Dulles Speech at University of Cincinnati, Apr 20, 1956

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.Approved For Release 2004/04/19 CIA-RDP84-00161R000106,60.020-1 I deeply grateful for the opportunity to speak before this gathering at the. Vniversit; of Cincinna}.gist.. It is a real pleasure to be again in such an intellectual w It V ofPriinceton, ',-but I continued with eacadetnic work as a teacher at a school in mosphere as ,this., some years ago when I myself left such an atmosphere as a gradua After that, I studied for a Master ,tea after all tha agree and then a degree in . law'. But study.,. I t'; i nk that I have nave: ceased to be a student: None of us can. There is ramr a time when, we can cease to ponder and study and con.clud and review anld reudy. Herex wee are In a count rshe can do a* freely%--ftate we c keep our inqu ing minds active-- ly exchax Ideas-freely discuss our differing'viow- Poirft. In the meted states,, we can intellectually and morally be tickers. We-can have freedom here ---sn: advantage tht is lacking under the dogmatic. totalitarianism we oa Gowmnisao a free Ghistian country. We are indeed fortunate to study in America-, ran r;.~ #`? 'r b u approved or ral2ase througo the HISTORICAL R VIZW PGA of the Central Intelligence Agency. Data 3 a Approved For Release 2004/04/19: CIA-RDP84-00005160160020,9 4~~s~ yr ~i ~i 4 z Approved For Release 2004/04/19: CIA-RDP84-00161 R00000- if the second old Iar proved nothing else, it proved that a modern industrial plait is, :indispensable to victory in modern: war. The extreor z xy productive capacity of our own industrial plant in 19_ *led to most of us for the first times as a result of t xs f Plan was based upon the belief that Co pion. ti rB in econo'0104 ,ly depressed. areas. Our effort was to help Of prosperity in such areas thresh economic aid. the a industrial capacity h Winning the war. HS/T:1 C- 1G y Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 IA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 Steel production, likewiso, has ipcreased more than f cur times the last ton years. Bloc trio power gutput in the Scat kiln watt hers produced in 1945s to 170 billion in 1955. These Union has had Almost as spectacular an increase, from 43 billion sic reacurces for making war. rusts , the picture with respect to actual r goods being produced, and of astee3a-l under devolopme su rine&, g ded missiles. and nuclear weapon and naval warfares the Soviets are eiiki progress. icpmeint oe et , sti r, ira cones to its present position as its second Create ee j, is So met hin that wrthea amUat Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 ale, in spite of the poom that aft'icisl2y rel + in th# vorid* war seemed at ti ms so isar -nt as to be almost a feet, three years-An Ko: -4t was a :lit,, ai be that our. b in Korea has been Iris iaap fw"rd the t 2 ygsr5 r....+' da Oil p due a l xple,# has increased 5-fold, f '126 fli barrels in 1930 million in 1,955'? Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 Most of that increased rate of proftetion has occurred during 'the years since t and of World War thout the car subverting the oil resources of th Middle ass to .t ,r aloft. >eatrtC basic res ss tar xs ,n. i.. Prther , the ptc ure rei krld's backmd noon m .se an i second. otest, is Be carmot pass off or j re. It rid not pct us into a panic, but Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 and hnc3 ear weapons for airs, land,. Approved For Release 2004/04/19 CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 How did this doeelagiteat c about? In the ftrst places, It O vat about Ina tot alit*rUn state. JWxt as. ili.tler,, b0fora.' ,1d Were iX - .d sv saeollat-1to a leaser degree*.vaa ably to cake rrka1 .tadkaatts1 etrtdees in a. fete determ eed ends,. so S b.e n able to do ibis in a de aer. *$Some of 1w hot these dtctstors wee clans Uea in theft ac-tb t: a Could do about it. Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 last tern r*ard, vh to U people of the UMted Approved For Release 2004/04/19: CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 - This system produced industrial progress of a sort. We can see that too. 3n# vas the first reason wb it has been possible for the salans arrive at a od,rn, high productive eooncaio. eyetem industrial needs without fear of w t th getting no personal rerd for their ~: But this s, advrte# sr t bed urt her r~ioatio in the Una. They wave little 40pendent on the x t. r t hat must into modern is tstr , the v t tessos of the MR; r*qut4 ~ a much not-for-00 to Make, ctor ssst' s Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 antege e people would think about Approved For Release 2004/6-4/19 CIA-RDP84-00161 8000100160020-1 They had no labor problems What, they call th4ons are enoour + in i the f . Xt but ailed unio is permitted to do nothing to better the lot of the workers. worker has the right to work where,. wh+ #, Or if he ohoosea. 110 will work, and it will fro the state chooses. Vet., for ale, th aT a rear weeks ago *000000 workers will, be ZL. red a+st--no be ueo b went to ,; +Qaa are Doe raw materials nor a labor for CIS/~iC- l~~ began. But did not a-60 te4 we deliberately' pled it t/xht may. that is where the one, will must *Is* trsi .d da, first !sera, and induatrb Approved for Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161R0001,0001.60020-1 9 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 fellow asses*ed to be pretty good at moths while regularly on*truotion of bridges,, then be pro b wentr-if he oeuld afford fly Latin, and If ha liked the *art of work that went into University of Cinei ti? where he studied engineering. Vibe to wrzrkc for an. industrial plant. ht specialize in scio o become a taao:r,, or opportunities in this field wore attractive enaugh to lure a good man into it. It lre mat ter of. -P1 ;oo; care of itself while our Industr people w o u l d b - o 54"r', flan, one that was rubber staw"d ani Party at caoow. Xxacstd+ tally, we have all read and heard # lot about the age of Stalinism that took place a, that It. at ty Congress,, Approved For Release 2004/04/19 CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 produced whet ?o) what it, took to a Approved For Release-2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 should be said that there rely are ele ntn in that purge oh t1w West can take oo e a cure of hope. But there w0ro r headlines about the oviet's now 5-X r plan, which also heir people t there oring the next five ears, y has rejected again the idea of hold and hope for an at Congress. And that new plan, far from boing a re; eotion of tennis policies,, was actually in the boat Stalinist tradi ions, with its now higher goals for occupied a good bit of attention products. Chile the o be s *ona Ceti 00 day* *go* for AV*rade mn. This economist, . talin etpaain of stnc 'ouheenko by 1e; is now called on* of the "rotten els*ents* of the, Guist 'srtir, because ho assumed that the end of Stalin also meant the end of 3talints Aople CA ng a transition sure. Just a few vda publicly said. one of Its leading Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 Approved. For Release 2004/04/19 :ICIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 Approved For Release 2004104/19 : CIA-RDP84-001'61R000100160020-1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19: CIA-RDP84-001 61R000100160020-1 proved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161R000100160020-1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 j om-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 HS/HC- !G pproveed For Release 2004/04/199: CIA=RDP84,~.-0016'1RO001001'60020-1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 t ,SIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 ' [Hi c. /~.,V Approved For Release 2004/04119 CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 Approved For Release 2004/04/1: CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 /l diplomats offer. India. But the basis of the new attack is the saute as that of the old-an industrial plant which will actually produce what Soviet This is the immediate effect that we are witnessing today of the rapid evolution of the USSR from industrial pigmy to an Their military equipment--like ours--beco nes obsolescent. There possibly,. and did not, fulfill. Now it is a different story. extravagant offers to foreign governments that they could not are better uses for obsolescent military equipment than th heap. nth the Egyptiaan$. or of HS/I%C- /l Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161-R000100160020-1 -1.0 for b*t been te1Ung you a ztu in. b,"$, Pax"aft h a unt* ma*t to gl over the prosps to left 111 --S/ 11 1=6 ~-/ Approved For Release 2004/04/19-: CIARDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 It you have becn talk n, tb* newspapers, and the rn sjnaas a the Cftgressjaml k card, You know that what I do txat. `e~r . quit* mush pessimism "If* For this is a for war tl Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 g ants that the Old story. 4wablpa b is tou. rtsn discipil" Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 .. We =art all be aware of what is h*~ bW the Xro *in. We at surely not sit beck woo also proved e ,a to that oternal vtgi ce is the price of awl , fir ran*,, is p ret , o i 'pz of shot these tote ore . Approved For Release 2004/04/19 CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1- 1'6 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1 +p and aij; 1 noto I eand P "t ever Uden tz: ~ls i+ u Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP84-00161 R000100160020-1