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Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-R0P86-00024R000100090007-4 STAT AUTHOR/ORIGINATING AGENCY AND POST PURCHASE. ORDER NO. RETENTION' PURCHASE.APPROVAL_' AUTHORIZED HY COST CENTER - - ' Approved For. Release 2002/05/09 CIA-F DP86-00024R000100090007-4 Approved For ease 2002/05/09 : ,CIA-RDP86-000241000900 Logan M. Cheek STAT Cost effectiveness comes to the personnel function Introducing systematic project evaluation in the personnel department is one company's answer to the productivity problem Foreword The combined impact of the recent economic reces- sion and increased worker alienation has intensified top executives' efforts to bolster manpower produc- tivity. In most organizations where manpower is the largest cost element, productivity increases resulting from more effective and relevant personnel action pro- grams can have significant impact on revenue and profits. Yet the personnel department, while most di- rectly involved with such efforts, is too often stymied in undertaking them, either because of inadequate staff, inability to channel its resources toward the most desirable undertakings, or inability to gain top managerne- commitment. As a result, argues this author, key profit opportunities are lost. Capitalizing on such opportunities, he maintains, requires that decision makers continually answer this important question: "How can we best allocate our scarce re- sources toward the most cost-effective undertakings?" The Xerox Corporation has developed an approach Business and government leaders are increas- ingly concerned over what has come to be called the "productivity crisis." A host of economic ills are ascribed to it-squeezed profit margins, mod- erating revenue growth, inflation, economic slug- gishness, and the evaporation of the U.S. bal- ance-of-trade surplus. Moreover, some disturb- ing figures underscore this concern: that permits management to objectively resolve this issue and, in so doing, to weed out marginal efforts while concentrating on those that are necessary or desirable. The technique, first successfully utilized in late 1971 in developing the company's long-range manpower strategy, was subsequently used to develi'; operating budgets for selected personnel units through- out the organization. Mr. Cheek is currently Manager, Plans, Control and Analysis, for Xerox's Information Systems Grout in Rochester, New York. He is responsible for his organization's budget and long-range plans. In addition he is a Director of Cositronics Industries and Chair- man of the Finance Committee of Adamson Invet.t' ments. He was formerly associated with McKinsey Company, Inc., and consulted with several large multi- national companies, in both the Uni,ed States ana Europe, primarily on the design and im )lementation of planning and control systems. 0 After averaging gains of 3 41 a year between 1950 and 1965, the U.S. productivity growth rate dropped to a 2.1Y% annual average between 19(': and 1970. Had the latter rate prevailed during the entire postwar period, the improvement i.: U.S. living standards would have been reduced by 30Jo. 0 While the 1971 productivity rate jumper! Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024R000100090007-4 sha mei of l of l tell intr red+ Aw pro( lead quc and pow bilD tea, C opi I wit] Yet, mer. ity i gin. lack nel C Cilia as c ping ber may are ing be Strct~ is a l than. El Cncr Creak sopl -csca rccr h that has Plc., then lb1c, operr exan; and Approved For F'ase 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024 Cost effectiveness for personnel sharply by about 4%, this recovery-year improve- ment compares unfavorably with the 4.5% gain of 1955 and the 4.7% gain of 1962. 0 For the long term, a well-publicized Bureau of Labor Statistics estimate forecasts a net po- tential decline of 0.2/o in the rate. Translated into dollars, this could represent a $12o billion reduction of economic output in the 1970's. Aware of the need for a substantial increase in productivity growth rates, business and labor leaders have been turning with increasing fre- quency to such techniques as job enrichment and redesign, group incentive pay plans, man- pnwer planning for adjustment and upward mo- bility, and joint, labor-management productivity teams at the plant level. Clearly, the primary responsibility for devel- oping such manpower-related programs falls within the charter of the personnel department. Yet, while many techniques are being imple- mented, the overall effort to improve productiv- ity in most companies appears to be only mar- ginally successful. More often than not, this lack of success can be attributed to the person- nel department itself, for these reasons: ^ In a given year, a number of proposals emanate from such varied personnel functions as employment, compensation, training, plan- ning, and systems. At the same time, any num- ber of outside consultants' recommendations may have to be evaluated. Unless these proposals are rigorously scrutinized, many programs hav- ing only a marginal impact on productivity may be selected. As a result, the staff becomes stretched, profits suffer, and the long-term effect is a_personnel function focused on activity rather than results. ^ Because of the impact of behavioral sci- ence, personnel departments have moved in- creasingly in recent years into such complex and sophisticated areas as job enrichment, selection research, assessment centers, and executive ca- reer planning and development. Consequently, the problem of managing the personnel function has been compounded. Indeed, one might say that the sophistication of personnel programs has increased arithmetically, while the com- plexity of choosing the best ones and managing them has increased geometrically. ^ While all personnel costs are direct and vis- ible, most benefits derived from their effective operation are indirect and often intangible. For example, the linkage between improved profits and the costs of undertaking a comprehensive clerical job enrichment effort is elusive at best. Because of this difficulty, personnel is one of the last-areas to be augmented in an economic up- swing and one of the first to be trimmed in hard times. (Such management actions are particular- ly shortsighted. The manpower element con- stitutes between 40% and 70% of the total costs in most businesses. Yet personnel staff costs usually range between i% and 2% of the pay- roll. The leverage implied suggests that produc- J% ity increases resulting from more effective and relevant personnel action programs can signif- icantly impact on revenue and profits.) Because of these and other problems, there is a clear need for personnel departments to develop the kinds of program-management techniques that will allow them to meet the productivity crisis in a direct and systematic manner. From a bewildering array of alternatives, they must be able to select the programs that will improve productivity and profits; then they must be able to continuously allocate staff resources only to those programs. The purpose of this article is to describe a framework which top operating and personnel executives can use to channel the resources of the personnel function to the most worth- while undertakings. This framework, first im- plemented at Xerox in 1971 as part of a long- range manpower planning strategy, is currently being used to develop operating budget proposals for selected personnel units throughout the com- pany. Here are the key procedural steps that I shall discuss: 1. Define and describe each personnel program -whether proposed or ongoing-in a discrete package. 2. Separate for special treatment those pro- grams that are legally required. 3. Evaluate all programs on the basis of these factors: (a) "state of the art," (b) ease of imple- mentation, (c) net economic benefits, (d) eco- nomic risks of not acting. 4. Rank all programs, and allocate and deploy staff resources accordingly. Developing a framework Our efforts to systematically evaluate and rank personnel programs began as a follow-up to a recent long-range planning cycle. The president of our business products group asked us to review our manpower requirements and to indicate Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024R000100090007-4 Harvard Business Review : May 1973 Approved For ase 2002/05/09: CIA-RDP86-00024100090007-4 what programs were underway or were needed to ensure achievement of the plan. To accom- plish this objective, we had to: O Review our group's present and projected revenue and profit economics. O Identify and understand the ways that ma- jor groups of employees (managers, scientists, salesmen, servicemen, clericals, and hourlies) af- fected our economic situation. O Specify action programs that could increase productivity or help avoid major manpower risks and unnecessary costs. While a discussion of how we conducted the diagnosis is beyond the scope of this article, I should note that over r2o possible program op- portunities were identified. Many were already underway, some were on the drawing boards, and a few were entirely new opportunities. Given the constraints of our budget, however, it was clear that all programs could not be under- taken. Some sort of resource-allocation tech- nique was necessary, one that would permit us to systematically sort out all the proposals as well as manage and control the implementation of the more desirable ones. There is nothing fundamentally new about the four-part approach we developed.' For years, bankers have used systematic screening stan- dards to evaluate credit worthiness. More recent- ly, managers in virtually every business function other than personnel have used decision frame- works or models to assist them in selecting al- ternate investment or project opportunities. Usually, these techniques are quantitative; sometimes they are subjective. But in either case, they sh.r ' ' a systems approach. The idea, then, was to apply the systems ap- proach and program management concepts 'to our personnel operations. Let us now turn to an examin-ti of the key steps in Xerox's program management framework. 1. Define and describe The first step is for each staff specialist respon- sible for a particular program to describe 1* efforts-whether ongoing or proposed-in dis- crete packages. He specifies the program's objec- tives, target population, implementation sched- ule, and any other considerations that might im- pact on the program's success. (Exhibit I shows a condensed form of the basic document used 1. See, for example, George R. Glaser, "Are You Working on the Right Problem?" Datamation, June 1967, p. 22. in our evaluation process for all programs. It contains data on a job'enrichm.ent effort, a pro- gram that I will refer to throughout this article to illustrate our approach.) . The personnel program manager, who is re- sponsible for coordinating the entire depart- mental effort, assists the staff specialist. The two work as a team, so that each individual's capabil- ities complement the other's. For example: V On the one hand, the staff specialist (in the case of Exhibit I, a job enrichment specialist) is the most knowledgeable about the program's objectives and technical aspects, the behavior- al subtleties of the target population, and the scheduling problems that might inhibit timely implementation. o On the other hand, the personnel program manager can provide details on manpower levels, salaries, productivity, absenteeism and turnover rates, and spans of control, as well as the costs and profit economics implied by each. 2. Identify legal requirements Many of the resources of a personnel staff must be allocated to programs required by law. Most manpower legislation and regulations have been enacted in the past decade in such areas as pen- sion plans, minority hiring, labor relations, and wage controls. Moreover, such legal require- ments will probably increase in future years, particularly among larger organizations, as the traditional economic role of business is enlarged to include a social one. Obviously, the job enrichment program de- tailed in Exhibit I is not a statutory necessity. But other programs-in areas such as labor rela- tions, minority relations and reporting, and pay- roll-clearly are legal requirements. Moreover, such programs rarely have any net economic benefit to a company; their benefits are usually intangible in nature. Yet the potential legal ex- posure and the consequent impact on the com- pany image dictate a need for special treatment.. Accordingly, legally required efforts are harul1 d separately from all other proposals and assigned the highest priority. Here are just a few illus- trations from the spectrum of manpower regu- lation: O Reporting programs to maintain records of hours, earnings, overtime, union dues collected, and the financial health of existing or proposed pension plans. O Affirmative action plans to hire and up- grade the skills of minority groups and women. Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024R000100090007-4 Approved For Wase 2002/05/09: CIA-RDP86-00024100090007-4 Cost effectiveness for personnel Exhibit I. Program evaluation form 4. Define and describe the program. 2. Identify and segregate legally required efforts. 3, Evaluate feasibility: (a) State-of-the-art implications. (b) Ease of` ir.iplementation. c) Net economic benefits... PROGRAM NAME: Service Force Job Enrichment Program Program No. 16 DESCRIPTION (objectives, target population, implementation schedule): To extend the job enrichment program for the service force -- as piloted in Spring Falls, Avon Hills, and Maplewood branches -- to all branches between 1972 and 1976. Is program legally requi red?. Yes No Low STATE OF THE ART High ^ Medium El EASE OF IMPLEMENTATION El High E] Medium a Low ECONOMIC BENEFITS High Medium G Low F Potential Probability Probable revenue of gross benefit Identifiable benefits: impact occurrence ,-,st) Reduction in service force turnover of 1 point. $ 450,000 .2 $ 90,000 Extension of 1.2 point re- duction in absenteeism, as dem- onstrated in pilot project. $ 2,132,500 .8 $ J.,1O6,000 Extension of 5% increase in service force productivity, as demonstrated in initial efforts. $85,500,000 .1 $ 8,550,000 Total benefits $88,082,500 .12 $10,346,000 Tangible costs to Xerox of acting: Group personnel staff time to develop program, and line man- agement time to implement program in all branches. ($ 472,950) .9 $ 425,655 Total costs ($ 472,950) .9 $ 425,655 Probable net benefits (cost) $ 9,920,345 Intangible benefits Increased morale in service force, with improved customer service and satisfaction. "Contagious effect" of job enrichment to other groups, e.g., sales and clericals. Improved service manager development with concurrent sharpening of tneir motivational skills. As an extreme example, one manager at Avon Hills increased his team's productivity 70%. ECONOMIC RISKS High a Medium F] Low Possible consequences of not acting: Continued escalation of service costs as a percent of revenue. ASSUMPTIONS AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Cost estimates assume 4.4 man years of group staff time, .26 man years of branch manager time, and 15.8 man years of service manager time to implement program in a population of 1,053 service managers. Benefit estimates assume elimination of 3 days absenteeism per month for each of 1,053 service teams, favorable productivity, and that turnover experience in pilot branches can be cascaded to all branches. Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024R000100090007-4 Harvard Busi>M?VVd V6'rl5e 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024100090007-4 0 Any validation efforts needed to insure that uated against the same standards. Part A of pre-employment selection tests or standards Exhibit II shows these standards, which I feel comply with the guidelines set by the federal are generally applicable to most companies. government. O Programs to insure a safe work environment and to eliminate recognized hazards likely to cause death or injury.' Having identified and segregated such legally required efforts, we are ready ' to focus on the heart of the process-and its most challenging aspect-the feasibility evaluation. 3. Evaluate feasibility The feasibility evaluation of any program fo- cuses on several distinct issues. These are: Determining the state-of-the-art requirements. Are the necessary skills available? Determining the ease of implementation. Will line management accept and execute the pro- gram? Determining the net economic benefits. Will the program be cost-effective? Determining the economic risks. Can the company afford not to act? I suspect that, to one degree or another, these issues are considered intuitively by some top personnel executives. But let us now examine how each step of the feasibility evaluation is handled systematically. State of the art: The resolution of this issue re- quires an in-depth assessment of a program's technical problems as well as the skills available withi,i tiii, personnel department or outside the company (e.g., consultants) needed to overcome these problems. If data processing support is necessary, programming com.pl "xity and the availability ui equipment must also be deter- mined. In the rase of the job enrichment program shown in Exhibit 1, qualified technical talent was already available on our staff; thus we could evaluate the state of the art as "high." Three or four years ago, however, this evaluation prob- ably would have been "medium," for we would have had to hire a qualified individual or retain an expert consultant. Ten years ago, the evalua- tion clearly would have been "low," since at that time job enrichment would have been a major state-of-the-art undertaking. For comparative purposes, the technical feasi- bility of all programs must be consistently eval- Ease of implementation: This is the most critical stage of the feasibility evaluation. It involves such elements as line management attitudes, corporate policies, organization structure, oper- ating environment, and management styles. These elements are difficult to change, particu- larly when programs are in new areas such as job enrichment, organization development, as- sessment centers, and selection research. The key to successfully implementing such advanced concepts hinges on the willingness of line management to cooperate. Reorienting personality traits and management styles (which many of the new techniques require) is more challenging than gaining acceptance of a new production process, a new marketing program, or a new billing system. Most of the latter are more tangible and can be "sold" exclusively on their economic merits. But convincing managers of the need to change their behavior is not only difficult but also crucial to program implementa- tion. Let us see how this issue was treated in the job enrichment program: From an earlier pilot program, we had learned that selling the concept to management was sometimes an uphill fight, and that overall co- operation could be difficult to enlist. (A number of supervisors and key line managers balked at the idea of assigning greater responsibilities to their subordinates.) But we also knew that we had won converts and thus had increased the program's credibility throughout the organiza- tion. Because of the potential resistance, how- ever, our evaluation of the ease-of-implementa- tion factor was a qualified "low"-a mark that injected a sobering element shouk;. the program pass its other tests and be given the green light. In other words, the program would be war- ranted only if the risks identified in this stage were clearly offset by exceptionally high evalua- tions in other stages. Finally, as with the state-of-the-art evaluation, consistent standards must be applied when eval- uating programs for ease of implementation. These standards are shown in Part B of Exhibit II; again, I feel they are generally applicable to most business enterprises. 2. For a more complete discussion of this subject, see Willard A. Lewis, "The Personnel Manager as Compliance Officer," Personnel journal. December 1971, p. 907. Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024R000100090007-4 n,. wi Cl) pr, an ea ab tic an an we ase 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024100090007-4 Cost effectiveness for personnel Exhibit II. Standards for feasibility evaluation Program appears simple. Skilled manpower available in company. EDP programming is simple. Hardware available in company. Medium Program appears complex. Skilled manpower not available in company but is available outside. EDP programming is difficult. Hardware not available in company but is on the market. Program involves new or unfamiliar effort. Personnel not available on staff or outside company. EDP programming is very complex. Hardware not available. Implementing program requires little or no effort to effect a change in line management attitudes and styles, and in organization policies, structure, and operating environment. Implementing program does not imply a radical departure from nrstoric company practices. Implementing program requires moderate efforts to effect a change in line management attitudes arty Myles, and in organization policies, structure, and operating environment. Implementing program implies some departure from historic compa_. practices. Implementing program requires substantial efforts to effect a change in line management attitudes and styles, and in organization policies, structure, and operating environment. Implementing program implies a radical departure from historic company practices. Note: Standards for evaluation of the net economic benefits and the economic risks have not been included in this exhibit since they are not generally applicable to other companies. Net economic benefits: At this stage of the eval- uation, we use cost/benefit analysis, with mod- ifications that are appropriate to the unique needs of manpower management, to determine whether a program will be cost-effective. For the program shown in Exhibit I, our job enrichment specialist, assisted by the personnel program manager, identified potential benefits and costs, estimated the probable occurrence of each benefit and cost, and calculated the prob- able dollar impact. In this case we were fortu- nate. The pilot project mentioned earlier gave us quantitative data regarding job enrichment's ef- fect on turnover, absenteeism, and productivity. For many other programs, however, it is par- ticularly difficult to estimate potential benefits and to establish a direct linkage between them and the programs. To overcome this problem, we estimate benefits by one of these two ap- proaches: 1. Identifiable benefits. These are used when- ever possible. They must be tangible and clear- ly attributable to implementing the program. An example of an identifiable benefit is the di- rect savings achieved by eliminating redundant functions in a proposed reorganization. In other cases, we contrast the cost (for value) of the existing approach with that of the pro- posed approach. For example, one of our em- ployment managers felt he could achieve a sig- nificant savings by relying less on outside em- ployment agencies. His identifiable benefit was developed using the present cost of fees paid to these agencies. The projected costs of additional staff and advertising were subtracted from this present cost to develop a net economic benefit for his proposal. Finally, if a pilot test has been conducted on a small group of employees with favorable re- sults, a plausible benefits estimate can be de- veloped by projecting the savings identified in the pilot test to the entire organization. 2. Target benefits. These are used in the ab- sence of identifiable benefits. In essence, they Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024R000100090007-4 Harvard Busi ess Review ly kpproved or) 7 sle 2002/05/09: CIA-RDP86-00024R0'100090007-4 are derived from a preliminary estimate of re- sults to which the personnel manager is willing to commit himself, if he is given the resources to do.a pilot test of his proposal. An example of a target benefit is a i % increase in revenue or a one point decline in turnover, projected for a given program. In some cases, the personnel manager devel- ops such estimates for each of his programs with assistance from the program manager, the con- troller's staff, or the long-range planning staff. In other cases, our staff managers are able to make sound cases for target benefits by consult- ing their colleagues in other companies or by reviewing the professional literature. If, for some reason, management should chal- lenge the estimated target benefit as being overly ambitious, it is critical that management should not become lost in quibbling over decimal ac- curacy. One must remember that this procedure is as much an exercise in allocating resources toward projects that are most likely to yield the greatest relative benefits as it is a means of com- mitting oneself to results. industry. Banks and insurance companies, for example, would probably have substantially higher risk standards than oil or chemical com- panies have. (The revenues of the former are highly sensitive to payroll costs.) Similarly, ser- vice organizations, such as airlines, are more vulnerable to strike losses than are hard goods enterprises. (The latter can hedge such risks with inventory.) The benefits detailed for the job enrichment program in Exhibit 1 are identifiable benefits. They are based on the pilot project, and as- sume that the results of that effort can be ex- tended to other locations. Intangible benefits and risks are also described at this stage of the feasibility evaluation. While some of these items may appear to be platitudes, specifying them is nevertheless useful. When a choice must be made between two programs of almost equal merit, the intangibles-if properly framed-r'.:-y become key factors that swing the decision. Economic risks: In the final stage of the feasibil- ity evaluatic_:, consider the economic im- pact of not implementing the proposal. For ex- ample, a failure to continually reevaluate the company's pre-employment selection standards could result in the hiring of more marginal em- ployees. (The costs of subsequent declines in productivity could be estimated.) Or a failure iuu increase productivity could result in unaccept- able costs. (This approach was used to assess the job enrichment program.) Our standards for classifying economic risks, ranging from over $i,ooo,ooo for "high" to under $ioo,ooo for "low," are unique to our company. Other companies may have higher or lower standards, depending on their size or 4. Allocate and deploy resources After each program has been evaluated on its own merits, its overall feasibility must be de- termined. The decision table shown in Exhibit 11I serves as a convenient tool to accomplish this. It allows each program to be categorized into one of the following overall feasibility cate- gories: (a) very desirable, (b) moderately desir- able, (c) marginally desirable, or (d) not worth- while. . Note that the table is structured so that a high rating on any factor will. not conclusively decide in favor of the program, but a low rating on any factor could eliminate the program from consideration. For example, Exhibit III shows that while the job enrichment proposal was rated "high" on three of the four individual feasibility characteristics, the single "low" rating (for ease of implementation) resulted in an over- all feasibility assessment of only moderately de- sirable. When all programs have been classified in the foregoing manner, they are ranked on the Pro- gram Priorities Schedule shown in. Exhibit 111. The legally required programs appear at the top of the schedule. All other programs are ranked, within the appropriate overall ieasibility cat- egory, according to 'Lneir economic benefits. (Note that the job enrichment progi am is ranked third after the legally required programs.) Those programs evaluated as "not worthwhile" appear at the bottom of the schedule-for elimination. And, if management limits the budget or man- dates an austerity program, other programs, eau be cut, starting with those of lowest priority. The Program Priorities Schedule has become our basic tool for allocating and deploying stab resources. But to use it effectively, management must undertake these actions: Trim marginal programs. This is often dif- ficult for management to do since it may in- volve cutting some sacred cows (e.g., the execu- tive jet or weekend retreats). But the fact remains that eliminating marginal programs is one key 102 Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024R0001.00090007-4 Approved For False 2002/05/09: CIA-RDP86-00024100090007-4 Exhibit III. Decision table for determining program feasibility Step 1. Evaluate feasibility and economic benefits/risks. Using predefined standards, separately evaluate each program's state-of-the-art implications, ease of implemen- tation, net economic benefits, and economic risks of not acting. The Service Force Job Enrichment Program was evaluated (see Exhibit I) as follows: State :.f tr,G art - High Ease of implementation - Low Not economic benefits - High Economic risks - High 1. The "high" state-of-the-art evaluation ... is matched against "low" ease of implementation. Step 3. Compare Step 2 evaluation with net economic benefits. 2. Results of this evalu ition are compared to "high" net economic benefits. Step 2. Compare technical (state-of-the-art) with opera- tional (ease-of-implementation) feasibility. State Ease of implementation of the art HIGH MEDIUM LOW . HIGH Very Very Marginally desirable desirable desirable MEDIUM Very Moderately Marginally desirable desirable desirable LOW Marginally Marginally Not desirable desirable worthwhile Step 2 Net economic benefits evaluation ! L-HIGH ,-:d MEDIUM LOW Very :i Very Moderately Marginally desirable desirable desirable desirable Moderately Very Moderately Marginally desirable desirable desirable desirable Marginally Marginally, Marginally Not desirable desirable - desirable worthwhile l Step 4. Compare Step 3 evaluation with economic risks to determine overall feasibility. 3. Results of this evaluation Step 3 are matched against "high" risks ... evaluation Very Very Moderately Moderately desirable desirable desirable desirable Moderately '.'. Moderately Moderately Marginally desirable ~?' desirable desirable desirable 4.... to determine overall feasibility category of " Marginally Moderately Marginally Not moderately desirable." desirable desirable desirable worthwhile Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024R000100090007-4 Harvard LusineasspRevovedl 6 luwdse 2002/05/09: CIA-RDP86-0002410 0100090007-4 Exhibit IV. Program priorities schedule T im ing Net C ost/ ACTION PROGRAM Pri ority rn rn rn rn m annual b dollar r enefit atio r, r, r benefit ( l:n) LEGALLY REQUIRED PROGRAMS Labor Relations Strategy x a ($ 619) n/a 1. Legally required. Protect Right to Select efforts come first i Employees .. x ($ 86) n/a Continue Validation of J Selection Tests x = M W M $35,000 78.17 Redesign Personnel Data System x $ 273 1.78 2. .. then, other Develop Part-Time` Female programs are Employment Approaches x II(II W N ME $ 227 4.16 ranked by overall feasibility category ... VERY DESIRABLE PROGRAMS l Restructuring Service Force 1 ME M M m _.' $14,608 9.6 _ 3. and within Service College Coop Program 2 11111 111111 $ 4, 490' 2.74 feasibility category , by net benefits. MODERATELY DESIRABLE PROGRAMS Service Job Enrichment 3 MO M $ 9,920 24.3 .4. Priorities are Assessment Center Education & Training Center g 4 5 E 111111 ME 11111 $ 4,946 $ 4,780 15.40 3.57 indicated here. Clerical Selection' Program 6 IIIII 111111 $ 1,799 19.94 Develop College Campus as Primary Employment Source 7 $ 834 2.06 Interfunctional Moves & Fast Track Program 8 11111 $ 679 7.54 Selection Standards for New Sales/Tech. Rep. Types 9 111111 1111 A; '3 $ 520 11.6 Improve Economics of Field Employment Operations 10 ME, $ 472 1.42 Build Better Technical Re- cruiting/Selection Capability Monitor Sales & Tech. Rep. 11 IIIII $ 222 2.48 5. Starting from the Selection Tests 12 yirt~m $ 211 9.05 lowest priority program, marginal MARGINAL BUT DESIRABLE PROGRAMS efforts may be - .. _ , .~ ., trimmed as required Implement Executive by the budget. Search Function 13 IUlll $ 177 1.67 Refine Career Path Guides 14 $ 110 1.75 Continue National Trend Attitude Surveys 15 $ 107 1.33) Reevaluate Overall 6. In any case, Organization Approach 1 g - $ 93 2.37 these programs ~ T are eliminated. NOT WORTHWHILE . 11111111 Program Executive Retreat x ($ 450) n/a and design Corporate Jet x ($ 769) n/a development Savings Plan x 11111 11111 ($ 75) n/a MEN Program Implementation Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86-00024R000100090007-4 W. nc rn, p1. de Fc try: fo' ni ~ Fu lot up m~ id( on in, of pa, SO! On th, dy; de, th( ap! be Pit i itic ne', exi me del tioi ly, thr tio: trig by asp ,i t Approved For (lase 2002/05/09: CIA-RDP86-00024100090007-4 Cost effectiveness for personnel way of achieving the primary objective of busi- ness-profitable operations. Allocate and deploy staff resources toward the most worthwhile projects. Timely program im- plementation requires that staff resources be deployed only toward the higher-ranked projects. For some programs, staff members might be transferred from areas that have been trimmed; for other programs, particularly in highly tech- nical areas, new people might have to he hired. Furthermore, additional resources might be al- located to worthwhile projects in order to speed up their implementation date. In our job enrich- -u iri.ent program, for example, we were able to identify some highly favorable benefits. But with only one man assigned to the program, achiev- ing them wculd have taken four years. Because of the ranking of this project and its potential payoff, we were able to Justify additional re- sources to ensure earlier results. Evaluate all new program proposals and re- order priorities as necessary. To be successful, the evaluation procedure must be viewed as dynamic and ongoing. As new proposals are developed, they must be evaluated and ranked, then accepted or rejected by the same standards applied to all other efforts. Thus priorities may be changed, and staff resources may be rede- ployed, as circumstances warrant. Reevaluate existing programs. Program prior- ities must be changed not only to accommodate new programs but also to reflect alterations of existing programs. For example, the appoint- ment of a new key executive in an operating department may alter the ease-of-implementa- tion evaluation of a particular program. Similar- ly, the personnel staff may achieve a key break- through that raises the state-of-the-art evalua- tion. In short, any of a number of events could trigger a chain reaction of reordered priorities by altering the feasibility evaluation on one aspect of a given program. Monitor progress. The execution of each pro- He is no wise man that will quit a uncertainty. Samuel Johnson,'1709-1784 The Idler gram must be carefully monitored to identify bottlenecks as they develop, chart alternatives where necessary, and ensure timely implementa- tion and achievement of planned benefits. This task should be the permanent and ongoing re- sponsibility of a personnel program manager or a manpower planning manager. Conclusion The framework for evaluating and ranking per- sonnel programs has enabled us to allocate re- sources to those programs that should signifi- cantly improve productivity and profit perfor- mance. (A brief review of the benefits column in Exhibit IV underscores the magnicude of this improvement potential.) One of the key ad- vantages of this framework is the discipline it instills in the personnel staff. It encourages staff members to rigorously assess their programs' benefits and to evaluate the likelihood of achiev- ing them. The procedure is by no means perfect, but I doubt that an optimal approach will ever be developed-particularly for staff projects. However, it does provide personnel management with a simple and systematic way to allocate resources in an area where good intentions, hunches, and poor information have cost many companies heavily in lost opportunities. Quite conceivably, the same concepts may be applied to other functional areas in future years. But whether or not that happens, I believe the approach I have described can be implemented now in the personnel operations of many orga- nizations, particularly the larger ones. This ap- proach would permit organizations to move away from "gut-feel" techniques and the intrigue and politics too often characteristic of budget- ing and resource-allocation decisions. In a more positive vein, it can guide management to the gains in profit and productivity that come from personnel programs targeted on results. 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