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1 r Approved,.5or Release 200311 J''CI -RDP83MO,D=171 R002100090007-9 25X1A 25X1A SUBJECT: Director, Program Assessment Office PAO Study Plan for FY 1981 REFERENCES: A. B. PAO Memorandum, dated 29 July 1980, Subject: PAO Study Program for FY 1981 (11) PAO Memorandum, dated 11 August 1980, Subject: First Draft PAO Study Plan and Input to FY 1983-1987 Guidance 25X1 1. The attached revised studies list resulted from a review by nd myself. It is heavily flavored by my current perspective of what is needed, possible and useful to do in this uncertain year. If it is not obvious from the list, I remain willing to support the DCI in the current issues, e.g., imagery revisited, but strongly interested in work leading to both better decisions and better methods to attack and communicate future decisions. (U) ? incorporates and updates ongoing work, i.e., studies expected to result from Budget Review, but aimed at the FY 1983-1987 Program Review; ? deletes 11 studies; ? adds six studies to the list; and ? identifies at least four studies that should be done by someone other than PAO. (U) 3. The following studies have been added to the list: WARNING NOTICE WORKING PAPER INTELLIGENCE SOURCES PAJIMLE VIA AND METHODS INVOLVED ~QT;,[YIOLE I- SENT.M. Approved For Release 2003 A-RDP83 ~t~"' bbi TLY 25X1A 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R002100090007-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R002100090007-9 Approved For Release 2004hi 4 ~ CIA-RDP83UO0171 R002100090007-9 S. Comments and/or recommendations on the attachment should be given to by COB 3 October or SOB F October. I should like to improve the clarity of the language on all items. After we update the attachment, I will then ask the other office directors and to comment. We also plan to get together with the MCPO, winch s ou d be interested/helpful in many of them. (u) 25X1A 25X1A Attachment-a/s Distribution: Ori g-D/PAO 1 -DD/PAO i-PAO Subject i-PAO Chrono 1-PAO 1-Each PAO Staff memher DCI/RM/PAO: D/DCI/RM/PP 1 -1 Approved For Release 2003/12/ LLINT-V E F1U _ t% .IA4DP83M0 j QQ QQ 7? 9~ v , t. 25X1A Approved For Release 205~CKLRDP83M00171 R002100090007-9 2 October 1980 PAO FY 1981 Study Program Candidate Studies Subject Category Subject Purpose/Scope/Objective Related Studies Imagery o ection and Processing 1.1 Imagery Collection.Mix Study Strategy paper for Budget Review prepared-- will probably result in joint study with DoD (to include film systems,.MAPSAT, hack-up considerations). 0 Project Leader: Principal Investigator: 1.2 Duplication of Exploitation and Is there unwarranted duplication of imagery Photointerpreters Requirements exploitation in the Intelligence Community? How through 1987 do the various organizations involved in photo- interpretation estimate their future needs for photo- interpreters? If exploitation were distributed differently or if photointerpretation organizations were consolidated, would the needs for additional photointerpreters be reduced? Is the distribution of interpreters between national and departmental organizations adequate? Is the distribution of their work between national and departmental requirements adequate? Examine one week's National Imagery (including search) and compare it for PI resources, exploitation, reports, data base entries and briefings that result from the imagery. From this data base, develop measures of timeliness, redundancy, and unique exploitation in order to estimate the resource implications and intelligence impact of combining/deleting/expanding various exploitation functiuns. (U) Project Leader: Principal Investigator: Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 SECRET rat",I:cl ~_ 1 A ~rILt(I"tIiY110!-E Y TL CON 11;01.. 5YS1'F~M~ JOIN Approved For Release 20031SEQR-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 Subject Category Subject Purpose/Scope/Objective 1.3 Broad-Area Search Exploitation/ What are the resource/timeliness/intelligence Collection. Methodologies impacts of various broad-area search methods and accounting procedures? We still do not fully under- stand the implications of small pieces of imagery versus large contiguous areas. How sensitive are these methods to collection frequency requirements, i.e., what happens if two-month, four-month and six- month search requirements are slipped to three-month, five-month and eight-month requirements? The quantity of imagery decreases but what is the effect on intelligence? Includes at least monitoring the COIIREX study directed by DCI decision letter. (U) Project Leader: Principal Investigator: 1.4 ADP-T (FY 80 carryover) Complete report--much contention and conflict foreseen Project Leader: Principal Investigator: 1.5 JT0/Tasking Segment A Budget Review issue that will probably produce (FY 80 carryover) need for additional effort with CT (jointness a problem). Principal Investigator: 1.6 IR Imagery (FY 80 carryover) Hopefully make some sense of the utility question and prepare to deal with Congress in a rational way. Principal Investigator: Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 C/I ET Related Studies -,LEN i'-KE',"HALL C N1ROL SSZ IL&1S JOINTLY 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 263112109 : CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 Subject Category Subject Purpose/Scope/Objective Related Studies Third World - INT 25X1A 4.1 Contract on The.Modeling Follow-on to al studies d (P tential contra overhead o i 25)'1A OT IGINT Collection an Utility be used as a backup for Third World CQ4INT coverage if current access denied second/ third world parties, , e its, processing, analysts? What would it cost to provide a useful increment of this kind of backup? This will eventually be subsumed in new study 9.7. (S) Production 25X1A 5.1 Output Study Survey national intelligence producers for up-to-date on their output; names and types of publications, distribution lists, release frequency, and the like. This study is patterned on theIprojects of previou- years, with certain methodological improvements and, optimally, expanded to include the full range of transdepartmental products, not simply periodicals. Project Leader: Principal Inves iga or Approved For Release ~'0r 4 / 9 CIA-RDP83MOOl71 R002100090007-9 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1A '_,I.)' J.. v j;" 25X1 A I fiILLiI -hEY! )LE CON FIWL SYc,TEMS JOINTLY Approved For Release 2003270-9A-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 ELINT Collection and Processing 25X1A 25K1A 25X1A 2.2 Specific Emitter Identifi- 25X1A cation (FY 80 carryover) Subject Category Subject Purpose/Scope/Objectives Related Studies 2.0 No new studies planned or proposed for FY 81 unless the low orbiter decision is postponed. 2.1 kFY SO carryover contract on this subject review of this subject SovietCOMINT 25X1A 3.0 No new studies planned or proposed for FY 81 1odifications Follow-on efforts 1BD--fallout from Budget Review 2511A Project Leader: 0 Principal Investigator: 25X1A 25X1A carryover) possible--a tough area. 7770 Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R002100090007-9 I I, Subject Category Subject Approved For Release 29/"i2/DCIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 Purpose/Scope/Objective Related Studies 5.2 ELINT Applications An examination of the intelligence problems to which ELINT contributes in order to improve EMS decision- making about ELINT collection and processing initiatives. Analog to the PAO efforts on imagery tasking, exploitation of ADP. Should do this jointly with IRO and build on IBM's ELINT data flow study. (U) 25X1A 25X1A Project Leader: C Principal Investigators: 5.3 Intelligence Community Response This study is similar to a post-mortem but the events to a New Threat (propose Laser in question occur over a longer duration and are more and Beam Weapons) diffuse. In addition to preparing a substantive summary of developments, we intend to-look at managerial steps that were taken and the allocation of resources. The principal output will be a descriptive summary, a critique of the adequacy of the community's response, and recommendations for improving the process. Project Leader: Principal Inves Human Source Collect 6.0 No new studies proposed or planned for FY 81 6.1 Defense Attache Office (FY 80 carryover) Project Leader: Principal Investi . 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 1,1,,11-,! F VIA 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 Approved For Release 2003112109S3M00171R002100090007-9 Subject Category Subject Purpose/Scope/Objective 6.2 Army Clandestine HIMINT Still waiting for data requested in letter to d dations men (FY 80 carryover) Tighe (Dec. 1979) and results an recom of DoD HIM TNT survey. Principal Investigator: Support to Operating Forces and/or I Crisis Anticipation ernational Crises A recommendation of the Contingency Study is to assign responsibility within the Community for maintaining a C1 E h would contain, on 0 countries where the possibility of using militar contingency forces is considered most likely. The uld be used to focus basic intelligence production necessary for planning and executing contingency operations. As a result, lead times would have to be longer than for traditional I&W (about six months) and consequently, less accurate predictions would be expected. A review is required to assess whether current organizations could assume this responsibility, or whether a separate group should be established. In addition, the review should recommend how the predictions of such a group could best be reflected in Intelligence Community priority documents. A proposed forum for this review would be an Ad Hoc Working Group, chaired by an ICS representative with members from DIA, NSA, CIA and the State Department. (TS) Principal Investigator: Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 SECI N'L ET Related Studies 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Sy`, l L.lda JOINTLY SECRET Subject Category Subject Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 Purpose/Scope/Objective Related Studies 7.2 Third World Data Bases/ Third World data bases to support military forces is .Minimum Essential Data well documented in both the Contingency and DASITT Bases (5.4) studies. DIA is currently trying to define, with inputs from the RDJTF, those minimum essential Intelligence Support to elements of information required to support planning RDJTF (7.4) and execution for various types of contingency situations. I?M S should track this effort and, once the minimum needs are established, play an active role in leading a Community review of data base holdings to identify shortfalls in satisfying these needs for priority areas on the initial Based on this review, options and associated cost estimates) should be developed for producing, at various levels of satisfaction, the geotopical data needed to satisfy the shortfalls identified. (S) Project Leader: Principal Inves ga or: 7.3 Post.Mortems Based on recommendations in both the Contingency Study and the Senior Review Board's review of the Community's performance in estimating North Korean troop strengths, there appears to be a real resource management/ICS role in post-mortems on significant events in which elements of the Community are involved. The proposal is that IRS take a small but significant action in this area by convening an interagency Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A ~l.t":Nl i(LYI; LE SYSTLIAS JOINTLY '~ w E CHEF Subject Category Subject Purpose/Scope/Objective Related Studies group and conducting a proto-type post mortem on a recent event involving a contingency type operations, e.g., the Colombian hostage situation. Emphasis would be on analyzing the performance and contribution of collection systems and production organizations to identify potential resource implications. For the effort to be most successful, the DCI should explicitly endorse it. (TS) 25X1A Project Leader: C Principal Investigators: NRP-General 25X1A 8.1 25X1A (FY 80 carryover) 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 No new studies proposed or planned for FY 81 Identify possible cross-program architectures for providin apabilities for NRP systems. (S/TK) Project Leader: Principal Investigator: 9.1 Research and Development How are the Community's resources distributed for R&D? Which organizations receive the bulk of money? What types of research are they doing? Are there areas of research that are being neglected? What kinds of problems could benefit from R&D? How readily does the R&D Community adapt to changing intelligence problems? What we really need is an IR&D Council fiinctioninq. (il) Project Leader: Principal Investiga or Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : Cl - 0090007-9 25X1A 25X1A I[, NI-J-E via CIA ~1*I!I.[N7-I([a'I.I;,I E Approved For Release 2003/1249 : "614-RID!P83M00171 R002100090007-9 Subject Category Subject Purpose/Scope/Objective Related Studies 25X1A 9.2 25X1A 9.3 Linguist Shortfalls Discussions with Craig Wilson, who is charged with coordinating linguist-related training and resources in the Department of Defense, and who has a similar function for NSA, have IUIUIM a useful background for a requirement levied on the DCI and the Secretary of Defense by the HPSCI that a program encompassing "a Community-wide approach toward alleviating the linguist shortfalls" be forwarded to the HPSCI along with the FY 1982 budget request. As Chairman of the DCI's Ad Hoc Task Force on the Linguist Problem, will be responsible for coordinating e r ion of our reply. His first task will be to work out with Craig Wilson, shall also be working closely with in Advisory Group (OTAG) of the Hunan Resource omnittee. (C) Project Leader: Principal Investiga or. 25X1 C 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A _,_"IT-lei-_il'{OLE Approved For Release 2003/12/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 SEC ET Approved For Release 2003/1 2109 CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 25X1A Subject Category Subject Purpose/Scope/Objective Related Studies 9.4 PAO.Management Information An internal study to define the kinds of Community System (MIS) and management information that PAO needs to routinely obtain to carry out its missions. This study could support a more broadly based II11S/CTS effort and should also help define how we should manage our internal files in light of the automated registry system. (U) 25X1A Project Leader: Principal investigators: 9.5 I?1S Budget Ranking Methodology An evaluation of how the budget ranking and decision process can be improved, with special emphasis on the role of PAO. The thrust here is a two phased one. First, develop a systematic method which can be used early on in CIS and even NFIB which explicitly recognizes payoffs, risks, subjective judgements, and factors such as changing world and changing Soviet practices. The second part is research into methodology for partial automation and more sophisticated techniques. (U) Project Leader: Principal Investigators: 9.6 Inflation Market Basket (FY 80 carryover) Principal Investigator: Approved For Release 200311 09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 25X1A 25X1A :..1 i IkI i -I.1'r~ i "a 1.E . Y~yTLMS JOINTLY Approved For Release 2003/12/09 CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 Subject Category Subject Purpose/Scope/Objective Related Studies 9.7 Third World Collection Study 9.8 Presearch Contract on Overt Processing of S&T Intelligence To consider all INT's and their relative value/capabilities may vary by region and country. Principal Investigator Approved For Release 2003/12/09 CIA-RDP83M00171R002100090007-9 :\[ IW dDLL VIA %[,_IN-O'E'11 CLE 25X1A 25X1A