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August 20, 1978
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Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : UA 6l3 W-6098VM050011002
ARiICLB A'pp Wilmington, Delaware
()r, FAOE 20 August 1978
Staff correspondents 's a-. _
WASHINGTON -A secret CIA memorandum.
says that E. Howard Hunt was in Dallas the day
President John F: Kennedy was. murdered and
that top. agency officials. plotted to cover up.
Hunt's presence there. = c: '
Some CIA' sources speculate -that; Hunt
thought he was assigned by higher-ups to. ar-
range the murder of Lee Harvey- Oswald. -;:
Sources say Hunt, convicted iii the Watergate
conspiracy in 1974, was acting chief of the CIA:
station in-Mexico City- in the weeks prior. to the :
Kennedy assassination. Oswald was in Mexico
City, and met with two Soviet KGB agents at the-.
Russian Embassy there immediately before
leaving for Dallas, according to the official
Warren Commission report..
The 1966 secret memo, now in the hands of the.
House assassination. committee, places Hunt in
Dallas-Nov. 22, 1963.
Richard M. Helms, former CIA director, and..
James J. Angleton, former counterintelligbnce-
chief, initialed the memo,: according. to investi-
gators. who made the, information available to
the Sunday News Journal.
According to sources close to the Select Com-
mittee on Assassination,_ the document-reveals~
Three years after'Kennedy's murder, and '
shortly after Helms and -Angleton were elevated.
to their highest. positions in. the. : CIA, they
discussed the fact.-,that Hunt'. was in. Dallas on--
the. day of the assassination- and that.. his pres
ence there had to be kept. secret-,.,'. = :=:
1V:Helms and. Angleton thought.. that news= of
Hunt's presence in,Dallas would.be damaging
t4~ ;
the agency should it-leak out.:.': '
l " Helms and-Angleton feltthatFacnver'story,-
giving Hunt an alibi for being:_elsewher_e tlie* d-
of the assassination;'"ought to be considered
Hunt, .reached Fridayy,,at:_his Miami,.. Fla.,:
home, denied that he' was in Dallas on Nov; 22-. ?
`1`963; and denied that he had been in Mexico City,
any time after. 1961. ? - - .
Mint said that he was`in Washington the day
of the Kennedy murder.'"....'I have plenty of
witnesses.. I tookoff'at noon that day and went
shoppingand.had a Chinese dinner in downtown
Washington with my wife:',_' :~~...,..
Hunt. said he knerv,of no reason for such a
memo. to: exist. He said he had never heard
CIA sources, who have provided-the assassi=1
nation 'committee with material pertaining toi+
Hunt's - alleged presence in Dallas, say that'
Hunt's story about shopping in downtown Wash-
ington was a cover story concocted as a result
CIA-arranged and that hiswife cannot be ques-_
ings this fall on:the Kennedy murder.
tee_ said that there would be "no comment on:
detailed hearings in September. Because of~l
committee rules that is- all I am permitted to.%
Committee sources told the Sunday News.j
Journal that both Helms and Angleton had been,;
questioned by committee investigators but that
the issue of the memo was not raised with either:
witness. Sources say Helms told the committee-1
'he could-'not answer specific questions on the
CIA's. involvement because of "an inability to:
remember dates.'
-Helms' faulty memory on ITT's involvement
in Chile led to his sentencing last year- on two
counts of withholding information from Con-:j
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ARTI7WdkHFdLeUMRelease 2001/08/01 : C gRkjMIRFP8Qf 00 2
ON PAGE_ 2 6 August 1978
Persooabtv Paraile'.
Q. For years Allen Dulles,' former director of the
CIA, had the reputation in spy circles of being a
notorious womanizer. Was this reputation de-
served?-R. D., McLean-,Va.-
A. Dulles, even when married, demonstrated an
unflagging. interest in women.
Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000500110022-0