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h y~i 6 RFF {~~~pp~~~ gREE ppggRSENATE 21847
86 ArRefease 2004103705 G0*E 00 468000500280014-2
any educational, research, cultural, athletic, VI of the Civil Rights Act. The Department There being no Objection, the material
recreational, social, or other program or ac- wil l issue shortly more detailed Instructions was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
tivity, the performance evaluation, disci- on carrying out this phase of the regulation. as follows:
plane, counseling of students; making avail- 14, What obligations does the applicant Ersxcr or W CEONNER AMEND MENT TO II.R.
able to students any housing, eating, health, have to keep records and to make them avail- 9567 ON T 00 VI or ME TS Acs
or recreational service; affording work op- able to the Department?
portunities, or scholarship, loan or other fi- A. From time to time, applicants may On August 26, 1965, immediately before
nancial assistance to students; and making be required to submit reports to the Depart- Passage of an. 9567, the proposed Higher Ed-
available for the use of students any build- ment, and the regulation provides that the ucation Act of 1965, Mr. WAacoNNEE proposed
ing, room, space, materials; equipment, or facilities of the applicant and all records, an amendment to section 604 (sec. 7041n the
other facility or property. books, accounts, and other sources of infor- bill as reported by the Committee on Educa-
9. Does the assurance of nondiscrimination mation pertinent to the applicant's com- tion and Labor), which was accepted by Mr.
apply to the entire operation of an institu- pliance with the regulation be made available POWELL, the committee chairman, and agreed
tion? for Inspection during normal business house to by the House. The section, as amended,
A. Insofar as the assurance given by the on request of an officer or employee of the reads as follows (new material in italics) :
applicant relates to the admission or other Department specifically authorized to make "SEC. 604. Nothing contained in this Act
treatment of individuals as students, pa- such ingpectlons. More detailed instructions or any other Act shall be construed to au-
tients, or clients of an institution of higher In this regard will also be forthcoming from thorize any department, agency, officer, or
education, a school, hospital, nursing home, the Department In the near future. employee of the United States to exercise any
center, or other institution owned or oper- 15. Must separate assurance forms be filed direction, supervision, or control over the
ated by the applicant, or to the opportunity with each application? curriculum, program of instruction, admin-
to participate in the provision of services, A. As a general rule once a valid as- istration, or personnel of any educational in-
financial aid, or other benefits to such rode- durance is given it will apply to any further stitution, or over the selection of library re-
viduals, the assurance applies to the entire application as long as there is no indication sources by any education institution; or the
institution. In the case of a public school of a failure to comply. membership practices or internal operations
system the assurance would be applicable A,Iy. MORSE. Mr. President, the Wag- of any fraternal organization, fraternity, or
to all of the elementary or secondary schools Sorority, any private club or any religious or-
operated by the applicant. gonner amendment has caused grave ganization of any institution of higher edu-
Yat about a university which operates teconcern legramtI have received ast indicative i of cation."
Mr. WAacoxwER stated that the purpose of
several l campuses?
A. Section 60.4(d) (2) of the regulation that concern: the amendment is to make clear that Con-
provides for a more limited assurance only PALO ALTO, CALIF., gress did not Intend the Cavil Rights Act to
where an institution can demonstrate that August 30, 1965. be applied in such a manner as to interfere
the practices in part of its operation in no Hon. WAYNE MORSE, with the membership practices or internal
way affect Its practice in the program for Senate Office Building, operations of fraternal or social organizations
which It seeks Federal funds. This would be Washington, D.C.: or to authorize withholding of Federal assist-
a rare case, DEAR SENATOR MORSE: According to Now anee of any kind on such basis (111 CONGERS-
11. If an applicant intends to make use of York Times dispatch in the San Jose Mercury, 5IONAL REcosu, 21129).
other individuals to help carry out the fed- the higher education bill as passed by the The language of the amended section, how-
erally assisted program, does the require- House Includes an amendment by Repre- ever, appears to go far beyond Mr. WAceox-
ment not to discriminate apply to such sub- sentative JOE WA000nxzR, Louisiana Demo- sER's announced intention. If nothing con-
grantee or contractor. crat, exempting college fraternities from title tained In any act of Congress shall be con-
A. It does. The applicant must require any 6 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. strued to authorize any department, agency,
ipdividual, organization, or other entity The Mercury quotes Representative ADAM officer, or employee of the United States to
which it utilizes, to which it subgrants, or CLAYTON POWELL Indirectly as Baying he has exercise any direction, supervision, or control
with which it contracts or otherwise arranges no official concern with discrimination of over the curriculum, program of instruction,
to provide services, financial aid, or other private groups, especially when they receive administration, or personnel of any educa-
benefits under, or to assist it in the conduct no public funds; the facts are: (1) several tional institution, which is what the amend-
of, any program receiving Federal financial colleges and universities now allocate Fed- ed language literally states, it can plausibly
assistance extended to the applicant by the eral loan funds for student housing to con- be argued that all educational Institutions.
Department, or with which it contracts or struction of college owned fraternity facili- from kindergartens to universities, are ex-
otherwise arranges for the use of any facility ties; (2) fraternities receive tangible and In- empted from all Federal legislation and Ex-
provided with the aid of Federal financial as- tangible benefits in varying degrees from the ecutive orders of general applicability affect-
sistance for a purpose for which the Federal moment they are recognized by a college or Ing their operations, such as, for example,
financial assistance was extended, to comply a university; (3) this amendment would be those Imposing wage-and-hours requirements
fully with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of the first real break in the type ban against and nondiscrimination In employment under
1964 and the regulation of the Department discrimination on campus provided by the Federal contracts.
of Health, Education, and Welfare Issued Health, Education, and Welfare regulations Whatever may be Said as to such other
thereunder. issued under title 6 with White House ap- acts, the sponsor's remarks make it clear that
12. Must this assiii'ance of nondiscrimina- proval. the insertion of the words "or any other
tion by the subgrantee, etc., be in writing? Passage of the Waggonner amendment Act" was specifically Intended to refer to
A. In the case (1) of any' contractual or would seriously undermine current efforts title VI of the Civil Rights Act. If all of the
other arrangement with another such Indi- to end racial discrimination by fraternities amendment had followed the original see-
vidual or entity which will continue for an through joint action of undergraduates and tion 704, BE as to read: "Neither this Act nor
indefinite period or for a period of more than their universities. It is specifically designed any other Act Shall be construed to authdr-
8 months, (2) of any subgrant, or (3) of to nullify the strong, straightforward stand ire ? ? ? any Control over the membership
any conveyance, lease, or other transfer of taken by Education Commissioner Francis practices or internal operations of any fm-
any real property or structures thereon pro- Keppel n response to the suspension of the ternal organization ? ?,' then only the
vided with the aid of Federal financial as- Stanford chapter of Sigma Chi by Its national Sponsor's Intention, as announced in the
sistance extended to the applicant by the fraternity, as described on pages 14906 and debate, would have been carried out. But
Department, the applicant shall obtain from 14907 of the CONORESaroNAL RECORD for July the words "or any other Act" are inserted
in the first such other person, subgrantee, or transferee, 1, 1965. first line, so that the section reads.
an agreement, in writing, enforceable by the As a life member of Sigma Chi, I hope you In effect:
applicant and by the United States, that such and your fellow committee members will "Nothing contained in this Act or the Civil
other Individual or entity, subgrantee, or block passage of the Waggoner amendment Rights Act of 1964 shall be construed to
transferee will carry 'out Its functions under and then kill it in conference with the House authorize any department ? ? ? to exercise
such subgrant, or contractual or other ar- it would be the height of irony and shame any direction, supervision, or Control over
rangement, or will use the transferred prop- for the Federal Government to condone racial the curriculum, program of inatruction, ad-
ministration, or personnel of any educational
arty, as the case may be, in accordance with discrimination in any form on college cam- institution."
title VI of the act and the regulation will pules when students, civil rights workers, The plain language would seem to exempt
otherwise compley herewith. and other citizens risk their lives ever da 13. What obligations does the applicant for the cause of equality. all educational avv titntlons M Well as feeler-
.have to Inform beneficiaries, participants, ROBERT W. BEYERS. miles from title VI Coverage.
and others of the provisions of the PORTOLA VALLEY, CALIF. Bible EeOb ith respect pr
otection, ithe ii Was ceten-
regulations I have some other material which raises amendment sceti based c maWELL on & beneflclarles, parti must participants, and other inter- questions as to the danger of the pro- Sion. in accepting It, chairman POWELL
ested persons Information regarding thepro- posed amendment that I ask unanimous stated:
withholding do not believe that there should be my
visions of the regulation and protections Consent to have printed -at this point in
against discrimination provided under title the RECORD.
Approved Yor Release 2004/05/05 : IIO SATE September 2, 1965
of bigher education because of dlserlmina- WASHINGTON, D.C.. tive, rather than to refer to private
Tory practices on the campus by private September 2, 1965. funds?
clubs" (111 CONGRESSrONAL RECORD, 21130). Hon. WAYNE MORSE, Mr. ERVIN. That is what the amend-
Discrimination by fraternities might con- U.S. Senate,
stitute a violation of title VI CC the Civil Washington, D.C.: volved In the question, for instance, that,
Rights Act requirements. This opinion is We urge that the Senate defeat the Wag- If I am drawing a salary from the Federal
based on research showing, among other gonner amendment If It Is offered to the Government, and have a son in a
things, that at least half of all college with higher education bill. This amendment was fraternity, and pay his expenses or his
fraternities have a significant connection accepted by the House In what appears to be fraternity dues out of the salary which
with fraternity housing, In many cases own- a complete misunderstanding of the build-in I receive from the Federal Government,
lag the. fraternity buildings. In some cases mischief it Contains. We have received calls those funds may be covered because in-have Federal
fraternity h housing been from der important universities pointing out directly Federal funds were used.
Y In sueh instan es that u e, ggonncr amendment It
the Waggonner amendment would authorize would be possible to use U.S. Government Mr. MORSE. If the amendment
reinstatement of the separate-but-equal funds to build and operate racially segre- means this, we ought to be willing to say
doctrine, by permitting universities to as- gated facilities on university-owned grounds it. If the activities are not financed di-
sign all dormitory space to fraternities with at institutions that do not now and never rectly or indirectly by public funds, we
various racially restrictive admission policies. have tolerated racial discrimination in any ought to say it,
form. It appears that the real intention of Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, I am a
Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, t call its sponsor is to whittle down the effect of Senator. I draw Federal funds.
the attention of the Senator from Illinois title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It Is If my son has entered a college and
[Mr, DmnxsENj and the Senator from reported that the amendment will be offered
New York [Mr. JAViTs] tq the fact that, in the Senate by Senator RUSSELL LONG of joined a fraternity and I pay his frater-
although this bill passed in the House Louisiana. We hope It will be defeated nity dues, that fraternity would, Indi-
with the Waggonner amendment in it by whether offered by him or anyone else. rectly, perhaps, be getting Federal funds.
an overwhelming majority, let us face it. CLARENCE MITCHELL, Mr. MORSE. I think my friend, great
A great many Members of the House did Director, jurist that he is, knows that would not
not know anythingabout the Waggonner Washington Bureau, NAACP. follow at all. This language deals with
amendment. We are all familiar with There has been some talk about the funds being spent by the Federal Gov-
that in the legislative process. The relationship Of Universities to fraternities ernment in the facilities of a fraternal
amendment is in the bill and many and sororities. Each one to his own sorority or fraternity on a given campus.
Members are now waking up to the sur- View. I would not want my statement to I call attention to the fact that the
prise that it is in there. close this afternoon if I did not point senator from New York [Mr. JAVITS], a
The Senator from Illinois implied- rout that I think there is a place for social Member of my committee-and i am go-
and I' believe correctly so-that there fraternities and sororities on campus, ing to oblige members of my committee-
may be some change in views in the but there is not a place for social fro- suggested a short quorum call for a quick
House. Since the debate started, I re- ternities and sororities on campuses conference on the matter. After that
ceived a note from -a member of the based upon a public policy inconsistent quorum call I will tell the Senate what
House committee, who undoubtedly will With the Civil Rights Act. I propose.
be a conferee, and who is very much con- That is my personal opinion. I want What I would like to see done first is
cerned about what we do in the Senate the RECORD to show that. I believe that have a record made. I would prefer to
on this amendment, fraternities and sororities do not have to have the Senator withdraw his amend-
I read a part of it without disclosing comply with what Is considered to be the ment. The issue will be in conference,
any Identity: policy set forth in the Civil Rights Act. anyway. We can modify the language
Attached you will find the amendment of- However, I do not want to be a party to In any way that we want and modify it
feed by Mr. WAGGONNER. We have been ad- any amendment that would permit a in conference, and merely go to confer-
vised that several adjustments will have to single cent from Federal taxpayers' ence on the basis of the decision made
be made in conference to bring the language money to be spent In furthering a social at the committee level, and In that way
in line with the intent of the amendment fraternity or sorority that discriminates not take action on the matter here but
and the Civil Rights Act. We have been because of race, color, or creed. I be- go tq conference. I would prefer to have
advised that the proponents of the amend- tieve that we are pretty much in agree- the Senator withdraw his amendment
ment are willing to consider such suggestion. ment on that point in the Senate. This matter will be in conference. a then itliwould bel possible in conferee ei to The former Attorney General of the Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. _ President, the
rewrite the amendment since it would be a United States and now a member of my amendment will not be withdrawn. I
more restrictive provision than in the pres- Subcommittee the junior Senator from do not think it needs further refinement.
ent House bill, and thus between our version New York [Mr. KENNEDY I, on whom Frankly, I am prepared to vote.
and any version offered by the Senate, we I have leaned very heavily throughout Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I suggest
would be able to work out an acceptable the discussion and consideration of this the absence of a quorum.
provision. As I said to you last night, "If _ligher education bill, makes a suggestion
you have to have an amendment, don't take that I would like to have considered. It
the Waggonner amendment." :.s to the effect that, instead of the Ian- clerk will call the roll.
It is very easy to give the chairman of image proposed by way of an addendum The legislative. clerk proceeded to call
the committee such gratuitous Instruc- by the Senator from North Carolina, the roll.
tions. However, I want the Senate to this language be woven Into the amend- Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
know this afternoon, before we come to ment: ask unanimous consent that the order
a decision, that I shall not conceal any- And whose activities are not financed di- for the quorum call be rescinded.
thing from the Senate. Some Senators iectly or indirectly by public funds. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With-
have already received telegrams, and
out ob' tfon, It is so ordered.
know of the that Has the Senator from North Carolina
agitation this i
s a
ates t
I snail put the telegram in the RECORD. .. Mr. ER
is what the amend- TARY OF TIIjT~ EASURY TO RE-
I shall not keep it from any Senator or Inept does now.'..
from the public. Mr. MORSE. That is what the Sell- TAIN PROVISIONS OF THE FED-
This is from Clarence Mitchell, direc- etor from Rhode Island [Mr. PASTORE] ERAL FIREARMS ACT
tor of the Washington bureau of the Na- chat I have said. However, the reply of Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
tional Association for the Advancement the junior Senator from New York is ask unanimous consent that the pending
of Colored People. that if It means that, what objection business be laid aside for a minute or
It reads: would we have to putting it in the nega- two, and that the Senate turn to the
Set r 2 L96 SSIp A~ J%PRD - SENATE 21849
p~ovetl Forelease 2004705705:CIARDP67B00446R000500280014-2
consideration of Calendar No. 648, H.R. sas, a concurrent resolution which, if day, in addition to declaring once again
d States
f th
9570. passed, will put the Congress on record
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill for this policy.
will be stated by title. We consider our neighbors to the
The LEGISLATIVE CLERIC. A bill (HR south to be our partners-the era of the
9570) to amend the Federal Firearms "good neighbor" or F.D.R.'s day has been
Act to authorize the Secretary of the succeeded by the era of the "good part-
Treasury to relieve applicants from cer- ner," or "buen socio." Yet, it is felt
tain provisions of the Act if he deter- in many quarters in Latin America that
mines that the granting of relief would when the United States moved Into the
not be contrary to the public interest, Dominican Republic, we breached that
and that the applicant would not be' policy and entered upon a new policy
likely to conduct his operations in an which Latin America is now trying to
unlawful manner.
objection to the present consideration
of the bill?
There being no objection, the Senate
proceeded to consider the bill.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent that an expla-
nation of the bill may be printed in the
RECORD prior to passage of the bill.
There being no objection, the extract
(Rept. No. 666) was ordered to be
printed in the RECORD, as follows:
The purpose of the bill into amend the
Federal Firearms Act to authorize the Secre-
tary of the Treasury to relieve applicants
from certain provisions of the act If he de-
termines that the granting of relief would
not be contrary to Public interest and that
the applicant would not be likely to con-
duct his operations in an unlawful manner.
is open to amendment. If there be no
amendment to be proposed, the question
is on the third reading and passage of
the bill.
The bill was ordered to a third read-
ing, read the third time, and passed.
Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I move
to reconsider the vote by which the bill
was passed.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr.' President, I
move to lay that motion on the table.
The motion to lay on the table was
agreed to.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
suggest the absence of a quorum.
clerk will call the roll.
The legislative clerk proceeded to call
the roll.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the order for
the quorum call be rescinded.
out objection, It Is so ordered.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr, President, in the
wake of the crisis in the Dominican Re-
publica country we now hope is on
the road to democratic stabilization-
one fact has become palpfully clear:
- The interest of the nations of the Amer-
leas is in collective. responsibility and
Collective action for the accelerated de-
velopment of the hemisphere in a pro-
gressive democratic framework. There-
fore, I am introducing today, on behalf
of myself and Senator CARLSON, of Kan-
fathom. And there has been consider-
able talk in Latin America recently
about the need for "independence" from
the United States. President Frei, of
Chile, and other leaders who agree with
him do not speak to unresponsive ears in
the United States when they assert that
the inter-American system cannot be
based upon U.S. hegemony-with which
I feel the American people agree-or
when they suggest that Western Europe
become, as it has already, particularly
through ADELA, which I initiated, more
interested in Latin American develop-
ment-which I feel the people of the
United States also believe to be desir-
able. But Latin America cannot at the
same moment look to us for the main
resources needed for its accelerated de-
velopment and for its security without
recognizing our mutual importance to
each other; just as the nations of Latin
America are to be equal partners with
us, so we are to be equal partners with
them too.
Latin Americans must be offered a
choice which is attractive to them, as
well as to the United States and Canada.
This choice must be increasing participa-
tion in the great decisions of the hem-
isphere-political, economic and social,
and military.
And, it is also high time to bring ac-
tively into the inter-American family of
nations our great partner to the north,
Canada. In trade, national power and
world responsibility, Canada belongs in
the inter-American system, which is not
complete without it. A prime objective
of the diplomacy of the United States
and every other country of the Ameri-
cas should be to invite Canada to take
the seat awaiting it in the Organization
of American States.
In many ways we have recognized that,
over the long term, the economic devel-
opment and social progress of Latin
America will enrich the lives, increase
the security, and contribute to the po-
litical stability of the people of the Amer-
icas. Whatever its problems, the Alli-
ance for Progress committed the nations
of the Americas to a nonviolent, but ac-
celerated economic and social revolution
in Latin America. Great strides hpve al-
ready been made and, with renewed dedi-
cation, still greater economic and social
gains are ahead.
But, the military and political aspects
of American life have not kept pace with
the social and economic aspects. The
evolution of concept and philosophy that
characterized the Alliance have not been
matched by similar concepts designed to
provide for military security and politi-
cal stability in the hemisphere.
The resolution which Is introduced to-
on o
the determ
to encourage and support accelerated
economic development and social prog-
ress in the Americas, in accordance with
the principles of the Alliance for Prog-
ress,.seeks to focus attention on prob-
lems we shall have to face up to even
before the results of the Alliance are
fully visible-problems of military se-
curity and political stability which Santo
Domingo laid bare.
The two basic problems are these:
First. How can the inter-American
system best deal with subversion, wheth-
er Communist or ultrarightist?
Second. How can the American States
counter political instability resulting
from the overthrow of Democratic gov-
ernments by the Communists or the
The problem of Communist subversion
on a large scale is relatively new to this
hemisphere, whereas a rapid turnover of
governments and the seizure of power by
dictators have been features of the
Latin American scene for decades. But,
it is the concurrence of these two fac-
tors, in the current economic and social
atmosphere of present day Latin Amer-
ica, which now threatens Central and
South America with massive and violent
governmental upheavals.
The American States have tried for
years to Cope 'with this danger, and
thought they had made great progress.
But it was Santo Domingo which re-
vealed how inadequate still remain the
instruments of the American system at
our command. It was Santo Domingo
which demonstrated that the inter-
American system is not yet fully pre-
pared to deal with the kind of situation
It faced in early April.
One significant development which
could result from Santo Domingo is a
heightened realization on the part of the
nations of this hemisphere that the inter-
American security system needs
strengthening. The United States moved
into the Dominican Republic-initially to
save lives and subsequently to prevent a
Communist takeover-alone. On the
basis of evidence gathered by U.S.
sources, the U.S. Government made the
decision to use U.S. forces in Santo
Domingo. Whether the evidence war-
ranted the U.S. action will be argued for
a long time. The fact remains that we
did go in. This is no reason to believe
the United States moved unilaterally
with any special enthusiasm-we are
long past the days of gunboat diplomacy,
which is as unpopular In the United
States as In the rest of the Western
Hemisphere. The United States had no
interest in sharpening either domestic
divisions or international criticisms re-
lating to the conduct of our foreign
policy. Yet, however reluctantly, the
United States did act to fill what was
considered to be a power vacuum into
which the OAS was not prepared to move
in time.
There Is no question that once it was
seized of the Issue, the OAS moved with
great diligence within the limits of Its
authority and possibilities under the cir-
cumstances. By its handling of the
Approved For Release 2004/05/05: CIA-RDP67B00446R000500280014-2
Approve2 0Release 2004/05/05: ClA0WRM90Q4MMB6A ID044SENATE September 2,
Cuban missile crisis, the OAS has al:w
shown with what remarkable speed it
can make decisions when the danger Is
perceived as clear and present. But it
Just did not have at its disposal the
means to take immediate and effective
action in Santo Domingo.
The concern now is not so much
whether there was or was not a sub-
stantial and significant danger of a Com-
munist takeover in Santo Domingo. The
fact is that other situations are likely to
occur in Latin America in which con-
clusions will be hard to draw from in-
complete and contradictory evidence.
The real question is how to handle these
problems in. the future. Rather than
simply to protest the unilateral nature
of the initial U.S. involvement in the
Dominican Republic, it is now more con-
structive for the nations of this hem:
sphere to decide on a means to deal to-
gether with the growing problem of sub-
version in the Americas. Collective re-
sponsibility and collective action for the
security of the hemisphere is the only a
ternative to unilateral U.S. action.
Attempting to create a realization of
the need to face the facts ofcontem-
porary life in the Americas and to pro-
vide a multilateral system with the
means to react in time in a crisis is not
just a matter of persuading others to to
our job with us or take the onus of inter-
vention off our shoulders. The Ameri-
can Republics have time and time again
declared their devotion to the ideals of
self-determination and democratic gov-
ernment and recognized that it is in the
interest of all to prevent the emergence
of regimes allied with extra-hemispheric
powers hostile to the proclaimed goals
of the inter-American system or based
on military takeover. The stake of
Latin America is as great as, and more
direct than, the stake of the United
States in the fulfillment of these goals.
The task :is now to develop the means
of dealing with the problem of hem[-
spheric security both effectively and col-
Agreement. on the methods and pro-
cedures of collective action for hem-
ispheric security against subversion will
not be easy to arrive at. The establish-
ment of any properly functioning and
truly multilateral security system wou'.d
'have to overcome a variety of sizeable
obstacles. But something of this nature
must be done; together the American
states must begin now to work for a
solution. I propose that they do so and
that high on the agenda for discussion,
for example at the forthcoming Foreign
Ministers' Conference, be a project for a
defense alliance of the Americas with a
)multilateral organization having the
means readily available to preserve free-
dom and self-determination in this hem-
An aspect of the status of democracy
In Latin America which was vividly
brought home by Santo Domingo Is the
number of Latin American countries that
still lack constitutional, democratic
ingly that not all of these takeovers were
necessarily undesirable. But it may be
argued wit)h equal persuasiveness that,
however, transitional may be the entry
of the military into the political affairs
of some Latin countries, In their totality
these coups are a manifestation of con-
tinued political Instability which has be-
come increasingly damaging to Latin
America's development and should there-
fore inspire great hemispheric concern.
While military takeovers are just one
symptom of the political instability which
afflicts so much of Latin America, they
are so important and, in a sense, so his-
toric a symptom that in some countries
they have tended to become. a cause, as
well as a result, of the underlying politi-
cal problems. In some cases they seem
to perpetuate those problem's to such a
degree that a succession of military
juntas turns into a form of government-
even a form of government having the
passive consent of the people.
The short-run consequences of a mili-
tary takeover in a particular country
may not always be wholly undesirable.
To an important extent, the immediate
advantages or disadvantages of any spe-
cific coup to the country in which it
takes place must be measured with an
eye to what went before and what is
likely to follow. Even so, the uncertainty
which frequently follows the overthrow
of an established government may be
slow to dissipate, and in many instances
the momentum of a development pro-
gram tends to be seriously slowed down
by the mere disruption of normal pro-
cedures and relationships following an
abrupt political shift.
But the real danger is in the continued
erosion of the hope and faith of the
people in the viability of democratic
government; in the comparative ease
with which successive coups can follow
the path broken by prior ones; and in
the frequent or prolonged, absence of
the democratic experience.,
There are those who have already
abandoned, hope in democratic develop-
ment in Latin America as a whole, pre-
ferring to place their reliance instead
on the young, progressive brand of mili-
tary government which has emerged in
some places in the hemisphere in recent
years. The economic and social goals
of the Alliance for Progress, it is said,
may more quickly and easily be reached
by the methods available to such gov-
ernments than by the trials and errors of
democracy. But while some significant
reforms have undoubtedly been pushed
through by military regimes in certain
Latin American countries, and while a
progressive military regime is of course
preferable to a reactionary one, the pro-
motion and encouragement of Latin
American military regimes in politics is
not a policy goal for which many civil-
ians in the Americas could feel much en-
The question is what can be done-a
,question which, incidentally, has taxed
some of the best minds of the hemisphere
for decades. The resolution suggests
governments. that we encourage ' common efforts to
Nine military coups have occurred In come to grips with the issue, and it also
Latin America since the beginning of tries to attack the problem at Its most
1962. It may be argued very convine- pernicious point-the unconstitutional
Approved For Release 2004/05/05: CIA-RDP67B00446R000500200014-2
overthrow of freely elected, constitu-
tional, democratic governments which
have not become dictatorships or jeo-
pardized their countries' security.
There is no specific effort in this reso-
lution to spell out measures against exist-
ing takeover governments, though the
possibility of adjusting the hemispheric
attitude toward such regimes should be
the basis of discussion among the Amer-
ican States. But it does attempt to de-
clare our opposition to the crushing of
truly democratic governments in Latin
America. It does suggest a procedure
whereby, in consultation with the other
OAS members and with Canada, this op-
position might be of some effect in pro-
tecting democratic governments from
overhasty takeover .by military regimes,
and in restoring democratic government
where it has fallen,
There is no question that a matter of
such complexity and individual variation
must be dealt with with great flexibility.
The resolution, therefore, merely ex-
presses the sense of Congress that the
United States should encourage and sup-
port consultations among the members of
the inter-American system and with
Canada to consider together the advisa-
bility of withholding the immediate
establishment of diplomatic relations
and extension of aid to regimes which
come to power by crushing truly demo-
cratic governments. But more than
anything else, I believe it is necessary to
put the United States on record as judg-
ing it wise to take a hard look--together
with Canada and the Latin American
States-at these regimes, before decid-
ing how to treat with them.
It may under certain circumstances
seem necessary, after the consultations
provided for by this resolution, to provide
support for regimes of this kind; the
terms of the resolution would not pre-
vent this. It may also, on other occa-
sions, be believed to be in the interest of
the United States to provide immediate
aid to such regimes. Nevertheless, I be-
lieve it is ultimately in the interest of the
United States and the hemisphere to re-
tain whatever influence we and the other
OAS members have had in the nation
concerned, not merely by keeping our
foot in the door, but by taking action on
the basis of collective consultation to
encourage a more rapid return to consti-
tutional and democratic government.
The experience of Santo Domingo sug-
gests that common efforts to deal with
this problem require immediate consid-
eration at the highest level.
Like the economic and social aspects
of Latin America, the military and po-
litical aspects which -I have discussed
must be dealt with increasingly on a
multilateral basis. Not only will collec-
tive action in all these areas be more
effective, but collective responsibility will
tend to obviate the need for unilateral
United States action in matters of great
hemispheric concern.
United States interest cannot be gain-
said-the United States affects Latin
America enormously. The United States
Is a most enduring fact of life in Latin
America-and we are just not going to
fade away. But the United States does
September 2 19 55 E O 7T~7'` 21799
roved erty ~wfien te Government o deda ~ "However, it now p that the civilian administration. It is, therefore, recommend-
thority for the same loss. If this rationale agencies have recommended procedures ed that the bill with the amendments rec-
were to be applied, the Government would be which are at variance with those previously contended by the committee be considered
absolved of paying the claims which are followed by the military departments and favorably,"
the subject of the provisions referred to in the Coast Guard. The committee, therefore, The committee believes that the bill, as
policies which provide for a $6,500 deduc-
tion so as to permit the coverage of losses
over and above the statutory limitation for
a claim. The committee has found that full
insurance coverage of the "floater type" on
certain large and valuable items is very ex-
pensive and is actually beyond the means of
the lower ranks of military personnel. Fur-
ther, it is simply not available during move-
ments to some oversew areas. This commit-
tee further recognizes that a requirement for
the purchase of insurance has the practical
effect of Imposing additional costs and hard-
ships on personnel incident to their repeated
service-directed moves. It must also be
recognized that the cheap "trip transit"
policies offer very little if any protection.
Where such policies provide for partial in-
surance coverage, personnel have at times
discovered that they were, in effect, coln-
suror of a part of their loss, since partial
insurance was taken as stating their property
Be less than its value.
"In its study of the claims settlement au-
thority proposed in this bill, the committee
has been concerned with a number of as-
pects in the administration of that authority.
On repeated occasions, representatives of the
military services have appeared before this
committee's Subcommittee on Claims to ex-
plain procedures In given cases and to de-
scribe the procedures followed by each serv-
ice in settling such claims. The 20-year
period of the exercise of this authority by the
military provides a firm basis for regulations
and procedures which insure a competent
administration of the statutory authority for
claims settlement. As is the one in the ad-
ministrative settlement of most claims; the
most vital part of the process is the initial
investigation and adjudication of the claim.
It is at this point that the experience and
personnel of the military departments and
the Coast Guard have proved their compe-
tency in this area. This committee is confi-
dent that the increase of settlement author-
ity to $10,000 is clearly required as to the
military departments and the Coast Guard
and that these departments have the per-
sonnel, the experience, and the well-defined
procedures necessary for the most efficient
use of such increased authority. This com-
mittee is also reassured by the fact that the
military services provide for a review of such
claims by legally trained personnel.
"As can be seen from the foregoing dis-
cussion, the primary need for increased
claims settlement authority is to be found
In the military services. Furthermore, there
most be a frank recognition that claims set-
tlement in the military services in many cases
is to be distinguished from the civilian
analogy. Among these considerations Is the
morale of the individual service member and
the requirement for a prompt settlement of
the loss or damage that he may suffer. The
committee has found that the procedures of
the military service may be different than
those ultimately evolved for the civilian
agencies. In reporting the bill, H.R. 6910,
which ultimately was enacted Into law, as
the Military Personnel and Civilian Em-
ployees' Claims Act of 1964, this committee
stated In House Report No. 460 of the 88th
Congress that:
"'[Iit is also relevant to observe that the
experience of the military departments and
the Coast Guard In administering the pres-
ent military personnel claims provisions and
the regulations promulgated by those depart-
ments to implement those provisions have
served to establish guidelines and standards
which will aid in the application of the ex-
tendedcoverage of the provisions as con-
tained in this bill.'
provide for separate authority for the mili-
tary departments in subsection (a) of the
Military Personnel and Civilian Employees'
Claims Act of 1964 and the civilian agencies
In subsection (b) of that act. In order to
provide for a uniformity of policy concern-
ing the civilian agencies the committee has
further recommended that the regulations
promulgated to Implement the authority
granted the civilian agencies be made sub-
ject to uniform policies prescribed by the
President. The civilian agencies were first
granted the authority to settle claims for
losses of personal property on August 31,
1964, the date of approval of the Military
Personnel and Civilian Employees' Claims
Act of 1964. The committee has concluded
that In view of this fact it would be a wiser
course to keep the statutory limitation of
$6,500 In force as to the civilian agencies.
Due to the short history of the exercise of
this authority by the various civilian agen-
cies of the Government, it is felt that any
question of Increase of existing authority
should be deferred until the various agen-
cies have developed their procedures and
have had a longer period of experience in
administration of this claims settlement au-
"At the March 10, 1965, hearing, the retro-
active feature of this bill was also discussed.
Section 4 of the bill provides that the addi-
tional claims settlement authority created
by amendments to section 2732 of title 10,
section 490 of title 14, and the Military Per-
sonnel and Civilian Employees' Claims Act
Is to be available for the reconsideration and
settlement of claims which were timely filed
and settled under those statutes on and
after July 2, 1952. This means that the
retroactive application would only apply to
claims that were fully investigated and ad-
judicated by the services. Any person seek-
Ing a reconsideration of a claim which was
not fully paid because of the limitation as
to amount would be required to make a writ-
ten request for such reconsideration within
1 year of the effective date of the act. This
committee r nizes that this provision
for retroactive application is required to ex.
tend equal treatment to those who may have
suffered heavy losses prior to the effective
date of the amendments added by this bill.
However, it is also well to limit the period
for the reconsideration of claims of this na-
ture so that the whole question of previous
claims can be resolved in a reasonable time.
"The testimony presented at the hearing
and the information included in the execu-
tive communication establish the fact that
the potential cost of a reconsideration of
claims has been ascertained by the military
services. This is the top figure and, Be has
been noted, only claims where a request
would be filed within a statutory 1-year
period would be reconsidered, so that It could
be anticipated that not all potential claims
would be reconsidered. However that might
be, military records show the outstanding
unpaid balances, the figures have been col-
lected and result in a total of $327,126.86.
There Is a potential of about 195 claimants
who might file for reconsideration.
"On the basis of the considerations out-
lined In the executive communication of the
Department of the Air Force, the testimony
presented in connection with this bill and
bills dealing with the same problem over the
years, this committee feels that the amend-
ments provided for In the bill are necessary
for a proper administration of the law. This
bill has been the subject of careful review
and study by the subcommittee to which it
was assigned and the committee amendments
have been drafted to meet the problems pres-
ently being encountered in this area of claims
recommended by the Department of Defense
and as amended by the House of Representa-
tives, is meritorious and recommends it favor-
The bill (S. 803) for the relief of Ching
Zai Yen and his wife, Faung Hwa Yen
was considered, ordered to be engrossed
for a third reading, read the third time,
and passed, as follows:
S. 803
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That, for the
purposes of the Immigration and Nationality
Act, Ching Zal Yen and his wife, Faung Hwa
Yen, shall be held and considered to have
been lawfully admitted to the United States
for permanent residence as of the date of the
enactment of this Act, upon payment of the
required visa fees. Upon the granting of
permanent residence to such aliens as pro-
vided for in this Act, the Secretary of State
shall instruct the proper quota-control officer
to deduct the required numbers from the
appropriate quota or quotas for the first year
that such quota or quotas are available..
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent to have printed
in the RECORD an excerpt from the report
(No. 656), explaining the purposes of the
There being no objection, the excerpt
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
The purpose of the bill is to grant the
statue of permanent residence in the United
States to Ching Zai Yen and his wife, Faung
Hwa Yen. The bill provides for appropriate
quota deductions and for the payment of the
required visa fees.
The bill (S. 1168) for the relief of Tim-
othy William O'Kane was considered,
ordered to be engrossed for a third read-
ing, read the third time, and passed, as
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That, for the
purposes of the Immigration and Nationality
Act, the provisions of sections 201(a), 202
(a)(5) and 202(b) (4) of that Act shall not
be applicable in the case of Timothy William
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent to have printed
in the RECORD an excerpt from the report
(No. 657), explaining the purposes of the
There being no objection, the excerpt
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
The purpose of the bill is to enable the
beneficiary who is of Chinese descent, to
qualify for an immigrant visa as a native of
Canada, the country of his birth.
The bill (H.R. 1402) for the relief of
Dr. Jorge Rosendo Barahona was con-
~ gp
ApprotPFgr Release 2004/05105 GCT~Y~R~3~~46R0005i
bill. The bill (H.R. 2678) for the relief of
There being no objection, the excerpt Joe Yul Kim was considered, ordered to
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, a third ...dine read the third time. and
"'Nir, MANSFiEI+l7. Mr. President, I~ the fact that she is a native of an adjacent
ask unanimous consent to have printed, island'
in the RECORD an excerpt from the report (No. 658), explaining the purposes of the' '300 YUL KIM
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
The purpose of the bill is to grant the ask unanimous consent to have printed
status of permanent residence in the United in the RECORD an excerpt from the report
States to Dr. Jorge Rosendo BarafionaBs of' (No. 662), explaining the purposes of the
October 3, 1960, the date on which he was hm
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
The purpose of the bill is to facilitate the
The bill (H.R. 1443) for the relief of entry into the United States in a nonquota
Mrs. Olga Bernice Bramson Gilfilian was, status of an alien child to be adopted by
considered, ordered to a third reading, citizens of the United States. The bill also
read'the third time, and passed. provides that the provision of law limiting
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, V to two the number of alien children to be
in the RECORD an excerpt from the report
(No. 659), explaining the purposes of the'
There being, no objection, the excerpt`
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD.'
as follows:
The purpose of 'the bill is to provide' for
restoration of U.S. citizenship in behalf of
Mrs. Olga Bernice Bramson Giifillan, which-
was lost by her failure to return to the
United States prior to her 23d birthday.
daughter of a U.S. citizen father and a lawful
resident alien mother. The bill provides fa-
the posting of a bond as a guaranty that thn
beneficiary will not become a public charge.
There being no objection, the excerpt'
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
The purpose of the bill is to waive the ex'
bluding provision of existing law relating to
one who is feebleminded in behalf of th,i
The bill (H.R. 1627) for the relief Dip
Esterina Ricupero was considered, or-'
dered to a third reading, read the thire:l
time, and passed.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, 1.'
ask unanimous consent to have printer!
in the RECORD an excerpt from the re-
port (No. 660), explaining the purposes."
The bill (H.R. 1820) for the relief off
Winsome Elaine Gordon was considered,
ordered to a third reading, read the third
time, and passed.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President,
ask unanimous consent to have printed:
in the RECORD an excerpt from the re-.
port (No.661) , explaining the purposes of
the bill.
There, being no objection, the excerpt(
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
The bill (H.R. 2871) for the relief of
Dorota Zytka was considered, ordered to
a third reading, read the third time, and
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent to have printed
in the RECORD an excerpt from the re-
port (No. 663), explaining the purposes
of the bill.
There being no objection, the excerpt
was ordered to be,printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
The purpose of the bill is to facilitate the
admission to the United States in a non-
quota status of an alien child to be adopted
by citizens of the United States.
The bill (li?R. 3292) for the relief of
Consuelo Alvarado de Corpus was con-
sidered, ordered to a third reading, read
the third tin1e, and passed.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent to have printed
in the RECORD an excerpt from the report
(No. 664)? explaining the purposes of the
There being no objection, the excerpt
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
The purpose of the bill is to waive the ex-
cluding provision of existing law relating to
an alien who has assisted other aliens to
enter the United States In violation of the
law in behalg of the wife of a U.S. citizen.
The bill (14 R. 6719) for the relief of
Mrs. Kazuyo Watanabe Ridgely was con-
sidered, ordered to a third reading, read
the third time, and passed.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent to have printed
In the RECORD all excerpt from the report
(No. 665), explaining the purposes of the
There being no objection, the excerpt
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Approved For Release 2004/05/05: CIA=RDP67B00446R000500280014-2
The purpose of the bill is to facilitate thee
entry into the United Statesin a nonquote_
The purpose of the bill is to waive the ex-
cluding provision of existing law relating to
one who has been convicted of a violation of
narcotic laws in behalf of the wife of a U.S.
The bill (H. R. 9 -Y to amend the Fed-
eral Firearms K11 authorize the Sec-
retary of the Treasury to relieve appli-
cants from certain provisions of the act
if he determines that the granting of re-
lief would not be contrary to the pub-
lic interest and that the applicant would
not be likely to conduct his operations in
an unlawful manner, was announced as
next in order.
Mr. MORSE. Over, Mr. President.
The VICE PRESIDENT. The bill will
be passed over.
The Senate proceeded to consider the
bill (S. 481) for the relief of Winnifred
Evadne Newman which had been re-
reported from the Committee on the Ju-
diciary with an amendment in line 7,
after the word "States", to insert a colon
and "Provided, That the natural mother
of the beneficiary shall not, by virtue of
such parentage, be accorded any right,
privilege, or status under the Immigra-
tion and Nationality Act"; so as to make
the bill read:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That, for the
purposes of sections 101(a) (27) (A) and 205
of the Immigration and Nationality Act,
Winnifred #vadne Newman shall be held and
considered to be the alien minor child of
Cedric S. Newman, a citizen of the United
States: Provided, That the natural mother of
the beneficiary shall not, by virtue of such
parentage, he accorded any right, privilege or
status under the Immigration and National-
ity Act.
The amendment was agreed to.
The bill was ordered to be engrossed
for a third reading, was read the third
time, and passed.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I
ask unanimous consent to have printed
in the RECORD an excerpt from the re-
port (No. 667), explaining the purposes
of the bill.
There being no objection, the excerpt
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
The purpose of the bill, a@ amended, is to
enable the illegitimate daughter of a U.S.
citizen to enter the United States as a non-
quota immigrant, which is the status nor-
mally enjoyed by the alien minor children of
U.S. citizens. The bill has been amended in
accordance with the suggestion of the Com-
missioner of Immigration and Naturalization
to provide that the natural mother of the
beneficiary shall not"be accorded any right,
,privilege, or status under the Immigration
and Nationality Act.
The Senate proceeded to consider the
bill (S. 779) for the relief of Henryka
Lyska which had been reported from the
Committee on the Judiciary with an
amendment to strike out all after the
enacting clause and insert: