatio;is purposes. State TCO 2 T)T.A (Col. Ainsworth) l MA A T C0 4 OACS1 TC'1 ONr TCn A FN' N TCO 4 N'S A TCO {NP''') Tf;O 'I AFC I F13! I 3 Approved For Release 2001/12/05 : CIA-RDP92B01090R002600090005-6 S--E-C?R-E-T