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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 3, 2006
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Publication Date: 
January 4, 1965
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Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80B01676R000300140030-3 25X1 General John K. Waters sad.r-is-ckief United States Away, pagwc APO 958 Us Francisco, Cali ernia Dear Yoickst 4 Ummmy 1965 J St received your letter and want to assure you that I'm also as Wes* as a and am digging Into the details as we see them here. Your letter was received after my Phone call of this morning or I would have Mentioned it. firming pba" call, I have iaiormod that we will arrive alter lunch a arday and stay over until Tuesday non. I would be" that we will be *me to get in lied with your 0-2 pevpl, make sure that we have s e pletee emdarstandiag on coordinrating p~ro+cednres ssr well as eommuntcs tion clmnnel$. I will have with me Mr. AMU Knocke my Esr cutive Assi. 7 who was with me in der. I will mass have Mr. Who is the *s ter who hradles ceordi place rea eu. He will brUS with him everything that we have, as regards policy and SOP's as well as doewueats pertaining to the specific case in question. I l a.. no real difficulties in getting squared away and am only sorry that it has taken yew and my personal injects" to do this. I happen to have to make a trip to the West Coast an Thurs- day and Friday in any event. , so it is a simple matter to spend ORI/CDF ages 1&2 (only) Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80B01676R000 the Wookerad in Honolulu -- simple, maybe, but also pleasurable. I lie that it is no Imposition on you to put as in your set cottage at DeRussy but if it is, or if you suddenl of another commitment that YOU wish to honor, plea" tell I :] MA ask him to make app epriatte hotel reservatioos ftr w. 25X1 I have a call in to let feral Dolemaa n know that I am going out to see you and, so far as I can tell, this Is all the coordination that is required at this end of tlee line. I would also hope to 25X1 ens on CDtCPAC wile In Hawgaii, and have asked_I Ito lay this on. 25X1 Please let me know by wire, throdgy if there is anything I can do for you here or anything you want me to bring, either officially or personally. Preot gins me In much love to Anne and yam? and I will see you on the 16th. MSC: bip Distribution: Original - Addressee 1 -. Mr. '- ER Marahaf S. Carter Lt*uteaast General, VISA Deputy Director 1 -DDCI 1 - FI Staff (Attn: Handwritten additions: P. S. Doleman thinks my trip to see you is a fine idea. P. P. S. My boys here 'n the pickle factory think very highly 25X1 of Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300140030-3 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300140030-3