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R~P> 74,01 0@01~9^awo?r-o4 AC - I ST bo~ 27dlel~ 77 SLREF TACTICAL USE OF RECONNAISSANCE SATELLITE ASSETS The Intelligence and Military Communities have for some time recognized the need for policy guidance on the use of satellite reconnaissance systems in support of military operations. Technological advances have allowed and have resulted in intelligence systems with significant and growing military support capabilities. In attempting to improve intelligence flow from national assets to operating military forces, a number of questions have arisen as to the extent to which national reconnaissance assets in space should be configured and operated to provide tactical intelligence* support to military commanders. Issues arising from tactical use of space satellites are also enmeshed in other subjects addressed in this study related to security and survivability of intelligence collection from satellite systems. I configured with an increasing emphasis to providing tactical support to field commanders? The term "tactical intelligence" as used herein means that informat or analysis required by the operating forces of the military service to maintain their readiness for combat operations and to support tl planning and conduct of operations under combat conditions. For information o " means comparison, the term "national intelligence relating to the national defense, the national security, or the fore policy of the United States which is used primarily by policy mak involved in the formulation and direction of national policy partic foreign policy and national security policy. r N ROp WM(r,~ieR %t*2b04/07/09: CIA-RDP83M00171 R001000190001-6 ISSUE: Should national reconnaissance assets in space be 25X1 25X1 are increasing aue w ".Lt; pvt-ci...- it the Sou#1pFRb iOFQW.We theater 1 ' dingCtk- g3V08ff &1000190001-6 resources, and the increasing need for information from denied territory. Space assets contribute significantly to operational military needs and can improve the effectiveness of strategic and general purpose forces. II Requirements for tactical support are being developed and associated capabilities are being examined and in some cases implemented. In general, information derived from space systems provides a baseline of military intelligence which could be better exploited and would supplement organic military assets. Exercises and studies have already looked at the problem, -1~1 LA -S LAj;a'-1 underway.4 More experience in active suppo` t of nary and more are operations with intelligence satellites is required to resolve issues one requirements and capabilities. I optimize usefulness at a reasonable investment, increased tactical support has been supported by the Intelligence Community but with the caveat that increased tactical dependence on space satellites should be approached cautiously due to their vulnerability and the likelihood that 25X1 10P SECRET Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R001000190001-6 Within the single national intelligence space program, to Approved For Release 2004/07/09: CIA7RDP83M001 25X1 TOP SECRET they would be interfered with in wartime. Where national and tactical needs overlap, the question of increased support to tactical elements is not a significant issue. But the extent to which tactical support requiremer should influence the design, deployment and tasking of these assets is a policy issue and one which has been addressed only piecemeal. As a t'" result of existing procedures and directives tactical intelligence fequ W for space collection are transmitted to the NRO via the military chain of command and the appropriate DCI collection committees. In developing and configuring the satellite collection systems, the NRO responds to NSC Policy Review Committee (Intel) program guidance which indicates that interfaces for data and product dissemination into tactical intelligence processing and production centers will be provided for but that solely tactical intelligence collection or processing capabilities will not be programmed. This latter restriction stems from the FY 77 Appropriati Bill where Congress indicated that use of national space satellites on a part-time basis for tactical purposes is appropriate but a total dedicate( program should not be initiated without Congressional review and appro- The NRO must also justify to Congress in their program recommendati( inclusion of capabilities that duplicate tactical assets. II To date, there has been one case of agreement whereby t)' I ALA hy, Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00l71 R001000190001-6 41 113 o ~ 4-J- IU R-0 - C 5C S S ?e a ' " `""'25X1 17 AV0017'k- OM-a901.60.1 I J cQ,C.~:~ll/I,Cf y&f R L Gt+Vt~c -"~ 25X1 0 SP) 25X1 D.AA ' O- ova 61d~+t ,U/hcL "Viv h s ~ eed responsive m ?w?rr,,n - YVV lligence support. T i -1 Military cometan,ders manner. currently# timum o p in an matched ies that control and tasking be m that are not SwO lies on national satellite systems re commander military responsive tasking control or direct tasking. The existence of ject to his ho would ameliorate the problem to some extent, in chanisms, while they t desire for direct heren military commander's in way satisfies them this problem kin authority. Perspectives on 1 g V0jVM erational control and tas tactical satellites under military Given an acceptable cost/benefit ratio, ry. ntory. 25X1 part of the military inve )ntrol could become tactical the context of existing policy on use ithln f concerns have arisen on the matter. ational Increased support of oper m d h atellites, a number o ilitary requirements tellite compromise U. S. intelligence sa cap of space Some of these are: treaty 1 verification, nationa stems less capable Tactical assets might be traded for national sy o T and less of supporting the forces in a timely and useable way, sive to the combat commanders in the field. xespon elements could o NRO interfaces with tactical intelligence bilitie s. ea adversely affect the ability of our over may to meet all needs (i. e. , reconnaissance inventory ). 'ntelligence, etc. SOP SEC;RET 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R001000190001-6 ? Approved For Roiease 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171i&001000190001-6 TOP SECRET o A visible military support role for reconnaissance satellites may increase the likelihood that they will become targets at certain levels of crises or conflicts. o Some operational requirements (e. g. , ocean surveillance and over-the-horizon targeting) can only or most efficiently be satisfied by satellite collection (under geographic and other scenario-related constraints). If national assets do not satisfy these needs, should "tactical satellites" be considered? Shoul< they be configured to supply national intelligence in peacetime? o Should the policy of a single integrated intelligence space program be maintained? If a distinction is to be made between national and tactical satellite systems; there could be a considerable impact on the efficiency of central management, budgets, and tasking. What satellite systems should be considered as primarily national or primarily tactical, e. g. , etc. ? I Y o Increased military reliance on space systems must be evaluat in the context of a potential "tit-for-tat" space war. o Adjustments in current security controls to facilitate support tactical applications need to be evaluated. '/o Current NR' collected information of value to presently deplc Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83MOOl71 R001000190001-6 In principle, the range of possibilities for space recon- issance runs from a single national security space program to meet telligence and military support needs in peace and war; to two separate ograms, one configured for peacetime, another for war. Numerous termediate possibilities also exist. To illustrate these various -alter- 25X1 ,tives, consideration is required of: wo 40 M0064 Approved Requirements: During combat operations, military com- 25X1 .anders need support for the timely intelligence assessment of damage om ground, naval and air operations, and location, identification and ascription of potential military targets to support operational planning .id decisions. During peacetime, timely intelligence is required on the imposition, readiness and movement of foreign naval, ground and air )rce's to support war planning, force posturing and decisions for active eacetime operations. In addition, timely reporting of new deployments f strategic offensive and defensive forces and weapons is required to upport contingency and force structure planning for strategic nuclear -perations. The bulk of these intelligence needs (e.g., missile, ground, aval and air order of battle) are also required to produce national intelli- ;ence studies and estimates on foreign military capabilities. However, he tactical intelligence needs call for more volume, more selective, and Lsually :more discrete levels of information, and more demanding perio- licity and timeliness of reporting. In general, intelligence space systems TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83MOOl71 R001000190001-6 Approved For Roiease 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171' D01000190001-6 TOP SECRET provide significant support to these requirements covering areas where attrition of organic assets which if utilized would be prohibitive, beyond range, capabilities or authority of organic assets, and covert collection is desired. Satellite Capabilities: In meeting the needs of military commanders, space satellite systems vary in effectiveness. It is clear- that most intelligence satellite collection systems capabilities lack the full flexibility required to support the rapidly changing and unpredictable elements of tactical situations. It also should be recognized that some space reconnaissance products of value to the military commander are not now being used because we have been unable to satisfactorily effect either rapid dissemination of data to military elements, or to conduct the desired levels of exploitation and operational use when the data is disseminated. System Control & Tasking: An important provision of 14 existing agreements is that operational control and tasking of intelligence space satellites is vested in the NRO and DCI. There is no major concern within the Intelligence Community with respect to the question of control in peacetime. Some concern has been expressed that systems capable of support to military operations may not be responsive to military commandea in times of need. The capabilities of NRP systems are being explored and applied to the extent feasible to current military needs. The ability to rapidly develop and transmit intelligence requirements through the military ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00l71 R001000190001 Approved For Fipjop01R6TRDP83M00171G01000190001-6 25X1 ILLEGIB Y chain of command into the COMIREX/SIGINT Committee arena is viewed by some as unwieldy and inappropriate in a blitzkrieg war environment where the tactical commander's requirements are satisfied without resorting to a formal bureaucratic process. Others, however, point out that the DIA and Service elements provide 24-hour a day support to tacti- cal and national intelligence needs of military commanders and defense officials, and provide interface with the. DCI collection committee staffs, requirements. Concern is still.expressed that tasking priorities applied to these requirements at intermediate levels might not reflect the tactical commanders' needs when the requirements eventually reach the NRO. This matter is currently being addressed through the medium of military exer- cises. I, which provide a 24-hour a day capability to act immediately on urgent Product Dissemination/ Communications: During crises and war the United States has experienced communications overload in support- ing the needs of military commanders. Whereas transmission of intelligence requirements from the theaters to Washington generates only a minor impact on communication, dissemination of collected data to the military elements uses a significant part of the communications capabilities. Alternatives such as downlinking and processing intelligence data in-theater are feasible and tests are being conducted in this area. There will remain, however, a significant need for long-haul communications to transmit L Tonr SEr CRET MI I Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00l71 R001000190001-6 TOP SECRET to a theater command. Exercise experience is providing the basis for solving some of these problems. Security: Current security controls inhibit effective tactical use of satellite-collected information. For example, the mini- mum classification of SECRET NOFORN on satellite imagery and derived information limits use by lower echelons and by Allies; some imagery and IL derived information is still compartmented further limiting use; and satellite SIGINT is under multiple compartmentation. As previously discussed, the DCI recommended in November 1976 that the security of satellite data be controlled according to content sensitivity. Failure to adopt the DCI's administrative recommendations will impact adversely on utility of satellite data for supporting military operations. Vulnerability: National intelligence space systems have gained international legitimacy for monitoring compliance with strategic arms agreements, under the euphemism "National Technical Means. Noninterference with these means has been written into arms agreements, but the implications of Soviet perception of tactical use of these same systems are not clearly understood. Some assert that tactical use may make the systems more provocative and may have political implications. Efforts to make the systems less vulnerable have been proposed through Gnrviyal,iliftr Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001000190 Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R001000190001-6 IL proc exp e. the p to a fi 25X1 ILLEGIB measuresAp \M'U J1igks and installation of a limited number of attack indicators has been taken. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 space systems presently exists and is likely to be employed under certain conflict conditions. Thus, the matter is dependent on system and situation A Soviet capability to interfere with or destroy some of our intelligence variations. This subject is treated as a separate issue under the heading configuring existing space programs to support the needs of military commanders, and in transmitting, processing and exploiting data of potential military value. process and exploit tactical intelligence collected from space are at the expense of dollars which might be spent on purely tactical systems. Also, the potential overlap of satellite and aircraft systems in collecting the same general kind of intelligence information must also be analyzed in terms of cost/benefit factors. Another significant cost factor that could be attributable to tactical use hinges on the scope of the survivability pro- gram, i. e., if a decision is made to protect some intelligence space systems more extensively because they are capable of providing tactical intelligence to a field commander. A budgetary issue is that dollars used in the NFIP to collect, The issues can be summarized as follows: 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R001000190001-6 Approved For Fease 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171#?,p01 - There are no major issues concerning tactical require- cises and studies have and continue to examine the problem, and should iof 31 i ments and existing NRP capabilities to satisfy those requirements. the extent to which design of future NRP capabilities should be influenced by tactical requirements and whether the military should be able to develop their own systems independent of the NRO should the need arise. - There are no major issues concerning the current cen- ng resolve any residual questions. There is an issue, however, concern Of te 4a" tralized control by NRO of national intelligence satellite systems. However, Im there is an issue concerning the extent and timing of increased military involvement in tasking national intelligence satellites to support military needs. - There remains the issue of the extent to which satellite is likely the USSR will assume the U. S. would support its military comman- ders with satellite data just as the Soviets do with their own systems. The related issue of security (i. e., restricted tactical use) versus vulnera- bility (i. e., increasing ASAT target potential through association with broader tactical uses) is no longer as serious as once believed, since it collected data should be downlinked directly to support military or disseminated indirectly from centralized processing sites in Possible Actions 25X1 On the issue of configuring NRP assets, one approach is !' ?d '~'? 15 ?' ca~6, a. .t'~ , a.Z` kgi+ i..~?r:..~. dv P `N COA0 Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00171R001000190001-6 asset is not. L-t.___ Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00l71 R001 000190001-6 of impairment of NRP assets orimary capability as an acceptable traue- off to achieve significant improvement in military support. 'third approach would be maximum satisfaction of both peacetime and wartime requirements through NRP systems designed primarily for either tactical support or technical intelligence collection but with capabilities for both. On tasking procedures for NRP satellites, one approach would be to continue current practices while on occasion requiring increased military involvement in establishing tasking priorities for NRP systems. A second approach would be to remove the tasking of current and future assets from exclusive control of intelligence organizations and insure As to whether the U. S. should permit military development system would be funded and justified by the military. of reconnaissance capabilities that are not operated by the NRO, one approach is to continue current practices. A second approach would take the approach that space reconnaissance systems which are considered by the military as essential to their tactical needs, but which are not planned under the NRP, would be conceptually studied by the Services. The concepts would be reviewed by an equitably represented military/intelligence group and a decision made on whether development and operation should occur under the aegis of the military or fall under the NRP. In either case, the 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP83M00l71 R001000190001-6