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December 15, 2016
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August 27, 2003
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Publication Date:
November 8, 1965
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STAT Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP89600980R000300090001-2
Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP89600980R000300090001-2
__Approved Fo*lease ,003/09/29 : CIA-RDI=.139B009.0003000900012
The 2.-.7.or..1;...-ra&le Cyraz Vaace
L'eputy .i.:ocretary of Defeaso..
I). C.
e a r
I have4.1igned and ar,r. rettarrainga propozod Ni3,0
conforms La aln,cct rcepect..s to the draft which
with John P..,rosa o 6 I has.rt:,,, rnade ortO1
changeai of ttr.:.!i1.-1.ity. For
the word "v4,111" ia used. Onrc,;:zhout. aa a replacement
"al-lair' which aipp.cared ia portioaa of tha earlier
of tha e'ocarnent.
he o11:y?chan2e of y btcc la the propo4.1a1 to
r,;..-e-mberall.i- of the ,7.7..:cutive Committee to the Tfje.ot:ty
of. Doiensc. the Dirt.l.ctor of CI Intelli,sfen.ce aaci
AL-,oiLtaat to the 1-.'reelder,,..tLrSC1071C13 Z.214 Tock?aology.
to fit the national cl-szactor of this orgarsti;tatica
..d .:,.7,.grocrz:ent with what iiev re year vie,x's or. its
to any Agency or ,Serviee-.. Accoreingly-, o propoee.
rointroetzction of the larzvaage of aa earlier (2,rai't .?vhich
7:rovie,ten that the Deteckativo Cornt-14iste.,e la cat.abli.shed to "guide
in the Lorr.n.ulatieo. e.e th R,P threllv,Fh the 0.
'TheL10 jllit with the Committe,,e but will not
votin; Ift::..c.rra>cr." It you feet etrotig,V that the 1.n.\:10.
.be actelal n.:ezzlier of the Coranlittee, I should bo glad to aiye
. .
it iurther c(naideratioa.
Tho oaly cthL cbgc which 1 zhould like to proy.',ose and
11..1.va tentatively included La the acv: a.gree.:rnont la a lacw ztenc
NRO review(s) completed.
-1 Copy No.?of
Approved For Release 2003/6-9/29 : CIA-RDP89B00$80R000301:0313001t2
_ Appri;yed
lease 200/09/29 : CIA-RDP89B009
x A
to go at the end of pa Ir. gra p h D.I.d. With the addition of
this se,ntence,. the doncludinv portion of this:paragraph
would read as.follows (new conten? d? underlined):
The ortgin.e0ng .clevalcf)tney-vt of all ethez.- sr.I3systerns, .
inCludia.cf spacecraft, rearitry vehjc1e,boz...M;ers anel
b0ot3tor ittrace s',,ib.f....vstenls shall in .r.r.m.eral
.a? tt0 to dat;..r.onerit, rc.,,:cofpuzing,
? however, tliat6L,,ensors) Spacecrs.ft and. rery
vehien.?6 are intarrra 4.:ornpe,nents Of a systcr..:4 the
?Zeveiepment of which meet proceed on a fu./ly
doordinatc.,c1 basis, with a viev., to ensuring optimuri.
sy4Aem. davo.loprnent i upport of intellize.nco
r.n.crits for overhead r.econnaisse.nce.Toe7.Air:nize the
P 14 Tn1.1 ti. Chia t C., 01 Yate ?.72 develoilms,r4t,
rent of the cill bgiven. priority
,iri::itegration within thz.,_. spacecraft and reentry-
ti..!,at specific.; guidance along those lint.,a will bt..s e.v.trarnaly
hc.,1;:..AI.1 for the purpose of enverinq smooth working relationships
in the develog,rnent anc.1 integrz:tion of the ever-ail payload.It :
this a.greerrient meetts with your apr,,,reval, I $2gge.
that e r.ccet at an early date to diZCV.83 Any questions relating
to its r.--?.4entation. John Bro,ss advises rhe that you agree
that we should give early L.,ttention to the problem of .c.,:hether or?
not to f;o ahead. with I
'We also should meat promptly to decide on a plan
for the orderly administration of the various contracts relating to
the wth syatem in the light of the radornrnendatians
of the Landrancjreport
I: firmly believe that this .s.-gracment will act the stage
for .11ieus and offetiva dollaboratieiy.or the future in the
Nati( :....111?Z.ccannaissance Program. Theirr.q.....ortance of this prOgrarn
Approved For Release 2003/0942% :ZIA-RDP89B009
? Ask
20.d.W99/Z9 PIA-RDP89000111099300090001-2
? 1,...-Qc;
to Vac natianal secrzrity cast b e.:4.-af2,1.z.?,..ite& and you have
rry....1;.-;::;:zranco that I vll ta. cj ion to sea that
all 1-..1ne./ un.z.."ier rny coc.N.1 who are ccr,corriod .zith this
tbe future it the full an urt.qua.qf.ied
I arn confidt-at ti.lat if a Uii cooperative .sttitudt.,..,
can be developed and ca the part of. all cori7.1zonents
ant iaLaszeoiated with tbe ri-rerzrasn, it will have the
e.,...tccesees v.:1-4ich its ir.nr;ortanc=c.., tiesc:rvos.
Sincerely. .
JABROSS:ag, (11/8/65)
1 & Z Addressee
3 - DCI
5 -
6 - DD/Stler
7 - NIPE
Approved For Release 2003/09/293: CIA-RDP8960098
_ _ApPrOV_egi.EPOlease 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP891009111000300090001-2 '
c. 111111,-.13
The National Reconnaic-sa7..:-.:e Program
. The NI? ic a sisle progan r..ational in character, to
-,,lect the i...:-.telligence needs of the Covernr.ent ander a strenE,1 national
ahip for the development, rnatlagernont, control and operation
Dr all proiects, both current and long rancro for the colle.c.:titva of
anc3 ofr.rlarnir, 4 geodetic information. obtained through
" ?Z;
(ezcludir;t3 peripheral reconnaissance operations). The .
?otc..-AL:lizis::-., of U.S. technology and al/ operational resources and
ciUtiezaw.st be aggressively and ir.-...ag,tnatively exploited to develop
and operate Lyeteras for the collection of intelligence which are fully
responsive to the Government's iateiligence needs and objectives.
2. The National Reconnaissance Program shall be responsive
c:irectly t..,r.s.d solely to the intelligence collection roquirernents and 5 13
ioritle. established by the United States 1.'?.telligence Board.
I C.P1-4(
-ever a go of both satellite and manned aircraft missions osier denied
Targeting recuire.rnents and priorities and dc::,irod frequency of, \
. .
Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP89B00980R000300090001-2
Approved FoilPlease 20913/09/29 : CIA-RDP89B00911000300090001-2 '
areas shall continue to be the responsibility of USE, subject -
to the operation;a1 approval of the, 303 C,..--Ornxr.dtte
. The Secretary of Defense
. rectablish the N0 as a separate agency of the DeD
will have the ultirnate responsibility for the inanage=ent and operation
of the 1,71=t0 and the NRP;
2. Choose a Director of tho Nrto who will report to hire:.
and be reopens:lye to his instructions;
3. Concur in the choice of the Deputy Director of the NRO
A.7ho will report to the Drzno and he res-,onsive to his instractiens;
? 4. Review arid Lave the final power to approve the NRP
S. .it with members of the Executive Corntnitteo. when
necessary. to reach decisions on issues on which cornr,nittee agreement
could not be reached.
C. The Director of Central Intelligence will:
1. Establish the collection nriorities and reizuirernonts for
the targier of NRP ape:at:Ions and the establishment of their frequency
? .
OZ COVC:.'"ZZ1770;
- 2
Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP89B0098
Approved Fo
lease 20(3/09/29 : CIA-RDP89B009.000300090001-2
Z. Review the results obtained by the I\TRP and recommend,.
if appropriate, stops for improving such results;
3. Sit 2.3 a nember of the F.:xee.ut;ve. Committee;
4. ?
Review and approve the INMP budget each year;
rovide security policy guidance to maintain a unifor.na
system in the whole DIRP aea
National Reconnaissance Pro?qrarc Sx.ecutivf.: Con-zmittee
1. An NRP Executive. Committee, consisting of the Deputy
Secretary of Defense., the Director of Central L-itelligence. and the
ecial Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, is.
hereby established to guide and participate in the forrnniation of the.
Nal) through the DNRO. (The DN.RO will it with the nxecutive ?
Committee but will not be a voting xneraber.) If the Executive
Comn-:ittce can not agree on an issue the Secretary of Defense
will be requested to sit with the Committee in discus-sing this issue
and will arrive at a decision. The 1\711P raccutive Committee will:
a. Recommend to the Secretary of Defense an approprJate
level of effort for the NRP in response to reconnaissance
requirements provided by Ur..113 and in the light of technical
cspabilities and fiscal. limitation.
Approved For Release 2008'.09/29-:?41A-RDP89B0098.0R000300090001-2
5X .A
?Appr_oved_FoliPlease 2004:3/09/29 : tIA-RDP89B00910000300090001-2 '
b. Approve or r.noeiy the consolidated National ? ?//,
;Reconnaissance Program and its budget.
c. Aporove the allocation or responsibility and the
cort.espondinz funds for research and exploratory develop...N.,
=cat for new systems. :Funds shall be adequate to ensure
that a vigorous rereareh and e:uploratory development effort
is achieved and n-:?.alt:ttained by the Departznent ofnefense and
Cz.A to design and construct now c:.ensors to meet intelligence
requirements aimed at the acquisition of intelligence data.
This effort, shall be carried out by both CZA an.d_ro.D.
d. Approve the allocation of deVelopment responsibilities
and the corresponding .F.tine.s for specific reconnaissance
prozrar:Ls with a view to ensuring that the development, testing
and production of new systems is accon-.plislied -with rnaxixnurn
efficiency by the component of the Gove.rament best equipped
with facilities,. ec? and technical comPotonce to under-
taske the assig:aly.out. it win also establish guidelines for
collaboration between departments and for mutual support
where appropriate.. Assignment of responsibility for engineerIn3-
(.14.,;velopnient of sensor eu.bsysterns will be 1.152.de to either
. -
Approved For Release 2003/09/2*:Z1A-RDP89B00980
25X1 A
Approved Fo
lease 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP89B009.000300090001-2
the CIA or LoD convoltente ack_orclance 'with the above
criteria. The.eii devt..lepasent of all otraer
including spacraft ..:,-ect:Itry vchic1:-.,...s, boosters and bester
.._. .
r ,
interlace oubayzten-is 11;41 in. i7eneralibe assig.nocl to an Air
. .....?
Force component. 'reef:- 2:-..-g: however. that: eenzer$.
arceeraft and reentry:ehicles -are integral con.-.17.1.enents of --
a sy6tem the developrzit3.^...t of vrIlich, must proceed on a fa3iy
coordinated baS1s. with a view to ensu.ring optimum 1,;ystern ?
I?c,-?In.eut in support of intellige:ace req roe for
overhead reconnaice To ottia-lze the prary oo..jeetive
of r..7ster.,...tz clevoloprriozt dipi roquirerreut of the re:If...ors
will b;) ri.iver, priority in theiriutegrc.-tiors within the 8pacecraft
z...m..4 rceutry vehicles.
. Assin operational :responsibility for various
of n.-4anned overfli2;ht rrAztAous to CL-11. or I.)ot-? subject
oncurrence of tIle 303 C:-.1 4?,-iittee.
f. Periodically review the esseutia.l. feature* of the
L:.-,ajer program el41-1,t:3 of the N.1.1.P.
. The Executive Couzr.aittoe :;112./.1 meet ea the cz2.II of either
/the 3:-.2?:;.?,,Ity ,'7,ecret.s,vey of Defeuse or the Di-...-t.%ctor of Coutrzil Lltellic,e4ice.
All t:?:-..e.:...inge will be attended by ti:te DM.;:..0 and 4:-.a.ch staff adVitiOrS as.
the 1,:eputy Z.3ecrotary of Defense or the Director of '',.-1 ''' "IlezerIce 25X1 A I
Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP89600980
w? .
Approved Fogiblease 200,3/09/29 : cIA-RDP891110098A1000300090001-2
f ' - ? ? '-'7I,E3,0
? ? ,
? consider. desirable.
f-T-,t;enal Reconnaissance Office
I. To implorneut the 2'.:,1171,P, the Secretary of De.fense
stabli?Jh the NQa1, a ael?ar.ateati.1.._ai?j?,*.T.7-1,1.).
o7.:ttall include th OC which chz,.11 be jointly =armed.
The Iirector of the 1\111.0 shall be e.ppOint ed by the Secretary
Tly, Director NPO v:?1.11;
a. Subject to direction and central of the Secretary of
p01) eft /II
1::cfenzle ad the guidance of the Executive Committee as liet
forth in Section D above, have the responsibility for managing,
the IC and el:ecuting the NP.
b. :':ubject to review by the Sawecutive Cornr:zitteo, and the
,..)rovisions of Section D abor,,e, have authority to faitiatc., approve,
)znoeify, redirect or terr:.:1::::?,,,te all research and developrrtent
prograrns in the NMP. E-re, through appr.opricte recor.9. ,
i 1--, 6,,,,\ reendatons o the Executive Con:InAtte th
i t-? for e assistarnent of
ir '
beivr"v-a ,,,,, . .
1 A,c,. 121-D 1,---cil
-research and development responsibilitio and the allocation of
funds, that the full potentialities of agencies of.tha Cleverament
concerned with reconnaissance are realized for the inve.ntion.:._.
Approved For Release 2003/09/29 -:"C4A2RDP89B009
Approved Fo
lease 200?/09/29 : CIA-RDP89111009 00300090001-2
irnprotremant and dvv....lonmeat of reco-Inzlisr-Jance syst-e.ms
to r,-eet 7.35/3 requirements.
C. Have authority to .require that he be lt-er.,t fully and ?
com-pletely informed by all Agencies and Departmeata of theN
Covernment of ail prograrao and activities undertaken. as part
of thed. Nan.
Maintain and provide to the members of the7.2-',recutive
6.C/7/41f 2/ Committee records of tb.o status .of all projects,
f'2 prc:Igran-43
71'4P?and activities of the l'.17:?ZP tho research, development,
ita I)/ production. and/or operatiel.lal phases.
C. Prepare a comprehensive bueget for all aspects of
f t
the National Reconnaissance Prozt,rarn. ?
f. Zatabliz-h a. fiSsa.1 contr.ol a:1;:i accounting procedure to ?
ensure that all funkls -e;a,pentler.1 in support of the National RCCon-
ri,a..issav.ce Prograta are fully accounted for arid approp. riately'
utilized by the azoncies concerned. Li particular, the but
shall show separately VI-loc.:0 funds to be applied to v.,...c.carch and
exploratory desiza-..icvelopment, systerna development, procure-
merit, and operational activitic Funds ezzparided or cblk;ated
- 7 -
Approved For Release 20,03t09/_29,::c1A-RDP8980098
Approved Foelease 20 3/09/29 : CIA-RDP89p009 000300090001-2
uncler the authority of the r;i..=.?ecter of Central Inte1li3ence
urlder Public Law 110 sha.,11 be adrnit-Idstered and accounted for
by CIA and will be reported to DNno iiaccordance v.ith agrc....cd
upon procedures. ?
c. Sit with the 13!.7.1.11 for the raatters affecting the NIU?. ?
3. The Deputy Director I\..M.0 shall be appointed by the r.:3ci v.rith.
con c:Irrence of the Deputy Secretary of Defense and shall serve full
a in a line position directly under the Director ls:117.0. The De-outy
:A:rectos,' er:LII act. for and ei,zerciee the pev:rers of the Director, NRO ?
during his abse.nce or. disability.
The NEO shall be jointly staffed in such a fashion as to
reflect the beet talent appropriately available from the. CIA, the three ?
inilitary departments and other Governrcent agencies.v The NRO staff :
report to the DNRO and 1D:DNI-10 and will rr;aL-ztain n.o allegiance to
the, oniginating agency or Departrnent.:,
Initial Allocation of Prograrn. Re.sponoibilities :?
I. Responsibility for exiatind programs of the 11RP shall be
? allocated aa indicated in Annex..A attached hereto*: ?
outy ecretary of 1.)e.fon5e
[(signed). W. F. Eaborn
1,r:tree...or of Central Litealf.ranec:
- --
Approved For Release 20031'09/
Approved Fo lease 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP8913009 00300090001-2
. '
. . ?
The f.ol.los.ving as s-ignments for the dc.-Ivelopment of now
optic.al sensc.:r sub 311.Storat; are to tal:e full advontae of
tcical capL,..bility and experience of the azencies involved.
1. The CIA will develep the. improvements ia the CO:a0NAX.,
general search optical sensor subsystems.
The i'''Irestc:Ir, NO will, inna.-7..y.u.....2ing the correonclin over-
all z.ysterns developments, ensure that:
I. The rnanacer4-:ent of r..1-3d cvntracting for the sensors is
arre..-Iged co that the doci,Yzt and engineering cz.s.r.abilities in the various
ce..-,..nracters are most efficiently utilized.
2. The sensor packages and other subsystems are intef-;:...-,tec..1
in. an over-all system er.zinering design for each system, V) it 7.1, N.13.0
having responsibility Ler integration of each over-ali system.
civc _
Approved For Release 200/09129-. CIA-ROP891500980 000300090001-2
Approved/For Release-20,03/0q129.-7c1A-RDP89B9MOR000300090001-2
ot fol-th
and dil-:ctioa of tile ''.1tional
A. of t11-13
a joint (:n.t.lOavor c:L.2? of DoDiic7,7!
,c.2 U.S. tec!ancla.--.!
fc,r colloction
rc 2ully zo0.17:nirio to L-1.t,?-21?L,-;4;12,,:::
! t1devcio.;_at
u0e to m...1de o2
facilities and tec-....7..s1
cezponatz of tlao
C. hita7-g,attl.f5. cf
11.1.rczaZt :2c?corJ,.aiET;anco
rc07)::YL:oilty DC7 L3.1
-t-LJ Unitcd Znztc3 I: oil
le ? A n o rz. E...t 3_ on al '
particulavly i.z tho fie1A.1
eration0 ?a,nd vi
(1) rxclvide a clezn?ly ostab1i..2hcc: do/incation o2 the
v.oloza and roo,,Ionzibilitie-;F: ok col'ar=n=ts of t'n,e
CoTz-r=ent enzaged in thc.se activiticy and (2)
en_sure effective coordination of thcse activitiez
under coatraiizod plicy guidance laud control.
?4. Po 411
. Approved For Release 2003/09/29 CIA7RDP89B00980R000300090001-Z.
Appromad For Release 2003/09/29: CIA-RDP89B
? ?
' A ?rs? ?-?????? ????????
?? ?
z t...4..1.4;;..1
Sot forth belov C
? ..-7-termine
of the 17:.:ttional
nntion.al -
endea:vor on VI:Lc! of Do
- f.--otentir_l 4 tie- o S:i7ifeehnO10:;.:7
? . ???????????
--toras for the collection.?,Ac,94:4ntol.t.1.--v,:::ize
, 1, to 1114,
J.y 4 .
0%.leetiVr-42. In the developtzel
to 712:1ae of ,..:ae...P,z',D.-.?Tpe
,-xcess :taci.i.a.? Lies aaad t.echnzca oLtr.lete,71,,,r..."--- I' 7
_ ?
, {4;4, ? ?
tOniriatel.Cponents ..ef ? the
".?? -
. .
Scheduli.A.s- cnd tarts;ett
3 ac-aPt
? ?,
az should be the rpij
iaUnjted Ztotes Intel/leverce,
, -
D. A new organizational" .....-. -"...., 12 re.c....,--.1...-ec.:.,?
h " -k. ?
V.*?-:=.' c pari,:tcularly in the tiel%.i,8;ora.-,satellit.e roeo
. .ais.sznce operations }.-.,nd systes:::40?VticrPrriont., ,w,ii
(3.).4::provide a clear.ly establishe,drdSliliation'---of :,,
roi93s, and. responsibilities of,--to*,04n4iits,,:of-?the,:i,-::"..
ent.,,aged in these actit1ei,'vand.'(2)^:1: -4
'-z- ensure effective coordination of the activities--
under centralized policy .guidancand,control.'?,
? .';`,"?":i
? ?
. .
? ? ?.'
7 ?
Approve or Release 2003/09/29q4,RDP89Bal?80R000300090001-2
- W
t" -.I ?4+?. ?er
Zocotry of ::::fence ait Dil'oetor of Ccutraa Imtel1i2;enco.?
vi21 bo o-tablichod to formulate,ufo,and rec;?ulate the
to Z7:r'autive Cedittee
L;:-:anineth3.voconnaio -_;v117?o-t7,
7;-ovicled by UI:-D oa-;--
bf_1:_tior., co as to es:.;aW.ic'.2ote Ic.,vel 02
o2fort fo.-qthe '. this -olo it 1-rFe1y
on eo:::t eztimates
ared by the 77a,.-;,:i.
-Cue :a Or.anizationv:Loy!s ,dith
knc,..;ledrfo of cost facte-'"-.
aud 4ta budet as .I:o:LarQat.: 74-
Acting t.la.E'cull rtileouto
ty au0 tT-=, 1?,rz-d?-, to r7A ard/or
DCD fo7- rerearch and p-eliminary denia stuc]ie for
4. Allocate develoment rocrionsibilities and
the col?ecronding funds lsor sneoi-Nc voconnf'Acc,ance
proralaz to a7,0 or CIA, and.ectblisli guidelines for
mutual sun-ort vhcre pprorate. It shal7 be free
to use technical advizory groups az mezeosary.
5. ,Assign opc!rational responsibilities to
either 1-= or CIA for various types oZ mauned,over-
flight missions, subject to the concurronce,
appropriate, of- the 303 Comnittco.
6. Review periodically the oczential foaturos
of tho major program elents of the
Approved For Releaste4093/WFficiA-RDP89B00980R000300090001-2
Approved/0 Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP8941130R000300090001-2
11.4 ?
:co t!La nc.o,aissanca
? ho n*Z.1.-:d t..L,! 72ccl y of tt:1 thby i c
c7.in.!.!_:17:ca of the Dic..:ctor of
1.)/1 (.1evetc-,Li n.ctiviticr; the
1:n2 htwo azo
7)::.-3vik; a :.;ingo..;c:vint of i:t.ttlion
anc2 to t113 Celttc,e for
the r,:zoti.),-, 0-? thc hc
01 t nc &::o2ctary of
rzo may T7u .--rr;tabh ruit1)7e
k.vhfi.11 do 1-11: t(;
will scf.w.., for a ard v1)1 ba ctoen
alternately :Iron CIA arii 11-20.
i*oco2n.altatico tc..tiv;tir--s in CIA an:2 D3.).
3.? space
????4L; 4?4.14
atld reccvciv
4. ncvicw '';.-).'.:40,t I).L'ocL-1:a1:3 subnittcd by
-.nnt.'i)v-v?i-Lte. elc11,-.,=tcl o-1 C'FA z.7.3.d DoD nnd -*.T:oal...?.
4....,..,?... ? ..6,,,, ,.c. _
avd stlbnit a co.: iatcd IDTat fo.v. examintion
and approval by the Ezc,ctivo Coittec.
fioz2 of fua,ds fron the 1:n?
a:,p1-ori=tior,17; to CIA ,,,1 DoD
each fica1 voar.
ilAzd*Inr2;ro 1ie o .o=cos will
u=ca for s:l.f.piczel?..1 prora= ;,-1).1oved by 1;-:CoLl.
Doal ,xitt the(7);:.?crat&nc; hcad oi tto C7A
or hic, 1:241.1atod aitto on. ail :....;t01.1-3 of !:)olicy,
coQrz:illatlent or suicince. Lc will not cci
cozzzand control ovc3r ite O CIA e-r
its personnel, 110W0V21', tv's
11.-easuro c cooi-:cration Locd the D/17:.
e .
the n1D.
Sit vith tte USIB for the nattors affectlr
Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP89600980R000300090001-2
.e -5
ITh r
Approved(Fyielease 2003109/29CrA=RDP89B00
the to the ey"t-,-t
e of
'?o sired by
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fo- -verhead reconnai'ssaa Laicsion.s.
A.AA .A./
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insue -nat t're neconnaissarP.o Ofc
10 truly a national entty, it vil7 ba i nbalanced
vay by ro7-sonnal DCE) and CIA. An alr)rorite 7)7au
to rotate DCD and CIA rerscanel into Lay tesitions of t'ic
1:1D vill ba develoed and approved by the 7;;Co=,.. (Attached
is chart showinE; hey senior positions of :7:17.)
T 7
Nor -L..
A. r.272=c7.71 ?In 1=11=7 g=271:7:
1. r.cis,-,a-,"h on recoanissance techno1oc73T aad
der-!ir-n of ic y tctz vill be encoura2;ed and
superted in bon CEI, a DCD. Et will be su*noT'ted TV a
luran 2Uni a7location itcvs to each :7-oup at
a level Co be ctablisl!ed by the If::ecutivo Comraittee. It
A"-? ????? A thoir
ay. eo...27 " ?'? fot? " ? ? A" A" A.!,""
the fxrible cutting eds::.'e of the
2. A prescribed amount of these
be allocated for surIT_Irt of basic research on reconnaissamco
technoloy to stimulpte and ass=e the futl:re visor of this
fie1d Teo D--11i11 o hr-at ini'ard of all activities
and C.-ve/oionts in this can=ction ,'or -no 7:11"''C=0 of ensu-,'in-,
armroriate coordination and prev.renting unvittinn. d:!.2lication
veil az enceuractin:; joint en-)loitation of nevi techniques.
n:climinary desia and small tectnical feasibility
darf.onstrations of nevi reconnassace systems v'l also be
funded from this innovation resource. Such vier.: can gr.= out
of recluircr2ents eric;inatin'zVth'USHB, the 23::Com or the DM
for improvements in t?Jnisting ca.eabilities, or can result from
snontancous initiative in the CIA and !)OD participating
elements. noweve.,', it io 4r12ortant that th-h D 2114 :v:Cora
receive each raonth a comrrehonsive report on the initiation,
status, or conclusion of such efforts. In this vay,
competitive study efforts i1i be recognik.c,211 an-7=2oved or
discouraood, and synchronized for later decision Lotions.
Approved For Release 2003/72P orxRUPEIB00980R000300090001-2
Approvedllelease 2003/99M :
B. 42.2=1---,
ozec to to zatislactin of thc .. it
i-nclue_ed 5 a of 1J:P. At n:12 potht, it
nocc0=-2y uXr..gfen line iter:s in
\ no budet vr.tth t'(te
luncs vouldtii to C7A ar(Vor Dor), as
\ recc=en4.-led by .0/1.:17:, to
D/iiwould be roonsible for r o:ciLg the
\alloaation of func::::: to el.er CIA or Doi) 2..7.bject to
,aproval of Co7';.:7.;-71 for scifc developcntal
2. The Cif? ????? '
develornt respol2sibility aor ne7:: zrytc2n %Till be.
1-enonsib1e for seloctin 2.71d caable
contractors; for tablibi. suchsyterzs cr.ginceri
por they &:= no:7c2n,:;,-T;
rcT.3ozts oa pro gr= prorcs to the Diraad ExCon
and a.z:17..erally er tlac .c.;,,,icec,s of the prolm.
Satellite reconif7,:2ance ey2;t=s aro
charactcred y1.:iy the payloa (cancras,
???? ?,,,rt -7 ?-;`. dataovey ?tec) as cell a: by
Tb4-!, interZactaz:tvicen the aun
syz3t= and the payload is ccal :Laportanee
and piaii?r aozpatible ellecout and iaur,cla
iacilitics, boosters, tractiDg land 1%.'"COVC:4:ymust
proceed vith the Daylo:-:d develop-ent. The DAM :ill
be responsible for the 2tleCOSZ of this iaterfaco.
C. sm7,777.1112 iT71-.nnTIoNAL
L. Uhen tile/ steUtc payload has becn
cuccootully devclopc1:2, it bccos a rif.',rt of the
opera:-,lortzll assets of the :LIP. .7-11.-.) payloads, tozether
with riate boosters, launcher and trackin
stations, rerosent the IMP capability to obtain
orbital -ohoto'fraphy and other intelliszcnce info=ation,
and accordinly represent part of an orderly prora...-
to acquire tel in response to U223 requirc-
r.cnts, target lists and priorities. The D/12 it,tizt
play the ceatral rob c ia planninfs this f-roram. It
Approved For Release 2003,719/29 :(7.t =Rpp89B00980R000300090001-2
ApprovedrFirlease 2003/6124 : CiA2RDP8bB00.000300090001-2
te2ts. vt r,3f%n ..y.7.)afcient
to rcs-,-;eC, to sitIons
te cerresi7 It
a vidual
1-ust -iast c
2. T;le 7,.zte3I4te Centero
is rec-o:iniLL-.d
1.)e no of C:A un,c:c5.7
coordination of tho D/Y2.
1=71) r%Tr:',737T-ECF:71 0?:=TC7
1. Covert f::;'7d c,vrflihts of arazi
9,oe the 0.i' the 7z...teIlenc;e
Af..f,ency. Those in no
"lir Operations Cal.te:c' of C.711 isz resr;onse tc US':D
tal-c:et c,7)1)02.-4) rnquirnou, the nAprov.al cZ
ne 203 Colittee. DA= be T.,:et
infcedsuch -----------r;lnnf,:. qz
c3*notrints estblizI by tile. 303 gzo',17, those
e=cutU by CIA in tho 1it of
a1 te'vTninal nezot,ntons tol*
use and ,cle-Zonziive; tactics noossary for 0-1-cratici:.:a
rvivi Electromanetio ci,y;2intosures
tlovelor,ed b.y. the. nop will not Ipe.used in such
cl3inrations vlitbelat the JCS
atld DeD to Drevent anv/ittin cemz,rolso of sensitive
v;:r plannins% Spocial 17.:rpeso oc-;ni7;cmt develced
by C'iA this oporatien vi71 not so rc,?1-ricted.
The DeD will continue to support such operati'ons
vrith airlifts, tan%ers, and base equipnent in
accozNlar,ce with the basic 1"-.2 and ONCAnT a;:l'reements.
2. Overt nanned overfl121tts of denied torritoy
or evert mi23ions ven, rQiy torito-,7 tI741
be the ribiiity c-Z Don. The Joint
Rocennaissance Ccater o2 the JC.; vill plan the ?
:aissionn; in reponso to USn and/or field cela3Lyan
tarot rocuireraents. Jac %rill be responsible for
Approved For Release 200.F9.9gicgyk-R9989B00980R000300090001-2
, -
Approved Firlease 2003/09/VC,i2lAtRpea981)09.000300090001-2
0:70c.-.1t1:1z. =12 7 ?7",
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A to
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Iho ctio la-cozT6lo=nof c
Ti acivo.,2t o-
vill to tho coulta.
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