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Approved For Base 2002/05/06: CIA-RDP62-00631R300210011-5 CONFIDENTIAL 26 January 1955 SUBJECT: Development of Intelligence Literature 1, On 15 October 1954 I sent you a memorandum describing a new Office of Training program designed to enlarge the basic literature of intelligence principles and methods, This program has two aims: to stimulate original research by Agency personnel and to publish the beat results of such research a well as manu- scripts which might be adapted from material in office fileen 2. I want to thank you for your helpful response no faro We have already received two research project suggestions,, which are being reviewed by panels of Agency officers,, and several papers which might be recast and published in our projected Studiea in Intelligence monograph series, We hope to have the first of these monographs ready for dissemination early this year, . 3, We are anxious., of course,, to receive still more material and further suggestions for research projects, If you have some questions about this program or about the contribution your office might make, please feel free to call on us for assistance. Chief of the Intelligence School,, and HIS ass a ant,, (both on extension Ii ;will be pleased to meet with you at any time and discuss the details of our effort to expand the basic literature of the profession, MATTHEW BAMD Director of Training 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/06 : CIA-RDP62-00631 R000300210011-5 R?UTI ANEJ ?RED SHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Officer designations should be used in the "TO" column. Under each comment a line should be drawn across sheet and each comment numbered to correspond with the number in the "TO" column. Each officer should initial (check mark insufficient) before further routing. This Routing and Record Sheet should be returned to Registry. FROM: Director of Training TELEPHONE NO. IS 1/88 11-A T-31 _ DATE 26 January 1955 TO ROOM DATE OFF EW NO. RECD FWD-D J IN IAL TELEPHONE COMMENTS General Counsel 317 South ` 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1 MAY 54 5 I -1 p P E IOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED SECRET ( CONFIDENTIAL/ UNCLASSIFIED Approved For tease 2000/) EhZf RDP62-0063 300210011-5 15 October 195h SUBJECT! Development of Intelligence Literature 1. The Office of Training believes that the intelligence profession would profit greatly from the enlargement of the literature pertaining to intelligence principles, methods, and practices. Much valuable experience, now scattered through office files or simply in the minds of experienced officers, would be recorded; ideas would be presented for critical exam- ination; and the development of intelligence doctrine would be advanced, The Office also believes that among the employees of the Agency there are a good marr persons who are capable of9 and interested in, contributing to this literature 2. I have consulted informally on this matter with several principal officers of the Agency,, and we think that the following steps would provide a start toward developing a useful body of intelligence literature,, a. OTR will Invite the Assistant Directors, DD/P staff and division chiefs, and DD/A office heads, to forward sug- gestions of persons who they think are specially fit to undertake particular research projects and eager to have a chance to do so, with an indication that these persons can be released from regular duties for a sufficient time to complete the project -- arWwhere from a few weeks to several months and that they have definite assignments after their return to regular duty, b. OTR will review each application with the aid of an ad hoc panel composed of Agency officers with knowledge and experience in the field of the proposed study. No rigid limits will be placed on the kinds of projects to be con- sidered, except that substantive intelligence subjects (e g., the economic capabilities of East Germany or the current situation in Indonesia) will be excluded and the emphasis placed on general, theoretic, and doctrinal studies., Approved For Release 2002/&-W_ P62-00631 R000300210011-5 Approved For RNease 2002/05/06 : CIA-RDP62-00631 R0rQpr300210011-5 CONFIi PA" TIAL c, An applicant whose project is approtred trill be provided facilities .for study arx` writing br OTR, d, Completed a .adies will be critically reviewed by a selected group of officers, Those ceenad worthy of publication will be included in a' ace 1aonograp x ee:riee and will be disseminated ..: a^ cordsnc with fields of interest and security coneid& r.itiorsso e. OP.. will also invite the %eaietant `directors,, DD/P staff and divlaion chiefs:,, and DLL A cftjc;e herds, to for ri for edits r and poamible publicat tone meat papers as already exist -- +iiother as special staff studies or as general nt' os ductionv to substantive projects ?>_ ut.;ch nest the crite.-la noted abovo and whose limited dl.s renimtlav will also >a.?r7 forward tho purpose of expaniinp he bast.,, literature of our profeogion. 3 16 ie hoped by the means outs fined above to produce a act of studies that 'kill add aignl.f icantiy to ti -10 literature of i,;ate::,i? geatice. Obviously., the gnality and use !u.lreo:) of the atudie.m ; 3 . depend on the ability of the persons rc .]lasted tc carry on ;1d1 perde research projects and to preaiert their resu'.te in the beat ickrolai i , tradition. Your interest and coopera;: Ion sine sG lici ,ed,. 25X1A A HEW BA.Il3U Direct, r of Tral riir~g Approved For Release 2002/05/06 : CIA-RDP62-00631 R000300210011-5 UNCLA. SIFTED 3ESTRICTED O F -Q 7 70 SECRET ROUTING AND RECD T INSTRUCTIONS: Officer designations should be used in the "TO" column, Under each comment a line should be drawn across sheet and each comment numbered to correspond with the number in the "TO" column. Each officer should initial (check mark insufficient) before further routing. This Routing and Record Sheet should be returned to Registry. FROM: Director of Training NO. 114 T-31 DATE 15 October 195). TO ROOM DATE OFFICER' NO. RECD EWD'D INI IA COMMENTS 1. General Counsel 317 South 1 I 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. >~o1~W1 "0. 51-10 SELIRET u V"' RC/ Q~w NFIDENTIAL -RVrV~-VRESTRICTEO... . .. P~ GOVERNMENT ,APR 1953 `\\\~___~ (40)