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Approved For Reese 2007/03/,Q~pC~P01146A000390001-7 14 August 1951 CIA No. 49305 Copy No. DAILY DIGEST Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This summary of significant reports has been prepared primarily for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. It does not represent a complete coverage of all current reports in CIA or in the Office of Current Intelligence. Comments represent the immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. DIA and PACOM review(s) completed. OSD REVIEW COMPLETE TOP SECRET State Department review completed Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000300390001-7 Approved For Re1eode 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A00390001-7 SECTION 1 (SOVIET) 1. USSR. Embassy Moscow co nuents on US-USSR exchaxa~e8 Embassy Moscow believes that the VOA campaign publicizing the US resolution of friendship for the Russian people was the decisive factor whi'ch'-forced the sudden and perhaps de- fensive shift in policy resulting in the publication of the US messages and the Soviet rebuttal. Recent Embassy monitoring indicates that a significant segment of VOA broadcasts has reached the Russian audience. Embassy officials note that the Kremlin had a convenient opportunity to lend official stature to many component phases of the "peaceful co-exi.stence8? campaign but chose instead the points on a Five Power Peace Pact and on "discrimination." The Five Power Pact contains, in a single package, these basic essentials of cur- rent Soviet'policys (a) Recognition of the CFR, (b) strain on free world unity in the Far East, (c) weakening of the UN, (d) reestablishment of big power diplomacy, and (e) checking of impetus toward strengthening of the free world defenses, The Embassy concludes that the USSR reply was not meant to lead toward a change in the existing relations between the two governments. 25X1 2. Airfield in Sovzone of Germany to recdiye TU L?s (B?29 type )s Two cur- rent reports indicate that Briesen Airfield located in the Sovzone of Germany 25X1 will receive a second taxi track and 44 concrete parking stands in addition to the planned 8,,200-foot concrete runway 260 feet in width. Each parking stand is to be circular and 118 feet in diameter. TU-4, aircraft are to be stationed at this field and that parking stands are to be constructed for this purpose. Field Comments One of the above reports was substantiated with a master construction plan of the new runway including parking stands The latter were drawn on the plan on 20 July 1951. The 118-foot diameter circular parking stand is adequate for parking and accommodating TU-4 aircraft. This is the first time that parking stands have been included in construction of any air- field in the Soviet Zone of Germany. It is also the first time that Soviet officers have mentioned plans for stationing TUrr aircraft at one of the newly constructed airfields. 25X1 1 14 Aug 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000300390001-7 Approved For Rd4sade 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A0 039O001-7 TOP SECRET Comments TU=419 are not now stationed in the Soviet Zone of Germany. This spring, type 27 twin jet bombers became the first bomber aircraft with increased offensive capabilities to arrive in the Zone, 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1A 25X1A EASTERN EIJROPEQ CZECHOSLOVAKIA, New technique adopted to perfect Communist political trials The Russians are reported to have developed a new *'Ohnique to assure a perfect performance at political trials. The new technique, al- legedly used at'the Oatis trial, consists of conducting four or five dress rehearsals, complete with a handpicked audience, during which all mistakes in the d.alogue are corrected. If the accused attempts to interject unauth- orized statements the audience is instructed to burst into laughter. These rehearsals take place until the script is effected. 25X1A Ccm eats Many theories have been advanced for the lethargy of the de- fendants at Cnunist trials, although few facts are definitely known. The monotonous lack of spontaneity exhibited by the accused and prosecutor alike in the Oatis trial could stem from such preparation, Extreme physical ex- haustion, the application of drugs, and the promise of improved physical con- ditions may also contribute to the lethargic manner of the defendant, HUNGARY. Soviet troop departure reporteds The US Air Attache in Bud- apest transmits the report that Russian 25X1 troops in Hungary are to begin or have already begun a slow withdrawal to Russia and the Rumanian-side of the border, This move is to be effected by mid-October in advance of a possible Hungarian strike against Yugoslavia, The USSR would then aid the Hungarian invasion of Yugoslavia with "volunteers." Cents No evidence is available of any unusual movement of the two Soviet divisions in Hungary. The Hungarian Army which has been ezpanded from 659000 to 100,000 since 1950 is generally considered less prepared for any aggressive action than are the Bulgarian or Rumanian armies. Moreover, until the Austrian Peace Treaty is signed, the USSR has a valid reason, provided by the Hungarian Peace Treaty, for maintaining armed forces in Hungary, 58 Hungary procuring copper through Zurich firms Metallimpex Budapest has arranged to procure.3,OO0 tons of electrolytic 99% copper bars through Herman Ax, a Zurich firm, The Hungarian importer has stated that he prefers to have the shipment routed through Antwerp or Durazzo (Albania) rather than via Rumania, The US Legation Vienna has suggested that an investigation by the Swiss Government is in order, The Legation points out that recent information TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : cIA-RDP79T01146A00030039000' Aug 51 Approved For Rye 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A00390001-7 TOP ' SECRET indicates that the Satellites regard Antwerp as the Dort throuch which clandestine trade can be diverted most easily, Comments There have been numerous reports of Hungarian efforts to pro- cure critical raw materials through intermediaries, The copper would prob- ably be obtained from Rhodesia, Chile,,, or Mexico, Shipment of goods through Antwerp or Dcrazzo, from whence they!would be taken to Trieste for trans- portation by rail to Hungary, is quicker and cheaper than shipment through Rumania, Pte. Prosecutor exceptionally violent in trial summation of ~-my offs US Embassy Warsaw reports that the prosecutor's summation of the evidence in the trial of nine former senior Polish Army Officers was extra- ordinarily violent, even for such Communist denunciations, The defendants were referred to as "foul subversionistss", "mercenary. degenerates," and "the scum of the Polish nation." Their objective was described as plotting "to pave the way for the Anglo-Saxon air pirates to destroy Polish towns., murder its women,, aged., and children as they are nowdoing in Korea," The prosecutor declared that their rincipal aim was to break the bonds linking Poland with the Soviet area," Comments The trial has consistently emphasized national deviationism as being the root of the evils in which the defendants were engaged, De- spite the smear tactics which the prosecutor used in his summation, it is unlikely that he was able to erase'the respect which the Polish public holds for these leaders of the wartime underground. 25X1 25X1 7, YUGO Tito Government not internally endangered. US Ambassador Allen reports that although the unpopularity of Yugoslav Communist regime remains undiminished, the available evidence points to its continued stabil- ity. There seems to be a sympathetic popular understanding of the govern- ment?s military and foreign policies., as well as an unconscious dissociation of certain respected members of the regime, such as Tito, Kardelj and pos- sibly Pijade, from the lower officials responsible for executing the regime's policies, The &bassador concurs in the opinion of the US Military Attache that the Yugoslav army would fight loyally, and if its organization were dis- rupted., would resort to localized guerrilla tactics. Allen concludes that the widespread popular discontent is caused by the demand for continued op? ular sacr fices after the country's past tribulations, 25X1 25X1 C nenta The shrewd appeal of the Tito regime to the strong nationalism of the Yugoslav people afforded it internal stability even during the crucial period of.the 1950 drought, All available intelligence indicates that the. Yugoslav Government, although beset with numerous internal difficulties, can effectively cope with them, Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : ~IA-RDP79T01146A00030039000A'~l 51 Approved For Relavalb 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A00390001-7 TOP SECRET SECTION 2 (EASTERN) INDONESIA. Darul Islam Possibly involved in Djakarta port attack: State- ments from prisoners arrested in connection with the attack on the 25X1 TOP SECRET 4 A-RDP79T01146A00030 390Aug 001 7 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CI Approved For Re 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79TO1146AO DO390001-7 TOP SECRET Djakarta port of Tandjong Priok (see Daily D $ Aug) indicate that a Moslem religious leader, Kijahi, was the key figure behind the incident. Also seized at the time of the arrests were hammer and sickle insignia and emblem itary arm, the Indonesian Mos- lem Army, Comment: The Darul Islam is a fanatical Moslem organization en- trenched in West Java, which seeks to establish a Mohammedan state by force, Although Darul Islam followers include certain "Communist- tinged" groups (which could explain the presence of hammer and sickle insignia at Tandjong Priok), the organization is not known to have co- operated in the past with the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), It is significant to note, however, that in June the Consultative Council of Political Parties--the PKI-sponsored national front organiza- tion--set up a branch in Bandung in West Java Appointed as general chairman of the branch was a member of the Indonesian Islamic League, an organization which has always been sympathetic to the Darul Islam and which has now joined the government?s opposition. The branch secretary of the League is a member of the PKI. Undoubtedly the PKI hopes to exploit Darul Islam strength in West Java, Whether the Tandjong Priok attack represents evidence of PKI- Darul Islam cooperation, however, has yet to be proved, 4. THAILAND, Military leaders continue to vie for ower; Hostility be- tween Police Director Phao and General Sarit commander of the Bangkok army garrison) is continuing. The latter is obtaining increasing sup- port from various army elements but is not yet ready to make a bid for power,, Phao, on the other hand, apparently prefers to temporize until the elections of March 1952, at which time he hopes to gain control of Parliament and be in a position to dominate Sarit without resort to force. The ositio o the air force in the struggle is unclear, Comment: If at any time between now and the elections Phao believes he is losing ground in his rivalry with Sarit, he might well attempt a coup d?etat, 5. CHINA, Chinese Communists strengthen police controls: The Chinese Conn mun.ist press reveals that the Peiping regime has strengthened its al- ready extensive police controls over the Chinese populace by (a) promulgating new. regulations further restricting entry and exit of overseas Chinese and travel to and from 25X1 TOP SECRET 5 14 Aug 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 CIA-RDP79T01146A000300390001-7 Approved For Rele 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79T01146AOd0390001-7 TOP SECRET Hong Kong and: .cao; (b), giving the.Ministry of Public Security new powers to control radio appliances and supplies (with the partial intention and result of reducing the effectiveness of the Voice of America); and (c) establishing a central school charged with, the. training of county and municipal public security and jtid- icial cadresR Comet: The Peiping regime aims at the total domination of its sub- jects in all aspects of their lives* An enormous increase in security or- ganizations, regulations and operations is to. be expectedi 6. `The Peiping Peopl&:s Daily, organ ? of the Chinese Communist Party., asserted in an 11 August-editorial that the Chinese and North Korean "people" are not "afraid of continuing our just war of, resistance to aggression." and are "fully confident and well preparedtl to continue. Comment: On 5 August, General ?9eng Teh-huai commanding Chinese Communist forces in Korea, asserted that the UN?s superiority in wea- pons "will change," and that Chinese forces had-,"begun the establishment of a people-Is artillery and large-scale air forces" with which they would "win greater victories.." The 11 August assertion that Communist forces are now "well pre- pared" to continue hostilities implies, or at least threatens, that the artillery and air arms are ready for action0 UN field intelligence confirms a considerable build-up in Communist artillery and air strength in the past several months. However, the 11 August editorial is largely devoted to asserting that Communist China genuinely desires a Korean armistice on the basis of the 38th Parallel.. TOP SECRET 6 14 Aug 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000300390001-7 Approved For` lease 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79TO1146 00300390001-7 TOP SECRET 25X1 g4 KOREAm A ointment of new ROK Best news source in Korea reports a rumor spatch from a Chinese Nationalist is slated onalist that U e Bum Sulu, present ROK AmbassaldorRto Gaternmentp CThe item notes for the post of Defense however, that Lee has expressed reluctance to accept a. Cabinet office 2 5X1 and desires to return to his dip:omatic posts E Comm nt: Zee, an ex Prime Minister and. Minister theDefensl,ic, tThere ROK, was considered a strong man in.the early days of is no evidence. to indicate that aridetent official and personal friend of Minister of Defense Yi Ki Bongs comp Rheee with Tree t3air capabilit s reconnaissance limitations aare s if 9 and FECOM notes danger to UN farce o mnunis a -ed in cease-fire a x^eemnp ' C US Far Corma 1anchuria have been reevaluated. by the US Far F, astern ~ ty that e hostili Eastern Air Force., This new estimate, based on the p t lksy notes a ties may cease in the near future as a result of the Kaesong agreement be reached In FECOM~~ opinions such considerable danger to the UN forces in Korea should an limiting UN aerial reconnaissance over North Korea,, ation of North Korean airfields by CO=21- ation limitations might allow the reoccup hi.st aircraft, thereby posing a serious threat to UN aerial su eriorit an the event of renewed hostilities An 11 August radio 10, North Koreans rotest use of as bUN forces: broadcast in Korean released the text of .~A~neri.canointervex~tioxl3estsa~~ Tpro he a ainst the use of poison gas by of two s=bombs" on the city of Yonan i ng st dropp broadcast cites the 6 Augu t bombing of a North K crean troo A ugus d the 7 an (southwest of Kaesong) e "deliberate atrocities a" th es ideas e of instal:i~ tion as e TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 7 14Aug51 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000300390001-7 Approved For Relee 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000390001-7 TOP .SECRET Comet: North Korea has previously accused the US of employing chemical and biological warfare, These accusations are probably for Soviet Orbit internal consumption in order to strengthen the "hate America" feeling. TOP SECRET 8 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000300390OU1 I AUIX `'' S1 Approved For Rele'Me 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A00QSV0390001-7 TOP SECRET SECTION 3 (WESTERN) F Fifib RANCE. New ro4TS French Government is formed without Socialists: US sJ Paris finds that the replacements o Moch an Pe sc e by Bidault and Mayer in the Defense and Finance posts, respectively, are the. Fre Cabinet shifts of particular interest to the US i nch rearmament and relations with NATO n connection with France's Bidault will have full authority, accord co- ordinate rapidly French policy on North Atlantic defense including Germany prospective contribution. While he reportedly "co s " with Foreigrin Minister Schuman in this task, the latter vrIll be will operate develop- ment of the French Position in the Far East, I dochina.9 and the on as well as on application of the coal-steel pool plantr$ and the Mediterranean, The embassy believes that, whatever Bidaultas official relation Schuman may turn out to be, "it is more than probable that Bidault with his training and interest in foreign affairs and his long and ill-concealed desire to be more active in that field will exert an influence beyond th strictl domestic as ects of national defense", e Comment: Both Bidaultand M _ eminen pos Lions in the new PleveneGovernment. are ardents w ro hold 'pre- and strong supporters of NATOQ ~ ardently pro American of immediate Socialist aims to defense grequi e ents. het reflected S aciafict coolness to US leadership and was oculist generally The departure of Petsche, however, and his replacement ?with Mayer, whoohaator, narrower political support, close business connections, and a recordd ofas quarrels with the Socialists, of the government, will weaken, their present conditional support While the past sympathies of Pleven, Bidault, and Mayer for De G could be expected-to help soften the o ppo aulle the difficult months ahead, the Gaullists sistrateg the General's party in gy is the position whenever the middle-of-the-road regime can be discredited, AUSTRIA. Government plans to deny residence nerm t+.r us rian Minis for ----,---. declared ills al _.,_ v11c&` Vile Work! Federation of V Austria, Trade Unions hadbe been g in The expiration of two--month te minister stated further that after the mporary residence permits (other than Soviet nationals who mayrem all moIFTU nths employees permits) would be denied permission to reside ~in Aseven raa nhs on temporary however, remains skeptical-that the Austrian The US legation, government will be able to TOP SECRET Approved for Release 2007/03/07: 146AO003MI3SW151 3SW1 25X1 Approved For Rele a 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79TO1146AO0Q 0390001-7 TOP SECRET take effective action against the wFTU, and expects that little can be achieved other than to make it clear that the 1/VFTU continues in the Austrian capital by grace of the Soviet occupation authorities and against the wishes of the Austrian people, Comment: Althou h 25X1 effec vie action against the WFTUa thby the e AustriangGovernmentahas b enossible in its measures by the possibility of Soviet interventilce of clear legal justificationa St on and by theabsen rong support of the WFTU by the Soviet Element in the Allied Commission and consequent hesitancy on the part of the Austrians have led US observers to believe that Austrian officials will move slowly in declaring the WFTU a "menace to public safety", if it should register as required by Austrian law, or an illegal secret society, if it should not, The move to deny residence permits to 1FTU personnel should probably be regarded, therefore, as merely part of the general campaign which the Austrian Government is apparently willing tohundertake, 3. ITALYQ De Gas eri urges USSR to return Italian war risoner Gasper- as announce t ha one o s. Premier in the new cabinet was to press the Soviet Union fora the returnMofimoire than 63,000 Italian prisoners still held in the USSR Government has evidence that Italian prisoners are stilAl held h the somItalian Soviet concentration camps, probably as slave labor, the Soviet Union has replied to previous Italian inquiries with. the statement that no Ital prisoners remain in the USSR, ian 25X1 Comment. The Italian statistics on war prisoners were presumably elici ed by he.UN commission investigating the of war in the Soviet Union status of.prisoners of coincide with: Premier De Gasper- timed his announcement to (1) his recently inaugurated campaign to diminish the strength of Italian Communists by propaganda and restrictive means; and (2) Italy's intensified drive for revision of the Italian peace'treaty and admission into the UN. On several, occasions former Foreign Minister Sforza, in attempts to debunk Communist claims that the Soviet Union is friendly to Italians has USSR. Sforza hastalsoedwthe eltronethe Sovett veto ofrIta3yane's war by admission to the UNa. s proposed Government a rehe i ns ve over possible loss of US market for It cheese an o lire o : e Italian Foreign Office has Italian en a t e De ense Act, suspend- primes ed the Anderson oil s, cheese, etc. from Western European countr 'Lng export of fats, materials to Eastern Europe. The Foreign Office xport strategic hit two typical Italian products, olio oil and chepoints out ese, and wthat ould iappear to conflict with US policy favoring the economic recove d ry of count rie es within ..TOP SECRET 10 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146A00030Oi901 , Approved For Relea 2007/03/07 CIA-RDP79T01146AOOO 39OOO1-7, TOP SECRET Vile zramewor}c or. II~q US Embassy. Rome believes "the Iidttii - protest is more than justifiedai "since it.,would" be most difficult to explain to the cheese and oil producers, "now faced with the loss `of one-third. and one-- half of their respective export :markets hour e i cts assists US defense productionq Comment: While Italian exports of cheese and olive oil to the US for the sst four months of. 1951 were approx .mately" 37per cent and 61 per cent respectively of total Italian exports"of these commodities for the same period, they were only : '.`per cent and ,5 per pent respectively of total Italian. exports to all countries: On the other'hand,9 since these two products had a total value:. of 4 million for thisperiod9 the loss of the US market "for Italian cheese and; olive oil ;exporters would . have a significant effect on Italyls foreign exchange,positionQ 5. sWITZEnLANDO Reassertion of neutralist pos tions In.East-West trade: oau-Lons on export controls involved any agreement on the part of the Swiss, and asserts that Switzerland is unwilling to become involved with either the East or the West in any kind of embargo, To favor one side to the detriment of the other would, he declares mean "giving up the neutrality which is written into our constitution and international aggreements", He further comments that Switzerland would be taking sides and., forsaking its neutrality if it adopted the US suggestion that it prohibit export to the USSR of goods manufactured .at home from raw materials obtained from the West. Comment: The commentator is editor of the ll i " sma L beral Partyas new paper, w =c has a relatively lows c"ircuiation6 Nevertheless the views expressed represent, th:e opinion, of that large-segment of the public., composed principally ofbusiness men, which insists; that, Switzerland keep f t d ?` 1i-. _, , _ . open its normal channe 1 s o ra e 25X1 25X1A Approved For Release 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000300390d'0*W 51 Approved For Relle 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146A060390001-7 TOP ? SECRET 7. UNITED KINGDOM. Serious decline in steel production foreseen: ECA London reports aka critical reduction in British steel output is-expected in 1951. This will be due primarily to an estimated lag of one million tons in ingot capacity which has resulted from: (a) drying up of German scrap exports, (b) inability to purchase adequate iron ore supplies in world markets, (c) a shipping shortage, and (d) inadequate blast furnace capacity. The British contend that the US has been getting most of the available German scrap exports and is the most favored purchaser of continental steel. Although the British'Government has started a blast furnace expansion program, and has begun to develop iron ore resources in parts of Africa, UK domestic roducton is unlikely to exceed 16 million ingot tons in 1951 and 1952a Coimient,: A steel shortage now appears as an added serious factor in the UKs d teriorating economic situation. The latest production estimate now anticipated is 1x5-2 million tons less than past long-range estimates for this period. The Government is hard-pressed to fulfill defense com- mitments for the rearmament program, which by increasing consumption, is largely responsible for the steel shortage. BRITISH GUIANA. Significant gains made by Communist-oriented part : The ommunis?-oriented People's Progressive y PP has gained wide support in British Guiana in the year-and-a-half since.its formation, and all evidence indicates that it will meet with continuing success in its current campaign for recruiting additional members. Formed early in 1950 by Dr. and Mrsb Cheddi Sagan, a couple with known pro'-Soviet, anti-US sympathies, it is the only political party which has ever commanded a significant following in the colony. Membership in March,-as announced by Mrs. Jagan during the party's first congress, stood at 3,060--a figure which was probably not grossly exaggerated and which assumes significance with the realization that the membership fee, although small, is not easily raised by the average 25X1 12 1 Aug 5l Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000300390001-7 Approved For Rel 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79T01146AO 0390001-7 TOP SECRET Guianese, The remarkable strides which the party has made in 18 months are explained by the fact that it is the first group ever to hold out any hope to British Guiana's poorly paid, inadequately housed workers for improving their miserable standard of livings The party has cleverly used tactics which attract the widest possible support from lower-income groups. By playing up the poor conditions under which most of the Colony's peoples actually do work and live, PPP leaders have created considerable unrest and have rather successfully presented the party as the rallying point for those dissatisfied with their lot. In ad- dition, the party has sought to align itself with some of the organized labor unions. Its connections with the Guiana Industrial, Workers' Union now seem to be firmly established, and it is probable that the Jagans were at least partially responsible for the recent separation of the bauxite workers' union from the non-Communist Man Power Citizens' Association. -influence continues to increase and there is ever d i I y n ication that it will), monist capabilities for hindering the flow of British Guiana bauxite to Canada and the US through strike and sabotage activities will 'increase cor- respondingly (9% of US requirements come from British Guiana). One slightly hopeful sign on the B ritish Guiana scene was the formation in December 1950 of a second political party-the National Democratic Party-- organized by non-Communist leaders and also designed to appeal to lower- 'income groups, As yet, however, it has not had members, and has given no great success in recruiting PPP' gpromise of becoming an effective opponent of the ARUBA N.WLI, `Strike reported in Aruba oil refine The US Consul reports tan re finery workers s roc on 10 u wage increase. The companyt emanding a 20 per cent s counter-offer was refused by the workers, who repudiated their bargaining-committee which had accepted the offer' The Netherlands Government mediator is negotiating. The refinery is-now operating at reduced capacity on an emergency basis. F Comment: The Lago oil and Transport Company, Ltd, of Aruba (Standard Oil o ersey) operates the world's second largest oil refinery which has a normal output of approximately 1490,000 barrels daily' Labor dis- satisfaction has been present right along in both Aruba and Curacao, and it apparently is now coming to a head as a result of the inter- national petroleum situation which has led the workers to believe that they are in a2'stronger bargaining position? TOP SECRET 25X1. 25X1 13 ~j, Approved For Release 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79TO1146A0003003g0'06 ! 51 Approved For Rise 2007/03/07 CIA-RDP79T01146A300390001-7 TOP SECRET The main grievance of labor has been the wage differential and general preferential position given-to certain foreign nationalities. During World War II this wage policy operated against the Chinese employ- ees of the tanker fleet and produced a long strike which seriously hampered the importation of crude petroleum from Venezuela? The present cause of dissatisfaction is possibly a sharp rise in the cost of living which has not been offset by a proportionate upward adjustment of Lago's cost of living bonus to its employees Lago has exercised rather close supervision of organized labor in its plant. It wisely has encouraged establishment of the Lago Employee Council (employee advisory committee) to.confer with management on labor problems while simultaneously using it as a device to combat the rise of labor unions, Of the numerous. sporadic efforts at unionization, one formal union has managed to ,rise---the Aruba Labor Union. It has been used primarily to further the political aspirations of its president, Henry Eman, The union apparently has attracted enough dissatisfied workers to its ranks and has gained sufficient strength to declare this strike in an effort to force company recognition, 10, SWEDEN. Government grants asylum to Polish mutineers: The Swedish govern- . 1nn(ind. at, e southern Swedish port or Ystaci on Z augusti. Comment: The Swedes were able to escape a conflict between their humanitarian impulses and their pride in strictly observing international law because there is no extradition treaty between Poland and Sweden, and the Swedish law of 1913 specifically exempted mutiny as a crime requiring extradition. In the case of such a conflict, the government would un- doubtedly make a great effort to find some legal loophole or overriding political reason to maintain its humanitarian record, 25X1 11, ARGENTINA. Peronista Part urges denunciation'of opposition: The Peronista police of any "attemp s to promote sabo- 11 ar y as urge mem ers to e tage" and has advised them that the time has come "to wipe out the swine made daring by our tolerance", The statement followed the arrest of 80 railway engineers and a number of Radicals and Socialists, all of whom were accused of plotting a campaign of terrori and sabotage to spread disorder on the eve of the 11 November elections. 25X1 Comment: Peron has denounced all non-Peronistas as traitors. The const~all for action against the opposition and foreign interests could result in violence, as election activities are intensified. On occasion official newspapers have published names and addesss of anti-Peron elements, 14 14 Aug 51 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000300390001-7 . Approved For Relebut 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79T011.46AO0000390001-7 TOP SECRET and often Peron has advised workers to keep a supply of baling wire to hang the opposition". 12. MEKICO0 Administration seeks to-avoid publicizing military cooperation serves revalidate the US Mexico reciprocal agreement for the transit of military aircraft, a Mexican Foreign Office spokesman has indicated that it would be well not to question the validity of the agreement and to assume that it has not expired. In a strictly confidential oral reply, the spokes- man stated that the exchange of notes would have to be ratified by the Senate, and-although ratification would be likely political opposition might be encountered which would lead to undesirable public debate The proximity of the coming presidential elections was given as a factor which "might also complicate matters". The US Embassy comments that these remarks "would seem to confirm the present.well known policy of the Mexican govern- ment to avoid any action which might .in any way be interpreted as a military commitment". Commei f: As the 1952 elections approach, the administration ~rill proba yec~ome increasingly hesitant to admit international obligations which might be regarded as adverse to'national sovereignty and welfare* The Mexican public does not appear convinced, at present.. that the East- West struggle involves an immediate threat to Mexico. Unless a new crisis arises, therefore, it is possible that domestic. political-considerations will serve to inhibit expressions of agreement with, or support of, various US international aims,,. 13. PANAMA., President's new legal advisor: President Arosemena has appointed Ricardo J. AlT aro as his legal counse or, Alfaro accepted the office with- out salary which may indic ate a desire to remain aloof from the present weak administration. Clearly, thoug h, he plans to'play an important political role, Comment: Ricardo Jb Alfaro has been prominent in Panamanian govern- ments roug out Panama's history* His first position was that of Under- Secretary of Foreign Relations in 1905, two years after the establishment of the Republic, Throughout his career he has maintained a reputation for financial honesty. In recent years, he has been obdurate and ultra nationalistic in negotiations with the US Embassy in Panama on issues of bilateral interest, but has been cooperative with members of US delegations at international conferences, especially when problems of international law were under discussion, The Embassy reports that he is currently exerting his influence in favor of strong measures, which are advocated by the US, to ban Panama flag vessels from visiting Chinese Communist or North Korean ports, TOP SECRET 15 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : C A-RDP79T01146A000300390001-7 A l TOP SECRET JRCE ="' t wngraded or declassi- UNCLASSIFIED when b& a r1R BEER TR~fl~lasea26AY/631?i7S~1 EbM Ma'd'Ab5030$390001-7 fied when filled in form is detached from controlled document. CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT REGISTRY DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION CIA CONTR NO. a.~-. 5d RELEASED TIME DATE TIME SIGNATURE DATE ill be placed on top of and attached to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intelligence Agency This form w ATTENTION:or classified Tp Access d those ndi dal whose official lim ted to Top Secret eCo troll personnel an e of ClAitlae to IT op Sec etl at d Top Secret material will sign this form h t e d the attac ittd ou tr ansme duties relate to the matter. Top Secret Control Officers who receive and/or release and indicate period of custody in the left-hand columns provided. Each individual who sees the Top Secret document will sign and is form is detached from Top Secret material it shall be completed in the appropriate spaces below NOTICE OF DETACHMENT: When ti and transmitted to Central Top Secret Control for record. DISPATCHED (OUTSIDE CIA) B (Signature) OFFICE/DIY. efF&ec2007/03/07 : CIA 969'79T0114 TOP SECRET OFFICE A000300390001-7 Approved For Rel?e 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP79T01146A000390001-7 TOP SECRET 14 August 1951 CIA No. 49305-A Copy No, 3a SUPPLEMENT TO THE DAILY DIGEST Not for dissemination outside O/CI and O/NE. Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This summary of significant reports has been prepared primarily for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. It does not represent a complete coverage of all current reports in CIA or in the Office of Current Intelligence. Comments represent the immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79TO1146A000300390001-7 Approved For Rel4&pe 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146AOO 0390001-7 SESTION 2 (EASTERN) DiIIPPINES. -Government accepts latest draft of Japanese peace. treaty: --President Quirino, with the concurrence of his special 15 man advisory committee, has agreed to accept the language of the latest draft of the Japanese peace treaty. 25X1 II~-OC~ HINA. West weighs choice between India and Indochinese states as signatories of gapanese treaty: The UK Foreign Office is opposed to inviting the Associated States to the San Francisco treaty conference as "observers," feeling that this would stir up the question of Chinese Nationalist observer status,,, The Foreign Office plans to delay its reply to a formal request from Cambodia that it be invited to sign at San Francisco pending India's response to UK attempts to persuade India to sign the treaty, Apparently.the Foreign Office believes that India will delay its reply, thereby blocking an invita- tion to the Associated States Meanwhile, Minister Heath in Saigon argues against offering the Associated States observer status,, stating that such a half-measure would cast more doubt on the independence of the.Associated States than wo eir non-attendance at the onference, 25X1 1 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000300390001-7 U Aug 51