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atr..lr 1uLiA '1'1.A1.45 19 APR 19773~~NNTTLL ppr d For?Release 0 8/ 1: CIA RDOgqTTQ90T 91=0 c.I.A ., ``rained J~ tans in . Rx,:u t?, Th. Srw Yort Timm WASHINGTON, April 18-- The Central Intelligence Agency set up a secret base in the Colorado Rockies to train Tibetan guerrillas in mountain warfare in the late nineteen- fiftlcs, when there was an up- rising against Chinese rule in Tibet, a new hook discloses. In the book, "The Politics of Lying," David Wise, the author, said that the agency began training Tibetan refugees re- cruited in India in 1958 in a deserted World War 11 Army base near Leadville, Colo. The operation continued into the early months of the Kennedy Administration, he said. WYOMING NEE r D enve < teadville' ,a Grand E-; ~~? Junction _~ 771 -7 1 =7 NEW MtXICO 0, 1%!l'5 100 The New Yok 1Imes/AUII 19, 1973 Camp reportedly was in Rockies 130 miles from quarters in Langley, Va., be- cause the incident occurred a week after President Kennedy announced the appointment of John A, McCune as the new Director of Central Intelli- Bence. Mr, McCone replaced ~Ailen W. Dulles, whose resignation was accepted after the Bay of Pigs incident, Mr. Wise wrote. The dispute between Tibet and China began in the 13th century, Mr. Wise wrote, with China periodically claiming Tibet its part of her territory. Mainland China was taken over by Communist forces led by Mao Tse-tung in 1919, and in 1950 Chinese troops marched into Tibet. says that nation and China, the book said, The secret training operation was hardly a success, M,Tr. \Vc e wrote, because the guerrillas "infiltrated into Tibet by the C.I.A. were attempting to har- ass the Chinese, not t;, free the country; in tIm long run it is douhtful that they made very Hutch difference. Since 1961 Communist China has tight- ened its grip on Tibet." Tibet, lil:e other areas largely popu- lated by ethnic till r.ori:ics, no1.v has the states of all autonomous region within china. In May, 1951, the Chinese; "Would the nation's security; signed an agreement with the have been endangered if thc? Dalai Lama government for the story of the Tibetan operation; occupation of Tibet, pledg ; had been disclosed in 1961?". ing not to alter the existing; the hook asked. "In the wake political system in Tibet or the. of the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy; powers of the Dalai Lama.' ordered two separate investi-', However, the agreement also' gations of the C.I.A.. and he, provided for Chinese control! struggled to take Border (on-i through the appointment of a trot over the agency's opera-i military and administrative; tions by changing its top lead- committee. ersllip." During the mid-nineteen-' - "Publication. of the story fifties, however, Mr. Wise' might have focused public at- wrote, Tibetan guerrillas began! tention on a number of im- A spokesman for the agency city of Colorado Springs. said that there would be not - _-- -- - immediate comment on the re- When a reporter for The' port. New York Times subsequently Mr. \Vise, the former Wash- began a routine inquiry, based ington bureau chief of ']'lie on a brief news-agency dis- New York Herald Tribune and patch about the inci(lent, the' co-author of "The Invisible hook said, the office of Robert; Government," a 1964 hook S. McNamara, who was then about the Central Intelligence Secretary of Defense, tele-' Agency, wrote that the Tibetan; phoned the Washington Bureau training prograin apparently', of The Times and asked that' ended abruptly in ])ccemher,,,the story not be used because 19,61, six nlonthq after the Bay,, of "national security" reasons. Of Pigs fiasco and a fewH The Times acquiesced, Mr.' days after its cover was'altlost! Wise wrote, in line with the blown in an airport near! general newspaper practice in Colorado Springs. thpse years of not challenging- Delayed by Bus Accident the Government's definition of, national security "Ironically, it was the snow! The two top news officials and the mountains - the! in Washington for The Times (very factors that ]ell the C.I.A., in 1.961, the bureau chief, to select Colorado for the train-1 !James Reston, and the news; ing base --- that almost caused! !editor, Wallace Carroll, said! A 1 ; ,- y u e t, - . ? ice V, I 'It C. Tibetan trainees were loaded, call the incident. Mr. Reston Is asserted. Intelligence officials. to a p; bl e exact ~i'.atton of ;aboard a bus at the Army, now a vice president! later concluded, Mr. Wise such ircport~nt qu: 'faun; as :camp for a mill-nape trip to a! and columnist for The Tinles,I wrote, that some of the goer- whe.ih: l Prc::dent I:. cr.r,o.ver nearby airfield in Coloradoi rillas who had been trained in .lp,lr lycci the ii'oetan o;,cratron, Springs where it large Air! and Mr. Carroll is editor and tile. Colorado Rockirs had been app ublisher of the Journal aria guiding B the avhether ]rest: eat Ke ?.ncdy ,vas Force jet was waiting to; publisher responsible for g , wedge of it. or Appro%ed it, ar.d quietly fly them out of the! Sentinel in Winston-Salem, Dalai Lama to safety. whet her the four ' ':atc'ldog' country before dawn. - N. C. Open tv; rfarc broke out in committees of the Cnn,ress }had 'But, coming down the moun_ Jack Raymond, who was dc- Tibet after the escap Mr. Wise lh:ul any kno;'.'Icl!,eof what was Tense. correspondent for ]he r r ogled, and t,unn;ands of; d ,,,.., :going on in Colorado." taut," A4r, Wise wrote., p an t as h 1 b at uu leunem er at the tuned I)alal 1.a111a S governmen snow. As a result of the delay; t knowing about the incident dissolved by the Chinese. In-. caused by the timel.nt, it was' and I don't recall what pre-; din's decision to ;rant sane-'. daylight when time Tibetans ar ; vented me from writing about' teary to the Dalai Liulla also' rived at the field." Once there, the book went increased the pressure between. Mr. Raymond, who is now oft, overzoilous military recur associated with I!,& Aspen In- po'rt's officials herded the air- atilute for humanistic Studies port's enlp!oyes around at gun- in New York atidid in a tele- point, but not until at least shrine in.'k, w. "1?nl inclined one of them saw the "1'ibctans to think that I didn't bare hoard the jet. enough infnrnlaliun about it to Complaints to the local' virile it story. I have no imme- sheriff were made about the ch ile recollection of being manhandling of the civilians' thrown off the story by any- and a fevr newspaper articles 1)ody, describing the bizarre encoun- ter wc?republished in Colorado 'Nerve-Racking Moments' Springs and Denver, But, Mr.' In his hook, Mr. Wise wrote \\'ise wrote, the full irnplictl- that the issue caused some portant issues," Mr, ise s q- insurgent warfare against the Bested,"including the basic Chinese and officirtls of the question of whethr_r t,ix gooney Central Intelligence Agency ?vould he used to finance "Concluded that the situationl clandestine intelligence oper- offered an ideal opportunity 11 : atioos." A s cord issue, he for covert United Slates aid. added, ;"as t:!.eth^_r tl.c agency In March, 1959, the Dalai' had a legal basis for operating lama was forced to flee over' a secret training ba>e in the ) high mountain passes to India United States. of ter a Chinese mortar attack' t irl:9 ',?r Vu i-,e a rote, that lions of the. Q(,pp b\1fiedif~diokd3 le i2O&t 08/?l1erCIA RDP91-00901 R000500110046-4 become public. the. C r'lik"il Iitlcllirence Approved 9 1.P[1 1973 For ReleasliVl9SiL01 : CIA-RDP91-00901R00 Earlier in the year the Shah of Iran was "standing up" to the bag o1 companies and lnakinil lhaldlilles. With ;1 population of 30 million, Iran produces some 4.5 million barrels a day, amounting to yearly revenues of about $4 billion. 'hhe coils ort iii ill which is extracting the oil includes Shell; Texaco; Mobil; the new little brother, Exxon; 13ritieli Petroleum; Cie. Fransaise de:; Petroics; some U.S. independents, etc. Their contract for the con- cession expired in 1979, but it contained an option for renewal for another fifteen years, which would have ex- tended it to 1994. The Shah decided not to honor the renewal clause. He announced that he was not satisfied with the present level of production--Ile wanted it doubled, no less. This would entail a capital investment on the part of the companies of at least y2 billion, hardly a safe venture under present conditions, with per- haps worse to come. The Shah was threatening complete nationalization by 1979, with the companies in the con- sortium relegated to the position of customers for the oil output, in what looks like a sellers' market. Here, to a superficial view, was another case of the puppet threatening the puppeteer. The CIA had put the Shah in power. V/hen Mohammed i',?fossade h opposed him in the early 1950s, the Shah fled the country, and c.- found it safe to return only when Allen Dulles deposed Mossadec,ll with the'aid of $19 million distributed in the right pl, ces. '[hough that was long ago, on closer inspec- tion things are not so different now. The CIA, to be sure, can no longer engage in the rough stuff which vas the rule in the fifties, and to that extent the puppet is no longer that much of a puppet, but deals can stall be made when the right people are on hand to make theta. Like Richard I-:elms, for instance. Until recently he was ]lead of the CIA; then it was announced by the White House that lie would become ambassador to Iran. ibis secreted like an act of l;iiid:hess; tl?,3u"n shot ii c`f power, a faithful public servant "vas rC1'idl'C'ecil w,J;h an t, ullulssadorship. !,-,it there w; s more to it t'lan t!lat. '1'i": Stich had a (t.,ndetl tilt'. cectusiv(' Le Ros-v school in Switeerl;i!1d, tad ha ;li:cl 'hal'es }Irilas l:ad i?:en cli! sal;htce, 0f course the old school tic could avail only so far, but 1ic11n,s knee; ills'x iv around in lean, and in C-Ii. If the Sh;.lll's confrontation with the oil e anpaiiicS was not wholly phony, neither , ash hiun~ tll ilar,d that had fed !lien--li?e hand of the United States. i ;1t that, on his record, the. Shah v ou!'l hesitate to bae if sucit action offered hills a real adveiaie';e, but the thIitcd States is by far tl,, ieeost pu,',erful Illi!i'.;!rv nmlon is tae ti,,!rl !, and the chief ar, is supplier. 1 tic' `.,hail has ... erf to buy ltc:tv,ccn ?.5 billion and S3 billion in area! front t';i~lc. S.o n, and to i`;t1' ca b on the oil hartel 11" ci - tit. hi ~t sitiale FI1'ill:r cL.tI eves' ai'ra!t a ! by tit:; \V. l'I;hn.'S", i'i' i: f' 'w } e;.': `1 I7;U?.1; l"ct,ru:: rv .'... ). .t',.!:; ti cony:!;i.ili for bc't?,l It s'e'al stet;) the Tares in its chronic b.I!allc: (I p a?.';1:.; hrc?k'!:I?h. QI?.!, it vr111 help k!) (''Ci.llil of oar now 111z "t they face sonic cutbacks in other liirectio;us. It will doo nothing for the Iranian ? people, v.Thom Shah will continue to rule ? as a feudal lief. The treat majority of Iranians are desperately poor. and some of tlicm, university students in particular, arc in a rebellious mood. When they are caught by the Shah's police they tare jailed, tortured and put to death, dep: r.din on the enormity of the offense.. I-lowever, dissidents abroad are- a lon:z-terns threat. In February' a Republic of Iran was proclaimed in VVlisliington by a Committee; for Free Iran, whose demands include freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, the end of the polio. state, and an end of the monarchy. It is hardly likely that the Shah needs several billion dollars worth of arms to cope with his internal enemies, and the government in exile is not a formidable threat at present. But it asks awkward questions in its news- paper, Iran Free Press: "Why must a country like Iran, with a majority of its citizens impoverished and facing no real military threat from the outside, spend billions on armaments?" The paper charges that any country with an investment in Iran can bleed the Iranian. people and deprive them of the necessities of life. Moreover, the arras --fighter bombers, patrol planes, helicopters, etc.-can be used to establish the Shah as the master of the I'crsiart Gulf, from which the British withdrew in 1971. With the arms supplied by the United States (some also by the British) the Shah can dominate the other oil-rich countries in the-area, and the United States is apparently satisfied to see him establish himself in that role. The Iranian students in the United States have no love for their ruler, and it is possible that they will try to give him a lively reception on his forthcoming visit to the United States. What with the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and the ;'.tarines; the CIA, the FBI, the Washington police, et al., the Shah has little to worry about. Law and order will be maintained, we may be sure of'-that. But in the long run, the outlook for the type of `;over'.-' went the Shah represents-and the United States sup- ports--may be no brighter than that of similar tyrannies that have conic and gone. Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000500110046-4 L MEMrnIS, TENN. 'I PRESS-SCIMITAR Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : -RRIj 1-_00901 E - 133,258 .- ;APR 617^ MEMPHIS PRESS-SCIMITAR, FRIDAY, APRIL b, 1973 Friday Book Report Startling Chwge Leveled at `S cret Tewn By 11SENNO DUERKSEN I Press-Scimitar Surf Writer Most Americans would re- coil with horror at the idea of.a military junta aiming cannon at the White House and taking over the U.S. government, South America style, but if we may believe a retired Air Force colonel named L. Fletcher Prouty, it h a s already happened in Washington, without t h e guns. The disturbing and fright- ening factor is that Prouty has the credentials, having served for nine years as contact tion rather than fact, but on page after page one is con- stantly reminded that this is real history the author is talking about. "The conflict in Vietnam stands as a costly and fright- ening example of how the U.S. military force can be drawn into an operation in pursuit of the unconvention- al para-military activities of theLIA," writes Prouty. Prouty zeroes in on the late Allen Dulles, director of CIA for eight years, as the man who did the most to change the CIA from its original and only legally as- signed task of coordinating intelligence into an agency up to its ears in creating tween t he revolutions, changing gov- C e n t r a 1 ernments and changing his- tory. Agency acd' Prouty points to Dulles' - -- "Tl C ft of k well documented 400 pages to back up the sub-title of his new book, "The CIA and its evidence more than enough pressure from any one of several groups, or their more radical sub-groups, to } support the germ of the idea I that a sinister conspiracy ;pressures. For these groups perience and political power and that he had to be re- moved from office before winning the inevitable man- date from the U.S. public which was certain to be his in 1964," Prouty states that it was Allen Dulles who had a large hand in the writing of the Warren Report. Then, writes Prouty, "The Secret Team machine, always at its most active and insidious best in adver- sity, surged forward in the post-Kennedy void, T h e record shows that Johnson (President Johnson) almost never said no." Prouty states that the CIA and the ST played a decisive role in historic events in Jor- dan, Guatamala, the Philip- pines, Indonesia and the Do-. minican Republic, as well as its well-known roles in the I3ay of Pins fiasco and, final- 1v, Vietnam. Some of these operations, when uncovered by the coun- tries involved, re!:ulted in the U.S. government being forced to pay blackmail to the tune of millions, often in military equipment, all with- out the U.S. public being in- formed. Keeping the U.S. public in the dark about the-2 opera- tions, under the r ui~' of "se- curity," was all re:.lly a big joke, says Prouty, because all the worlrl, inch hn~ Rus- sia find China, alw, s l;nets what was going on. J r ou t r ~' ~? 1 t l ] e that a rcac'd"f" ~ttCtR ppaaSSa(~(~/11/1~~p~~a9'o'~tobb5rt~4 hope it is di wol i 0 C- TIT1.Z7f, Or one-halt t !Cory (I l Ir 11- t en Commission, there is in releasing official secrets tn;, Prouty not only chart, sponsible for the entire fins- that it was this Secret tears sir;lply because the labels on co, bringing universal world , which manuevered the U.S. a Piece of paper said 'labels condemnation of the U.S., ~ into the Vietnam war but Secret, when the substance Kennedy vowed that , hints that the group may of many of the words written "Som.etime Burin, his adnlin- have played a part in the on those papers was patently ishation the genie of assassination of President untrue rind no more than a c}anciestine operatics( t ould John Kennedy after it learn- coyer story. l~.xcept for the 11;.ve to he put back into the e(1 that Kennedy planned to fact that they were official brittle." ,destroy the ST. lies, these papers had no Then, turning to the assas- So alarming are the b a s i s in fact," writes `,iniition itself, P r? 0 u t y rchar, es made by Prouty I'r?outy. ,.;-? ties, I er those who have CIA, leaked to the press many stories taken from "Top Secret" files w h e n such leaking served his pur- pose. Prouty points o u t that when the CIA was first form- ed, under a law signed by the late President Harry Truman, it was given by law only one task, the coordina- tion of intelligence, and was never even authorized to col- lect intelligence. He then quotes Truman as saying, a few days after the assassination of President Kennedy, in 1963, "For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. I never had any thought when I set up the CIA that it be injected into peace-time cloak-and- dagger operations." The former president then added that the CIA had be- come" a symbol of sinister and mysterious intrigue." "Who knows what thoughts passed through his (Truman's) m i n d during those thirty days from Nov. 22, to Dec. 22, in 1963, thoughts that led him to write those powerful and intense words?" asks Prouty. .7 )leered b}' the CIA itself, rill Turning to Kennedy and th Pentagon whic11 ,~he ' an ef;ort to disengage that that assassination, Prouty s t a t e s, h a s conspired, agency frcm responsibility maneuvered and organized for the Vietnam war. writes that the young Presi? hly para-military operations to "It is quite fantastic to scoleetrched had been of Ir, ts tighten. its siran lehold a1 find people like Daniel Ells s by the Bay ay U.S. government policy. berg being charged with incident and after deto ertnin that the CIA had been re- , 1e ra own boo Intelligence," published in 1961 after he retired, as, "no more than a final compila- tion of all the soothing syrup and old wives tales Allen States and the world." ' -Dulles concocted and pour- '''he book is "The Secret ed over the fevered brows of ^'~~e hall, Inc.; men in high office for 25 __-j years." x_1:.eu: ~=3 i o t ~ i'OCOIVOl One of the most devastat- ing charges made by Prouty "Secret Team," to denote a is that the so-called " ll]e- tightly knit team of powerful ' i al, t crease of the "Pentagon men from the CIA, the Na ? Papers" was actually engi- tionl Se-rit council and _ Approved For Retea& ,2?Q01/08/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901R0005 SALEM, ORE. STATESMAN M--34,979 S ~. 5,512 6 19 T, - Uiice again, the President has Budget Knife headed an important agency with'an administrator skilled in Applied to CIA-, management rather than the programs of the agency. The critics.of President Nixon who comp'niu is univcbo- ping at social service programs to bring government spending . back within budget bounds should look at what is happening to the Central Intelligence Agen- cy. This is somewhat difficult to do in light of the secrecy sur- ? rounding the CIA. What is known, however, is that CIA budgets have increased over the ,years to about $4.5 billion. Much of this is attributable to the sophisticated spy equipment now being used to ferret out .what is going on in other coun- tries. The satellites which can detect movements at missile sites do not cone cheap. Even so, the CIA has been singled out by President Nixon as an agency which will receive the same budget knife treat- ment which is being given to Health, Education and Welfare .by Casper Weinberger. In the case of the CIA, the knife- t/ wielder is James Schlesinger, who established himself as a skilled administrator as chair- man of the Atomic Energy Commission. the CIA at the abrupt dismissal of Director Richard Helms, who - maintained the Allen Dulles tra- dition. The public is in no position to judge whether the CIA has grown flabby. The public cannot know to what extent Schlesinger will "Nixonize" the CIA, al- though Schlesinger's past record. of independent judgment mini- mizes this. What seems certain, with the reduction of over 1,000 employes since Schlesinger's arrival, is that President Nixon is looking with concern at the CIA's $4.5 billion annual expenditure Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000500110046-4 COLONEL FLETCHER PROUTY INTERVIEWED Prouty spent a lot of his military career-as what is called the focal point officer between the Department of Defense and the Central Intelli.gonce Agency. He's written a book which is highl critical of what he calls The Secret. Team, which by the way is the title of the book. Since tie e are frequent references in the book to information in the Pentagon Papers, CBS News corres-. pondent Fred Graham, who's been covering the Daniel Ellsherg trial, has joined me for the interview. JOHN HAIZT: Before he retired, Air Force Col. Fletcher, Col. Prouty, I'd like to ask you first, what is the secret team? COL. FLETCHER PROUTY:.. You know, there are quite a few people who write about the CIA, and Mr. Dulles has written about. CIA; Lyman Kirkpatrick has written about CIA. The secret team really is the CIA and other parts of the :government. The secret team includes, for instance, the participation of the Defense Department, of the White House, offices such as today we have under Dr. Kissinger. I think it's important to point out that in the operational aspects of CIA work, the participation of a major part of the government, not just CIA is an important consideration. HART: Well, the secret team's part in such things as the assassination of Ngo Dinh Diehm, that sort of thing, the ITT- CIA involvement- alleged involvement--in the election in Chile are pretty well docunmented. Can you tell us anything about what you think may be going on right now? PIZOUTY: You mean current Operations? IIART: That's right, yes. PROUTY: Actually, mos. of the things that. I knew in current operations ended with my ret:i r :1cnt. about ten yeaars ago Approved For Release 2001/08/01: CIA-RDP91-00901 R000500110046-4 Approved For Release 2001/ $/ 1 I CIA-F$1~93-00901 R STATINTL SP1~CIlA A Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000500110046-4