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Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For4gplease 21/07/16: CIA-RDP80-00832A00040004M24-6 15 October 1962 IvMIvIO FOR: The Record Minimal Awards T?Ieeting held Monday afternoon, 15 October 1962 in the Conference Room 5 E 60, Headquarters. STATINTL The meeting was chaired by STATINTL Plans and Review Staff, STATINTL Executive Secretary, and attended. STATINTL A total of 11 cases considered. Approved - 2 Certificates of Appreciation Cases for a total of $305 Cash Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 Approved Fa'iWeleas?QOO1/07/16: CIA-RDP8O-OO832AOOO4OWOO24-6 150CT1992 SU1 1ARY AND M]CO1~1ENDATION FOR THE ClIkIRM STATINTL SUGGESTION NO. 62-130: dated 11 October 1961 Asst.for Field Printing, GL-11 Of ficwe of the Chief of Engineers Summary of Suggestion Suggester proposed. that the diazo machine (Paragon-Revolute Star) be converted to p ^mit use of anhydrous ammonia instead of aqua ammonia. Anhyd.rou;3 ammonia is available in 100 and 150 lb cylinders which is sufficient to last over a month during normal operations; whereas, aqua ammonia. comes in gallon bottles which must be put into the machine each day. Some of the advantages listed are: saving of time, elimination of hazardous handling and ammonia fumes, reduction of eetorage space, lower shipping and handling charges., longer life for machine parts. B. Summary of Evaluation On 20 March 1962, OL reported that they will adopt the suggestion and convertiaro machines initially. The estimated savings in the cost of ammonia a nount to approximately *2OO per -year. In addition, Printin Services Divieion recognizes the advantages listed above. C. Recommendation of Erecu-cive Secretary :;350 Award based on Intangible benefits (MODEEAA E/LOCA.L)7 STATINTL ILLEGIB D. Decision of Chairman x, w I . tee /i_ G Date Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832AO00400010024-6 SECRET Approved For lease O1/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400 OO24-6 `fie 15 OCT 162 25X1A SUGGESTION NO. 62-161: dated 31 October 1961 AF, DD/P A. Summary of Suggestion , Chief, AF/RI, GS-9 25X1A The s ;gester proposed that the procedure of logging 1111111 Sensitive Cables be reviewed, that a decision be made as to whether or not the function could not be simplified, that a standard controlled form be prepared for the logging of the 25X1A cables, and that be revised to include the length of time the log must be retained. B. Summary of Evaluation This suggester toot the initiative, he studied the problem, he canvassed all components to find out what their procedures 25X1 A were, how much duplication existed, what their problems were. The DDP Records P3anag ement Officer, stated. 25X1A categorically that caused the improvement; that his persistence made them take pose '.ve action to get DCI approval and the information he sbtained was used in the deliberations. 25X1A was revised and published 15 August 1962. Simplified the procedures and abandoned the log. DDP Bomber, SA Colt -dttee recommended an award for Intangible benefits (SLIGHT/EXTENDS=',:iD) . C. Recommendation of Executive Secretary 1. Not in line-of-duty 2. 0150 Award basej on Intangible benefits (SLIGFI1'/EXTE!4DED). 25X1A Chairmon, Sugget pion Ads Coomitcee Date daunpndtng and dadmill"ttap 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/07/16: CIA-RDP -00832A000400010(JSE C~ Approved F elease4001/07/16: CIA-RDP80-00832A0004019 0024-6 15 OCT 1962 SUIIMARY AND RECO11,I]II'DATION FOR THE CF I.IRMAN STATINTL SUGGESTION NO. 62-253: dated 13 February 1962 On 5 October 1962, OC Engineering Staff reported the safety device is henceforth a standard required modification. A. Summary of Suggestion Suggester proposed that a flashing red light be installed upon or within the GPT-7~O radio transmitter as a safety first modification to remind the technician of the danger of contact with this high voltage while performing the general maintenance of these transmitters. B. Summary of Evaluation OC recommended adoption 19 t~Arch 1962. The GPT-750 transmitter is standard military and commercial unit and as such meets normal safety standards. The suggested modification should reduce the possibility of-injury or death as a result of electrical shock cn the part of the man performing maintenance. C. Recommendation of Execu~:ive Secretary 1. Not in line-of-cuty. 2. ;50.00 Award based on Ir..tan rible benefits (SLIGE-I'T/LOCAL) . STATINTL Date Commo. Spec., GS-11 e Chairma , Su ges on z? Ain s Committee Award Chairman Recommended referral to other Government Agencies, Commercial Concerns and review for possible Invention Award consideration. D. Decision of the Chai n Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved F eleasem3001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A00040WO024-6 w 15 O CT 1962 STATINTL SUGGESTION NO. 62-311.2: dated 27 May 1962 OL, DD/S A. Summary of Suggestion Suggester proposed that a "Request Slip" for Special Courier Service be desir-ned to improve efficiency. All components utilizing this service would benefit by the improved procedure with clearer instructions for the Courier, and data about requesting office. B. Summary of Evaluation , Courier, GS-5 Chief, Records Administration Staff reported on 29 May 1962 that the form was being designed as a result of this suggestion. OL stated that the suggestion will effect better control over the Special Courier Service and will improve Courier efficiency. C. Recommendation of Executive Secretary 1. Not in line-of-duty. 2. y;20.OO Award based on Intangible Benefits (SLIGI / LIMITED). STATINTL D. Decision of Chairman a??.ao Award Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 CIA Iir`'TElitAL USE ONLY CIA iw TE:I:NAL USE ONLY Approved F Releas 01/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A00040Q 10024-6 15 OCT t9fi2 SUI 4A.RY AND EECO19,1C1IDATION FOR THE CHAIRMAN STATINTL SUGGESTION No. 62-350: Supv) GS-7 Off ice of the Comptroller, O/DCI STATINTL A. Summary of Suggestion Suggester proposed that a form, called a mailing slip, be prepared to accompany U. 3. Treasury checks paid from vouchered funds for travel expenses. The checks in question are mailed to the residence of the traveller. This form will describe the purpose of the check and will avoid confusion and possible security flaps. B. Summary of Evaluation On 2 July 1962, the Comptroller's Office reported that the suggestion has been adopted, is being placed in effect in the Travel Branch, Fiscal Division and all vouchered checks will go out with this explanatory statement. C. Recommendation of Executive Secretary 1. Not in line-of-duty. 2. Y25.00 Award based on Intangible Benefits (SLIGHT/LIMITED). D. Decision of Chairman ,uy u u~ittee Award Date Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 GA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved Felease01 /07/16: CIA-RDP80-00832A000400024-6 15 OCT 1962 > LT! IARY AND ]d CON NDA.TION FOR THE CHAIRMAN STATINTL SUGGESTION NO. 62-351: dated 00, DD/I A. Summary of Suggestion The suggester proposed and designed an International Anniversary STATSPEC Desk Calendar. This calendar was prepared in= after extensive research and cross-checking to provide a guide and reference for editors and monitors overseas and in Headquarters. The calendar pin- points the major anniversaries in countries throughout the world; provides the basis for personnel and coverage planning, guarantees accuracy and consistency in the translation of terms, and offers a vehicle for the listing of new dates and terms to insure standardization of translations and minimizes the time expended in seeking to resolve such problems. B. Summary of Evaluation STATSPEC has adopted the su estion for optional use. STATSPEC The Chief of_ Headquarters Editorial Branch finds it valuable for checking dates and proper spelling of anniversaries. He thinks that frequent reference to it in the Field would lead to a more STATSPEC accurate and uniform product by Headquarters. Other general comments made by Chiefs are: "consider it a handy device"; STATSPEC "constitutes a use u re erence" . One of the Chiefs estimates it saves some 100 man hours a year. DDP reports no immediate use of the calendar, they have a catalog that answers the purpose. C. Recommendation of Executive Secretary 1. Not in line-of-duty. 2. 35 Award based on Intangible savings (SLIGHT/LOCAL) 3. Referral to Department of State. 4057 J, C1 o airma Suggestion rds Committee Award Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved f*r Relea001/07/16: CIA-RDP80-00832A000416?10024-6 15 OCT 1962 SU1 ARY AND RECOMt ff JDATION FOR THE CHAIRMAN STATINTL STATINTL SUGGESTION NO. 63-25: dated August r_962 ry^ r A. Summary of Suggestion Suggester proposed the consolidation of Forms 1618 "Government Employees Health Association Claim" and an un- numbered Form regarding "Double Coverage". Heretofore, this second unnumbered form was sent to the claimant every three months to obtain a certification that he did not have double insurance coverage. Now, with all the information included on one form, a person does not have to be contacted the second time on any one claim. STATINTL B. Summary of Evaluation OP reported on 11 September 1962 that this suggestion has been adopted and will be put into effect as soon as the forms can be printed for use. This saves unnecessary adminis- trative work, mailing, records etc. C. Recommendation of Executive Secretary 1. Not in line-of-duty. 2. $25.00 Award based on Intangible Benefits (SLIGHT/LIMITED). D. Decision of Chairman Award Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 CIA I~t Ii AL USE ONLY CIA INTE r I'LL USE ONLY Approved F 1 eleasE 01/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A00040 0024-6 15 OCT 1962 STATINTL SUGGESTION NO. 63-26: dated 20 Jul :L 62 Secretary-Steno, GS-6 OS, DD S A. Summary of Suggestion Suggester proposed that sta'.r handrails be installed for the recently constructe- concrete stairway which leads to the West Parking lot at Headquarters? B. Summary of Evaluation After making an inspection of the stairway in question, the CIA Safety Officer reported on 27 August 1962 that the handrail was needed and a request to have the work completed was sent to OL on 18 September 1962. 1 October 1962 OL :.forwarded Work Order No. 63-891 to GSA for installation of handrail before the bad weather sets in, requesting the work be done on a reimbursable basis. C. Recommendation of Executive Secretary 1. Not in line-of -duty. 2. '1"25.00 Award based on Intangible Benefits (SLIGHT/LOCAL) to be paid on completicn of thework. STATINTL D. Decision of Chairman Chairman)/Suggestion war p, Committee f'r to -;,- Chairman recommended OL check all other stairways at Headquarters to find out if other hardrails are needed. Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 CIA NTERNAL LSE ONLY CIA Ii TcR AL USE ONLY Approved f 'Releas 01/07/16: CIA-RDP80-00832A0004 0024-6 NW 15 O C T 1962 SU1ilv1 RY AND PECOI41D RATION FOR TIE CHAIRMAN STATINTL SUGGESTION NO. 63-110: dated. 18 April 1962 MM1MMMj GS-5 OL, DD S A. Summary of Suggestion Suggester proposed that Form 390 "Report of Inventory Adjustments" be carbon interleaved; that the original copy be made of a heavier bond for greater clarity in posting and ease in handling and that the sets include seven copies. D. Summary of Evaluation OL recommended adoption. The present single sheet Report of Inventory Adjustment (Form 390) is being used in multiples of seven at the approximate rate of 36,000 sheets per year. The cost of materials used in the preparation of the present Report of Inventory Adjustment is .01+ cents as opposed to an estimated cost of .037 cents in lots of 10,000 for the suggested carbon interleaved form, plus the fact that the bond paper original of the propose::[ form wi_l make for greater ease in handling. C. Comments by Executive Secretary Although we consider that carbon-interleaf considerations are standard in Records Administration Staff, in this instance the Area Records officer did not convey the information that their reports were used in multiple sets; therefore, this GS-5, working with the probleci, did in fact suggest a valid improvement. D. Recommendation of Executive Secretary 1. Not in line-of-duty. 2. 725.00 Award based Intangible benefits (SLIGHT/LII'IITLD) STATINTL Decision of the Chairman Date -~_.. C aairman Sugges cion P4ards Corzitttee /~L--60 Award Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000400010024-6 CIA INTEFNAL USE ONLY